The chewing sound of eating is so terrible, so pleasant.

The spirit of a mortal cannot persist under the infection of filthy power, even if it has been reduced many times, it is very mildly infected by filthy power.

So, as long as you concentrate this spirit, can't you increase your strength and resist this madness?


【Everyone... don't do this again...】

Eat it, eat it all.

It doesn't matter whether you eat me or I eat you.

Whether it is mother and child, wife and husband, best friend, most important family member, or partner hand in hand.

Eat it all, eat it all, eat it all.

Only in this way, the living can continue to live.

【why why……】

The people who gathered were decreasing bit by bit.

Everyone's appearance is also changing bit by bit.

Limbs twisted and changed, with human faces and redundant body parts, deformed and twisted, and even completely lost their human form, completely alienated into monster-like things.

There are people who can't stand it and want to escape, but as long as they leave the Kamasa hills, leave this place that is still affected by the power of the goddess, and the filthy power is scarce, and enter the heavily polluted area, they will immediately suffer from violent attacks. Infected and twisted on the spot into monstrous monstrosities.

There is no way of escape.

No matter which direction you go, the result will be the same.

And staying here, the only choice is to devour each other and live like this.

Eat it, and eat it again.

Eat other people's dreams and memories.

Those who are loved by others, those who are loved by others, all the small fragments of happiness are eaten into one's stomach.

Eat it, and eat it again.

Eat more, more stuff.

Just to be able to survive.

Everyone is just trying to survive.

In this way, everyone twisted and mutated one after another, turning into the scariest and cruelest monsters, just like those evil things wandering in the wilderness.

No, it's not like, it's just like that.

Even if he survived the hardships, tried his best to survive, and persisted for such a long time, in the end, only a little later than others, he became those evil creatures full of tyranny, and became the same kind of horror monsters .

This is... our end...

There is no one to save us...the end can only be ushered in madness...the end...



The black blood on the blade flowed down bit by bit.

Even if the body was completely cut open, only this level of blood flowed out.

The hunter stood where he was, watching the twisted and deformed thing finally fall, its body gradually crumbling and falling apart.

He closed his eyes, feeling the memory transmitted from the monster.

Those lucky people who were rescued and sent to a safe place, these poor people who were trapped in it, unable to escape, and finally turned into monsters under the filthy power.

The filthy power in the Kamasa hills is so rare that the people who were infected at that time were actually sober, watching themselves become distorted and alienated bit by bit, watching everyone become Crazy and hateful demon.

At the end of this tragedy, it absorbed everyone's memory and spirit. The monster that survived in the end, carried everyone's incomplete memory alone, wandering in this hill forever, until it was destroyed by the filthy force. Supplementation is too low, causing the whole body to dry up, and even the strength as a monster is weakened.

However, this thing still became a huge threat to the hunters. The spirits of countless dead survivors merged together and turned into a deadly and terrifying invisible force.

This made it impossible for the hunters who broke into this place in the past to find this monster. Instead, they were polluted by its spiritual power and fell into madness, thus becoming the same kind among the prowlers.This mysterious monster itself has never left the cave, so that even if it kills many hunters, it will not come out to eat and replenish their flesh and blood. As a result, it further weakens itself, and thus As for the fragility of frontal combat power.

Maybe we should also add the backlash caused by the broken dream just now. After all, it seems that the strange dream was not activated by the monster's original intention, but was manipulated by some kind of external force, which brought more damage to the monster. .

It's a pity that the hunter has no way to track down the other party, so even if he knows that someone is behind the scenes, he can only be more careful in the next journey.

However, at least now, it's time for things here to come to an end.

The hunter looked at the monster that fell to the ground, its body was collapsing, but it was still struggling.

Those distorted faces disappeared one by one, closed their eyes and closed their mouths, and fell into a complete sleep without waking up.

But among these faces, there seems to be a small cheek, a cheek that seems to belong to a young girl, with her eyes still open, still looking at something, trying to control this body, trying to move towards Seeing something approaching the past.

