Xiao Yan nodded and said.He tightly held the Xuanzhong ruler in his hand, ready to give Yun Leng a fatal blow at any time.

When Yun Ling heard Xiao Yan's words, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Thank you!"

After thanking Xiao Yan, Yun Ling's expression became a little crazy, and his face was a little distorted.Yun Ling struggled to stand up, although he couldn't fly, but with his strong strength, he could still stand up.

After Yun Ling stood up, the sword and pestle in his hand were on the ground, and then he said to Xiao Yan:

"Why is this old man a fighting king? If you die, you should die in battle. I can't do such things as being slaughtered by the neck. Come on! Let me try your sword, whether it is sharp or not!"


Xiao Yan didn't talk nonsense, he raised the Xuanzhong Ruler, and rushed towards Yun Ling. With the blessing of Zhongli's power, the Xuanzhong Ruler, which weighs a thousand catties, seemed to be weightless in his hand.

Seeing Xiao Yan rushing up, Yun Ling hurriedly did not use his sword to block. In terms of strength, he is not Xiao Yan's opponent. If he were to block, wouldn't it be the same as delivering food?

Turning his body slightly, Yun Leng dodged Xiao Yan's "splitting head", causing Xiao Yan's sword to miss directly and hit the ground.

With a bang, a small hole was smashed into the ground.It can be seen how powerful Xiao Yan is at this time!

Taking advantage of Xiao Yan's chance of closing his strength, Yun Ling quickly counterattacked and sealed his throat with a sword. The sword in Yun Ling's hand collided with the shield, making a "clang" sound, but finally failed to break through Xiao Yan's body. shield.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ling felt slightly chilled, even though he knew he couldn't break through the opponent's defense, he still wanted to give it a try.The result really didn't disappoint him, it really couldn't break...

Under the gravity, Yun Ling's movements were very slow. If it was an experienced strong man, Yun Ling would have died countless times!

Xiao Yan didn't panic when the sword missed, the opponent couldn't break through his shield, victory was a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan continued to raise the mysterious heavy ruler above his head, and chopped towards the cloud edge which was only two meters away from him.

Just when the two were "fighting", Xiao Miao felt that the whole world was against her at this time!

Just after transmigrating, Xiao Yan had already fought inextricably with the Dou Wang powerhouse, and he used some secret technique to directly drag Yun Ling, the Dou Wang powerhouse, from the sky!

How terrifying is this!

The three major families are still so harmonious, and Xiao Miao can't adapt to the changes in the family.

"Where am I going to get my first pot of gold?"

Watching Xiao Yan and Yun Leng's battle, Xiao Miao fell into deep thought.

After an unknown amount of time, he seemed to remember something, his eyes lit up, he remembered Xiao Yan's first chance, besides Yao Lao, was in Xiaojiafang City, he obtained a mysterious level fighting skill, palm sucking.It seems to be obtained on a piece of iron...

"This should be regarded as plundering the protagonist's luck. Xiao Yan is so powerful, he should not look down on mere black-level fighting skills! Hope is still..."

Xiao Miao muttered to herself.

"Suck palms, heh, heh, heh, heh..."

Zhongli, who was on the roof, had a very interesting idea after hearing Xiao Miao's words!

Isn't Xiao Miao trying to plunder Xiao Yan's chance and luck?Then let Xiao Yan follow him secretly, and give him the opportunity to "cut the beard" just now...

When the time comes, let's see who is plundering whose luck...

Xiao Miao, who was planning how to plunder Xiao Yan's chance, didn't know how much "suffering" she would encounter next.

The battle on Xiao Yan's side has come to an end, and Yun Leng has no strength to avoid Xiao Yan's attack at all.

Not long after, the Xuanzhong ruler hit Yun Ling's head, and Xiao Yan didn't hold back even a bit of this blow, and directly performed a miracle with all his strength...

The Xuanzhong ruler fell on Yun Ling's head, as if hitting a watermelon, "touch"...

Yun Ling, the chief elder of the Yunlan Sect who almost wiped out the Xiao family, fell away.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's scalp felt numb for an instant, and his stomach was even more churning. If there were not many people watching at this time, and he needed to maintain his "God of War" image, he would have wanted to spit it out at the corner of the wall... …

"Why, if you want to protect the justice in your heart, you can't stand this little watermelon juice?"

At some point, Zhong Li appeared beside Xiao Yan, patted Xiao Yan's shoulder, and said.

"Watermelon juice?"

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Zhongli who was smiling, and said with a wry smile:

"Master, I'm not a righteous person, so don't make fun of me."

"The importance of strength, I believe you have some experience today. Without strength, you have to meddle in other things, and you can't do it. Work hard, your future is bright."

