A rare female smelter, born in a mining family, came to Xingkong Town to teach smelting knowledge on her own initiative, and she was at the same level as Andre in terms of craftsmanship.She is good at refining magic power into weapons, but there are too few hunters who have the strength and opportunity for her to show off her abilities.

14. Second logistics team

The second group of the logistics group is one of the teams responsible for carrying the food for the whole team. They use packages with scarce expansion space to load food. Therefore, once even one package is lost, it will cause great hidden dangers to food supplies.

(1) Colford, Level 3

Male, 43 years old, 187cm

Longing for a hero, but the talent as a hunter is very poor, and after years of hard work, he still can't reach the level of the strong, so he chooses to join the logistics team to protect the logistics team members, and is the captain of the second logistics team.

(2) Paul, Grade 2

Male, 30 years old, 179cm

The hunter who has just finished his apprenticeship is not bad in physical fitness, so he has a lot of courage to join the hunter team as a logistics member.

(3) Van Luen, Level 1

Male, 24 years old, 188cm

An apprentice with a good weight-bearing record. He used to be a chef. He is one of the cooking masters of the second logistics team.

(4) Horold, Level 1

Male, 26 years old, 186cm

He has the experience of surviving in the wild (not referring to the corrupt wilderness), has a good research on cooking skills, and is good at saving food carefully. He is one of the chefs in the second logistics team. He is hated by hunters because he is good at shaking spoons.

15. The third logistics team

The third group of the logistics group is one of the teams responsible for carrying the food of the whole team. They use packages with scarce expansion space to load food. Therefore, once even one package is lost, it will cause great hidden dangers to food supplies.

(1) Suzanne, Level 2

Female, 42 years old, 177cm

A kind-hearted aunt whose son died in a corrupt wilderness exploration. When she was young, she was a level 3 hunter. Now her physical fitness has declined, but her stamina is still stronger than ordinary people.

He's the captain of the third logistics team.

(2) Woodlowonna, Level 1

Male, 24 years old, 189cm

Careful support staff, apprentice hunters, who are accepted into the team because of their good weight-bearing ability, are always easy to worry about bad things happening.

(3) Elsaac, Level 1

Male, 25 years old, 183cm

An honest and honest fat man, his weight-bearing capacity and running ability are superior to ordinary people, and he knows the special rolling forward method. He is one of the chefs of the third logistics team. The meals he makes are very popular with hunters, so they are often snatched up. .

(4) Kleiner, Level 1

Female, 30 years old, 179cm

A middle-aged woman with a stocky body, who used to be an apprentice hunter, but was unable to improve further due to insufficient physical upper limit, but retained a physical fitness superior to that of ordinary people. She is one of the chefs of the third logistics team, and her dishes are rich in nutrition It is very suitable for the recuperation of the wounded, and it is also praised by hunters as a cooking skill that even filthy monsters will frown and refuse to eat. In fact, some filthy monsters instinctively regard it as inedible and avoid it after smelling its food.

16. Fourth Logistics Squad

The fourth group of the logistics group is in charge of the medical treatment of the whole team. It is all composed of excellent medical personnel. Its responsibilities are to treat emergency treatment of serious injuries that cannot be cured, to purify the madness caused by the invasion of pollution, and to give the last dignity to those who cannot be saved.

(1) Alhazred, Level 3 (Level 5)

The mysterious doctor who came to Xingkong Town a few days before the monster invasion event has a good level of medical skills. He is taciturn and does not like to communicate with others. And a kid's skull in your backpack?

(2) Fetris, Level 1

Female, 34 years old, 168cm

An experienced doctor who has worked in the Hunter's Medical Center for more than ten years, and has excellent ability to deal with various injuries.Because of his personal style, he often does it directly without using anesthetics. In the eyes of some hunters, it is almost equivalent to a filthy monster.

(3) Anastas, Level 1

Female, 37 years old, 166cm

A rare healing warlock who has mastered a variety of healing techniques and can quickly heal injuries combined with surgery.Because of my personal bad taste, I like to wait for Fetris to perform preliminary treatment before performing the operation (in fact, this will help to further combine the effect of the operation with the operation, but my expression on the sidelines is too ferocious to win the trust of the hunter), the hunted called 【Smiling Devil】

(4) Lubesk, Level 2

Male, 41 years old, 174cm

An experienced old doctor who also masters a small amount of healing magic, the most trusted doctor by hunters, will occasionally try to let the healed person use the new medicine he developed, and generally speaking, there will be no major problems.

the above,

It is a brief setting information for the entire hunting god team with a total of 65 people.

