It is worth mentioning that although many hunters cannot enter the fourth floor because the gate cannot be destroyed, it has also been searched here. Hunters and occultists have found some traces of rough flipping, and several rotten windows.It seems that there are still quite a few hunters who are agile and good at climbing, and they are also full of curiosity, and these people obviously don't have much respect for this kind of research building, and they are looking for valuable things. Time has no concept of tenderness at all.

This can be seen from the distressed expression on Alhazred's face when he found a broken planetarium that had been thrown on the ground.

"These goddamn hunters, that's a planetarium. It was a thing when our continent was still intact, and it was a thing when we hadn't fled our hometown. It's okay if they don't understand such a precious thing, but it's still there. Use them as balls, if I meet them, I will cut off their heads and use them as chamber pots for [Black Beast]!"

Going to the stairwell on the fifth floor, Alhazred said very irritablely.

The hunter didn't have much reaction to this, but Abigail nodded regretfully.In fact, after learning from the ancient books of Fengrao Town that the continent under her feet is actually a shelter torn from a planet, Abigail has always wanted to see what the world looked like when it was still intact , Now that I finally had this opportunity, it turned out that the precious planetarium was kicked as a ball by the hunters who came here. It is indeed a very outrageous thing.

And this kind of indignation gradually began to intensify after it was discovered that almost all the books on the fifth and sixth floors were burned or thrown in a mess, and most of them were trampled to pieces.

"This is... a record of stargazing. It is a record of the movement of stars left by stargazers during the movement of continents... How can this kind of thing be torn off?"

"My old black beast, these people actually wipe their asses with scholars' research reports! Are their brains used to hold pig shit?"

"Wait, this is the black hole observation record. Did they find indirect observation methods so early? Hey, why is there only one page left? Where did the following pages go?"

In Alhazred's voice, the hunter raised his head, looked at the torn notebook he was holding with only a few pages left, looked at the material of the paper, and then looked at the notebook he was flipping in front of him. I found the burnt fire, and took out a piece of paper that was not fully burned, leaving some residual paper.

"Should be this……"

The hunter sincerely handed over this half-burnt paper, and then the mystic scholar successfully discovered that the color and material of the paper and the notebook could match, that is to say, the half-burnt paper probably belonged to this of the book.


The occultist felt like he was going mad and in a state of torment.

So as for such a big reaction?

In fact, the hunter, who was not quite able to understand the significance of these observation records and research reports, scratched his head slightly at this moment, showing a somewhat confused expression


"That... Mister Hunter..."

A small hand stretched out beside him, and gently pulled the hunter.

Turning his head, the hunter saw Abigail, who looked uncomfortable and obviously in a bad mood.

"Mr. Hunter, there's not much to see on this floor, shall we go to the upper floor?"

Even though he said so, the hunter always felt that Abigail simply didn't want to stay here, to be precise, he didn't want to stay in front of this pile of books that had been ruined by others.

"Anyway, Mr. Hunter, there's no need to read these anymore... Ugh, these books... Anyway..."

Speaking of which, Abby is indeed a good kid who likes to read.

The hunter can still clearly remember the little girl's distraught look when he accidentally burned the book she hadn't finished reading in Fengrao Town.

Probably for people who like to read, this kind of malicious treatment of books is really a very bad thing, right?

Thinking like this, the hunter nodded slightly, did not stay on this floor any longer, and continued to move upwards.On the contrary, the mystic scholar seemed a little unwilling to give up, and stayed where he was, trying to find valuable things from these destroyed books.

"Haoo...why do you have to treat those books like this..."

Abigail, who had already walked up the stairs, complained softly, stretched out her little foot and kicked the stone bricks whose original color could no longer be seen.

The hunter looked around, and at the corner above the stairs, there was another skeleton lying there. It looked dilapidated, and the bones of the whole body were severely distorted and deformed.From the cracked wall behind the skeleton, it can be seen that this person should have been thrown down from upstairs and smashed against the wall to die of bone fractures all over his body.

Monster attack?

With his rich hunting experience, the hunter quickly made a judgment in his heart.

"Mr. Hunter?"

Noticing the change in the hunter's eyes, Abigail also entered a state of vigilance.

"Be careful……"

Whispering to Abigail, the hunter then stretched out his hand to silence Alhazred who was following up from below, then pulled out the meat saw and carefully stepped up the stairs.