"Yeah, I don't have strength, so I can't meddle in my own business, no, master, I didn't want to meddle in my own business, didn't you tell me to trouble Yun Leng and the others?"

Xiao Yan was halfway through talking, then he remembered, didn't Zhongli tell him to treat Yun Leng and the others as a trial?Why is he meddling in his own business...

"Ahem, teacher is not feeling well, so I left first..."

Chapter 250 Disciple, Your Opportunity Has Arrived

As time passed, the time of the day passed quickly.

the next day.

The morning sun is always extra warm, it expels the cold brought by the night...

"Hiss...the brain hurts. I didn't expect Galiebi, Obapa and others to drink so well."

Xiao Yan rubbed his head and said with a grin.

If you drink after the good news, you will naturally not break your promise.That night, the Xiao family had a big banquet, and almost all the Jialie family and the Auba family came except for some people who guarded the treasure house.

During the banquet, Galiebi and Obapa made toasts to Xiao Yan, a young genius, frequently, and Xiao Yan never refused to come, just to drink.

As a result, after going back and forth, they all drank too much.

It's worth mentioning that when Xiao Miao appeared at the banquet, some members of the Xiao family who didn't know that he was "cured" all looked sideways.

After being a waste for three years, the good-for-nothing young master of the Xiao family woke up and worshiped a strong man as his teacher.

Xiao Miao, who has been a waste of the Xiao family for more than ten years, suddenly recovered from his illness. Could it be that he also has some chance?

It's really no wonder that the Xiao family members think so, there is no way, there is really a good-for-nothing young master in the lead, how could they not think about it?

How could these people understand the pain in Xiao Miao's heart.After returning to the family, he mustered up the courage to find Xiao Han and asked what happened recently.

After Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, he told Xiao Miao about some recent family events, such as Xiao Yan's apprenticeship, Nalan Yanran's 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi...

These things are not secrets, almost all the clansmen know it.Of course, these clansmen didn't know about Gu Yuan and Gu Xun'er.

Not to mention them, even the Great Elder and others don't know about this...

After hearing Xiao Yan's apprenticeship, the Xiao family's big banquet, and Nalan Yanran's famous scene, Xiao Miao was in a bad mood. It didn't matter if Xiao Yan's apprentice was not Yaochen. It's Nalan Yanran... Wait, she seems to be talking about not bullying the poor girl...

Xiao Miao recalled the mysterious man who suddenly appeared next to Xiao Yan after Xiao Yan got rid of Yun Leng. If he did not expect, this mysterious man should be Xiao Yan's master.

However, that person looks really too young, and he is also too handsome. Compared with the readers, he can exist at a [-]-[-] level.

"Xiao Yan didn't learn from Yao Chen, so he probably didn't practice Fen Jue. Then what exactly did he practice? Where did Yao Chen go?"

A lot of doubts filled Xiao Miao's head, which made him very headache if he didn't drink.

After thinking for a long time without any results, Xiao Miao also gave up thinking, and he planned to proceed according to the previous plan.Go find the fighting skill iron piece that contains the sucking palm first, and think about other things after you get the first pot of gold.

During the banquet at night, Xiao Miao looked east and west, as if she had never seen such a big scene, which made people laugh and cry.

After looking for a long time, I only found Xiao Mei in my memory. I didn't see the figure of the heroine Xiao Xun'er, which made Xiao Miao unable to complain.

Xiao Yan did not follow the plot to learn from the teacher, but a strange strong man as his teacher, that's fine.The heroine is gone, so what's going on!

At the banquet, there were two groups of people who came uninvited. Of course, they didn't eat anything, so they gave some gifts, exchanged a few words, and left.

The two groups of people are Yafei from Mitchell's auction house, and the city lord sent by the Jiajia imperial family to station in Wutan City.

Lord of Wutan City, for the past few days.Almost all of them lived like years, fearing that the Xiao family would be unhappy, so they pushed him, the nominal city lord.The key is that even if the Xiao family wants to rebel, he has to open the City Lord's Mansion and invite him in respectfully...

The existence of strong men of the level of Master Xiao Yan is to overweight the royal family in the holy city, so what if they come?

Fortunately, these few days, the Xiao family did not have this idea, so he breathed a sigh of relief.The lord of Wutan City wrote a letter and sent it to Jiama Holy City. As for why he has not replied to the letter until now, it is unknown...

At this time, Ya Fei has not reported the matter to the family, and she has suppressed the matter. She still has a little bit of that kind of thought, and personally invites Zhongli to sit in the Mitchell family. It's just that she is not familiar with Zhongli at the moment. Boldly go to invite.

