The father and son arrived not far from the entrance of the Hunting Soul Forest in a leisurely manner.

The Hunting Soul Forest here is the place where the Heaven Dou Empire raises spirit beasts in captivity.

It is very suitable for novice soul masters to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings.

Most of the soul beasts are ten-year soul beasts, and only a small part of them are century-old soul beasts.

It is basically impossible for a millennium soul beast to appear.

Once a thousand-year-old soul beast appears, the law enforcement team of the Spirit Hall will work together to eliminate it.Reduce the possibility of novice soul masters being harmed.

Of course, if you want to enter the hunting forest, it is not that simple.

You need to obtain a warrant issued by Wuhundian to enter.

This also describes the strength of the Wuhun Temple from the side.

The land belongs to the Heaven Dou Empire, and the captive spirit beasts also belong to the Heaven Dou Empire.But if you want to go in, what you need is the warrant of the Spirit Hall.

Zhong Tian brought Zhong Li to the Hunting Soul Forest, the purpose is to let Zhong Li get used to the process of obtaining the soul ring.

He didn't expect Zhongli to get a good soul ring here.

After Zhongli got used to the environment, he took him to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest to try his luck.

If you want a soul ring with a good age and good attributes, if you don't have ten days and half a month, don't even think about it.Plus the time spent on the road...

That's why Gongsunli said that after Zhongli got the soul ring, school would almost start.There are still three months left before leaving school!

"Sell buns, buns made from ten-year-old Pippi pork."

"There is a warrant, the team will wait six and one, and an assistant soul master will come."

"Wu Da Shaobing..."

Zhong Tian took Zhong Li's hand and said at the same time:

"Son, how do you feel? Does it feel strange? Why are there still people selling things in such a dangerous place, and it's still so lively."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhong Li didn't find it strange, and even more so, there was no disturbance in his heart.

"Father, where there are soul masters, an adaptive ecological chain will be formed. They provide help for the soul masters and thus get a lot of money. According to common sense, there is the protection of the Spirit Hall here. There is no danger Bar."

When Zhong Li said this, he shocked Zhong Tian for 300 years!

It seems that it is not a good thing for a son to be too smart, and he cannot experience the pleasure of teaching his son at all.

After you go back, discuss it with your wife and get another one?

Zhong Li's words attracted a large group and a small group.

"What a smart kid, he doesn't look much better than Xiao San. The reason why he can appear here is to get the soul ring."

The one big and one small are Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's master and apprentice.They left yesterday and just arrived today.

Yu Xiaogang is also popularizing some things to Tang San.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang's master and apprentice had seen it, both Zhong Tian and Zhong Li sensed it.

Eight eyes facing each other, looking at each other silently.

Zhong Li didn't realize that the big one and the small one were the protagonist of Dou 1, Tang San.

Perhaps it was because they were teaching the children, Zhong Tian nodded to Yu Xiaogang, and then led Zhong Li towards the entrance of the Hunting Soul Forest.

He took out a black iron plate from the storage soul guide. There was only a sword-shaped pattern on the iron plate. This was the first-level warrant issued by the Spirit Hall.

(There are too many versions of Tiandou Six Aces, the author will use the version of sword, hammer, dragon, crown, chrysanthemum, and ghost to write. The sword here is the holy sword condensed by angels, not Chen Xin's Seven Killing Sword. Haotian Hammer, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Star Crown, Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum, Ghost)

Zhong Tian handed it to the guard, who took a look at it and returned the warrant to Zhong Tian.He said to the guard closest to the gate:

"The warrant is correct, open the door!"

It's not that the guards are not serious about their work, after all, no one dares to forge the warrant of Wuhundian.

As for how this warrant came about, Zhong Tian would like to thank that soul master for the gift.

It's not that he doesn't have the higher level Heaven Dou Six Aces, it's just that he doesn't need it.Just into a hunting forest.

His father, Zhong Daoxian, is Zhongli's grandfather.

When Zhong Tian was young, he was taught to keep a low profile when going out. Keep a low profile.Don't make trouble, but don't be afraid of it!

A family that can pass on for thousands of years and still stand still, how can it be compared to the nouveau riche of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!

The Zhong family is a hermit family that has been passed down for more than 5000 years.

Family Inherited Martial Soul: Gentian Spear

The gun is like a dragon, and the whole body is full of courage!The gentian gun will be accompanied by a dragon soul, which will be awakened for the second time after the soul master reaches level 70!

This makes a soul master with a gentian spear martial soul, after reaching the level of a soul saint, be as powerful as a titled Douluo!

No one knew that the Zhong family once had a Peerless Douluo.That ancestor was also amazingly talented, and created his own god position.

But he left a sentence: "Hate! The king was born and I was not born, but the king was already in power when I was born..." After that, he didn't even have time to keep the quasi-god inheritance, so he just died in place. (Level 99 titled Douluo, subdivided into false demigods, demigods, and quasi-gods)

There is only one kind of God of God in the God Realm, but this one is a second-level God of War, and he has to create his own God of War.

God of War said: You say you want it, and I can pass it on to you.But you can't grab it!Can't you switch to something that the God Realm doesn't have?Either way, you might be successful.

It's sad to be born at the wrong time...

After Zhong Tian reached Soul Sage, the dragon soul whose martial soul was awakened for the second time was a fire dragon king with the ultimate fire.

(The Fire Dragon King here is of course not the Fire Dragon King in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. He just has the ultimate fire, and it would be impolite to call him a fire dragon.)