The hunter looked in the direction the other party was climbing, and found that it was where the baby carriage was.


Taking a step forward, the hunter passed the monster that could no longer get up, and slowly approached the baby carriage.

The car itself looks dirty, and there are various signs of damage, it seems that it has been here for a long time.

For some reason, the hunter who always felt that this scene was somewhat familiar walked up to the car,

Looking inside, I saw a small swaddle, which was placed inside.


He stretched out his hand and hugged the dusty but blood-stained swaddle in his arms.

The hunter opened the swaddle and saw that there were only a few fragments of bones left inside, because too much time had passed, and even these bones had hardly left any traces.

However, even in this swaddling baby, there is still no trace of blood or filth.


【I will be by your side... I will be by your side...】

A soft singing voice seemed to sound beside her.

The hunter turned his head, only to see that the monster completely lost its sound, dissipated, turned into dust and scattered in the darkness.

Those wandering people finally rested at this moment.


prey slaughtered

Chapter 72: The road ahead remains

When the moonlight rose again, there were three more tombstones cut from stone blocks on the Kamasa hills.

Of course, no dead bodies were buried in it.

In order to prevent the filthy power from corroding the corpses, turning these former comrades-in-arms into enemies, and insulting their remains, the three hunters who have passed away have all dissipated in the flames, leaving only a little ashes, some of which are carried, looking forward to Perhaps it is possible to take them back, and the other part is buried on the spot, so that if no one goes back alive, at least these companions who have taken the first step can be buried.

The hunter stood in front of the flame, silently watching the burning light.

At this moment, a small hand stretched out from the side, and gently grabbed the hunter's finger.

He turned his head and saw Abigail with a worried expression on his face.

"Mr. Hunter, let's go over there for a walk."

As the girl spoke, she pointed to a small rolling hill not far away.


The hunter, who nodded slightly in response, left the front of the fire with Abigail who was holding his hand, and walked among the gravel under the bright moonlight.

The atmosphere seemed a little silent for a while, the hunter didn't say a word, and the little girl just walked quietly.

After walking a little far away from the fire, where no one was there, the two stopped.Abigail raised her head and stared at the full moon in the sky. After a moment of hesitation, she spoke in a low voice.

"Mr. Andre said before he set off that many people would die."

Abigail's eyes seemed to be stained with sadness.

"Humans are always at an absolute disadvantage when facing filthy monsters."

"The homeland is invaded and the body is infected. Even if you resist desperately, the damage you do your best will hardly produce results."

"Even if some monsters can be killed, if the source of pollution is not cut off, this land will quickly regenerate the dead monsters."

"Under such circumstances, if you want to go deep into this terrifying place and end it all, the result will only be unimaginable sacrifices."

"All of this is just the beginning, Mr. Andre, that's what he said."

At the end, Abigail sighed softly, with sadness in her voice.

Uncle Leorin, his condition is also very bad.

Go deep into the root of the dream, face the end of the nightmare, and face the terrible enemy that ordinary people are difficult to defeat, and even hunters will suffer some injuries.

They've actually done a good job, really, really good.You must know that there was not only [Howling Spirit] itself at the beginning, but dozens of flesh and blood monsters and several flesh and blood centipede monsters. These relatively small monsters are more flexible, and the danger of gathering together can be said to be quite large. .In the face of these enemies, the four hunters killed them abruptly, forcing the manipulator who created the dream to release the main body of [Howling Spirit].

What is certain is that the enemy's original plan should be to wait until the hunter enters, let the hunter directly face all the small flesh and blood monsters, those centipede monsters and the body of [Howling Spirit], and gather the strength of the group to kill the hunter.

In fact, even if he is as strong as a hunter, he must admit that if he is besieged by a large group of monsters, and there are elite monsters and bosses attached, it may be difficult for him to reap the benefits.Especially the large-scale and high-intensity destructive ability of the giant [Howling Spirit] in the dream, it is impossible for normal hunters to get close, which basically limits the possibility of teammates supporting the battle.