On the hill behind Xiao's house, Xiao Yan was rubbing his head, with a smile on his lips at this moment, the limelight he has today can be regarded as given by his master and the old man.

"Master, should I continue to practice today, or practice swordsmanship?"

Xiao Yan asked Zhong Li who was drinking tea.

He found that Zhongli especially liked drinking tea, drinking it in the morning, at noon, and at night.Drink it no matter what.He has also tasted Zhongli's tea. It is a little bit bitter at the entrance, and then it becomes a little sweet at the end... It is just ordinary tea, not a natural treasure. Doesn't the master like drinking tea so much?

Zhong Li put down the teacup in his hand, and under Xiao Yan's puzzled eyes, he closed his eyes. After a while, Zhong Li said:

"I sense that you have a chance, right now in your home city. Although this chance is not great, it's just a useless fighting skill, but it's yours, and it will be yours."


After Xiao Yan heard Zhong Li's words, he was slightly taken aback.Can this opportunity be perceived?The master's words are getting more and more profound, what should I do if I don't understand?

"Master, I have already practiced the power of the earth, can I still practice fighting skills?"

Xiao Yan asked suspiciously.

"Dou Qi, the power of the earth, is always a kind of energy. Fighting skills are just a way to use energy. You can naturally cultivate it."

Zhong Li glanced at Xiao Yan before explaining.

Fighting skills?Ah……

Seeing that Xiao Yan seemed a little moved, Zhong Li continued:

"Although you can practice fighting skills, you have to understand one truth, that is, you can't die if you are greedy. With the blessing of the power of the earth, it is very easy to break through ten thousand spells with one force, but learning too many fighting skills will become a burden."

After listening to Zhongli's words, the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched slightly. Master, you are the one who asked me to get the Chance Fighting Skill, and you are the one who told me that I can practice the Fighting Skill. Now you tell me that if you are greedy, you will not die. I... …

"Master, what's the use of using this useless fighting skill?"

Xiao Yan scratched his head and said in bewilderment.

"It's no use."

Zhong Li shook his head and replied.


At this moment, Xiao Yan was stunned, and Yao Chen beside him was also stunned.It's useless, why bother to get it?

"Although it's useless, that thing is always your chance. If it is taken away by someone, it may affect your luck..."

Zhong Li continued to fool around...

Chapter 251 Extraterritorial Demons

At this moment, Xiao Miao didn't know that she had been arranged clearly.He is now worrying about how to buy that piece of iron.

The Xiao family will give the clan members some money every month for expenses and cultivation.This month's regular money has also increased, but Xiao Miao has no share...

There are those who do things and those who practice cultivation.Xiao Miao is a sick child, and the food and medicine are all given by the Xiao family, and he has not done anything, so naturally there is no extra money.

"Damn it, there are still more than 20 days before the payment of the sample money. By then, the day lily will be cold."

Holding the broom, Xiao Miao said cursingly.Cleaning the gate of Xiao's house was the task he received today...

I really can't blame the deacon of the Xiao family for this matter. He didn't know that Xiao Miao was a strong man with the eighth stage of fighting spirit at this time, and he thought that he was just an ordinary person who couldn't cultivate. Naturally, the task assigned was not too difficult, just sweeping the floor some type of.

Xiao Miao did not dare to say that he is now a strong Dou Zhiqi Duan. After all, he just recovered from his illness, and he became Dou Zhiqi Duan. Don't say that others don't believe it, just believe it, and he also proved it. But he will also be exposed!

It's better to wait for a period of time to be exposed. Others will only think that he is a cultivation genius, and will not think about other things.

"What should I do? Wait, don't I still have my big cousin Xiao Han? If I ask him to borrow some money, he probably won't refuse!"

Suddenly, Xiao Miao had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the existence of his cousin Xiao Han, he has no money now, so he just needs to borrow some money, and buying a piece of iron will not cost much.

With an idea in mind, Xiao Miao continued to clean up the ground on the side of the gate of the Xiao family. Last night, the Xiao family hosted a banquet for the Jialie family and the Auba family. The number of people who came was not ordinary, and the tables were placed outside the gate... …

What's more, everyone was so drunk, the floor was naturally impossible to be clean.

On the mountain behind the Xiao family.

When Xiao Yan heard Zhongli talking about luck, he immediately became interested, and so did Yao Chen, who was a peak Dou Zun before his death, and it was the first time Yaochen heard about this luck.

"Master, do you mean that this fighting skill belongs to me, if someone takes it away, will my luck decrease?"

Xiao Yan asked in a daze.

"Hey, the matter of luck is illusory, just like the moon in the mirror. If it is revealed, it will naturally become an illusion."

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