A certain vibrating sound suddenly sounded at this moment.

The blade in the hunter's hand swung violently, as if it had bounced off something.

Immediately following Reginald, he felt a gust of wind blowing across his face, and when he turned his head, he saw a house beside him that had been cut in half obliquely, and it had already collapsed with a roar It was in ruins.

How could it be this far?And even though he was fighting a hunter, he could still be distracted

Launch an attack on sounds that appear elsewhere?

Feeling more and more how outrageously powerful this enemy was, Reginald hurriedly ran away, and the hunters not far away felt a headache for these hunters who refused to escape properly and had to come back to help, but the matter had already In this way, he can only lead this thing to move with him, towards the open area that the hunter said, waiting for the hunter standing on the roof to attack.


The violently oscillating sound continued to spread, and the figure continued to attack, entangled with the hunter in the open space.


After another miss, the hunter suddenly reached out and grabbed the opponent's blade.

But before the hunter had time to do anything, the opponent's left hand slapped on the hilt of the sword. During the violent vibration, the hunter's fingers were cut with clear bloodstains, and the fingers holding the blade were also numb from the shock, and he had to loosen his grip. Come on.

However, this was originally the hunter's intention.

In this moment of action, because of being held by the blade, the thing instinctively stopped and stood where it was.

Although it was only a short pause of less than a second, such an opportunity was enough for David, who had been standing on the roof not far away to observe, to seize it.


Arrows suddenly flew out of the crossbow.

In an instant, he arrived behind the monster.

Almost without hesitation, the thing slashed on the arrow behind him with one blow, smashing the bottle together.

A large amount of fog immediately roared and exploded in the next moment, and a large amount of gray-black//airflow swept away, spreading a large area of ​​five or six meters around.

Before that, the hunter had already retreated a certain distance quickly, not allowing himself to be contaminated with this potion.He watched from a distance that the figure was completely submerged in the medicine mist, holding the weapon, cautiously guarding against the emergence of new situations.

The monsters in the corrupt field basically have a strong resistance to poison, so it is often difficult for poison to work on these things.However, the medicine prepared by Sierra is fundamentally different from various conventional biological toxins. It is a strange medicine that does not attack the body's defense mechanism, but stimulates the senses and cognition, and directly acts on the nervous system.And now this kind of medicine that was deliberately degraded by her, has no positive effect at all, and the negative effect has been greatly improved. Its effect is probably only those powerful monsters who can experience it.

In just five or six seconds, the medicine mist completely evaporated without leaving any trace.

But the figure that was so swift just now suddenly became sluggish in its movements. It seemed that it was very difficult for him to even stand still.

It's now--

The hunter's figure arrived at the side of this thing in the next moment.

The broken giant sword swung down violently, and was resisted by the opponent holding the sword, and then pressed down forcibly by the hunter's sudden pressure, directly half-kneeling on the ground.

The heavy blade slammed across, bounced off the resisting blade, and then cut the opponent's neck, forcefully twisted into the shriveled flesh, and even got stuck on the bone in one breath.

click - click -

In the crackling sound, the hunter yanked the broken giant sword in his hand.

Accompanied by a huge tearing force, the next moment he directly tore the head of this strange monster from its body.

And the sky, at this moment, fell into complete darkness.

Chapter 87: Blood and Fire

Is it over?

At this moment, at the moment when the hunter successfully chopped off the head of that thing, both Reginald and David had such thoughts.

The moonlight has completely sunk at the end of the earth, and darkness has descended on the whole world, only a few faint stars are still shining in the sky, and the surroundings have not completely fallen into a dim state where nothing can be seen.

Is it over?

Has that horrible thing been killed?

David relaxed and let out a breath, and soon felt something was wrong again.

"Hunter, why is he standing still?"

For several minutes, vaguely, two figures not far away could still be seen staying in place.

It feels a little weird.

David, who was thinking like this, saw Reginald walking towards him, and he himself followed to the edge of the roof, preparing to join his team members.

The steps taken took one step, two steps, three steps, and then stopped.

David turned his head and looked at the open space not far away again, the hunter who had stopped in place and the beheaded thing sitting on the ground.

They were still in their original positions, motionless, as if they were sculptures, maintaining a movement that did not change at all.

But, it shouldn't be right?

No matter what you do, at least the hunter should give some kind of response.

at least should...


The fourth step I wanted to take was not taken.

The soles of the feet stopped in place.

And the ankle and the sole of the foot are separated, and they walk forward.


The pain lingered for a moment before it reached David.

He opened his mouth wide and was about to howl almost immediately

He made a sound, but held it back abruptly, without making any sound.

He staggered, trying to use the other leg to support his body, but suddenly found that he had also lost consciousness to the foot of the other leg, and he could not feel the existence of his own leg at all.

"Uh... ah..."


David, whose two legs were cut off from the ankles, rolled directly from the three-story roof, smashed through the balcony on the second floor and fell in front of the gate on the first floor, and then fell from the stairs in front of the gate. Rolled down and rolled on the street.


