
Laughing suddenly, like a baby's shrill laugh.

And the disorganized limbs had already fallen suddenly, smashing holes in the rocky ground, causing the cracks to spread to the surroundings.

As the cold light flickered, Weilong's long clothes drying knife swung out suddenly, taking away a large snowflake.

Bolin rolled violently on the ground, avoiding the high-speed flying gravel. A large rock beside him was hit by a tentacle amidst the roar, and it penetrated directly, blasting a Huge pothole.


The child is still calling happily.

And the tentacles of flesh and blood grew teeth one after another, and those mouths opened, panting, breathing, and kept opening.

Howled, and began to howl again.

Laughing, crying, begging, howling, screaming...

Boom! ! !

The voice has collapsed again.

And among the falling rubble, the centipede-like flesh and blood monster slammed into the large rock, and it was only a hair's breadth away from turning Leolin, who was in a hurry to avoid it, into a puddle of flesh.

【mom, Mom, Mom……】

The child's face is still smiling happily.

Those limbs stretched out towards the hunters, squirming, as if eager to hug.

Dense eyeballs and mouths grow on these limbs, each one is spying on them, each one is yearning for them.

Saliva dripped from the middle of those teeth, the human face on the tongue squirmed, and let out harsh and sharp howls, each sound seemed to be beating on the hearts of hunters, beating on their brains, to make their thinking At this moment, he fell into a complete breakdown.

"Stay sane and don't get caught up in those voices!"

Leolin's roar resounded in an instant, and the old hunter raised the rapier in his hand and threw it forward, piercing through the face of one of the babies.


A harsher cry replaced the baby's laughter in an instant.

Countless limbs twisted and squirmed at this moment, those faces became more real and distorted, and the huge centipede-like monster suddenly moved, but fell to the ground suddenly, rolling from the rock amidst the sound of howling. He fell down, and the blood was flying.

"Don't underestimate people, you bastard!"

In the gloomy voice, Bolin flicked the blade on the prosthetic arm of his right arm, his blood-filled eyeballs were full of cruelty.

"In the name of a hero, naturally you won't be afraid of mere evil things."

Gently wiping away the blood with the samurai long knife on his sleeve, Weiron stood up, his words full of pride.

And in front of the two of them were the two limbs of the centipede-like flesh and blood monster that were rapidly rotting and dissipating.Taking advantage of the moment when this thing attacked Leo Lin, the two hunters quickly seized the opportunity and shot at the critical moment, cutting off the two limbs used to support the body of this thing, causing it to fall from the rock in one fell swoop. Rolled down and fell to the bottom of this rocky desert.

It's a pity that the drop of this kind of hill is very small. Even if you want to use the hillside, you can only make this thing roll a distance of more than ten meters.For humans, falling down and rolling so far on a hard rock might be fatal, but it doesn't make much sense in front of this kind of monster.

But this is not a big problem, it's okay to come a few more times.

"Veron, have you seen where Fisby is?

son? "

Leolin, who took out a short dagger, asked.

"Didn't notice, but it's okay, she'll be fine!"

The high-spirited Veron only clenched his long knife and charged forward, obviously not paying attention to the number of teammates around him.

"She rushed towards that thing just now. It was too dark around here and I didn't notice it. It should be not far from here."

While talking, Bolin shot another crossbow arrow at the thing.

The moment the crossbow bolt with explosives hit the flesh and blood, it burst into brilliant flames. The impact caused the monster who wanted to stand up to fall down again, and the crying of the baby became harsher in an instant, trembling. The muffled sound even directly echoed in the senses of the hunters, making Bolin and Veron who were about to charge forward had to stop and stabilize their bodies with difficulty to avoid being taken away by this terrifying sound.

"damn it……"

Thinking is getting slower and slower.

"Those wailing...was it before their death... or after their death..."

A hallucination-like picture is being covered.

I saw trembling people.

Saw people melting.

I saw people crying in pain.

I saw people praying to be saved.

I saw people in despair.

People whose minds have collapsed and their bodies have collapsed, but still don't want to die, those cries and laughter melted together, those crazy and desperate people all melted together, everyone became indistinguishable from each other at this moment, Wriggling and struggling together...

【mom, Mom, Mom……】

The baby's cries and laughter echoed together.

Those limbs squirmed and stretched out, hands and feet, torso and internal organs, bones and nerves, everything was fused together, sticky and dense, trembling and struggling to continue to squirm together at this moment.

The terrifying thing in the darkness attacked suddenly, and attacked the two hunters who were in a mental shock for a moment.

Lei Olin shot quickly, and a distorted human face was shattered in the explosion, but it did not affect the action of this abomination at all.

Twisted flesh and blood rushed out and attacked the two of them straight.


Before that, the harsh interlacing sound of chainsaws rang out first.

Fisby rushed out from the darkness, swung the huge chainsaw in his hand, blood-colored flowers splashed with the rapid movement of her petite figure, and passed through more than a dozen twisted joints in an instant. The tentacles forcibly separated it from the huge monster's body.


The sharp and ear-piercing cries sounded again, but it couldn't affect Feisby himself.

She just frowned, and swung the chainsaw again, severing more tentacles before the twisted thing turned around, and pierced the chainsaw directly through the torso of the thing, with a violent Running hard to cut a huge wound.


The bright red color fell like a rain curtain in an instant.

Chapter 60: Daughter of the Hunt

As a hunter, Fisby had never been considered strong.

The gender is female, the height is only 158cm, not even 1.6 meters, and the body is not stocky, but more slender like a noble lady.

For an ordinary family, giving birth to such a daughter may be considered a good thing.After all, this kind of soft appearance and delicate figure are quite pleasing, and maybe one day, some little nobleman will fancy her and marry her back as a concubine.

