Looking back, the hunter saw the girl who had also climbed over the window run up, jump, and jumped onto the balcony of a nearby house.

Then he grabbed the railing and jumped over, grabbed the edge of the eaves, and then went directly to the roof.

Is this still possible? !

The hunter was a little shocked.

"The building density in this town is very high, we can completely track each other from the roof without being discovered."

Abigail, who was standing on the roof, spoke confidently.

After finishing speaking, the little girl took another run-up, jumped directly from the edge of the roof, crossed the street more than ten meters wide, and landed on the balcony of the opposite building, and quickly rolled and unloaded to get up and stand firmly in one go.

"Look, Mister Hunter looks like this."

Abigail, who was standing on the balcony on the second floor across the street, showed a very proud expression.

The hunter was completely shocked.

In fact, Abigail is able to possess such abilities mainly because of the parkour ability he acquired while chasing Edelweiss and Pu, and the improvement in physical fitness after obtaining the Moonlight Greatsword.Obviously, because the hunter is too powerful, the girl ignores that the hunter does not have the special power to quickly master various strange abilities like her.

Jumping, grabbing the bump on the wall, the hunter jumped onto the roof with all his might.


The stone tiles of the roof appear to have a slight crack extending.

The hunter moved his body a little, looked at Abigail who was standing across the street, took a few steps back, and started running.

The sound of the wind passed by his ears, and the hunter quickly ran to the edge of the roof, and then jumped up violently.


The instant the jump took off, the structure of the roof was trampled down by the hunter.

Leap up and dash forward in mid-air.

The hunter landed on the balcony precisely at the next moment. Although he didn't know the various techniques of parkour, relying on his strong body control, the hunter successfully landed on the balcony across the street at this moment——

Boom boom boom! ! !

The hunter smashed through the balcony. Amidst a violent explosion of gravel, the wall of the building where the balcony was located also collapsed. The entire wall and the balcony itself turned into a pile of gravel and fell to the ground, splashing dust Cover the entire building.

"Wow, Mister Hunter!"

Startled, Abigail jumped off the balcony ahead of time, avoiding being buried in the rubble with the hunter.

At this moment, the little girl who was a little flustered hurriedly ran to the pile of rubble, and stretched out her hand to plan the piled stones, but it didn't take long for her to hear the sound of rubble falling, and then saw the somewhat embarrassed hunter Crawled out of the rubble.

Judging from the hunter's expression, he didn't seem to understand what happened for a while.


But Abigail already knew why.

He carried a broken giant sword on his back, a big sword with a cold light, a thick meat saw pinned to his waist, two pistols, and a pile of grease bullets and other consumables.

Counting these equipments, plus the weight of the hunter's body, I'm afraid it has already exceeded 100 kilograms.Coupled with the hunter's own explosive power beyond the limit of the human body, the impact force at the moment of jumping over is basically a solid shell, and it is nothing more than an easy thing to collapse the balcony.

"Mr. Hunter, you have used too much strength..."

Abigail could only sigh helplessly in the end.

"But it is indeed a very terrifying power. Such a powerful explosive power is worthy of being called the existence of hope."

"Although that's what I said, but in this way, others have already gone far, and it will not be so easy to catch up."

Abigail said with a more helpless sigh.

"It's not necessary, I haven't gone far yet."

"Oh, it's not far away yet, huh?"

The slightly dazed girl turned her head and saw Alhazred who had just left but was standing behind her now.At this moment, the man was holding a small skull with a candle stuck in it, and was watching Abigail and the hunter calmly.


The hunter stood up from the rubble, stretched out his hand and pulled Abigail, letting the girl hide behind him.

"Please don't be nervous, I have no hostility towards you two."

The man with the beard nodded slightly, and his expression seemed to be quite friendly.


The hunter just stared at the ominous power entangled in this man.

"No, it's not filth, at least not the one you know

That filth. "

Accompanied by such words, the man named Alhazred raised the candle skull in his hand, and a small candle was lit.

The hunter's pupils constricted in an instant, and he felt an extremely strong filthy aura at this moment.


There is something in this man's body.

In this seemingly ordinary, self-proclaimed doctor named Alhazred.

No, it seems, something is different.

The hunter frowned slightly.

He felt the invisible power of filth, but he didn't feel the madness and chaos that filth should have. The aura coming from this man undoubtedly belonged to a dark and cruel inhuman existence, but it still had a distinct presence. The difference between a Filth Monster and a Filth Monster.

Not filthy minions, but definitely of the same kind, untouchable by human comprehension.

The hunter has a judgment at this moment.

"I call him [Black Beast], Lord Hunter."

Alhazred's voice was still calm. He extinguished the candle and bowed slightly to the hunter.

"I am a scholar, studying lost civilizations, history, culture, and folk customs are all my research objects."

"I have also served as a front-line investigator, conducting research in various dangerous places."

"In the end, the result I obtained is what you can see. I summoned an existence from the starry sky, and made his power reside on me."

In the voice of the words, the man raised his forehead slightly, looking a little haughty and proud.

And the hunter's expression was completely out of order.

Store the power and summon of the inhuman existence above the starry sky in your body?

Hunter can't describe this feeling, ridiculous?madness?He vaguely felt that he should have seen similar things, he should have seen people who have done similar things, and those people, without exception, did not have a good ending.

"You're playing with fire..."

The hunter just said this in the end, and at the same time took a step back, reaching out to protect Abigail, who was still half understanding.