The Corruption Fields map has been refined again, the following is the new version of the map

Currently available BOSS information:

【The longing and the cursed lean on each other, even if they have forgotten everything】

[The angry man can't stop howling madly, the butcher knife in the hand of the crazy man swings at the guarded one without knowing it]

[The hated and the rotten finally kept their vows, and the losers wandered in vain seeking relief]

【And in the deepest darkness, she is still waiting for the one who can't come back】

Chapter 1: People with their feet on the ground

The smell of corruption is floating in the endless field, just like it has been going on for thousands of years.

The foul-smelling swamp spreads everywhere, the poisonous mist wriggles from the deformed vegetation, and the twisted and terrifying monsters hide in it, and the murmuring sounds are scattered and misty.

The corrupt wilderness, once a land of good harvests and a peaceful land blessed by the goddess, has now become a paradise for monsters, wandering forever and ever with twisted and crazy filth that seems to be endless, wandering unconsciously in the dirty mud .

"I just left this ghost place for less than a day, and I'm going to come back again in the end?"

Tardive, who was wearing fine mail, looked at the field under the dark night, and couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"So you want to go back and face the firing squad from the Star God Church?"

Disma next to him opened his mouth expressionlessly, looking at the lush grass nearly two meters high around him, wary of possible monsters.

"Damn it, why do I have to face the firing squad? Isn't it over if I just run away?"

Sighing, Tardiff reached out and knocked on his helmet, and then looked at a swaying bush not far away.

First came a hound wagging its tail, followed by William carrying a mace.This sheriff has very good dog training ability. With this hound specially trained by the police station to be resistant to pollution, it can play a very good role in detection and tracking, so he joined the Hunting God team The frontline vanguard in the center is responsible for confirming the safety issues at the front for a large force of more than 60 people.

"There should be no problem for the next kilometer. My girl is very smart."

William, who said so, patted his hound named Fergus, with a very proud expression on his face.

"……it is good."

The hunter, who had been silent all this time, nodded slightly at this moment, and then stood up.

Four people move forward at this moment

Set off and continue to move forward in the slightly muddy and smelly grassland.

"How far is it from the destination?"

"It should be within 20 kilometers."

"That's really close enough."

There is still a long way to go, and in this filthy land full of dangers, you must be full of energy.Especially considering that today they are not a small team acting alone, but shoulder the vanguard role of the entire large force.

A day ago, a team of 65 people crossed the gate to the dead and stepped into the field of corruption.

Naturally, it is impossible for the hunting god team of 65 people to gather together, because that would give off an overly strong breath of the living, which is equivalent to waving to all the monsters with a radius of hundreds of kilometers.Therefore, during the process of marching, people were divided into teams of four, of which six teams were in charge of the outermost operations. Their strength was the strongest, and they shouldered the important task of clearing away the threat of monsters along the way.The six teams are frontier vanguard, left wing vanguard, right wing vanguard, left wing guard, right wing guard and rear security team, and there are six other teams in the middle of the team, responsible for cleaning up possible omission monsters , and rotate personnel with peripheral teams to prevent fatigue.

The four teams in the middle are logistics, and the two are catering logistics teams with rare magic power expansion packages. You must know that it is impossible to find clean meat, vegetables and water in such a filthy place. It is impossible to eat highly poisonous monster meat directly like some two heartless guys.The other two logistics teams are medical logistics and weapon logistics. The former is responsible for treating injured hunters and making life easier for unsaved hunters. The latter is responsible for the most important weapons of hunters, because there are Andre, an excellent craftsman, and a weapon craftsman who is said to be at the same level as Andre, even in the absence of facilities, they can strengthen the equipment for hunters, provided that hunters can find weapons that can be used to strengthen Fragments of the Bloodstone will do.

By the way, Abigail is now a non-staff member of the weapon logistics team learning forging and further explosives techniques because of her talent in explosives, so the weapon logistics team is also the only one with Group of five.

