Tore the arms around the mother.

Tear up those softly ringing voices.

[I got No.3 in today's test! 】

[Well done, haha, for a reward, how about we go to the hotel at the head of the town for dinner? 】

The boy is laughing.

And the father is proud of the achievements of the children.

The arms stretched out gently, wanting to hold each other again.

And the hunter's blade swung down again, completely tearing apart the trembling flesh and blood.


The huge limb fell down again.

Among the oscillating and flying broken stones, the hunter stepped forward again, facing these turbulent stones, and rushed out with the huge dancing limbs without hesitation.

A small flying stone brushed past his side face, leaving a long and narrow wound, which soon dyed half of the hunter's face bright red.

And his steps have already stepped out again, facing those dancing limbs, rushing to a higher stone, the hunter jumped up at the next moment, stepped on a sweeping limb, and then took out the limb from his body Take the broken greatsword.

[Sister, sister, how about it, is this garland beautiful? 】

【Okay, okay, don't be too playful, it's meal time, let's go home first】

The head in the flesh and blood was still speaking softly.

Little hands walking together.

Carefree, seems to be able to live happily ever after.

Just make an agreement like this, no matter what, we must continue to be together.


The broken giant sword pierced through flesh and blood, and penetrated deeply into the twisted limbs.

The hunter's hand tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, and as the limb shook violently, his whole body flew uncontrollably in mid-air, but he was not thrown off because of the grip on the hilt tightly.

With a heavy foot on the flesh and blood, the hunter, who was almost floating in the air, pulled the hilt vigorously, driving the weapon itself to rotate with all his strength, and abruptly pulled out a slanted line on this huge limb. A long and narrow wound came.

click - click -

The entangled bones also shattered together.

The hunter stepped on the squirming flesh obliquely, holding the broken giant sword that was almost completely submerged in the body, and pulled it hard again.

The huge power drove the sharp and heavy weapon to penetrate deeper into the area. The hunter circled around this huge flesh and blood limb, and the broken giant sword that pierced into the flesh and blood also slashed across the limb. Circle, deep, thoroughly penetrated, a circle that connects voids to each other.

The flesh and blood connected to each other was completely separated at this moment.

As the hunter landed steadily on the ground, blood-colored showers also fell, and the limb was also broken, and fell heavily on the ground, quickly rotting and dissipating.

【Everyone... don't suffer any more...】

The huge monster now only had four limbs left, and it gradually became precarious, gradually unable to support its bloated body.

The flesh and blood squirmed and struggled, and the four huge limbs that were made up of human limbs and torso tried to move their positions, trying to continue to support the obviously too large, extremely deformed and twisted torso.

【I already... don't need to... continue to suffer...】

The voice of a gentle girl whispering.

It resounded among these dissolving, twisting, fused flesh and blood.

The twisted monster attacked again.

The huge limbs smashed the ground made of solid stones with ease, causing the broken stones to fly around in the roar.

The weapon in the hunter's hand has been replaced again, and replaced with an elegant walking stick.

Turning sideways, the hunter's footsteps slid suddenly on the ground, dodging the flying broken stones with incomparable speed.

The tip of the cane suddenly hit the ground, accompanied by the crisp sound of some mechanism being activated, the next moment the hunter flicked his wrist, and the cane turned into a long whip made of sharp thorns, directly engulfing the huge monster and waving it. a limb out of it.

The next moment, the hunter directly used the whip as a support, and the whole person flew up and jumped in midair.

[No need... no more pain...]

Between the squirming head and twisted bones, the hunter saw the girl's head.


The sound of the wind rang in his ears, another sharp thorn hit him.

The pistol was unhooked from his waist, raised, and aimed.

Before the limb hit him, the hunter pulled the trigger and directly exploded the girl's head.

[Ah ah ah——]

The shrill scream sounded violently in the next moment.

All heads at the same time

With an expression of pain and despair, this huge monster lost control of its body in an instant, fell down and fell to the ground.

Chapter 69: The Real Thing

Here... what happened...

