"Huh? There are six soul bones, all of which are of good quality, what the hell! He hasn't fused a 10-year-old soul bone!"


Chapter 21 An Encounter on the Road to Soto City

Chapter 21: An Encounter on the Road to Soto City

Since the Zhong family decided to be born, some changes have taken place in the Douluo Continent.

The set of daily clothes of Xiangshengtang "designed" by Zhongli is also recognized as the daily clothes of the family.Low-key luxury has connotations.

Family members will be distributed.Wear it or not.

But there is really no one who doesn't wear it, this set of clothes is even more a (?) C than the clothes of Wuhundian!

Even the patriarchs and elders are wearing it. If you don't wear it, is it a denial of their vision?

Now that you have decided to be born, let's have a showdown and stop hiding.

This was also discovered by the two great empires, Wuhundian and some big forces.

Some auction houses, restaurants, casinos, fighting spirits and other forces.

Basically, their top management changed into uniform clothes overnight!

I'm afraid that others will not know that they are in the same group...

Azu!Surrender, they are all outside!

Among them was great cleverness, who discovered that their costumes were exactly the same as those worn by the auxiliary system soul master, Zhong Li, who was born full of soul power!

Zhongli's backstage forces were therefore exposed.

Fortunately, these powerful forces discovered that in the past few years, these people did not want to do anything.Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief.


"You told me they have at least ten Titled Douluo?"

Pope Bibi Dong was sitting on a chair above the Pope's Palace at this time, staring at the ghost below, Ghost Douluo.

Her right hand holding the Pope's scepter was trembling slightly.

Wuhun Hall, including the Hall of Elders, is the Hall of Consecration.The total number of Titled Douluo is only around 20. (The original book didn't say how many there are. Anyway, it won't exceed 33.)

"Yes, yes. Your Majesty the Pope. Of the five families in charge of the Soul Arena, each has a Titled Douluo in charge."

"In addition, their two large auction houses each have one."

"As well as every soul master competition, the biggest casino in the periphery is also their people, and the two titled Douluo are in charge."

"As for restaurants and other less important industries, they are only in charge of the Soul Sage or the Soul Emperor..."

"There is another one, the one who even crippled Chen Xin's left hand when Ning Fengzhi assisted Chen Xin. From my subordinate's point of view, this person's soul power cultivation may be about the same as that of the second priest..."

Ghost Douluo's hoarse voice was full of fear!This is just that power, its strength on the surface!

When Bibi Dong asked him to investigate, Ghost Douluo began to investigate from the five major families.

The title Douluo of the five major families did not find him, and their strength is basically between 92-94.

But he was discovered by the auction house and the casino!The Titled Douluo sitting there have all reached level 95!That is his level.

Not to mention Jian Douluo with Zhuanfu, the one who still beat them up.

real!So scary!

What they can detect is just the tip of the iceberg.

Those are members who have not awakened the gentian spear martial soul, but have high innate soul power.

In the Zhong family, even if you have awakened a useless martial soul and have no innate soul power.

But the family will not abandon you, and will cultivate your other abilities.

There are so many professions on the mainland, and soul masters are only a small part.

Even if you are really useless, you can't do anything.The family will also give you a gold soul coin every month to keep you alive.

If your next generation awakens the family inheritance martial soul, or the mutated martial soul, they can all be cultivated.

The premise is to have soul power.And the higher the soul power, the more resources you get.

None of the soul masters who have awakened the gentian spear martial soul has a soul power lower than the innate level 6!

This is also the reason why the Zhong family can stand tall and is so powerful.

If it wasn't for the quasi-god ancestor, he failed to break through the gods and took away 6 top-level soul bones.The Zhong family will have more titles!

But no one blamed that ancestor, he succeeded, and they are a god-level family.If it fails, it will still be a hermit family.One prospers all, one loses all.This is the family.

(These are not the soul bones that Zhong Tian told Zhong Li. The soul bones on the body of a level 99 powerhouse will shatter and dissipate because they cannot bear his powerful soul power after death. Even a 10-year soul Same goes for bones.)

The screen returns to Zhongli's side

After bidding farewell to his parents, Zhongli embarked on his way to Soto City.

This is what he thought for a long time before he decided.

It's all here, how can we not see the path the protagonist has traveled?

He didn't know, because of his appearance, what kind of changes had taken place on Douluo Continent.

At this time, the 44-year-old Zhong Tian had already reached the level 87 Contra.

After absorbing that 10-year spirit bone, he reached level eighty.

After obtaining the soul ring, the soul power reached level 83.

But he regretted it, after he absorbed the soul bone, he felt that there were actually two soul skills in the soul bone.

His guess was not wrong, but the difference between a 10-year-old soul bone and a 9-year-old soul bone is not so big!This spirit bone should be reserved for Zhongli.

Gongsunli has also been promoted to level 80, and just returned to Grassroots Village after hunting the soul ring with Zhong Tian.

