Noses on the tiles watching them do it all, do it all and then fail.


【Try harder? 】

All are broken.

There is no way to fix the look.

All of them are broken together and mixed together like this.

I am so broken.

It's broken, and it's also broken from the deepest part.

[The hunter raised his head and looked at the eyes in front of him]

【He saw more things, more broken things】

[Those fragments that have lost even the basic logic, lost in the filth]

[Can you still piece together fragments from it? 】

[Can you still find the parts you need from it? 】

[In these fragments that have been lost, in these things that have been broken]

【The darkness is still surging】


【The sound resounded like a human heartbeat】

[As if they are still alive, the beating sound as if everyone is still alive]

[Darkness surges towards the hunter again]

[He raised the glowing sword again, and swung it down towards those things]

Is that thing called a sword?

【Cut open those seemingly endless things again】

That glowing thing.

【Closing the distance with those eyes again】

Broken eyes.

Broken body.

broken ego.

Everything came to a broken end here.

【he knows】

【He can see】

【He can feel it】

【The hunter can clearly feel everything at this moment】

It's like I can feel you clearly.


Still in the broken things.

That street wasn't supposed to look like this.

Stones and ground meat should never be mixed together.

They haven't celebrated in a long time.

The homeland has crumbled away long, long ago.

Everything has already ushered in the final failure, and has been completely broken.

Everyone has forgotten who they used to be.

Everyone no longer remembers what they should.


It just broke apart.

Lost in the endless darkness.

Broken to the last nothing left.

There should be a young couple in the storefront on the other side. Before their flesh grows together, the spliced ​​arms will pick off the flowers. There are no human faces and eyeballs on the flowers, and there are no broken blood vessels flowing out of maggots.

Those feet don't stick from the ceiling, hang from it, grow with the stone bricks.

The canvas should not be painted with human skin, and the paint does not include black blood.

【Try harder? 】

And I still remember this sentence.

I haven't forgotten that sentence yet.

In my shattered memory, there is still such a sentence that has not been forgotten.

[The hunter approaches again]

【Breakthrough from those darkness, approaching those crimson eyes】

【He can feel that he is being watched, he can feel this feeling of being watched, like something in his thoughts and emotions, exposed bit by bit, connected bit by bit go up]

[It's like he can watch, feel the broken and disordered things, feel the broken memories and emotions that are left in the darkness, those that have completely lost their original appearance, those that have been completely distorted, Things that have lost their original appearance]

【So he began to further let go of his thinking】

【He began to recall, and began to try his best to recall those things】

[Those remnants of the images he had seen before, from Grendel and Kesia who stood by each other, to the filthy swordsman wandering alone in the swamp, to Glenn who guarded the gate, to Huo who had struggled to organize the retreat Foss, and those who can't leave their names, those who can't leave their memories】

【He tried to share these memories, to share these remaining fragments】

[And the darkness is still sweeping, trying to catch the hunter with those twisted limbs, trying to catch the hunter who is already scarred at this moment]

[Waves the huge blade in his hand]

【That gigantic, shimmering sword blade that belonged to the knight】

[The darkness was cut open again, and shattered once again]

[In the shattered darkness, the hunter limped forward, approached those eyes, and approached step by step with the sword in his hand]

It was a knight's blade.

A knight's blade that I seem to remember.

Those patterns have nothing to do with this failed world.

It has nothing to do with these failed bones, with these broken things.

That's what's in the house at the end of the street.


something blurred.

I said to him:

"Try harder."

Then he will try to try harder, try harder and try again.

At that time, the warm sunlight that belonged to my father could still shine down from above.

You can still feel the temperature every day.

Corpses haven't filled the place yet.

Not broken yet.

It hasn't broken yet.

Some who have not been broken are still standing there.

[The hunter arrived in front of the figure, the huge figure in the darkness, projecting the huge figure staring at it with bright red eyes]

[The darkness has boiled to the extreme at this moment]

[And the blessed blade in the hunter's hand has already stabbed forward]


Broken from the deepest.

I'm still not completely broken.

Those filthy figures have distorted what the street once looked like.

Every familiar face is gone.

This place is no longer what it used to be, and it is impossible to go back to the past.


Only ruins remain.

Lost all previous attitude.

But there are still things that have not been completely forgotten.

"I'll try again."

That was after their moment of saying goodbye to themselves.

After staying alone, he stood in front of me like this.

"I'll try again."

"After I come back, after I come back to you again."

"Whatever your answer is to me."

"I will definitely come back to you."

"Then, I'll try and be bolder."

After the words are over, it is time to part.

On the grass where the sun still shines.

In the streets, in the towns, in gardens and temples.

In that unbroken place.

That's what's left, what hasn't been forgotten.

[The sword blade in the hunter's hand pierced the scarlet light]

【The light is broken bit by bit】

【The light fades little by little】

【Lost its original appearance just like that】



I'm already broken.

I can't go back to the way I was before.

I have completely lost myself and the attitude I once had.

But even so, there are still a few things that can remain.

There are still some things that remain, not quite broken.

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