"In the fourth wave of monster attacks, I still killed the most people."

Luigi cut off the head of a deformed monster with a dagger, and after watching it a few times, he threw it away, with a very cruel expression on his face.

Vic didn't speak, but took a breath, suppressing the pain from the penetrating wound on his shoulder just now.

"It's alright."

Baldwin patted Vic on the shoulder lightly and asked.

"I'm fine, it's just that the time we're stuck in the wilderness

It's getting longer and longer. "

During the speech, the expression on Vic's face looked a little gloomy.

As the last team of the entire team, they themselves are responsible for attracting and destroying some monsters that will follow the living.

But at this moment, they were at the end and failed to reach the town before the moon set. The four of them had become living targets in the wilderness. In less than 10 minutes, more than a dozen monsters attacked. After the battle, everyone more or less died.

It can't be delayed any longer.

If we don't arrive in the town quickly, I'm afraid...


Lu Yide chuckled and looked in front of the bushes.

A figure slowly walked out from among the lush weeds.

It was a skeleton that had completely lost its flesh and blood. It was fragmented, and even the bones were not completely connected together, but remained suspended.

No, not right.

That's not a skeleton.

It was a translucent slime creature wrapped in skeletons.

"Acid slime-like filthy monsters, this size probably has the ability to split. I haven't hunted a guy of this size for a while. It seems that we got lucky this time."

Waving the short sword in his hand, Lu Yide laughed out loud at this moment, and took the lead to meet him.

Chapter 7: The leper swordsman is walking

The hunter heard a wriggling sound.

From the dark grass suddenly sounded continuously, like the sound of something slowly wriggling.

He lowered his body, and quickly passed through the lush weeds emitting a stench, and the squirming sound seemed to have discovered something, from the intermittent sound at the beginning, it became clear and rapid, and it kept getting closer to the hunter. distance.

Stopping suddenly, the hunter's figure moved slightly to the side, and a stream of acid wiped his body and landed in the grass in front of him, dissolving a large area of ​​flora.

The meat saw knife in his hand slashed back suddenly, and the mechanism on the blade made a crisp sound, but what followed was not the feeling of cutting flesh and blood, but more like cutting into mud.The serrated blade was greatly hindered. If the hunter's physical fitness was not far superior to that of a human being, he would not even be able to pull out the knife after this blow.

Taking a step back abruptly, avoiding the acid sprayed out by the thing and the extended bone spurs, the hunter had time to look at the appearance of the thing.

Hmm, it seems to be some kind of translucent slime monster with undigested human bones or something encased in it.

All in all, it is probably something like a slime, and it may not be suitable to use a serrated blade.

The hunter thought for a while, and then took off the giant sword on his back.

The wriggling monster attacked again, this time the hunter dodged the opponent's attack, and then swept across with a knife, directly cutting the monster in half.

The divided body fell to the ground, and the bones wrapped in it struggled hard, and then quickly dissolved and dissipated.

For some reason, the last movement of the monster was not like a monster, but like a dying person.

Quite weak.

The hunter retracted the broken giant sword, and made a conclusion about this monster in his heart.

But now is not the time to think about this kind of problem, so hurry up and find someone from that team.

Thinking like this, the hunter took another step, but suddenly stopped again.

He heard singing, ethereal, melodious singing sounded from a distance.

It seems that a young girl is singing, because the distance is too far to hear the content of the singing, but I can feel a peaceful force, like a singing that comforts a child in the cradle, making people want to fall asleep.

The direction of this song seems to be on the other side of the pilgrimage town, and it is deep in the town.

Is there anything in that small town?

The hunter remembered what Dethma had told him before setting off, about the names and abilities of some well-known monsters in the Corrupted Fields.

If I remember correctly, the powerful monster that may appear in the town is...


After a gunshot, a monster with a distorted figure was pierced through its head and slowly fell down.

Vic pulled the bolt to eject the shell, and he took a step forward, the muzzle bayonet slamming through a twisted monster.Following the sound of blood and flesh tearing from behind, Vic turned around and saw Natia Vida wielding a serrated blade to tear off a large piece of flesh from the entire body of another monster.

Louise fired several times, and then rushed forward. The dagger in his hand changed direction constantly, cutting the monsters approaching from all sides one after another.This man kept laughing, and his body was covered with filthy black blood. In a sense, it could be said that he looked more like a monster than the surrounding monsters.But the good thing is that this guy still knows that he is not alone, so although he is fighting vigorously, he is not too far away from his teammates.

The sounds of twisting and wriggling are becoming more and more intensive.

In the darkness, some things with twisted limbs emerged from it.

It has the outline of a human body, without skin, and the flesh is festered.Their bodies are covered with pustules the size of fists, densely packed all over their bodies, even their heads are completely crowded, it looks like a large group of insect eggs crowded together to form a human shape.However, judging from the abruptly squeezed out face, the hanging eyeballs and teeth, this thing is for the time being

It used to be a human being.

"It's a parasite, don't let that thing get close!"

Vic recognized this thing immediately, and felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.

The so-called parasitic body can be said to be one of the most notorious monsters in the entire corrupt field.

This thing basically has no frontal combat power, even hunters at the apprentice level can easily kill it.However, as long as it is attacked, the pustules on this thing's body will explode, enough to cover the entire ten meter diameter with highly poisonous pus, and hunters will easily suffer from diseases due to this.Not only that, but there are also dense blood-sucking worms in these pustules, which are less than the size of a finger. They will fly around with the explosion of pus, and once they fall on the hunter, they will try to penetrate into the internal organs of their blood vessels If they suck flesh and blood, if they can't be pulled out in time, these bugs will release a strong filthy power to reproduce in large numbers, and it only takes half an hour to reproduce more than ten individuals on a single hunter.

