Snow may be nothing among great gods, but he is also a true god, a god with a divine body, the god of natural disasters and plagues.Even if he is a waste in the eyes of a real master, there is no guarantee that he can kill Snow in an instant!The one with no gray left...

"It's just evil, An Dare speaks wild words." The figure said disdainfully.Afterwards, he withdrew his gun posture, and turned to look at Karl, who was a little dazed beside him.

Carl's brain was really froze at this time, he never expected that the other party would kill Snow at the slightest disagreement!

Although Snow is useless, he is one of his most loyal subordinates. The other party didn't give him any face, and killed him in front of his face!This is not killing Snow, this is hitting him in the face of Karthus!

"You killed my most loyal subordinate." Carl frowned, tightly clenched his hands under the scholar's robe, and said to the figure as if his eyes were breathing fire.

If it weren't for the fact that he was absolutely sane at this time, Karl would have already done it.Kill this man to avenge Snow...

"You are Carl?" The figure did not reply directly, but continued to ask.

"I am!" Carl returned without thinking.

"It's fine. Hit!"


When Karl was approached by a fist, he still had some doubts in his heart, why did he say to do it right away?Also, why fight?

"Boom~" A fist the size of a sandbag hit Karl on the left side of the face, knocking him into the air...

The other Qianyan troops were not idle either, and just gave Karl a blast.

When they saw Karl, they discovered that Karl, the god of death, was just a spiritual body, or in other words, a soul body.But the Qianyan army has plenty of experience in dealing with evil spirits, soul and body!

"This person cannot be killed by ordinary methods. There is a power protecting his soul. If you want to kill him, unless you destroy the thing that protects him, why don't we join forces and use Xu..."

Before the man could finish speaking, a voice interrupted his words. "Ahem, Lord Dijun's task is to beat him up and teach him a lesson."

"Yes, am I not an occupational disease? When I see Xie Chong, I want to purify him." The figure touched his head in embarrassment and said.

For a long time, Karl was lying on the ground, looking at the Qianyan Army with a bruised nose and a swollen face. His expression was a little numb. No matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out why these people could hurt him!

Although it can't kill him, the pain is real!The fist that hit him really made Karl feel pain.You know he is a phantom!How unscientific it is that the phantom body was injured by fists... There is nothing like that in theology... If it wasn't for the big clock guarding him, he might have been beaten to death by these people!

How did Karl know that when the Qianyan army beat him, they enchanted their fists. This enchantment is only effective for the spirit body and soul body, and it can be attached to weapons.It's just that their purpose is not to kill him, so they only use fists and kicks.

But after fighting, some people in the Qianyan army found that something was wrong with Karl. Their enchantment could only hurt Karl, but could not stop him.This made everyone a little puzzled. After a wave of testing, they discovered that this Karl was guarded by a "treasure", or that the Karl in front of them was just a combination of part of the real Karl's soul and spirit.

"Karl, right? Don't pretend to be dead and get up quickly. If it wasn't for the emperor's mission to beat you up, I will definitely purify you later." The leader of the Qianyan Army said to Karl who was still lying on the ground .

Karl, who was lying on the ground, was still doubting his life, and he became even more angry after hearing this.Beat up?Is this something as simple as a beating?Can't these bastards not be slapped in the face?In the known universe, the most handsome face has fallen...

As a scholar, Karl really wants to know how these people can hurt the phantom with their fists!He really couldn't figure out this problem. You must know that the phantom has no substance, and it belongs to spiritual power, while the fist has substance.How can an entity harm something that has no entity or does not exist.This is so unscientific...

"Who the hell are you..." Now is not the time to think about these things, Karl who stood up said coldly.At this moment, I am in so much pain that I can't possibly give them a good face.

"We are the Liyue Qianyan Army. In addition to beating you up on this trip, we will also deliver oral instructions for the emperor."

"Liyue, Qianyan Army, Dijun, oral instruction?" Karl said in confusion.What kind of person spread the word that he should beat him up first, and then tell him?Where is Liyue, and what kind of force is the Qianyan Army?

Karl frowned, and said quickly, regardless of the pain in his body, "I will have no grudges in the past, and no grudges in the near future..."

Before Karl finished speaking, he was stopped by the leading Qianyan army.Then he said: "The emperor asked me to tell you that there are some places that you can't touch. If you stretch your hand too far, then I will chop it up for you. Here, this is the map."

After he finished speaking, he put a map in front of Karl. At this time, Karl's veins were bulging, and his nails were...incorporeal, he was very angry.

"Boyang, speak normally, don't make us look like villains." A Qianyan army who looked a little older said to the person who spoke.His voice is quite low, but who is not a god here?Naturally, I can hear clearly.