From now on, the hunter regarded Alhazred as a bomb that would explode at any time, and decided to face him with the most vigilant attitude.

"Of course I know that it is really foolish to try to pry into the power of the gods with a mortal body."

The man didn't respond to the hunter's vigilance, and seemed to be used to such things.

"However, for me who have not obtained this power, if I can't pursue this knowledge and this power, it will also be a torture that is worse than death."

"Of course, after actually fulfilling this contract, I did experience terrible torture, facing the danger of reaching the abyss anytime and anywhere."

"That's why I came to Xingkong Town and joined this so-called team of hunting gods, and the reason why I extended an invitation to you, Your Excellency Hunter."

Accompanied by a faint sigh, the man spoke seriously to the hunter, watching him calmly.


The hunter's brows were furrowed even more.

"That's right, the contract with [Black Beast] will no longer torture me all the time, and will turn me into its puppet, its food."

"I can't endure this terrible torture all the time, but I also don't want to give up this power, and in order to safely satisfy my arrogant greed, I need to pursue the power from the darkness more deeply."

"There is no doubt that the power of the three gods in the starry sky cannot be approached. I may be a little crazy, but I am not stupid. Asking those three bloodthirsty monsters for help will only lead to death."

"I have tried to find the power of the lost old gods, but they have been unable to respond to any believers, and their leftover creations cannot solve my problems."

"I also tried to cooperate with the powerful fighters of the Lost Sun Cult, but those guys with simple minds and well-developed limbs know how to praise the sun that doesn't exist at all, and can't even do the basic respect for scholars, so in the end this The cooperation can only end there.”

"In the end, I can only continue to cast my eyes on the starry sky and other dark existences, looking for the possibility of survival and gaining more knowledge from them. This is not an easy task. I cannot build an altar by myself. The existence in my body I will direct all my calls to that contract object, so I have to look for the relics left by the predecessors, to find the legacy left by other sages who have pursued the power of the starry sky, this is the reason why I will appear here .”

Slightly, Alhazred took two steps back.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to a building at the end of the street among the weeds and ruins.

The hunter knew the building, Abigail had told him before, that it was the observatory in Blue Lake.

It is the strangest and weirdest place in this small town, but after countless hunters have explored it, no one can come up with a reason.

"After the entire Blue Lake Town was destroyed due to the outbreak of filth, only there remained, and there was no major damage after thousands of years."

"Those crazy monsters ignored that building, and the erosion of the years also ignored that building. This is not normal, and everyone knows it is not normal."

"There are many daring hunters who have tried to explore its mysteries, but they are powerless and have never

There is nothing to be found. "

"But I'm different from them. I'm not just a hunter. I'm also a scholar, a being who makes a contract with the dark power. I'm afraid the reason why this star-peeping building can survive will benefit me a lot. .”

"Also, I can see that, Lord Hunter, you also have the accumulation of dark power in your body. Those monsters that were killed, their power entered your body, didn't they? We are similar, so I hope to be able to Walking with you, maybe your lost memory can also find clues there? After all, you do not come from this land, and it is likely to be related to the starry sky, right?"

At the end of the words, the mystic scholar extended an invitation to the hunter.

Obviously, the other party had observed the hunter a long time ago, and observed it from an angle that other hunters could not have.

He knew that the hunter could absorb the invisible echoes from the slain monsters and regard it as a dark force, which made the hunter frown even more, realizing the trouble of the man in front of him.

If he can see these secrets in himself, does he know that he has the power of resurrection?And, Abigail has the ability to guide the invisible echo, link the memory of the hunter in the dream, and summon the moonlight sword. Can he also see something that other people can't see?

This is someone who must be treated with caution.

A person who dares to incorporate dark things similar to filth into his body, who is not afraid of death in pursuit of knowledge, is no different from a lunatic in the eyes of a hunter.This kind of behavior of moths chasing flames is extremely dangerous, but it also shows the inhumanity of the other party, so it must be treated with caution.


The hunter turned his head, glanced at Abigail beside him, and then made a decision.

"it is good……"

"I'll go with you..."

"The two of us..."

Chapter 23: Blue Lake Town Observatory

The observatory in Blue Lake Town is located on the edge of the town, on a low slope, and can be regarded as the tallest building in the whole town.

Although it is said to be an observatory, this place is not a so-called platform, but a large complex building covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, with the highest point being tens of meters high. It can be said to be quite a remarkable existence. up.

In the case that other surrounding buildings are already dilapidated, this basically intact and very large building can basically be seen at a glance no matter where it is.Over the years, many hunters who have arrived here have tried to explore the secrets of this building and enter it to search.But as Alhazred said, these hunters usually do not have a high level of education, they have no way to understand the various instruments in the observatory, and many trap doors and password doors cannot be opened, so In the end, he could only leave in vain. "

And obviously, this mystic scholar has very strong self-confidence in himself. He thinks that he will never achieve the same results as those hunters, so he decided to go to the observatory full of confidence and invited the hunters set off with it.

Well, apparently, he only invited hunters.


Abigail's little face puffed up.


The hunter shook his head and refused without the slightest intention of compromising.

"Why can't it, I am obviously capable of fighting, Mr. Hunter, don't treat me like a child!"

The angry girl jumped up and retorted very loudly.


Hunter's attitude has not changed.

"Woo... You clearly agreed to accompany me, Mister Hunter, idiot! I'm ignoring you!!!"

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