The hunter continued to move forward like this.

Gradually, the road began to become broken and sloped.

Many bottomless dark pits appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and it was completely impossible to see what existed below, as if there was only complete darkness.

Those trees collapsed and shattered, and some of the shattered trees looked like shattered mirrors, showing a grotesque broken appearance, flashing black or white flashes, refracting the whole world even more chaotic .

In the inclined broken world, the hunter jumped forward and landed on a larger broken ground.

He walked further forward, stepped over two or three pieces of ground and trees floating in mid-air, and continued to move forward.

At this time, the hunter noticed that no matter whether it was trees, ground or other things in this place, it seemed that there was only a shell on the surface. They only simulated the appearance of some things that had existed before, but they could not truly Recreate it so that once the surface breaks apart, it's immediately apparent that there's nothing inside.

It's just an empty shell with no thickness.


Stepped over the floating debris again, and moved in a further direction.

Coming here, the forest itself basically no longer exists, leaving only endless darkness and floating debris of all sizes.

At this moment, the scene in front of the hunter's eyes has completely turned into a surreal existence. In the endless dark void, there are only pieces of large or small forest fragments floating.The light has completely disappeared at this moment, only these fragments that have lost their color and left their shapes continue to remain, in a fragmented form.

they float

, floating in the shape of fragments, but emitting a faint light, although it lost its color, it still had a faint light.

The hunter looked into the distance in these twilights, and saw something that seemed different.

Is that...a building?

In the darkness, at the far end of the countless fragments, loomed a different place.

It seems to be a building, a building that is far away, and it is not clear what it looks like.

The location of that place was extremely far away in the darkness, so far away that the hunter couldn't clearly see the specific situation there at the current location.

However, the light emitted there is larger than the fragments in the darkness, so hunters can be aware of what is there even from a long distance.

Something that exists at the end of the darkness.


It seemed that he heard an illusory voice.

From the end of the darkness, from the place where the building that radiates light came, an ethereal voice.

In that place, is there something calling me?

The hunter took a step forward and started to move forward again.

【Hunting ■… ■■…】

Gradually, the voice seemed to become clearer.

As the hunters kept running and jumping on those shattered and empty forest fragments, the sound gradually became clearer and closer.

The light seemed to have a strange sense of warmth, as if it wanted to purify the body.

And the hunter, who was advancing gradually during this process, noticed at the same time that the dark sky around him was gradually fading as he approached the farthest light, gradually turning into a grayish white color, and gradually seemed to be turning into a sky under the sun. The blue sky turned into a color that the hunter never saw after coming to this world.

【Hunter... come here...】

And the calling voice has become fully understandable at this moment, and it is a language that hunters can understand.

This voice... is a female voice?

Amidst the doubts, the hunter landed on the ground. In the light, he just landed on the last fragment, in the area where the end of the dream world is located.

here is……

Chapter 180 Two: [[Final Nightmare · Foul Heart]]

It looks like a church?

The hunter stepped on the gray-white grass and walked slowly forward.

Here is the end of the shattered world, the last remaining fragment of the infinite darkness.

The color seems to be slightly restored here. The black and white world and the world with color are intertwined with each other, so the hunter can see that the grass on the ground can show green intermittently, interlaced among the black and gray colors with.

A few broken trees are dotted around the grassland, sparsely distributed, not as dense as the previous forest.

And in front of the grass, after a distance of about 200 meters, you can see a dilapidated building similar to a church, which is already dilapidated.It can be said that most of the building itself has been torn apart, and large pieces of debris even floated in midair, allowing one to directly see the empty area in the church.

And in that empty area, with its back facing an illusory figure sitting on the ground.

Is it there?

The last remnants of the goddess.

The hunter took a step forward and walked slowly forward.

A white messenger appeared on the surrounding ground, and seemed to be looking at the surrounding situation with some curiosity.

Between the illusory light and dissipated colors, that figure sat on the ground like that, seemed to be raising his head, staring at the empty church hall ahead, sitting quietly as if waiting for someone to return.