However, because of the deep adventure of Leo Lin's team, they were the first to rush into the trap before the hunters.The mastermind behind the scenes probably didn't pay much attention to this small team of four hunters at the beginning, so they just used normal strength to siege and kill them, but they were broken through layer by layer, directly consuming all the extracts in the dream. All kinds of monsters that can be used to fight in the memory of Howling Spirit, and in the end even the body of Howling Spirit was forced to fight, so that the three hunters could be dealt with.

And even so, [Howling] also lost several limbs during the battle against the hunter, so that the hunter was hacked shortly after the fight when he arrived, and he couldn't even control his balance. .

"So, their sacrifices are meaningful."

"Sweeping out small monsters

Threat, clear the field, and weaken large monsters early. "

"It brings a lot of convenience to the hunter's final battle, and finally provides the prerequisites for the dream to break, and provides powerful help for the hunter to completely kill the monster."

"So, Mr. Veron, Mr. Bolling and Miss Fishby, the sacrifices of the three of them are meaningful."

"Mr. Andre told me this, Mr. Hunter, should I...should I think this way?"

In the low voice, the little girl raised her head, her voice trembling slightly, her big blue eyes stared at the hunter, and her eye sockets were already slightly red.

Meaningful sacrifice?

The hunter fell into a deeper silence at the girl's words.

The meaning of sacrificing...

Does it make sense...

Even if the meaning is found, no matter how you describe the good results, if you sacrifice this fact, will it change?

The silent hunter closed his eyes, feeling extremely heavy at this moment.

However, no matter what kind of mood you have, what kind of thoughts you have, the next journey will continue.

They have traveled more than half of the corrupt field, and they are getting closer and closer to the cursed forest, the legendary place where the root of the earth's filth is buried deep.

Now that the Kamasa hills have died because of [Howling Spirit], at least for decades, they don’t have to worry about the pollution and misleading caused by the spread of its spiritual power. , go back to the place where you walked at the beginning.

In fact, when the night passed and the moon came up, as the hunters killed the monsters, the hunters discovered that they had just walked into the Kamasa Hills not far away, and they could even see them not far away. Large tracts of grassland.

However, the food that is consumed has actually been consumed.Just like the bullets and medicines that are consumed, the consumables used in the false illusion will also be transformed into the state after use in reality, which really makes many people gnash their teeth.

As for Lei Olin's right-wing back team, where he is the only one left, it has now been disbanded, and the right-center rotation team and the right-tail rotation team will share the responsibility for protection.

Leo Lin himself was injured by the filthy power and his mental state deteriorated. Even after treatment, his combat ability inevitably declined a lot, so that now he can only be temporarily assigned to the right-tail rotation of only three people. team, to continue to play the role he can barely play.

Moreover, although he can continue to fight to some extent, the surrounding teams are more or less reluctant to form a team with him.

The reason is very simple, if you live to the end in the battle, all the others are already dead.Such a fact, although it can be called a disaster, can be called an incomparable good luck.However, for other people, for those who are teammates with this guy who survived the catastrophe, this is a very unlucky thing.

You must know that this guy's teammates are basically a group of good players. Both Veron and Bolin are powerful hunters second only to Dismatadiv and others, but they all died in the battle. Only this 50-year-old The dead old guy survived.And the next battle will undoubtedly encounter more dangers, maybe it will happen again yesterday's situation, or even worse, and when it really comes, if this guy has another "catastrophe" Immortality", doesn't that mean that the team members like myself are about to become one of the "catastrophe must die" categories?

This made the remaining three members of the right-tail rotation team more or less dissatisfied with the addition of Leo Lin, but considering the harmony of the entire team, this small conflict was finally suppressed and did not turn into anything bad. .

After all, no matter how you say it, you still have to move on.

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