The blood seemed to be frozen with the cold wind, but his thoughts became clearer at this moment.

The hunter stepped forward suddenly, and met the tall knight again, and the swords of the two sides collided with each other at this moment.This time, amidst the violent trembling, the giant sword in the hunter's hand came out, smashing towards the knight with astonishing force.

The hunter threw the weapon directly and used it as a one-time throwing prop.


Amidst the loud noise, the pale sword blade in the knight's hand forcibly blocked the broken giant sword thrown by the hunter, sent it flying and fell far away, piercing the ground and inserting it into the cemetery.

Kacha-! ! !

And trembling at the same time as this loud noise, was the meat saw knife that the hunter pulled out suddenly. Amid the ear-piercing friction sound of the mechanism bounced off, the interlaced blades like fangs cut on the knight's body, cutting a large piece of flesh and blood. Then tear it down.

Black blood spilled and fell into the messy soil.

The broken knight stumbled and fell to the ground, supported his body with the long white sword, and then stood up again.


The singing is becoming more mournful.

The wind was raging with incomparable violence.

As for the hunter, he has completely adapted to the fighting rhythm of these two enemies, and knows every way of their moves.

So, it's time to end.

In the cold wind, the hunter rushed towards the knight in front, and the white light passed by his left and right, but could not hit his body.

The white long sword slashed down, only catching the shadow that the hunter was avoiding, and the blow turned back was avoided by the hunter bending down, and then the bodies of both sides crossed.


With a sudden step on a piece of gravel on the side of the road, the hunter kicked out vigorously at the moment his body was criss-crossed, and rushed out again facing the broken knight.


The fangs of the saw knife tore off a piece of rotten flesh attached to the broken armor.

The wind howled, and the silver sharp blade slashed down obliquely. The hunter turned sideways slightly, watching the big sword pass by his body, and then he grabbed the handle of the meat saw and pulled it out violently, pulling more Flesh was torn from the broken knight's body.

The cold wind between breaths seemed to tear the lungs apart.

The pain made the hunter more conscious.

He rolled among the gravel, dodging the white light that fell with the singing, and the exploding mud and white snow mixed and fell, and the broken knight fell to the ground again, his breath became weaker than before, but still With difficulty, he stood up and looked at the face of the skeleton towards the top of the tower.

The hunter could gradually feel the emotions emanating from the bones, as well as the vaguely emerging memories.

That should be their happiest moment.

The goddess smiled and sprinkled flowers and rain, and people raised wine glasses to celebrate and offer blessings. He was wearing a gorgeous armor, put the blade in the scabbard, took off his gloves, and held a ring, while she was wearing a long white dress, standing on the On the high platform, holding flowers in hand, watching him walking step by step, showing a happy expression.

He said, I and my blade will always be by your side.

She said, my singing and I will always be attached to you.

The scene of that day shone in their eyes like this, reflecting each other and imprinting each other.

Until the boundless darkness swallows everything.


The hunter raised the muzzle of the pistol, and the gunpowder smoke was slowly rising.

Before the golden light fell on the knight's body, the hunter hit the knight with one blow, interrupting the healing process.

Because as long as the knight is hit, he will be hit by magic, and the healing magic will be blessed on the knight, so all the mercury bullets of the hunter are kept, and they will only be used to interrupt the opponent when the knight is receiving healing.

Although he also considered shooting the bound nun directly, but after trying it, the hunter found that the entire Tower of Mourning was protected by a strange force, and bullets and swords would be bounced away by an invisible barrier . "Following the aura of that power, the hunter found that the power of the goddess knight was protecting the half-collapsed tower, which meant that as long as the knight was not killed, the tower could not be broken by external forces.

While maintaining the defensive force that covers the entire tower, while fighting with the hunters for a certain period of time, even gaining the upper hand even for a short period of time, this is still a situation where the power has been greatly reduced after being eroded by the filth for thousands of years.Thinking about it carefully, whether it is the goddess knight or the appealer, the heroes who are closest to the goddess of the earth are really terrifyingly powerful.

It's just that even such powerful knights are nothing more than monsters with residual instincts.

[Uh ah ah ah——]

Amidst the shrill roar, the crippled knight struck again with the gust of wind.

The swords staggered, collided, and separated.

Footsteps skimming the ground, crushing the dirt and rolling up the snow


Dirty black blood dripped down, and the ruthless fangs bit down again.


One of the hunter's ears was frozen and then shattered.

The dark red blood flowed down, bringing clear pain and stimulating the hunter's nerves.

The light roared along with the loud and clear singing, and the knight swung his sword again in the flying snowflakes. The two who had lost themselves seemed to cooperate instinctively at this moment, and launched a fierce impact on the hunter in front of them.


After the loud explosion, it was the hunter's arm that flew high into the sky.

The dilapidated knight clutched his almost torn abdominal cavity, raised his head, and instinctively looked at the girl who was still bound by the chains.

Yes, he remembered, she said that if she is no longer her, then this chain will bind her forever, preventing her from harming anyone.

Then he vowed to wait here, even if he wiped himself out, even if his soul died, he would not be separated from her, and would protect her existence forever.

