"Mr. Hunter?"

He uttered his voice again, but there was still no answer.

Abigail took off in pursuit, reaching out to grab the hem of the hunter's coat, as she always did, holding on to the hunter's coat and walking with him.


There is no feeling of grasping the real thing.

Abigail's little hand went right through the hunter.

"This is……"

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

The music box carried by the hunter continued to ring.

The quiet and distant ringtone seems to make the listener fall into a sweet sleep.

"Is it... a dream..."

The little girl seemed to realize something at this moment.

The silent hunter continued to move forward, without saying a word, and kept moving forward in silence.

The barrel of the gun in his hand was still emitting smoke and dust, and the meat saw slowly dripped blood, tick-tock-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-on-the-paved-stone-paved-road.

The hunter had just finished a hunt, and it seemed that it was not an easy hunt, which caused the hunter to be slightly injured.

"That brooch is..."

Abigail, who followed the hunter's footsteps, saw what the hunter was holding in his hand.

A small ruby ​​brooch, obviously a lovely accessory for young girls.However, at this moment, the brooch was stained with a dark red color, and the dirty blood covered the jewelry, covering up the original bright color, as if expressing a sense of sadness.

hunter stopped


The hunter stopped before a lighted window.


No words, no sound.

The hunter just stood silently in front of the window.

Why, do you want to stay here?

Abigail, who was standing beside the hunter, raised her head and looked at the hunter in confusion.The other party was too tall, even if she tried to raise her head, the little girl couldn't see the emotion in the eyes of the masked hunter.However, it seems to be able to feel the heaviness, and feel a little trembling.

Mr. Hunter, are you hesitating?

Abigail lowered her head and looked at the ribbon still dripping blood in the hunter's hand.

Tuk Tuk-

Then, the hunter suddenly raised his hand and tapped lightly on the window.

"Please, is this Mister Hunter?"

"Mr. Hunter, have you found your parents?"

Timid, yet eagerly expectant, the little girl's voice.

The figure that emerged from the window was so petite that one had to stand on tiptoe to reach the window sill.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

The crisp bells of the melodious music box are still ringing slowly.

Then, the hunter stretched out his hand, and handed out the red brooch from the open window.

The sky seemed to darken at this moment.

Silently, the sun slowly sank into the distance of sight, darkness gradually covered the whole world, and behind the shimmering window sill was the cry of a girl suddenly.

"Why...why is this..."

"Dad...Mom...I don't want...no..."

Did something wrong?

Why did it evolve into such a result?

Tuk Tuk-

The silent hunter stretched out his hand and knocked on the window again.

There was no response, only muffled cries.

Tuk Tuk-

The hunter, who seemed to be getting anxious, knocked on the window again, but still got no answer.

The girl's crying has quietened down, has it calmed down?Are you asleep?

The hunter, who couldn't get an answer, sat under the window and pulled his hat down a little to hide his expression.

What should I do myself?

On the street, those monsters were still roaring.

There are many monsters roaming around this house, they are dangerous, maybe they will hurt this poor child who lost his family?

The hunter who stood up, clenched the weapon in his hand and walked towards those wandering monsters with hairy bodies like werewolves.

Chop, bombard, tear, kill.

As always, hunters are best at what they are most skilled at.

Abigail quietly followed the hunter, watching him go around the house, killing one monster after another, making sure each one stopped breathing.She knew the hunter's purpose for doing this. The hunter, who was not good at expressing emotions, was worried about the safety of the child in that house. He didn't know how to comfort the other party, so he had to rely on his own actions to create a safe area for the other party.

In this way, even if the other party loses his mind and runs out of the house for a while, he will definitely not...

Tuk Tuk-

No response to taps.

The lights in the house had dimmed.


The silent hunter raised his head, looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on the distance.

Crash - clatter -

Climb down the long ladder and step into the sewer overflowing with foul-smelling sewage.The narrow road can only accommodate five or six people in parallel.

Although she didn't want to step into it because she loves cleanliness, Abigail plucked up her courage when she saw the hunter receding in front of her. She held her nose and walked into the sewer, and trotted a few steps to catch up with the hunter in front of her. .

At this moment, maybe I am dreaming?

Could all that he saw before him be the past that the hunter had forgotten?

In any case, the girl at this moment hopes that she can see the last moment.

【Hum hum--】

Heard the snoring of a pig, sounded from the front of the sewer.

The huge fat pig, which almost occupied the entire sewer, exuded an extremely disgusting stench. It paced slowly in the sewage. The blood stained on the corner of its mouth had not completely dried up. debris among them.

And a red ribbon stained with blood.

"This is……"

seems to understand something.

The little girl's eyes widened a little, thinking of something at this moment.


But the next moment, Abigail's thoughts were completely interrupted.

The hunter who took a step forward suddenly, his heavy steps made the sewage under his feet explode and scatter around.


Heavy, breathing like a raging beast.


For the first time, Abigail heard the hunter make such a sound.

The gleaming sawtooth of the meat saw reflected the almost crazy face of the hunter at the moment, the bloodshot eyes in his wide-eyed eyes were almost bursting, and the pupils seemed to have no room for anything other than pure destruction and destruction. anything.

Facing the huge monster in front of him, the hunter raised the blade in his hand at this moment.

Chapter 41: 【Flesh and Flesh Pig】


Take a step forward, and the dirty water will separate, making a clear sound.

Those hunters had already retreated, and they had no way to continue fighting under the condition of being seriously injured.They were all seasoned fighters, so they naturally knew that they couldn't be the ones holding back. The four said goodbye to the hunter decisively, and dragged their disabled bodies towards the exit of the sewer, while the hunter walked to the depths of the sewer alone.


The filthy stench is becoming more and more intense.

Why are you so familiar with this stench?Why are you so familiar with this place?

As if you have been to a similar place, as if you have experienced similar things, as if you have clarified everything in front of you, as if you already know what you will encounter next.


In the splashing water, the hunter who was wading through the sewage suddenly stopped in thought.

The vague memory is still very unclear.

The lost past still has no way to reverberate.

However, it still seems—


A heavy, panting sound in the stale air.

It was as if I saw the reappearance of that scene with my own eyes, saw what happened at that moment, and saw the preview of that moment.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, holding a meat saw and a pistol, I slowly moved forward in the narrow sewer until I saw that thing, and saw that thing's mouth...

What did I see...

what is that thing...

What is that thing stuck in the tooth...

Why can't I remember...

What did I forget...


Gently, relieve the heavy breathing.

The hunter gripped the meat saw tightly, and looked deeper into the darkness.

There it is.

The goal you are looking for is there.

The invisible echoes of those slain pigmen were stirring in his body.

Their mother, the thing that gave birth to these twisted filth is in the deepest part of the sewers.


Taking another step, the hunter passed through the narrow sewer pipe in front of him.

The faint light was projected from above, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed from narrow to spacious.

It seems to be a large pool here, where sewage and garbage gather in all directions, and then further diverge and spread towards the external sewer layer by layer.

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