A phase arises from the heart, these words are in the Douluo Continent.Should be wrong.Wuhun can greatly affect a person's personality, hobbies, habits, etc.However, if it is a cat.It should be acceptable.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing who was eating fish balls like a lady, Zhongli smiled.

Feeling unacceptable, going deeper.

Reaching out to help Zhu Zhuqing wipe off the grease stains on the corner of her mouth, she blushed a lot.I have already paid attention to the image, so why are there still oil stains on it?

She picked up the chopsticks, grabbed a fish ball, and put the fish ball to Zhongli's mouth.He didn't speak, just stared at him blankly.


Isn't it a beautiful thing to share what you like with the people you like.

Pedestrians passing by looked at this pair of handsome men and beautiful women, and were envious in their hearts.If I can also reap this kind of love, even if the other party is a little bit worse, it doesn't matter.

The owner of the street vendor has great eyesight, and even his movements are much gentler.She also didn't want to bother these two "distinguished guests".Such a picture had only appeared in her dreams.Unfortunately, my wife is gone.

Zhongli and Zhu Zhuqing had very little language communication.But every movement of hers can be perfectly interpreted by him.

Zhu Zhuqing's personality cannot be changed for a while.After all, in the place where she used to live, except for her parents, basically no one dealt with her.

Even her older sister, every time she saw her, would "mock" her, showing no intention of getting close.At that time, she was only a six-year-old girl who had just awakened her martial spirit.

There are no more than three or two tables in the roadside stalls.The boss is an elderly aunt, but Zhongli still recognizes her cooking skills.

At this time, two people walked towards this side, one was dressed gorgeously, he was probably used to bowing his head, his back couldn't be lifted all the time.

The other one was different, he was dressed in white and always had a confident smile on his lips.While walking, look east and west.A vivid image of the Liuzi.

As he got closer, the gorgeously dressed man pointed to Zhongli and Zhu Zhuqing to the young man in white, and said:

"Master, look. They seem to be the two people who beat us outside Soto last time?"

After they were beaten last time, they didn't even know the name of the other party. As for revenge or something, they thought about it, but they had to find someone first.

Brother in white was exactly the Zheng Taixu who was slapped twice by Zhongli on the way to Suotuo City after he broke through to Soul Venerable last time, and passed out.

"Can't you keep your voice down, don't you see people eating?"

Zheng Taixu patted Goulegzi on the head, and whispered to him.It doesn't matter if the voice of a dog leg is louder, he also enjoys that kind of flattery, but now he sees Zhongli looking at him!

At this time, it was still only him and this dog leg, so if he went directly to A, he would be beaten badly.A man who can bend and stretch is the true character of a man.

He clearly knew that if he went up to cause trouble, he would be beaten, so he continued to rush up.That's not a wise choice.He is just a dude, he is not a fool.

"Ah, yes, yes, young master, you are right. How can I disturb other people's dinner?"

The dog leg is not an idiot, he also found out that Zhongli was looking at them just now.Now that they are alone and weak, if they initiate a conflict, they will still be beaten, and it is not worth it.Fortunately, the young master reminded me early.

"Boss, we'll pay for that table over there. It's an apology for disturbing their meal. I'll give you this gold soul coin. Let's go first..."

After Zheng Taixu put down a gold soul coin, he hurriedly wanted to leave this place of right and wrong.Today, he was really just passing by, without any thoughts.

As for him returning to the family to rescue soldiers, forget it.The highest cultivation in the family is his grandfather, a soul king of more than 50 levels.The less trouble, the better.

What's more, that person can knock him out with a single slap without using a martial soul, at least he is a high-level soul sect.Such a person, you say he has no power behind him?hehe……

The first time I looked for trouble was ignorance, lost my eyes and blinded my mind by those two slimes.To provoke him this second time is courting death.

The first time they didn't kill them, it was considered kind.The ghost knows if he can survive the second time, but few real soul masters have a good temper.

It is normal to start a fight when there is a disagreement. In the past ten or twenty years, there have been fewer fights on the mainland at any time.In this, Wuhundian really contributed a lot.

Zheng Taixu quickly gave the dog a wink, and that person has followed Zheng Taixu for more than ten years, so he understands every minute.

On the surface, he is as stable as an old dog, but in his heart he panics.

Seeing that the man had no intention of making trouble, the two of them retreated slowly. After retreating more than a hundred meters, they ran away...

Zhong Li also saw Zheng Taixu's performance, and thought that he would come up to provoke again, to avenge the two slaps he gave last time.

Unexpectedly, he was actually cowardly, and even helped him settle the bill and ran away.This is a wonderful person.