After hearing this, the leading Qianyan Army spread out his hands helplessly, and said, "Jiang Yue, am I not conveying the emperor's edict more vividly?"

Karl picked up the map with black lines all over his head. When he was looking at the map, the Thousand Rock Army had disappeared.

"Well, this is, this is the earth?" Karl looked at the map in his hand suspiciously, and muttered to himself.Just then, his communicator rang.

Seeing that it was Liang Bing calling, Karl connected through the communication without any hesitation.

"I'm Carl. Liang Bing, what's the matter?"

"Call me Lady Queen!"

Carl rubbed his temples to ease his headache-ridden brain.

"Okay, Your Lady Queen. What's the matter?"

"Are you still ashamed to say what's the matter? Tell me that the earth has no main god..." Liang Bing scolded unceremoniously. She was really cheated by Karl. After scolding for a long time, Liang Bing said uncharacteristically: "By the way, as a reward for helping me upgrade the fourth generation of gods, I will tell you something very important. The native gods on the earth have come to you..."

After Liang Bing's description, Karl finally understood why they fought when they came up...

Chapter 188 Carl Admits Cowardly

For a long while, Karl sat in a chair, recalling what happened before.Although Liang Bing's reminder was a bit late, to Karl it was like ice cream in midsummer and cotton-padded jacket in winter. The Goddess cared about him...

Karl had also been to the earth before. At that time, he observed the earth carefully and found no miracles.As a result, the sudden appearance of the rock king, the rock demon god... caught him off guard.The great god thousands of years ago was actually the native god of the earth, and he was just in a deep sleep before.

As soon as he woke up, he discovered that Styx Taotie had entered the Milky Way, and the advance team had even arrived in the Solar System.Isn't it justified to beat up their main god?He didn't kill him because the other party was kind...

"Old monsters from thousands of years ago. When they beat me, they mentioned the word void, but they were interrupted by another person. If I didn't perceive wrongly, that person should be talking about void. Hehe, void The engine has been developed a long time ago." Carl muttered to himself, tapping his fingers on the table, his eyes sharp.

Although his current void engine has been developed, it is only a semi-finished product.There is still one step away from the real finished product, and a key material is still missing.

"Can it hurt me as a phantom, is that substance the void?"

Karl thought a lot, and only when Snow stood in front of him again did he come to his senses.

"My God, what happened to me just now? I seem to have lost some memory." Snow asked with some doubts.Just now he and Karl were chatting about gluttony here, but when he opened his eyes, he was actually in the breeding tank, which made him very puzzled.

He couldn't understand what the cultivation tank was for. It was a place to cultivate "replicas" or "clones".If an important character dies unfortunately, as long as the data of his life is still preserved, then an identical one can be copied in the breeding tank.

This "duplicate body", whether it is mental thinking or memory, is no different from the original one.It's just that the one who died was really dead.

When Snow came out of the culture tank, he was in a daze. He was chatting with Carl. Could it be that he said something wrong and was revived after being clicked by Carl?

It's really no wonder that Snow thought so. The data he kept before only reached the part of chatting with Carl, and the subsequent part of the data was not preserved.The so-called companion is like a tiger, and it is quite normal for Karl to kill him because he said something wrong.

Carl seemed to see what Snow was thinking, waved his hand, and after sending some data to Snow, he stopped talking.

As time passed while asleep, Snow's face under the mask was extremely expressive.Moments of shock, moments of fear, moments of gratitude.

"Thank you, God, if it wasn't for you, I would have already..." After learning what happened, Snow quickly knelt down on one knee and said to Karl.

After reading the missing memory given to him by Karl, Snow realized that he was instantly killed by gods from other regions.That's right, it was a spike.If Karl hadn't "resurrected" him, Snow, the god of natural disasters and plagues, would have disappeared forever in the known universe.

In the memory given to him by Karl, there are not only the causes and consequences of his death, but also where the Qianyan Army came from and why they came.

After watching it, Snow also broke out in a cold sweat. Instead of destroying the gluttony that had already arrived in the Milky Way, they ran directly to their old lair and killed their main god...

Well, Snow doesn't have the memory of Carl being beaten.But seeing Carl's bruised nose and swollen face at this time, it is not difficult to imagine after his death.How badly Karl was beaten...

"Get up, I've also sent you the meaning of that person's existence. You send it to Chewy, so that he must never enter the territory of China!" Carl clenched his fists tightly and said aggrievedly.

The corner of Snow's mouth twitched, that such a terrifying existence actually guarded only a few million kilometers of land.It made him want to say something, but couldn't.How did such a small place give birth to so many great gods?

"My god, do you really want to let Taotie invade? This one is not good..." Before Snow could finish speaking, he saw Karl staring at him with burning eyes, and Snow quickly shut up, not daring to continue.