The opponent's body is broken just like this world, barely maintaining the shape of a human being, but the whole body has basically completely lost its recognizable features. May be judged.Moreover, many cracks can be seen on the opponent's body, and many small gray-black fragments are floating around the body. It seems that even the body itself is difficult to maintain its own existence.

Taking another step forward, a meat saw and a pistol appeared in the hunter's hands.

Walk through the grass where the light and shadow pass.

Step on the cracked stone bricks.

In this way, step by step, he approached the body sitting on the ground.

The lights and shadows all around flickered, golden and gray, intertwined and indistinguishable, like a dreamlike nothingness.

Under such light, the hunter walked behind that figure, and the distance between them stopped at about ten meters.


After thinking for a while, the hunter called out to him.


Didn't get any response.

The figure just sat there motionless.


After thinking about it again, considering the politeness that Abigail often said, the hunter tried to shout at the figure in front of him again.


However, there was still no response.

The other party seems to have completely lost all voice, lost all ability to interact, just

Just sitting there blankly, just like this, falling into the situation of slowly self-dissipating, unable to have any reaction to the outside world.

No, no, that's not the case.

The hunter frowned, vaguely understanding at this moment.

Want to get the response from the other party, what is missing.

It's like... the burning monster in the incomplete memory, it has to carry a certain skull in order to wake up the other party.

The illusory and remnant form in front of him is also the same.

You must take out the medium that can wake up the other party, so that the other party will react and be activated.

And what that medium is, the hunter has vaguely understood.


The meat saw in his hand disappeared at this moment.

Instead, there was a shimmering giant sword engraved with gorgeous patterns.

In this way, the huge blade directly appeared in the hunter's hand, and he held it tightly.

At this moment, the light spread rapidly and began to spread towards the surroundings, dyeing the entire fragmented world with a little light, and gradually reappeared the color of those gray and white things that had lost their color, and the light that enveloped everything The darkness is also slowly showing a fading appearance.

Something has changed.

The hunter realized this immediately.

After taking out this giant sword, something changed accordingly.

The hunter stared at the spreading light, and then turned his gaze forward, to the illusory black shadow in the broken church.


A sigh was heard.

It seemed to be the voice of a young woman, but it was mixed with a hoarse and distorted accent.

The black, broken body full of cracks slowly stood up at this moment, and slowly turned to face the hunter.

The hunter seemed to have seen the appearance of the goddess, and saw the earth goddess Winiad with a brilliant golden hair, watching him silently.

But at the next moment, after lightly blinking, what he saw in his eyes was still that tattered black figure, that barely had a human shape, and his whole body was only a pure black and gray color, even his face was invisible. A figure that no longer exists.


Confused, as if whispering voice.


With the surging darkness, the voice gradually became eerie.

boom -

The hunter saw the surrounding, the darkness beyond these fragments.

Trembling, the darkness gathered towards the dark figure in this fragmented world.


The tremors of the earth are becoming more and more violent.

More and more cracks began to extend on the ground.

The hunter had no way to stand firm on such land. After shaking for a few times, everything suddenly shattered, and he fell straight into the darkness below. After falling about 200 meters, he finally landed on a solid on the ground.

It's pitch black, as if nothing can be seen, but it can still be stepped on.

Just by feeling the black things under your feet a little, you can clearly feel the indescribably filthy and evil aura.

That's right.

I can understand it.

Slowly, the hunter stood up in the darkness.

He raised his head and looked upwards, towards the fragmented island that was becoming more and more broken.

He saw the black figure slowly falling down, falling into the darkness just like himself, and then disappeared without a trace.

Then, the dark things gathered more and more violently, and the dark red eyes opened in it. From the black body that slowly emerged, standing up in front of the hunter, a cruel and bloodthirsty look emerged. to the hunter ahead.

I can understand it.

The real core of this filth.

Located in this illusory world like a dream, is the filthy heart that really determines the survival and operation of filthy forces.

Right at this moment, right here, right in front of me, it just showed up like this.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……】

Like a howling sound, it spread from this chaotic dark thing.

The black things are connected with it, so tightly that they cannot be distinguished from each other.

As long as it remains, filth can never be completely eradicated.

As long as its existence is eliminated, filth will lose its foundation of existence and be completely annihilated.

at this moment.

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