The fish ball boss accepted the golden soul coin in surprise, and quickly put it in his pocket. This is money that she might not be able to earn in half a month.

Fortunately, there is only one, and passers-by have no idea.In the "fantasy" world, when an ordinary person has wealth that he should not have, he may be gone at any time...

He ignored Zheng Taixu who ran away with his servants.A giant dragon will not trample ants to death for no reason...

After the two of them finished eating the fish balls, Zhongli still put a silver soul coin at the bottom of the bowl.After that, he took Zhu Zhuqing to find a hotel to stay in, and prepared to leave tomorrow.

In the hotel...

Heaven Dou City, the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, is directly controlled by the Heaven Dou imperial family.Most of the people living in the city are nobles from the Heaven Dou Empire, and some families of soul masters.

Civilians, slaves, of course, also exist.Although the Heaven Dou Empire clearly forbids slave trade.But in the city, there is a catwoman called Tiandou Auction, which is open and aboveboard.Who would believe him when he said he had no royal background?

This is also why, after the establishment of the Spirit Empire, commoner soul masters responded all the time.The nobles, the Heaven Dou, and the Star Luo Empire are rotten.

But the high god in the sky doesn't think that they just need the belief of foolish people, that's all.

The Wuhun Empire won, it might be the next Heaven Dou, the Star Luo Empire.But the Wuhun Empire lost, and the next one to stand up for the common people doesn't know how long he will have to wait...

To be continued

Chapter 71 Alluring City and Alluring Country (Fifth update, brothers! Ticket~)

Early the next morning, Zhongli left this commemorative city with Zhu Zhuqing on his back.She probably sprained her ankle and it is difficult for her to walk.

Zhu Zhuqing was lying on Zhongli's back, his face was still a little crimson, maybe it was the pain caused by sprained ankle.

As for why a great soul master of the agility attack department sprained his ankle, don't mention it. The closed room is pitch black, making people panic.

After leaving this unknown small city, Zhongli continued on his way to Tiandou City.What kind of scenery along the way...

He was still thinking about what happened last night, and he also smiled slightly. He didn't expect her to have such a cute side.

The woman in yellow in the sea of ​​consciousness clenched her fists and hummed an unknown song: The green grass in the world needs to be watered...

"Hey, the handsome guy with the girl on his back, come over and let us sisters have a look."

A domineering and masculine voice came to the ears of Zhongli and Zhu Zhuqing.Looking towards the source of the sound, two brightly dressed "big men" appeared in their eyes.

A strong figure, with a bear-like physique, a rough complexion, some stubble on his chin, wearing bright red and purple clothes, and picking his nose with his poor little finger...

The figure of the other is just the opposite, quite "slim", almost only bones left.Clothes are no different from the strong one.With his hands on his hips, he looked arrogant.

It was the tall "girl" who spoke just now, and she was the older sister of the two.Seeing Zhongli's extraordinary temperament and elegant demeanor, this person should be worthy of their sisters' looks.

So what about carrying a girl behind your back, there is no rule on the mainland that you can only marry one daughter-in-law, if you have the ability, just go find it.

Zhongli: If there was nothing wrong with my ears, he was talking about sisters, right?

Zhu Zhuqing: ...

Even with Zhongli's state of mind at this time, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes showed three points of contempt, three points of disgust and four points of disbelief.

Why is the eye splashed with chili water, so hot.

"Handsome boy, didn't you hear my sister calling you? Let me tell you, our sisters have high standards, and I feel that you are worthy of our sisters' beautiful faces."

The thin one said, with a hint of charm in his hoarse voice, looking at Zhongli with a heart in his eyes.

"That's right, with our looks, only you, a handsome young man, are good enough. Our sisters don't have high requirements. You don't need to give up that little girl, but you have to accompany me!"

The five big and three thick sisters blushed and said with pride.

"Yes, yes. We don't need you to abandon that little girl, but [-], you have to accompany me!" The skinny one answered.

"My name is Gu Qingcheng, and this is my younger sister Gu Qingguo. Don't worry, I am 38 years old this year, and Qingguo is 37 years old. They are both level 33 War Soul Venerables. It is not a problem to protect you at ordinary times. Besides, the two of us together, every month You can receive 200 gold soul coins in the Wuhun Temple..."

Gu Qingcheng said to Zhongli with affection and reason.Completely ignoring whether Zhong Li had spoken or not, he almost chose the names of the children in the future.

Gu Qingguo answered at this time: "200 gold soul coins per month, as long as we don't do things we shouldn't do, we can live a happy life... "

Zhongli and Zhu Zhuqing were dumbfounded. When had they seen such a big scene?I tried my best not to give these two guys a chance, even though they were ridiculously tall, their words were also ridiculous.But they are not really "malicious".