How are you all...

Can't remember.

I can't remember many things.

The endless night.

Consciousness on the verge of madness.

Gradually melting flesh and blood.

Don't...don't stop crying...

There must be... there is still hope...

Curse falls on everyone.

And the hero who expected to come did not exist.

keep going... keep going...

keep going... keep going...

Then, what happened?

Can't remember.

There are many things that I can't remember anymore.

Only that madness is so deep, so clear.

as well as……

The only thing that cannot be forgotten...

[Uh ah ah ah——]

The shrill and screaming voice never stopped.

The hunter swung his long whip, and the sharp thorns that fell suddenly swept through the flesh and blood, tearing off a large piece of bright red color.

Incomparably vivid, such an intoxicating bright red colour.


What is already in this color...

How long have you been lost...

【There is no need to suffer any more】

The squirming flesh and blood are constantly changing at this moment.

The earth was trembling, and the cracks spread more and more.

The flesh and blood monster's body groaned, and at this moment, the dark dream showed more and more clear cracks.

"Is the owner of the dream about to wake up?"

Gazing at the town that was gradually losing color and collapsing in front of him, Alhazred muttered to himself.

It's a pity, obviously, I'm almost on the verge of finding that spokesperson.

As a result, the creator of the main body of the dream was attacked by the hunter first, was injured and woke up?

In this case, the creator of the dream might suffer a serious backlash.

But backlash does not mean death, especially for a strong person at the level of spokesperson. I am afraid that in the process of the dream gradually dissipating, that bastard has already spit blood and escaped. He is really a lucky guy.

However, this may be considered a good thing, after all, even if he finds the trace of the spokesperson, he may not be able to beat him alone.Even if the hunter went there himself, it would not be easy to deal with a seriously injured spokesperson.

After all, those lunatics are directly connected with [Gods].


The vibrating voice gradually spread.


The illusory things began to collapse one after another.

Open your eyes and wake up.

The hunter stood up from the burning bonfire, looked at Disma and the others who had just woken up beside him, and rushed into the darkness ahead without hesitation.

More hunters woke up from the dream, and many of them suddenly let out a cry of pain. All the injuries they suffered in the dream were reflected back into their real bodies at this moment, and the bullets they used All the things that I have, have all become consumed.

Obviously, that weird and real dream already has the ability to transform reality to a certain extent. This kind of unfathomable and powerful power is definitely not possessed by human beings. It is hard to imagine what kind of existence can use such power.

Leolin, who was originally being supported, struggled to get up, and looked around in a daze, but only saw Veron who had been reduced to pieces of meat on the ground, Feisby who had directly dissolved into blood foam, and the mutilated, breathing gradually. Boleyn stopped.

"no no……"

"Why... I survived alone again..."

The hunter, who seemed to be much older for a moment, collapsed at this moment, fell to his knees and cried.

And the hunter has already crossed a large piece of gravel and arrived at a very inconspicuous valley among the hills.

In front of his line of sight was a cave.

A cave that looks very inconspicuous and obviously not big.

It was exactly the same as in the dream just now, a cave in a desolate rocky desert.

That's it.

The source of dreams.

Master of those phantom memories.

This is the place.

Taking steps, the hunter walked forward step by step.

There are some fragments of clothes scattered on the ground, including the clothes of adults and children.

The shoes were left in a mess among the rubble, and there were some patterns that looked like crayons. They looked like children, and there were monsters with teeth and claws, but more, there were still some strange-looking pictures, just Something like slime.

The hunter continued to walk forward, walking deeper into the darkness.

Some have been severely corrupted and tattered, such as some temporary furniture found, such as sheets and quilts on the floor, such as some small chairs, or some packages and baskets that seemed to have contained something, and tattered farm tools and weapons.

The darkness continued to extend.

The flesh and blood monsters that appeared one after another in the dream,

None of those mud-like human figures, those centipede-like flesh and blood monsters, and the last behemoth appeared here, not a single one appeared here.

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