The two stalemate for about 10 minutes, and the trembling Snow broke out in a cold sweat. Because he was too shocked before, he actually refuted Carl's words, how could this not scare him.

"Do you think that's what I mean?" After a moment of stalemate, Carl said quietly.If he didn't understand the meaning of giving him a map, he would have lived tens of thousands of years in vain.The other party almost said directly, except here, you can do anything else.It's still the kind of thing you can't do if you don't go...

"Tell the dog to pay attention. If it crosses the boundary, I can't keep it." Seeing that Snow lowered his head and said nothing, Karl didn't blame him.What happened today was even more shocking than when he first learned about the void.

Snow quickly replied, "Yes, my God."

Karl has confessed, so what can he do if he is a god?I can still persuade Carl to fight back, but if he fights back, Carl will use him to lead the battle... Think about it, forget it, it's not easy to come back alive again.

"By the way, you still have to go to Earth yourself to release Thornton." Seeing that Snow was about to leave, Karl said hastily.Although Thornton was killed by an angel once, his genes were sealed.But to revive Thornton, it couldn't be easier for him.

Hearing Carl's words, Snow, who was about to walk outside, froze.He turned his head and looked at Karl suspiciously. If he hadn't been revived by Karl just now, Snow would have wondered if Karl wanted him to die.He doesn't want to go to such a dangerous place!

"Yes, my god!" Snow replied a little lonely, hoping that he would have better luck, and that the other party would not care about him.

After finishing speaking, Snow walked towards the teleportation circle, his back was unusually depressed, without the pride and arrogance of the past.The phoenix is ​​weak, the water is cold, the strong man is gone, and he will never return...

Karl looked at Snow's back and sighed helplessly.Then he buried his head and began to analyze the previous matter. As long as he can analyze the problem of the entity hurting the phantom, maybe he can go one step closer.What happened today, let him know that phantoms are not invulnerable, and it seems worthwhile to be beaten.

But this matter will not just be left alone, he will keep in mind today's insult, and when one day he feels that he has the foundation for revenge, this matter will be settled!Before that, swallowing your anger is the choice of a wise man...

Chapter 189 Hurry up, get the advance team back!

At the edge of the Milky Way, there are more than a dozen large fleets and hundreds of small fleets gathered here.

In a command ship, about a dozen strange creatures wearing special metal armor were talking.

"Let me tell you, what kind of temptation is needed there? Let's drive the fleet directly. They are a civilization that is not even at the aerospace level, and they can't resist it." A commander sitting in the front row patted the table, and then said .

From his words, it is not difficult to see that this is a relatively conceited and high-ranking main combat faction.

As soon as his words fell, the person sitting opposite him immediately replied: "Don't forget, my god has explained that you can't use any weapons above the city level on the earth, and I will wait until you find out the opponent's strength first." Just go straight there, and if the opponent has any background, we will win in the end, and we will suffer heavy losses." Conservatives naturally hope to fight a war that can be absolutely victorious and minimize losses.

Those stationed at the edge of the Milky Way are naturally the Gluttonous Legion, and those commanding the fleet are all the senior members of the Gluttonous Legion.The reason why the gluttonous legion is called gluttonous is because they have followed the god of death, Karl, and with the help of Karl, after gaining some foundation, they began to plunder everywhere, relying on the resources they plundered to continuously strengthen themselves... This is why they are called gluttonous .

"Death is nothing but returning to the arms of my God!"


Using these words to refute, that glutton really couldn't refute, and the other conservatives were also speechless.They are today thanks to the help of Karl, the god of death. If you refute this, isn't it a refute of their beliefs?

"Cough, cough." Sitting at the top of the table, the gluttonous king Shi Xi broke the silence at this moment, and said, "Since the advance team has been dispatched, let's wait for the news of the advance team first."

Why didn't it know this truth, and didn't refute the question of belief, but continued to talk about the topic of the advance team.If it is a matter of refuting the belief, these subordinates who seem to be the most loyal may work together to take it down in the next moment, and tie it to Karl, the god of death, to judge it for heresy.

There is no good in Taotie, the present commander of Taotie, who climbed up by some means?As the king of the gluttonous army, it knows that belief in such things is just a lie to ghosts, but it has to believe, not only to believe, but also to lie to itself that it is the most pious, which is to depend on others.

After hearing what Che Xi said, the Taotie no longer argued, and nodded their heads one after another.Although everyone has the idea of ​​superiority, but before they make mistakes, they can't act rashly. Compared with it, it is the gluttonous king appointed by Karl, the god of death.It holds the power of life and death over them...

At this moment, a black-robed figure appeared in the command ship, making all the commanders feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and they drew out their weapons and pointed at the figure.