Zhong Li didn't talk nonsense with the two of them, and he didn't need to put Zhu Zhuqing down, the eyes of the wind element god floated in front of him.

Purple purple black black black, six soul rings slowly rose from under his feet, his aura that belonged to the soul emperor pressed towards Gu Qingcheng and Gu Qinguo.Let the two of them instantly feel that the soul emperor is a strong man, so terrifying.

This scene really scared Gu Qingcheng and Gu Qingguo a lot.Damn!This handsome boy is actually a Soul Emperor powerhouse!We both have good eyesight.He is indeed the man we are optimistic about.

It's just that now is the time to think about these things, this soul emperor powerhouse will not release the martial soul for no reason, he just wants to kill them two!

This strong man, at a glance, knows that it is not easy.His soul rings, the first two are millennium, starting from the third.It's actually a ten thousand year spirit ring!Don't say I saw it, but I haven't even heard of it!

Such a terrifying soul ring configuration, such a young and strong soul emperor!



"Sir, forgive me!"

The two sisters, Gu Qingguo and Qingcheng bowed their heads without saying a word. Although the thoughts in their hearts have not changed, their awareness of current affairs is vividly reflected in their bodies.

There is no need for Zhong Li to hide his cultivation, he has grown up now.Even if Titled Douluo was in front of him, he wasn't afraid.At most, I will say one sentence:

The top of the fairy, proud of the world, I will leave you...

It was also the first time for Zhu Zhuqing to see the soul ring of the Eye of the Wind Elemental God, but she was not too surprised.Zhongli has another martial soul, is she surprised?At most, she just feels too outrageous...

Seeing the two kneeling on the ground, kowtowing continuously, Zhong Li flew away with Zhu Zhuqing.These two people should leave it to those who are destined to gain experience.

After a while, seeing that Zhongli hadn't made a move, the two sisters Gu Qingguo and Gu Qingcheng suddenly stopped and kowtowed, and looked around with their heads.Finding that Zhong Li had already left, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

The ghosts knew that there would be such a young Soul Emperor powerhouse, but also so handsome, as the second daughter with a beautiful appearance, it was reasonable that he couldn't bear it.

"Sister, it's really scary. My sister feels that she will never love again."

Gu Qingguo said to Gu Qingcheng who was still kneeling just like himself.Her voice was full of fear and a hint of reluctance.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at his younger sister Gu Qingguo and shook his head.road:

"Our sisters are beautiful and elegant. It's his loss if he doesn't accept us! It's a pity, if our cultivation base is higher, maybe he can take a fancy to us sisters."

"Sister, you can't say that, he looks down on us, it's his loss!"

Gu Qingguo stood up at this moment, and patted his knees that had been kneeling for a long time.

"Ah, yes, yes, it is his loss!"

Gu Qingcheng also replied arrogantly.

Fortunately, Zhongli left early, if he stayed and heard this, he would probably be disgusted again.With a quick shot of the sky...

"Zhuqing, you saw it just now, the world is so big, there are all kinds of cattle and horses..."

Zhong Li found a random place, landed on the ground, and said to Zhu Zhuqing who was on his back.

To be continued

Chapter 72 That Handsome Boy (Sixth)

"Brother Li, don't you see that they are all willing to accept me as a junior, even though there is only one day a week. You stay with me."

Zhu Zhuqing joked in Zhongli's ear with a smile, she had never seen Zhongli in such a mess.This is the first time she has seen such a person who is so beautiful. It is really terrifying.

"Zhuqing, when did you become so skinny?"

Zhongli patted the place where Zhu Zhuqing was upright, to express his dissatisfaction.He is not blessed to enjoy those two people.Introducing Dai...

After Zhu Zhuqing was slapped, his face turned red.But she didn't fight back.With both hands around Zhongli's neck, he blew hot air into his ear, and whispered:

"Jie Jie Jie."


Zhuqing, I don't like laughing like that.Where did you learn it?

The two teased for a while, and then continued to walk slowly towards Tiandou City.

Half a month later, the two finally arrived at the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, Heaven Dou City.

When entering Tiandou City, the general guarding the gate did not ignore Zhongli this time, but gave Zhongli a salute before letting him go.The entry fee was not even mentioned.

This Zhongli was completely speechless, the guards of other cities acted as if they hadn't seen the two of them, and after arriving in Tiandou City, they thought they would receive special treatment.Unexpectedly, special treatment.

After entering the city, it is different from other cities.The streets of Tiandou City are not lively, there are no stalls and hawkers, and there is less traffic.

Most of the people passing by are gorgeously dressed and bright.There are always one or two dog legs or servants walking behind.

"Zhuqing, is it the same in Star Luo City?"

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