Chapter 11 Centennial Soul Bone, the Story Tang San and Lonely Bamboo Have to Tell

Chapter 11: The century-old soul bone, the story that Tang San and Lone Bamboo had to tell

After Zhongli and his son entered the Hunting Soul Forest, Yu Xiaogang's master and apprentice followed closely behind.

With the existence of Zhong Tian, ​​a strong soul saint, in the hunting forest, isn't that random killing?

The purpose of Zhong Tian bringing Zhong Li to the Hunting Soul Forest is to let Zhong Li feel the atmosphere of Hunting Soul.

By the way, teach Zhongli by precept and example, the things that need to be paid attention to in hunting souls.

Zhong Li didn't want to get the soul ring urgently either. Since the awakening of the martial soul, he deeply felt the power of Morax.

He didn't care too much about the soul ring.Morax's power will gradually merge with him, and as long as he lives long enough, he will be invincible. (The dog's head, Tianli. The world is invincible... There is nothing wrong with applying these words to Morax.)

The two walked in the hunting forest like a worldly wanderer.

As he was walking, Zhong Tian's eyes suddenly brightened.

The gentian gun appeared in his hand instantly.

"Son, look. This is a mandala snake that is more than 400 years old, and it belongs to the stronger one among the hundred-year-old soul beasts! It's a pity that it is not of the wind attribute, otherwise..."

Having said this, Zhong Tian seemed to have thought of something, so he didn't continue talking.

"400 years? Except for soul rings with more than [-] years, you must survive the soul shock."

"Spirit rings that are less than ten thousand years old can be absorbed as long as the body is strong enough."

"My son is born at level [-], and his physical strength is comparable to that of a soul master."

"If I really want my son to absorb a 400-year spirit ring, my ancestors will crawl out of their graves and slap me twice!"

As for those masters, the announced maximum number of years for soul masters to absorb soul rings.

Just listen, even if his direct disciple Tang San is slapping him in the face.

Zhong Li looked in the direction the gentian gun was pointing at, and he saw a Datura snake entrenched under a tree.

The snake is more than 4 meters long, and the whole body is dark green.

"Dad, hurry up, kill it, I feel that this soul beast is not easy!"


Zhong Tian didn't hesitate when he heard his son's words.

The gentian gun in his hand came out and hit the mandala snake's head accurately.

It was firmly nailed to the ground, and the whole process did not take more than two seconds.

After a while, the mandala snake died.On it, some yellow energy slowly appeared, condensing into a yellow century-old soul ring.

Only then did Zhong Tian recall the gentian gun, and said to Zhong Li who was beside him:

"Son, what's wrong with this soul beast...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he felt that the mandala snake still had soul power fluctuations!

Hastily used the gentian gun to pick away the body of the mandala snake. The scales used by the mandala snake for defense were like paper in front of the gentian gun.

Sure enough, a dark green spirit bone appeared in front of him.

Take out the spirit bone and throw it to Zhongli.Zhong Tian looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face!

He lived for 38 years, and when he obtained the seventh soul ring, he obtained a trunk soul bone that was more than 6 years old. (Family inherited soul bones do not count)

And today?Take your kids for a little practice.

Zhongli inexplicably picked up a dragon spirit bone that was at least 9 years old.

The first soul beast I met, I killed it casually.Another piece...

"My son Zhongli! He has the talent of a god king!"

Zhong Tian didn't know what God King was, and his thoughts were very simple.The king of gods, the king of gods, the king of gods!

Just like his companion dragon soul, it has extreme fire, calling it a fire dragon is too much.It should be the king of fire dragons.

He didn't ask Zhong Li why he knew that the soul beast had a soul bone.

But he still said to Zhong Li:

"Son, you must remember. You must not show this ability to feel spirit bones in front of others."

"Except for me and your mother, who don't have any thoughts about your ability, I can't guarantee whether your grandpa and grandpa can keep calm."

After Zhong Li took the soul bone, he casually put it into the storage soul tool.

This is a slightly incomplete century-old torso spirit bone, and its appearance is not bad.

It's strange that a creature like a snake can burst out its limbs and spirit bones.Right, Daming!

He also felt quite strange, it stands to reason that this 400-year-old mandala snake should be the one Tang San hunted and killed.

But the mandala snake that Tang San hunted and killed did not have a spirit bone.

As for why this mandala snake can be perceived to have a soul bone, it seems to be sensed by the elemental force in the body.

(The figure in the sea of ​​consciousness: Ah yes yes yes!)

"Got it, Dad. I'll remember."

Zhong Li did not refute Zhong Tian's words.

"Well, just remember it. Let's go, let's continue shopping."

Before leaving, Zhong Tian released a flame at the Datura snake's body with a gentian gun.

After destroying the corpses and destroying the traces, he took Zhong Li and left here.

"As long as any experienced soul master sees the corpse of the mandala snake, he will know it. This mandala snake has a soul bone. To save unnecessary trouble, destroying the corpse is the best choice. "

Zhong Li listened to the experience shared by Zhong Tian, ​​and nodded from time to time to show that he understood.

As soon as they left, Yu Xiaogang's master and apprentice walked over not long after.

When they entered the Hunting Soul Forest, they did not choose to go in the same direction as Zhong Tian and the others.But as he walked, he still came here.

Seeing the tragic situation at the scene, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly led Tang San back.

"Xiao San, did you see it? A big battle just happened here, one side has an extremely powerful fire attribute, you are looking at the ground..."

As a teacher, Yu Xiaogang is qualified.

He really regarded Tang San as his own, and handed over to Tang San his own knowledge without even half a concealment.

Even on the way, he never forgot to teach Tang San his experience.

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