"Who are you? How dare you..." Before the commander finished his anger, the eyes and pupils of Chu Xi, who was sitting at the top, shrank, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.It quickly shouted: "Presumptuous! Quick, put down your weapon!"

All the commanders were stunned for a moment, and after looking at each other, they all saw doubts in each other's eyes, but they still obediently put away their weapons.

"Master Snow! I don't know what's the matter with you?" Chu Xi hurriedly bowed to Snow, and then said, there was a hint of flattery in his voice.

In the entire gluttonous army, only Chewy had seen Karl and Snow himself.Other commanders and high-level officials have not seen each other before, and this is the reason for misunderstandings.

"Chu Xie, do you still remember this god?!" Snow said with some dissatisfaction.He was already very upset about going to Earth.Who would have thought that a little glutton would dare to point a weapon at him!

Although Snow was nothing in front of a great god, it would not take much effort for him to destroy a civilization without a god, not to mention easy.His power is natural disasters and plagues!These two are big killers for some weak civilizations!

Hearing Snow's words, Chu Xi panicked instantly.If others don't know, doesn't it know?This Snow is the right-hand man of Karl, the god of death.Karl, the God of Death, has many oracles, but this one is the one who conveys them. If they offend this one, their days of gluttony will not be many...

"Master Snow, I'm very sorry. They haven't seen him, and they forgot about him..." Chu Xi hurriedly said in a low voice.This also let the gluttons present know the seriousness of the matter, this person is probably an extraordinary existence.

Before he could finish his words, Snow waved his hands impatiently, and said, "Okay, let's forget it this time. My god has urgent business with you, so I put all this nonsense aside. My god Karl has a new god. order." Snow could still tell the difference between the serious and the serious, and now that the fire is imminent, there is no time to talk to them so much.

Hearing this, the Taotie breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the expression of the Cheeper and its respect for the man in black, this must be the God of Death Karl's genus.

Hearing Snow's words, Chu Xi also breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was going to expel these high-level commanders. But these guys can listen to the oracle?

Seeing that the Devourer was about to expel other gluttons, Snow shook his head and said, "No, the more you know about this oracle, the better, and you must pass it on to the entire army. If you violate the oracle, my god will not be able to save you." .”

The gluttonous high-level people present were all shocked, and it seemed that the problem was already very serious if they could make Karl, the god of death, say so.

"Please let Snow know it!" Chu Xi said slightly flustered.

"The original plan of invading the earth remains unchanged, but you must remember to avoid the Xia Kingdom region. You must avoid it! The existence there, even my god, cannot afford to offend at present, so don't try it." Snow said Here, the whole body was shocked, and the hoarse voice trembled slightly. In the memory passed to him by Karl, there was a picture of how he was killed by that general.

A moment, just a moment.He, a god-level powerhouse, didn't even have a chance to react, so he was instantly killed by the opponent.Thinking of Carl's bruised nose and swollen face, he became even more frightened.

"Master Snow, this, this..." The senior executives of Chewy and Taotie were a little confused. On a small earth, how could there be a great god who could not be offended by Karl, the God of Death? They are very confused and don't know why.

After being yelled like this, Snow came back to his senses, and he continued after a while: "You may not be able to understand, but I'm going to be blunt. There are at least a thousand Mo Ganna's level of gods. Moreover, they also have a main god, which is a monster that has lived for more than tens of millions of years."


After a long silence, Chu Xi seemed to remember something.Hastily shouted: "Quick, send a message to the advance team, let them come back first!!!"

Chapter 190 Afraid of death, but they must be protected

early morning.When people looked at the sky again and found that the dark hole above the sky had disappeared, they all remembered last night when the emperor summoned the generals to "patch the sky". Most of them only heard that the generals set out The voice at that time, I haven't seen the person, but they can't stop them from making up their minds...

"I didn't expect the gods to mend the sky so quickly, it's so powerful!" A man looked up at the sky and said.His voice was slightly hoarse because he was shouting slogans with the Qianyan Army last night.

Not far from this man, another man nodded and said, "Yes, yes! I suddenly remembered Wahuang mending the sky, is there a possibility that it was true that Wahuang mending the sky back then! It’s the same as last night when the gods mended the adults.”

Although they didn't know each other, and it was the first time they met, there was no strangeness in chatting at this time.This may be the reason for some of the same beliefs and the same topics.

The man who spoke at the beginning glanced at the person who answered the conversation, then nodded seriously and said: "You say that, it seems really possible! The deeds of Lord Dijun may be because it is too long ago. The God-lord stepped down from his priesthood, and silently guarded the unknown. And the deeds of Emperor Wa..."

"So, the great gods in our fairy tales are not still sleeping now, are they? Just like Lord Dijun?"

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