The filthy monsters are actually immortal in essence, as long as they are on the land where the filthy power spreads, the filthy monsters that are killed can be resurrected continuously.Of course, it is not an instant resurrection like a hunter, but a buffer time of several weeks and months is required. Among them, powerful existences such as silent monsters longing for knights may even take years or decades to reappear.Because of this, hunters need to clean up these corrupt objects regularly to avoid danger from coming to Starfield Town.

Even so, because it is difficult for hunters to go too deep into the corrupt field, and these monsters can travel long distances tirelessly, there are often times when they cannot avoid it, just like the attack in Starry Sky Town half a month ago like that.

And at this moment, the reason why the hunter is on alert is because the death of the skeleton just now shows the possibility of a monster here.

This kind of thing that completely violates biology will not be destroyed by the passage of time like human beings.

"[Black Beast] didn't give back, but he doesn't necessarily pay attention to me, anyway, be careful."

The skeleton candlestick in Alhazred's hand lit up. He seemed to want to conduct some kind of reconnaissance, but it didn't seem to be going well.

"Are there any enemies?"

Abigail took a deep breath, stretched out her small hand, and a deep blue-green light emerged, turning into a big sword and holding it in the girl's hand.

"What an incredible power..."

Such a scene made the mystic scholar show an expression of great interest. Of course, he quickly put away this expression under the gaze of the hunter, coughed lightly and recovered his calm posture, and walked side by side with the hunter. Go upstairs.

The door of the seventh floor is open, or it has been completely destroyed. The ground is covered with gravel, and the walls are full of dents and scratches. It seems that when the filth broke out, the people here did not get any special treatment.

"The stairs to the eighth floor are blocked."

Alhazred looked up at the top of the stairs that were completely blocked by piles of rubble.

The hunter did not answer, but slowly stepped into the corridor on the seventh floor. Through an opened door, the hunter saw rows of seats, which looked like some kind of school or conference room.It's just that most of those seats are now crumbling here and there, and some of them are obviously damaged by logging.

This floor has also been visited by hunters.

The hunter saw it at a glance.

The signs of destruction in the corridor are more obvious, and there are many separated or even fragmented bones.

Abigail followed behind the two of them, looking at the shabby bones, showing a slightly unbearable expression. She could already imagine the miserable conditions of the people who wanted to escape from here when the disaster broke out.

Hunters and mystic scholars have already stepped into this room like a large classroom.

The bones here are more numerous and seem to tend to pile up.

The hunter looked at the bones, and found that some of them were still wearing clothes, tattered, with obvious signs of mending, and rusted blades and other weapons were piled up indiscriminately.

this is not the original death here

What the people left behind!

The hunter, who quickly realized what was happening, took a step back and reached out to press Abigail's shoulder.

Although the girl who was following behind hadn't seen the skeletons yet and didn't know what happened, she reacted the moment she saw the hunter's movement, shifted her body behind the hunter, raised her head and looked around. .


The sound of the wind exploded in an instant, and a silver-white wolf beast, slightly larger than a normal monster, descended from the sky and rushed towards the three people below.


Amidst the gunshots, the wolf monster in mid-air fell to the ground, got up after a roll, roared and grabbed several tables and chairs beside it and threw it over.

Taking a step forward, the hunter pulled out the broken giant sword and swept it out the next moment, smashing all the thrown things.

"Bastard, come here!"

At this moment, Alhazred raised the skeleton candlestick in his hand, and following his voice, a strange and dark aura suddenly erupted.

Out of thin air, the hunter saw several tentacles protruding from the extended shadow of the mystic scholar, grabbed the monster not far away, and pulled it forcefully.

Without the slightest hesitation, the hunter immediately took a step forward. At some point in his hand, he had already grasped the one-handed howitzer. He sent the muzzle forward, just in time to be bumped into by the huge monster. Together, follow and pull the trigger.

Boom! ! !

In the next moment of violent explosion, the wolf monster was abruptly cut in two from the chest, and flames surged from the splashing blood. The shell penetrated the wolf monster's body, and then flew through the wall and flew into the corridor. Break through another wall, and finally let out a roar.

Easy to eliminate, it must be admitted that with the cooperation of teammates, the battle is indeed much easier.

