No matter which direction you go, you will probably bump into these twisted monsters.

Ah, I really gave myself a pretty big problem.

Alhazred sighed secretly, knowing that there was no way to retreat at this moment, he held the skeleton candlestick in his hand, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he was ready to fight.


In the next moment of gunfire, a flame blasted out from the left side, piercing through a small tentacled monster.

The stern roar sounded in an instant, causing everyone's thinking to be slightly shocked at this moment, and followed by a tall man with a shield full of spikes and a one-handed hammer He rushed out and rushed directly towards the huge twisted monster.

Is it someone from the rotation team? !If you come from this direction, you are from the right squadron!

The mystic scholar recognized the team the opponent came from in an instant.

At the same time, a more difficult and dangerous battle was going on on the right side of the team.

I don't know if it's bad luck or some other reason, but this team was approached by two limp monsters at the same time, and fell into a very dangerous situation for a while.

The long knife in Weiron's hand cut out suddenly, cutting a small monster that rushed up in mid-air in half.

Dirty blood was sprinkled on his body, and green smoke came out amidst the hissing and corrosion sound, and he himself went up to it regardless, trying to rush in front of that huge monster.


Boleyn's voice sounded from the side, and Veron himself had heard the sudden gust of wind.

Rolling to the side suddenly to avoid, the huge tentacles directly flipped a large piece of grass, followed by Weiron who had already got up, and stabbed directly, piercing deeply into the densely packed eyes of the terrifying monster.


Amidst the distorted roar, Weiron, who had been hit violently, let out a muffled grunt, almost unable to hold the long knife in his hand.

At this moment, Bolin shot two crossbow arrows in succession, knocking out the two monsters that were pounced on Veron in mid-air, and he slammed forward fiercely, hitting Veron's body and then hitting the sword of the samurai long sword handle.This blow caused the blade to completely sink into the monster's body, and the tip even protruded from the other side of the body.

The furious howling sounded again, and the monster that had been standing still watching the hunters' dying struggles was obviously injured to a considerable extent.It turned around suddenly, and Veron and Bolin were thrown out. Under the impact of huge force, they rolled out several times in the mud, and the weapons in their hands fell down.

And at this moment, the gigantic monster started to move, its twisted tentacles slammed down, and it was about to smash the two of them into meatloaf.


In the cold light of the next second, it was Bolin who stood up abruptly and pulled out his prosthetic left hand, revealing the gleaming blade inside.

"Don't think that without the sword and crossbow, I can't beat you!"

Amidst the ferocious roar, Bolin who slammed down the blade cut off the swaying tentacles with one blow.

Blood splattered.

And Lei Olin took several steps back one after another, panting heavily.

"It's old and useless."

The hand holding the sword has already bled a lot.

Every muscle in the body wailed to itself of its weakness.

But those fast-moving small monsters had already charged up again, Leolin pulled out his dagger and knocked one of them down, piercing it with holes all over his body with continuous stabs.

But the other one swooped up from his side. Caught off guard, Leo Lin was directly knocked out and fell to the ground.


Stretching out his hand vigorously, he pushed the thing away from his face. "

But the spike with sharp teeth hit the side of his face all of a sudden, tearing off half of Leolin's face, swallowing even his eyelids and half of his nose.

The tragic pain that could not be expressed in words made the man howl uncontrollably.

A heavy hammer swung from the side, smashing the monster open, and then flattening it into a puddle of meat paste.

"Hey, Leo Lin, are you okay?"

Sulvivale, who also had a lot of injuries on his body, swung his hammer and knocked out another small tentacle monster that was trying to get close. He looked at the man struggling to get up behind him and asked loudly.

"I can't die...we have to hurry!"

One eyelid was torn off, and Leo Lin, whose eyes were completely exposed, looked like a monster from a horror story at this moment.

But under such severe pain, he endured the pain abruptly, and took out the bag from his pocket

The injection of painkiller shot directly into his leg, he gritted his teeth and greeted him.


In another miserable howl, the sound of the monster made several people even unable to stand still.

The surging emotions seemed to tear the brain apart. Accompanied by the howling and muttering, it seemed that there was an extra person similar to himself, someone who would replace him.