This team of more than 60 people will start from the Corruption Field and arrive at the end of the Corruption Land. The former realm of the gods is now the terrifying and twisted Forest of the Cursed.In the deepest part of the accursed forest, beneath the courts of the old gods, lies the source of the foulness of the depths of the earth.

For thousands of years, it has been invaded by hunters several times, but it is still a dark thing that cannot be wiped out.

Will it be different this time?

No one can know the answer.

The long ordeal had almost crushed all hope.

Many people have already given up the possibility of destroying the old gods, and do not believe that such a hero exists.The sacrifices continued, and the living space of human beings was gradually compressed. The so-called hunter heroes are now mixed with characters of various religions, and most of them have abandoned the original glory of this profession.

But, like the invincible old god, the invincible horror of millennia, the appealer Elvis, was successfully beheaded.

He was personally killed by that hunter of unknown origin who was not afraid of the power of filth.

Moreover, he was regarded as a thorn in the side of the God of the Starry Sky, perhaps because of the Star God's reaction to the filthy power, but if he really has the power to kill God and has the possibility of ending the belief of the Star God, then...

Either way, there's no turning back for this team.

Whether the road ahead is despair or hope, only by truly stepping on it can we see the end.

I just don't know how many people can stand at the end.

"After another seven days, you will be able to cross the original Fengrao Town and arrive at the Pilgrimage Town. There is a place where you can rest."

"Next, you can stay in Blue Lake Town, and then go through the swamp between the Black Lake and the Kamasa Hills. Tsk, it's not an easy way to go there."

"If all goes well, you should be able to go to Senhai Town for rest, but you must first warn the newcomers to avoid the Dead Marsh, and then go through the passage between the hot wind hills and the sealing fog, and finally you will reach the gate of the pilgrims .”

Beside the hunter, Disma and the others are discussing the next course of action.

For their discussion, the hunter himself was not interested in listening to them. Anyway, he didn't know the way, so he could just follow along when the time came.

In contrast, I am a little curious about Abigail's current situation.

The hunter, who was thinking about it, couldn't help but look back at the endless lush grassland behind him.

What is Abigail doing now?

Chapter 2: Lessons and Communication for Girls

Mr. Hunter, what are you doing now?

Abigail couldn't help thinking this way.

Could it be that, like me, he is thinking about what the other party is doing?

Thinking about it this way, I don't know why I feel a little blushing and heartbeating, oh, it's really a strange reaction.

clap clap!

Stretching out her little hand, Abigail patted her little face lightly, took a deep breath and then exhaled, showing a serious expression.

"Don't be distracted, little guy, you can't think wildly when making explosives."

andre's hand

Pointing to Abigail's forehead, the force was very light, but it was enough to pop a red mark on the little girl's head.

"Wow, I'm sorry..."

Some girls who were suffering from pain groaned, quickly lowered their heads, and continued to focus on the powder in the test tubes in their hands.

"Burning stone powder, black shock powder, woo, the ratio is..."

Abigail sat on a big rock amidst whispers, continuing to tinker with the small throwing bombs in her hand.

After learning the knowledge of explosives from the abandoned library in Fengrao Town, Abigail quickly acquired the basic knowledge of explosion-related chemistry because of her wonderful ability, and developed into a very excellent one in a very short time. level.

However, this so-called excellence is only theoretical excellence, and is limited to the content of textbooks.In contrast, Andre, who has spent decades in the workshop of Starry Sky Town, has extremely rich practical experience, handling and improving hundreds of different explosive//recipes and grease weapons, and if you want to It is obviously difficult to teach this knowledge to the girl in front of him by talking about it, so Andre simply started to practice it.Taking advantage of the fact that the danger level in the corrupt field is not too high, he taught this extremely intelligent girl well.

Anyway, the number is reduced to the minimum, even if the power is exploded by mistake, it will not be too outrageous.

"Chief Andre, the optical magnet signal, ready to go."

At this moment, a young man named Tommy came out of the grass beside him, holding a small stone emitting white shimmer, and said to Andre.

"Well, okay, let's go, put away the powder first, and teach later."

Andre, who nodded, stood up, and Abigail jumped off the stone, ready to move forward again.

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