While thinking this way, the hunter turned his head and saw the dull expression on the mystic scholar's face.


The hunter lowered his head again and saw the dull expression on Abigail's face.


What did they see?

The somewhat puzzled hunter raised his head and looked at the smashed and collapsed wall, and behind the wall, the room where the shell exploded.

And the five big characters [data storage room] written on the room.

The hunter understood at this moment.

Chapter 25: Forgotten Wonders

A few minutes later, the hunter continued to explore the corridor with the mystic scholar with a gloomy expression and Abigail with a sigh.

At first, Alhazred tried to make amends, to see if he could salvage something from the flames.

Obviously, the shell produced by Andre did not leave him any chance. The violent deflagration flame completely covered the entire reference room, and all the shells were bombarded into fly ash, leaving no possibility of leaving anything of value.

"Perhaps it was destroyed by hunters before that?"

In the end Alhazred could only comfort himself like this.

"Obviously I finally found a book I can read..."

The reason for Abigail's displeasure is subtly different from that of the occultist.

The entire seventh floor seems to be used more for academic purposes. The three of them explored different rooms along the way, and saw many halls that looked like classrooms, as well as various small rooms that seemed to have some kind of research function .

The reason why I say like is because there is basically nothing to be found in these rooms.The hunters who have been here will focus on taking care of these houses. Maybe there will be some research equipment here, but although those hunters are not well-educated and cannot understand how to use the equipment, they will feel that these are inexplicable. The bauble may be very valuable, and then it is taken away, or it is divided into several pieces and taken away.

If only one or two teams of hunters did this, it would not be too serious.But the problem is that the history of exploration here has been going on for thousands of years, and Blue Lake Town itself is the only way for hunting gods, and the road conditions are not too bad, and this building is too conspicuous, so I have been here A considerable number of hunters, the result is that there is not even a hair in these houses, even with the habit of hunters who like to pick up garbage, they can't find anything worth taking away.

"These bastard hunters are simply a group of robbers! You have to take everything that you don't need at all!"

Alhazred gradually began to feel his blood pressure rise.


Although he really wanted to echo a few words, the hunter who suddenly thought of what he and Dismatadev had done in the laboratory in the catacomb scratched his head in embarrassment at this moment, then turned his head to pretend to be something Nothing happened and kept going.

After all, the hunter was very sure that if he came to such an environment and saw a lot of useless things that could be taken away, he would definitely rummage through the boxes and cabinets, trying to find valuable things to take away.

So to a certain extent, the hunters actually recognized the behavior of those hunters.

"There is nothing valuable on this level, hunter, we have to find a way to go to a higher level."

After some searching, the mystic scholar finally said with a helpless sigh.

Want to go higher?

The hunter hesitated a bit, after all, he didn't see other stairs leading to higher places along the way, and the

The stair that he had walked before had been blocked by the collapsed rubble.If you want to move on, I am afraid it will not be an easy task.

"The breath of [Black Beast] has given me guidance. I saw something. There must be some undiscovered secret treasure here."

Alhazred was very insistent. He didn't know how he was sure that there was a treasure here, but seeing the other party's confident expression, the hunter decided to continue the investigation after a little thought.

Anyway, there's nothing else to do right now.

"There should be an elevator in this building, right?"

Abigail, who had been quietly following beside her, suddenly asked at this moment.

"Elevator, why do you think so?"

The mystic scholar looked curiously at this little girl who was still quiet along the way.

"There are a lot of things placed here. Although most of them have been collected by hunters, there must have been various instruments and books back then."

"It would be too troublesome to carry these things up from the stairs purely by manpower, but if there is an elevator, this trouble can be solved very well."

"This place is an observatory, and it can be regarded as a scientific research institution. It shouldn't have an elevator, right?"

Abigail began to analyze with a serious face.

This is really something to be concerned about.

The hunter nodded, recalling the places he had walked before, and soon he found the location of the elevator.It was in a locked room just after entering the corridor on the seventh floor from the stairs.The hunter tried to force the room open and almost fell.Since the elevator itself had fallen to the first floor and the cables were completely damaged, the hunter didn't pay much attention to the place.But now considering that there is no way up, so I can only choose this elevator shaft.

The only problem is that if you want to walk here, you may need some climbing skills.

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