This oath is still being kept to this day.


The hunter fell down for the fifth time, and the penetrated body disappeared without a trace.

And the crippled knight half-kneeled on the ground. It was exhausted to the limit, and it was almost unable to stand up. It could only rely on its own sword to ensure that it would not fall to the ground.

The singing sounded faintly from the wind, and the golden light comforted the body with the warmth that was almost forgotten in the memory, leading the knight into sleep like a lullaby.


The sharp gunshots shattered this dream in the next moment, causing the knight's already weak body to fall to the ground, and the warm light that was originally applied also dissipated.

The hunter has once again stepped into the battlefield among the blizzard.

The continuous resurrection of the dead gradually numbs the senses, and the insensitivity of the body brings great burden and pain, and it seems that even the senses have begun to be in a trance.

It didn't seem like this kind of situation happened before. It seemed that as I gradually became stronger, the side effects of resurrection also became more severe?

Thoughts lingered in his heart for a moment, the hunter put aside distracting thoughts, took a deep breath, and let the cold air sting his internal organs, then he clenched the meat knife in his hand and pointed it at the dilapidated place in front of him again. The skeleton knight.

Chapter No.16: The prey has been slaughtered [Desire Knight Grendel]

The blazing wind swept across the broken earth.

The hunter crossed the land where all the tombstones had been completely overturned, leaving only fragmented cracks, and met the broken knight rushing straight ahead in the cold snow.

The battle had come to the last moment, and the dark filthy power seeped out, staining the knight's broken body, and even Ling Senhan's long sword was stained with darkness.At this moment, the knight's instinct was finally completely wiped out, and the great sword that originally had various moves was slashed fiercely in the purest and most direct way, as ferocious as a mad beast.


Thunder shattered the dome of the shattered church.

The long sword in the knight's hand cut deep ravines in the ground.

The mournful singing gradually subsided, and the white light that had been pouring in ceased at this moment, and the hunter's footsteps had already passed the knight's side.

The black mist trembled, and the knight half-kneeled on the ground in the next moment. Most of the flesh and blood from one leg was torn off, and the white bones could even be seen.

I could feel the spirit of the knight constantly crumbling.

He could see the knight's blurred memory.

Hunter saw a dinner party.

The Goddess placed the brewed wine generously on the table, and Elvis played the music for everyone with a smile.

The knights sang, the faithful danced and laughed in the light of the fire.

Even though everyone's face has become blurred, even though the picture is full of cracks and missing, you can still feel the warmth in it.

A knight with a rude personality said jokes that made men smile and women blush.

The clatter of little children surrounding the aged believer demanding a story, and the sweet smell of candy.

The goddess who had brewed the wine wanted to try to taste her fruit, but was stopped by a knight beside her, and she couldn't help showing an angry expression.

And he was sitting in the corner, sipping fruit wine, admiring the scenes in front of him.

For him who doesn't like to participate in it, but is satisfied with seeing the beautiful scene, this is enough.

He was thinking like this until a girl stopped in front of his eyes and stretched out her hand to invite him.

Hold hands and join in the dance, and learn each other's names.

Walking together between villages and small towns, the distance between each other is gradually shortened.

The engagement ring that was finally presented, the request that exhausted a lifetime of courage in exchange for an affirmative answer.

It seems that many, many things have happened, and a long time has passed.

It seemed that everything was just a big dream, and everything was still the same when I first woke up.

did i forget something

Have I forgotten a lot of things?

The blades staggered, the black filthy light scattered and drifted, and the knight's body fell down again.

The singing sounded in my ears, but I couldn't hear the content of the singing.

The hunter squeezed the somewhat misplaced fingers, pulled them back to their original position with a "click" sound, and held them tightly again.

The meat saw in his hand continued to face the half-kneeling knight in front of him.

The girl's voice was still singing, but he couldn't remember who it was singing.

There are too many things that have been forgotten.

The road she walked with.

The cottage she lived with.

The place where I promised to go with her.

All have been forgotten.


Sen Han's blade was knocked flying at the moment of violent collision.

The sharp fangs of the meat saw knife were pierced straight into the knight's chest by the hunter. The hunter pressed down on the handle of the knife and pressed all the teeth into the knight's withered and decayed body amidst the loud noise of the ground breaking. Among the flesh and blood.


The moment it was pulled out, black blood sprayed out, and the knight's chest was almost split in half.

Still can hear that song.

Even in the endless darkness, the singing voice still lingers by your side.

Such a sweet consolation seemed to soothe the constant pain in my body.

Ah, the pain seems to have gradually subsided.

【Ah ah ah ah ah……】

The black air flow expanded for the last time, and the filthy power was released frantically, controlling the incomplete knight's body to stand up again.

The gust of wind has gradually calmed down at this moment, and mournful singing resounds in the ruined cemetery.

The hunter raised his head, looked at the twisted and ferocious body of the monster, and exhaled slowly.

Holding the weapon tightly in his hand, he took steps forward amidst the bloody light emitted by the meat saw.

And the terrifying monster has already roared.


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