Madness emerges from the deepest part of the mind, or in other words, it has always been there, just waiting for people to show their fragility for a moment, and then jump out like a poisonous snake to unleash its fatal blow.

Two small monsters surrounded Veron from the side, but were knocked back by one punch.

Boleyn fended off a small monster that rushed up from Veron's back, but was knocked to the ground by another one that rushed up from the side.In the splash of mud and water, Bolin kicked the thing, causing the monster to let out a scream and fall to the side.

"Think I can't fight back by throwing me on the ground, bastard?"

Bolin, who had a sharp knife protruding from his shoe, grinned ferociously at this moment and spoke.


The heavy wind sound approached again in an instant.

Bolin stabbed with his sword subconsciously, but he swung his sword in vain and missed the target.

At this moment, Veron raised his head abruptly. Realizing something, he rushed forward, but it was too late to help. The tentacles directly wrapped around Bolin's right hand, lifting him directly into the air.


Then Bolling fell straight down, leaving only half of the prosthetic limb in the tentacles.

"Both of your hands are fake?!"

Veron was a little dumbfounded.

"I used to be ignorant when I was a child. I made a bet that I dared to put my left hand into the crocodile pool, and then I became an armless man."

Bolin waved the blades on his arms, and nodded to his companion beside him.

"Then it should only be a broken hand?"

Veron was even more confused.

"Oh, after my left hand was bitten, I wanted to pull it out with my right hand, but I didn't expect that there was a couple in the pool."

Bolin shook his head seriously, with a very helpless expression on his face.

"You guys must be out of your mind."

Veron gave an evaluation after a little thought.

"An idiot with a samurai sword to hunt large monsters has no right to blame me."

"Fuck you, what a handsome samurai sword! Only this handsome weapon is worthy of being a hero."

What I have to admit is that this kind of cold joke has somewhat restored the mental state of the two people here.

【Roar! ! ! 】

The huge twisted monster in the roar had already started to split the small tentacle monster again, and Weiron and Bolin moved their bodies a few times before rushing out again without hesitation, facing the huge monster in front of them.

The screaming sound was accompanied by the small monster rushing out, the corrosive blood water between the interlaced blades made a piercing sound, and the huge tentacles intertwined and waved again burst out.

Chapter 42: The Situation of the Parties

When the gunfire smoke fell, the twisted monster roared furiously because it was being attacked.

A hook rope was wrapped around the tentacles of this thing, and then the bounty hunter flew towards it suddenly, and the hatchet smashed down with tyrannical force, and it stumbled the huge monster in an instant.

The roar of the hound followed closely, and William let go of Fergus' chains, and the next moment, the brave hound bit the twisted monster fiercely, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood.What was amazing was that the flesh and blood continued to flow out corrosive blood, but the hound was not affected at all, as if it completely ignored the poisonous blood.

"My girl was the best reform dog in that issue."

William in the rear spoke very proudly at this moment.

Several small monsters were released at this moment, but they were easily dealt with by Disma and Tardif one by one.

The huge monster roared immediately, releasing strong mental disturbance, but the hound howled loudly afterward. The barking sound seemed to contain a strange power, which to a certain extent offset the terrifying sound. So that the three people present can always stay awake.

The battle on this side seems to be a one-sided situation, but considering that the hunters who are the vanguard are the top-ranked elites in the town, plus the situation of ambush and sneak attack in advance, there will be such a situation. The result is also a matter of course.


The hunter who stood silently in the grass raised his head and looked at the sky, and began to be in a daze.

There is no way, after all, these eyes are directed at him. If the hunter appears, I am afraid that the next thing he will face is a larger monster chasing him at all costs.In order to avoid such a situation, now he must hide.

Ah, I felt a small invisible echo enter my body again.

This kind of feeling of not having to do anything, just standing by and waiting, doesn't seem so unacceptable?

While thoughts are flying, the situation on other battlefields is different from that on this side.