The blood was stained red all the way, leaving behind a shocking color.

The unspeakable pain tormented the 50-year-old hunter, causing him to let out painful sounds uncontrollably.

"Old David!"

"Don't make a sound!!!!!!"

Reginald's shout had just started, but it was abruptly covered by David's furious roar.

"Don't make any noise!!!"

"That thing is alive!!! That thing is alive!!!"

"Don't make a sound!!!! Don't make a sound at all!!!!"

Trying his best to squeeze the last breath of air out of his lungs, the man roared at this moment, dragging his broken leg on the ground and struggling to move, leaning against the wall of the house, gasping for breath, his eyes widened. to the surrounding.

The damn thing is still alive.

Only in this way can he explain why his legs were cut off.

But the question is, hasn't the hunter already chopped off that thing's head?

Damn, are there any filthy monsters in this world that won't die even if their heads are severed?What the hell is this world, how can you give them all these human opponents this kind of stuff, can't they make their humans stronger?

"On the bright side, it seems like I can now put two pulleys on my legs for drag racing."

David sighed, reassuring himself.


There was a sound that sounded from above the head at this moment.

David raised his head and saw a half-collapsed building enlarged in front of him.

"This is……"

boom! ! !

The figure of the hunter suddenly appeared, and swung the huge sword to smash the house into pieces.

A blood-red voice flashed past the side of the house, and disappeared in an instant.And the hunter rushed out in the direction where the blood-red figure disappeared, and then lost his trace, and then, an unparalleled violent explosion spread.

Rumble - boom - boom

David, with his eyes wide open, just watched the surrounding buildings explode one after another.

Countless sword cutting traces spread from one side of the town to the other, and the terrifying power was completely released in an instant, and the ground even cracked deeply, being forcibly cut by the airflow from the sword blade into cracks. valley.

Smash, and smash.

The blood-red voice filled with dark power at this moment, a house was wrapped in it, and disappeared immediately, and then the building reappeared directly from the dark light, and directly smashed towards the hunter not far away. up.

This strange ability to devour and release seems to be the special power given to this thing by filth.

The hunter ran forward quickly, dodging the attack, watched the house hit a building behind him, completely scattered into a ball amidst the loud noise of the collapse, and then looked at the lost road in front of him. A figure with a black and red light all over his body at this moment.

It can be seen that from the section of that thing's neck, there is a deformed and twisted head, like a dead baby's head that has been soaked in water, growing out bit by bit.

This is the core of the filthy power formed in that thing's body.

It's hard to imagine that such a situation would really exist. Even though it was eroded by the power of filth, it still tried its best to seal the filth in a certain area of ​​its body, so that if the monster's self-consciousness was not erased, the filth would His own strength cannot be revealed at all, and there is no way to completely control this body.

Moreover, it seems that only when it reaches the night, the monster's own shackles on the filthy power will weaken. Perhaps, the reason why the hunters are brought to this town is because the filthy power of this monster is out of control, so as to use that The black mist pulled it in?

No matter what the possibility is, it doesn't affect what I have to do now.

The hunter held his cane and greeted the enemy in front of him.

The distance returned to zero within a breath, and the opponent's speed made the hunter's eyes widen. With a completely unexpected blow, the hunter flew into the air together with the two buildings behind him, and then fell back to the ground after being hit by the opponent. With a sharp explosion, the whole person fell into a large piece of rubble.

Speed ​​and power... increased again...

The cane stabbed towards the opponent, but was bounced away by a sword. "

The huge force almost caused the cane to fly out of the hunter's hand, while the long sword had already penetrated straight into the hunter's chest.

Without the slightest hesitation, he followed the hunter but moved closer to him, closing the distance between the two sides and pulling Ganon

The cannon directly touched the opponent's chest, and the trigger was pulled to fire the shells at zero distance, bursting into flames amidst the roar.


Burning flames fell on the ruins of the building, quickly igniting more places.

The flames formed a signal at this moment, making the monsters dormant in the darkness, hiding in the swampy grassland, start to look over one by one.

The hunter, who had already been resurrected for the seventh time, took a breath, enduring the damage to his body caused by the continuous resurrection, rested for a few seconds, then continued to meet the monster, and began to fight the opponent without hesitation.

"These voices...are they coming?"

Disma, who was guarding the lantern, heard the voices of the monsters approaching from the darkness.

"Fuck, the situation looks really bad."

Reginald, who was carrying David on his back, also heard the approaching voices outside, cursed and continued to move forward.

"What happened, those voices..."

Sierra, who was hiding in a room on the edge of the town, also heard the voice. The woman who had just bandaged Bartley's wound and treated her own wound showed a worried expression, and closed her eyes. Silently praying.


The fight between the hunter and the unknown swordsman is still not over at this moment.

The flames swept through the darkness, and the airflow stirred up by the thing's sword rolled and bombarded towards the hunter.

The hunter slammed sideways to avoid the attack, allowing more buildings behind him to be ignited and burned, and once again met the enemy in front of him with the cold long sword in his hand.

The blades staggered, collided, and collided again.

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