

Slightly... the darkness that has faded a little...

Consciousness regained a little clarity.

His head was still in severe pain.

In fact, there is no place in the whole body that is not painful.

The little girl opened her eyes, moved her body a little, and then felt a piercing pain.

What happened then?


Abigail struggled, got up from the ground with difficulty, rubbed her bleeding head, breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked around her.

I remembered.

That's right.

At that time, after everyone entered the Cursed Forest, after the door was slowly closed.

All the trees, all the land, come alive.

The violently rioting trees protruded countless roots from the ground, and the ground in the entire Cursed Forest began to crack and move rapidly. In just a few seconds, the team of 61 hunters was dismantled and separated. .

Then came a large number of filthy monsters, many strange monsters that Abigail had never seen before, and could not even be found in the data, rushed out, attacking the hunters from all directions, forcing the whole team to stand on their own. Fighting and retreating, they quickly lost all news of each other.

At that time, she was separated from Mr. Hunter. At that time, Abigail wanted to grab the hunter's hand, while the hunter had to defend against the four filthy monsters that suddenly appeared from behind, followed by a twisted The branch hit Abigail directly, sending her flying out. When she landed, she hit her head, and she fell into a coma.

Waking up at this moment, I don't know how long it has passed.

How is Mr. Hunter?

Are others safe?

"Wow...it hurts..."

Gritting her teeth, the little girl got up from the ground and looked around again.


At a glance, they are all trees.

Densely dense, giant trees that obscure the view and the sky.

Any one of them has a giant tree with a diameter of three or four meters. It grows an extremely tall tree. When you look up, you can't see the top of the tree. It is impossible to imagine how high it is. It is a towering tree in the true sense.

The ground is covered with a layer of grass that is not too thick. Occasionally, some mushrooms can be seen, some colorful mushrooms that are very poisonous at first sight.

The number of shrubs is not too many, and they are distributed in the gaps in the woodland.

But what's more, are those layers upon layers of densely packed roots emerging from the soil.Many of the roots of these giant trees are directly exposed on the ground, huge and winding, like countless huge blood vessels crawling on the ground.

These tree roots make the terrain in the entire forest quite rough, and it will never be easy to walk through it, especially when many roots protruding from the ground are three or four meters high.Coupled with the weak light, the entire interior of the forest can be described as almost dark. Once you accidentally fall while crossing these roots, the feeling of rolling down all the way may be quite uncomfortable.

Where are the others?

He rubbed the part of his body that still felt a little painful, and it was obviously injured by the impact.

Abigail walked in the forest step by step, carefully exploring the surroundings.

At the same time, in another place in the forest, the hunter's expression was extremely gloomy, and his fingers gripping the saw knife were already turning white.

He has thought about many possibilities, and thought about many possible situations that may be encountered.

After all, it is an extremely dangerous and terrifying place according to the rumors, and it is only natural to encounter various dangers.

However, when he just entered it, before he even had time to figure out the specific situation around him, he encountered a devastating and violent attack.Such a situation was so unexpected that even the hunter couldn't react at all.

The team of 61 hunters was completely dispersed at this moment and separated into this vast woodland.

Only Disma and Tardif were left beside the hunter, and a trembling Alone Woodlonona from the third logistics team who was just found in the woodland, a very young man, because

A young man chosen for his proficiency in weight-carrying treks.As far as the hunter's fighting power is concerned, this man can only be regarded as an apprentice, a rookie who is not even familiar with the sword in his hand.

Entering such a dangerous place with this level of combat power is basically no different from courting death, but perhaps it is precisely because he knows that his combat power is not good, this man did not dare to explore the surroundings at all, and ended up waiting on the spot It didn't take long to wait for the hunter.

"Everyone is scattered...I always feel, always feel very dangerous..."

Until now, Woodlonona, whose face was still pale, swallowed a mouthful and said cautiously.

"Aren't you fucking talking nonsense?"

Then he was slapped mercilessly by Tardiff, who was too scared to say a word.

The hunter ignored the conversations of the team members beside him, and just looked around, watching the surrounding environment.


Very quiet.

It was completely different from the storm-like successive attacks just now, it was so quiet that even the chirping of insects and birds could not be heard, it was as quiet as being in a tomb.

This dark and strange forest made the hunter feel a heavy pressure at this moment.

And as long as he thought that in such a weird place, the little girl who was originally by his side had disappeared, the hunter's expression became even more gloomy.

Abbie must be found quickly.

It feels very wrong here, and you must not stay here for long.

Thinking like this, the hunter started to take action, but then suddenly stopped, looking somewhere in the woodland.

In the darkness, a pale human face slowly emerged from behind the tree trunk, grinning slightly at the hunter, smiling silently.

Then, one after another, countless densely packed human faces emerged from one tree after another, and hundreds of thousands of people showed their figures.

That's a black spider.

A deformed spider with a human face hiding in the dark.

From those the size of a human head to those more than one meter in size, there are more than five or six hundred or more spider groups at a glance.

Chapter 97: Encounters and Actions

"Ugh... I don't know where to go at all..."

Climbing up the rugged and winding tree roots, carefully exploring the surrounding Abigail, he soon found that he couldn't find his way.