Bolin's double knives danced one after another, advancing with difficulty in the splashing blood, while Weiron rushed up, stepped on Bolin's shoulder and jumped out, directly hitting the limping man, grabbing and piercing The samurai long sword of its body was pulled out forcefully, then jumped off the monster's body, swung the blade and left a deep


But he couldn't avoid the tentacles that swept this time in time, Viron flew upside down with a heavy roar, and the sound of bones breaking came from his left arm.In an emergency, he turned sideways to avoid frontal injuries, but it was clear that this alone was not enough.

"It's okay!"

Bolin yelled, and took two steps back to lure those small tentacled monsters to rush forward, and then rushed forward again, and the blades turned into prosthetic limbs pierced through them, killing these restless little things .

"Alive... Well, the situation with Leorin is not right!"

Weiron got up and held the knife in one hand. He took a breath and stood up, ready to fight again. But at this time, he noticed the situation of Leorin and Survival who were not far away. Obviously wrong, at this moment, under the attack of another limp, the two of them have obviously reached a situation where they can't handle it.

Especially Lei Olin, half of this man's face was bloody and bloody at the moment, and he looked terrifying like an infected monster.

"Take care of yourself first!"

In fact, Bolin, who also found out that something was wrong with Leo Lin, said helplessly, then turned over to avoid the pounce of a small monster.The sound of the wind passed by Bolin's ear, causing a sharp pain. He gritted his teeth and looked at one of his shoulders, only to find that a little blood had been sprinkled on it, and Bolin's earlobe had been directly torn off.

These bastards, if they are touched even a little, will their flesh and blood be poached directly?

Feeling more and more critical that the situation was critical, Bolin took a deep breath, and once again faced the huge standing monster in front of him.

And in the middle of the hunting god squad, the tall Brereton once again picked up his bloody shield covered in spikes and charged forward.

And Gilbard, who is more than 1.9 meters tall and holds two two-meter-long giant swords, followed him. As Brereton charged forward at the same time, he roared and swung the two giant swords to smash To that huge monster.

"Everyone, come with us, we will take you back."

The two hunters who belonged to the right middle rotation team like Brereton and Gilbard, named Delaunay and Paxide Cole, came in front of Fetris and the others to protect these relatively powerful fighters. Bad doctors leave this danger zone.

At this moment, the mystic scholar, who had no worries about his future, was naturally relieved. He looked at the two hunters fighting not far away, and realized that it would be difficult to end the battle quickly with these two alone, so he walked forward. , lit the skeleton candlestick, and joined the battle amidst the lingering murmurs.

Chaotic voices sounded one after another, and those hunter teams that had not encountered enemy attacks could clearly hear the sound of battle at this moment.

The limping man encountered by the rear team had fallen under the sword of the leper swordsman at this time, and quickly began to rot.

The small monster that bit Luigid's left hand disappeared without a trace, but the left arm, which had been eaten to the point where only half of the forearm remained, could not be transformed back.While dripping with blood, Luigi howled and fell to the ground. Vic, who had studied emergency medicine, had to rush forward to treat the reckless man. As a result, he was almost hit by the irritable Luigi with a dagger, and had to let the same man The wounded Natia Vida came over first to help hold Luigi.

"How could I become like this! How could I become like this!!!"

Loud, with red eyes, roared and struggled, with obviously abnormal emotions in his expression.

Affected by the power of the limp, has it almost fallen into a state of torture?

Vic is not a professional doctor, so he doesn't know the specific situation, but seeing Luid's increasingly violent expression, he still decided to be more careful in the future, so as to avoid the situation where his teammates attack him madly and have no time to dodge.

"I should be strong, and I should be above these fragile monsters."

"No, no, it shouldn't be like this..."

In the murmuring voice, Luigi, whose broken arm was bandaged, lay weakly on the ground, and it seemed that it would take some time to fully recover.

In order to avoid the possibility of this twisted monster recovering, Baldwin smashed the limp man's corpse with the broken giant sword and cut it into several pieces before he was relieved.

And when Vic finished the emergency medical treatment for Luid and turned to bandaging Natia Vida, he saw that some strange emotions seemed to appear on the face of the female warrior.

"You should know that without Luigi, we wouldn't have been in such a mess just now."

Natia Vida said gloomyly, looking at Luide beside her with a cold expression.

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