However, Feisby's family is a hunter family, a glorious family that has lasted for more than six generations and has produced three consecutive generations of heroes.

The grandfather once went deep into the corrupt field alone, rescued and brought back a four-person team caught in the siege of monsters, and avoided the destruction of the four families.The father fought against the silent monster with three partners when he was young, successfully hunted its fangs and returned to the town to win honor.And his elder brother bought time for the three hunter teams to evacuate when they encountered a herd of beasts, dealt with hundreds of filthy monsters alone, and only lost one hand and returned successfully.

People called her family the family of hunter heroes, and the girls who grew up in it also regarded it as their own glory and hoped to inherit it.

Especially after the grandfather, father and elder brother died in the wilderness one after another, leaving the whole family alone.

The dead are always easily forgotten, especially among the hunters whose passing has become the norm. Those hunters who have been saved by their own families laugh and mock her family that has become empty, mocking her This girl who gave up her reproductive responsibilities and tried to join the bloody and brutal hunting and fighting beyond her capacity.

That was already 8 years ago. At that time, she was only a girl in her early 20s, but she finally walked down and developed a unique ability.


Blood gushes out as the flesh and blood are torn apart.

Holding a huge chainsaw in his hand, Feisby passed under the huge monster in front of him, jumped up suddenly, and then even grabbed one of the waving tentacles of the thing, and leaped into the air with the help of the opponent's strength , followed by chopping down the chain saw in his hand heavily, using the falling potential energy to leave a huge wound on the twisted monster's body again.



The crying of the baby was extremely ear-piercing at this moment.

After 8 years of hard training and fighting, Feisby already has a very strong body and a vigorous skill.

But that alone is not enough.

There is a huge gap between the physical strength of men and women, enough to be called a gap.In addition, his stature is too small, and his lack of physical fitness is too great. Even if he tries to improve this shortcoming through some alchemy potions, it is impossible to catch up with those strong talents who are already outstanding.

But under such circumstances, after years of exploration, Feisby finally found a correct path.


Fesby, who fell to the ground, rolled on the spot, and the chainsaw drew a semicircle in midair following her posture, cutting off the rapidly attacking tentacles.

Take another step, take off, and turn your whole body in mid-air.

At this moment, Feisby was no longer waving the weapon, but was driven forward by the weight and potential energy of the weapon, turning into a storm that strangled flesh and blood with incomparably heavy power, and rushed forward all the way. In a few breaths, it rolled from one side of this centipede monster to the other, cutting off more than a dozen limbs in succession, causing the opponent to fall to the ground.

When the difference in body size was not too big, such as when facing monsters with a height of two to three meters, Feisby had to admit that it was difficult for him to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with these monsters.After all, under this level of body size gap, factors such as strength, speed, response, etc. will produce an intuitive comparison, so those who lack physical strength will definitely be at a disadvantage.

However, if this gap is further widened, the situation will change when facing a giant monster of five or six meters or even more than ten meters.

The huge disparity in size brought about an extreme difference in strength, and it was impossible for a hunter to withstand the attack of this monster. Therefore, there was no such a big difference between a hunter with a height of two meters and a hunter with a height of 1.6 meters.On the other hand, the difference in agility is no longer too obvious. On the contrary, under such circumstances, Feisby can better avoid the heavy attacks of those huge monsters by taking advantage of his petite body size.

This is the slight advantage that he can have.

Therefore, Feisby, who made every effort to strengthen this and developed a new tactic, has become what it is today.


The serrated blade sliced ​​through more flesh.

And the howling of those babies has gradually become weaker.


Exhaling lightly, feeling the compression and release of the lung cavity, Fesby once again raised the huge saw blade in his hand.

In the darkness, those twisted tentacles swept over in an instant, attacking her fiercely from a very tricky angle.The twisted monster was clearly on the verge of death, but it was precisely because it was already on the verge of death that the monster at this time would be even more frightening and crazy.

The wind whistled suddenly, and Feisby turned around violently, intertwined blood-colored flowers bloomed, and those attacking tentacles were completely severed.

Darkness was never something she feared.

For Fesby, who suffers from eye disease since birth and has difficulty adapting to high-brightness lighting, it is precisely such a dark world that is more friendly to her.

Therefore, in the dark, she was able to grasp the situation better, instead of being in a hurry like other hunters, unable to distinguish the surrounding situation and getting into danger.

"Is this guy so fierce?"

Bolin stared wide-eyed not far away, watching with his own eyes this small woman kill a huge monster in one go, this kind of impact was not so big for him.

"So, is another hero born?"

Weiron nodded in a serious manner, and by the way, cut the half of the fleshy arm that was still wriggling on the ground next to him thinner.

Lei Olin wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked up to ask the other party if he was okay, but saw that the other party waved his hand first to indicate that he was fine.

Blood dripped from the chainsaw, while Fisby himself was calmly staring at the dark front.

not enough.

That alone is not enough.

Recalling the time when he and other hunters faced the silent monster Horfus in Xingkong Town.He obviously made an effective attack, but was swept by an attack at a critical moment, broke his arm and had to withdraw from the battle. He failed to kill the monster with his own hands and won the honor that belonged to him.As soon as he thought of this matter, Feisby's eyes darkened.

The level of enemies just now is far from enough.

I have to hunt bigger monsters with my own hands, and hunt more terrifying monsters.

Only in this way can I regain the honor that my family deserves and realize my wish!

Chapter 61: Danger

The huge saw blade rotated and swung out again.

The sound of tearing was shaking, and the howling of the monster had subsided.

Among the falling blood, the huge monster finally fell down at this moment, losing its sound.


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