It can be said that in the entire corruption field, this thing is a dangerous thing that ranks at the forefront. As long as you are not careful, you will be infected. Going to death in the excruciating pain of being penetrated by worms in the body.

Raise your gun, aim, shoot.

After a bang, the gun rang, but failed to hit the enemy.The pustular thing wobbled and managed to avoid Vic's shot.

Not far away, Luigi was still laughing and fighting the monster head-on, while Natia Vida was entangled by two ferocious monsters, and had to retreat while using the serrated knife to fight back.

Because of the monsters attacking all around the whole team, the positions of the four people had been completely messed up, but now they completely turned into a situation where they fought each other and ignored each other.

Seeing the pustular thing approaching again, Vic pulled the bolt to aim again, but was thrown down by a twisted monster rushing up beside him.In a crisis, Vic grabbed the deformed monster and rolled over suddenly, twisted his body and pressed it under his body, then drew out the short knife and stabbed it into the opponent's head with one blow.

When he raised his head again, the pustules monster was already close at hand.

The two companions beside him finally came to their senses at this moment. Luigi raised his gun to shoot, but then realized that the thing would explode and had to put down his gun. Natia Vida had just finished off the two monsters beside him. , and even couldn't even rush over to help.

Wait, there is another person in the team!

At this moment, Vic turned his head and looked at the fourth person in the team, the leper swordsman who had always been very calm and reliable.

That swordsman, he is now-

Taking a walk? ? ?

Vic, with his eyes wide open, saw Baldwin walking slowly among the grass, holding a broken sword in his hand. He stopped from time to time, hesitated, and took two steps in the other direction.Only when the filthy monster attacked him, within two meters, would he react and fight back.

Ah, I remembered, I heard from that swordsman before that his eyesight was quite poor due to his physical illness, so after the moon set, hunters like them could still see some of the surroundings and continue to fight, and Baldwin was the real one. His eyes were so dark that he couldn't see anything.

The result of this is that at this moment Baldwin is walking slowly, completely unaware of the situation where the battle has reached.

【Woo... oh...】

The sound of squirming rang in his ears, and Vic turned his head, and found that the thing with abscesses all over his body had arrived in front of him.At this distance, he could already clearly smell the stench on the opponent's body, and see the worms wriggling in the densely packed pustules.

Can you just resist it?

Grabbing the monster he had just killed under him suddenly, Vic rolled on the ground and tried to block it with the corpse.At the same time, the deformed monster stretched out its twisted arms, and was about to grab Vic who was dodging.

Then before that, the hunter who caught up beside him grabbed his wrist, and his whole body was dragged and thrown up. When the thing was still in mid-air and did not land, the hunter pointed the muzzle of the pistol at the opponent and buckled it. Pull the trigger. After a "bang" gunshot, the exploding filth was scattered among the grass.

Chapter 8: The Hunter's Dance

The dark world, hidden deep in the edge of cognition, is a world full of fear.

For hunters who can only grasp the faint light today, darkness is a fearsome existence at any time.

Therefore, once you step into the darkness, you will inevitably have to pay a price.


Lu Yide was panting heavily, and after successive fights, he began to lose his strength.

"Damn it, there are more and more of these things."

Vic had almost run out of all the bullets, and had to use a short knife for close combat. At this moment, his body was covered with wounds, and he looked in a very bad condition.

Natia Vida also suffered a lot of injuries at this time, and had to turn to a defensive posture, not daring to continue to attack those monsters.

As for Baldwin, because he was blind and couldn't confirm the target of the slash, he still didn't make any shots. He just guarded Vic who was the most injured and dealt with a few monsters coming towards him.

The hunter stood at the forefront of the entire team, and the group quickly walked through the grass, constantly

Approaching the direction of the pilgrimage town.

Howling, falling.

Twisted flesh and blood fell from the sky.

The meat saw suddenly tore apart, its fangs gnawed, pierced through and took away the vitality.

The gunshots roared, and the hunter's gaze was full of seriousness.

One step, two steps.

Footsteps across the broken stone road.

A misshapen body with four heads split from the shoulders. "

A haphazard patchwork of arms and torsos cut in half.

Strange things that were stitched together like animals and people were torn and shredded.

Turn around and wave.

Jagged blades danced alternately with gigantic broken blades.

Each blow precisely takes away a loathsome filth.

Rest these twisted beings in peace.

In just a few seconds, the hunter's body was stained with black blood, and more than ten monsters died under his blade.

【Roar! 】

More roars are approaching at this moment, densely packed, shoulder to shoulder, and those things are still increasing.

"how is this possible……"

Vic, who was almost exhausted from the killing, felt great despair when he saw the almost endless group of monsters.

But the hunter just flicked the blade in his hand, letting the blood scatter.

He turned his head and pointed forward for the four hunters, the direction of the town that could already be clearly seen.

Then, taking a step forward, the hunter directly met these crazy monsters.

"Is this guy... a lunatic?"

Such a shocking, unimaginable act of death.

But this is also the only chance, the hunters had no choice but to rush to the small town, where someone had already picked them up.Using the underground passages that existed in Pilgrimage Town that had been transformed by hunters over the years, they quickly got rid of the monsters' pursuit and got a rest time.

"The herd was alarmed."

William listened to the sound outside, and then looked at the hound lying on the ground restlessly, realizing what happened.

"Well, I thought I had successfully avoided them, but after dark, their speed of action accelerated. I'm afraid they were encountered by the last group of people."

Disma nodded.

"Then, that hunter, his safety..."

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