No matter where you look, there are layers of trees, and there is no difference at all.

There was hardly any sound around him, except for his own breathing and heartbeat, there seemed to be no moving or sounding place in the entire forest.

Maybe these trees have the property of blocking sound transmission?

Otherwise, there was no reason why so many hunters had entered the forest, and she could not hear any sound at all.

No, maybe it's not just the sound, the light here is so dim, maybe it's because these strange trees have the ability to absorb light, so that even if some hunters try to light torches to attract other hunters, the light from the torches will still cause them to come over. Can't spread too far and cause failure.

Abigail considered various possibilities and continued to walk forward.

I woke up from waking up, and I have been walking for about 10 minutes.

But until now, she hadn't come across anything.

No matter whether it was a hunter or a monster, she encountered nothing, as if she was the only one left in the whole world.

The girl felt her heart beat a little faster, and she couldn't restrain her nervousness, especially in such a dangerous place, it was even more difficult to calm down, and she couldn't seriously think about countermeasures.

Don't panic, don't panic.

Abigail repeated to herself in her heart.

Panic cannot save lives. In such a situation, what I need most is to keep calm, carefully observe the surrounding situation, and then try to find a way to survive and join Mr. Hunter and the others.

So, the first thing you have to do is find a way to find other people.

Abigail is very self-aware that her fighting power is not strong.

Even if she can summon the Moonlight Sword to launch a shock wave, it can't change the fact that her physical fitness is actually quite poor.

I usually practice with some hunters occasionally, and it’s okay to play friendly matches when the opponent lets go. Once I really enter this dangerous zone equivalent to a battlefield and face those crazy and twisted filthy monsters, I probably won’t be able to. Only food is served.

Therefore, it is necessary to avoid fighting as much as possible. If possible, even try not to use the moonlight sword. After all, the starlight is extremely shining, and it is estimated that it will be discovered by monsters from a long distance. GG.

So in such a situation, how to find other hunters?

"Is it still a matter of direction in the end..."

The girl sighed in distress.

The goal of the hunters in the Cursed Forest is very clear, that is to find the only safe spot in the forest and find the abandoned town in the forest.Only when we get there can everyone be truly safe.

In order to ensure a smooth arrival, each hunter team is equipped with magic pointers, no matter who they are

No matter where you are in the cursed forest, the pointer will point to the direction of the abandoned town in the forest.

Therefore, even if the hunters are separated due to various accidents, everyone can still move in the same direction and finally converge.Although it is not easy to say how many people can converge in the end.

So here comes the problem, Abigail, she doesn't have the pointer in her hand, in her previous team, the pointer was held by Disma.

Or is it just luck?

The girl who sighed took a step forward and continued to move forward, but not long after, she stopped.

Is it the sound of footsteps?

It seems to be able to hear some very slight movements, but it is not sure whether it is the enemy or one of our own.

Abigail looked in the direction of the sound. It was a black bush distributed among a pile of twisted tree roots, and she couldn't tell what was going on.

Be careful and try to approach it.

Thinking like this, the girl slid down from the tree roots, crouched down among the grass and slowly approached.

But before she got close to a certain distance, when she walked around a tree trunk, a tall figure of more than 1.9 meters suddenly jumped out, and suddenly stretched out her hand to cover Abigail's mouth. Drag it to the bushes next to it.


The startled girl subconsciously wanted to call out, but she couldn't make a sound because her mouth was covered.

Trying to struggle is of course useless, the opponent's physical fitness is much stronger than hers, and the fists and kicks that are thrown out are like hitting a steel plate, and there is no way to produce any effect at all.

However, her struggling movements only lasted for a short time, and Abigail stopped after realizing something.

The opponent is a hunter.

The girl quickly confirmed this.

"Oh, you are the little girl next to the hunter, it's okay, I successfully found one."

"I'll let you go now, don't talk, try not to make any noise, a big guy is passing by us."

The hunter named Gilbard from the rotation team in the right center nodded at this moment, made a silent movement towards Abigail, and then let go of the hand covering her mouth .

The girl took a breath, looked around, and saw Brereton with a spiked shield on his back, Delaune, who was slightly fat, holding a musket, and the one-eyed man wearing a blindfold Here comes Paxid Cole, carrying a heavy two-handed hammer.

All four hunters were hiding in the bushes, and it was unknown how long they had been hiding.

Abigail was a little surprised that she didn't expect to encounter a fully formed team.The right middle rotation team is not particularly strong in terms of overall strength. One of Delaunay and Paxide Cole is said to have stress and gluttony, and the other is because of an eye injury that affects the combat effectiveness. As a result, this team can actually It can be said that it is quite incredible to remain intact in the chaos just now without being cut and scattered.

But having said that, they are all hiding here, what are they hiding?

Abigail, who was thinking like this, quickly got the answer.

The ground began to tremble.

hum- hum-

A heavy, unknown, sliding and crawling passing thing.

Abigail felt the tremor of the ground, felt the thing that was passing by them at this moment, maybe less than 100 meters away.

hum- hum-

There was a constant, trembling sound.

Is... a snake? !

Abigail looked out from between the bushes, trying to see what the other person looked like.

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