The distance between Soto City and Notting City is not too far, so Zhongli stopped and walked along the way to see the local customs.

Apart from going to the Star Dou Forest every time he hunted for spirit rings, he basically never left Notting City and Grassroots Village.

Every time they went to Star Dou Great Forest, Zhong Tian and Gongsunli would not stop on the road, but took him non-stop.

They can always quickly find a soul beast suitable for Zhongli.

It didn't take long before he returned to Notting City.

Can you hurry up?The soul beast that is suitable for Zhongli's wind element god's eye, the Zhong family has already gone to investigate in advance...

This is family power, whatever you need, we will prepare for you!

You are responsible for cultivating well, and you will take us to fly in the future, and we will take care of you when you are weak...

Zhongli also lived up to their expectations, 12 years old and level 62!

They didn't care what Zhongli was going to do, they would only lend a hand when he needed help.

Otherwise, they would tie him up and tie him back to the family to practice!This is no joke.

"Second Miss, come back with us! The Eldest Miss misses you very much! Jie Jie Jie..."

As Zhong Li was walking, a group of masked men suddenly appeared in front of him, surrounded by a girl in bodysuit.

Looking at the past sideways, even with Zhongli's current state of mind, he was a little confused.

Who is not confused by this!How did this girl develop!

"This..." Zhong Daoming, who was in the dark, saw Zhongli stop and looked at the girl surrounded by a group of great soul masters.

He suddenly remembered what Zhongli said six years ago! "Bow your head and not see your toes, you will be the most beautiful in the world!"

"That kid over there, you..."

The masked man saw Zhong Li approaching, and then stopped not far away to watch the play.

I just wanted to scold him and tell him to get out!After seeing Zhong Li's clothes.

He choked on his saliva. Wasn't his voice too loud just now?

Seeing Zhongli looking at him suspiciously, he thought for a while and said:

"You...it's okay, but I have a thousand gold soul coins here, and I have nowhere to spend them! You can take them to Soto City and buy something casually..."

Chapter 22 He realized

Chapter 22: He Enlightened

This is the first "villain" that Zhongli met after coming to Douluo Dalu, but this "villain" is a bit different from what he thought!

Don't treat them differently!

Zhong Li looked at the masked man's sincere and reluctant eyes, and his hand holding the cloth bag trembled slightly. This was all his savings!

Zhong Li was puzzled, what does this person mean?

In Notting College, after his article "My Soul Sacred Father", no one would dare to trouble him!

Even Xiao Chenyu, the silly son of the city lord's family, would respectfully call out to him every time he saw him: Brother Zhong!

When he was in the academy, he didn't have the chance to make a move. When hunting for spirit rings, the spirit beasts he met were some kind of half-dead...

Zhong Li took the bag containing the gold soul coins and weighed them in his hand, it was a thousand gold soul coins.

In fact, he didn't need this thing long ago, because he could "make" it!You can have as much as you want!

As the Morax template continued to merge, he also inherited the authority of Morax.

In this Douluo Continent, what is made is not Mo La, but the Golden Soul Coin.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you, why did you give me the golden soul coin for no reason?"

Zhongli's voice is calm and majestic, with a sense of alienation from the world, but also makes people feel very at ease and full of security.

The masked man breathed a sigh of relief when Zhongli took the gold soul coin.

Fortunately, I didn't offend this one.It's worth it even if you take all of your own net worth.

The royal family and the Zhu family, but there is an express prohibition, not to offend people who wear this kind of clothes!

In Douluo Continent, a powerful family of soul masters, powerful.Their costumes, tokens and whatnot.But no one dares to imitate it!

It's good that the imitation was not discovered, but after it is discovered, it will be an endless scene!

After Zhongli took the gold soul coin, he actually asked himself what's the matter?

How dare he say that just now he wants Zhongli to go away!

"Well, this is the second lady of our family. We want to take her back. Can you make it convenient? Do you pretend you didn't see it?"

The masked man took the lead and said cautiously.

At this moment, he wished he could slap his former self twice, what do you care about people watching the show?

His eyes are on his body, he can see whatever he wants to see, it's none of your business!


Zhongli: I am only a 12-year-old child.It's just a little anxious for a long time.

There are so many of you, what are you afraid of me doing?

However, he was unwilling to intervene in this matter after being given money.

These people shouted fiercely, but they didn't have any killing intent!

Anyone with a little experience in the old world can see it.

That young girl's body was tense at this moment, and she looked like she was about to explode at any moment... It looked like she had never seen the world.

"Your request is reasonable, and I agree. Since this is the case, the contract has been completed, and those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks!"

Since the girl wasn't really in danger, he didn't need to meddle in her own business.

The contract is done.He took the bag containing the gold soul coins and passed the crowd.Slowly walked towards Soto city.

The masked "gangsters": what a forceful person!Never seen such an elegant person!

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