Wang Wu subconsciously took two steps back, his ugly face was distorted because of the fear of Zhongli, and his obese body couldn't help shaking.

As expected, the person in front of him was definitely not simple.Just opening his mouth slightly, he is a great soul master, and he was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

"Big, my lord. I don't know what you need? If you have a small one, I will offer it with both hands."

Wang Wu didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly replied respectfully.

If you hesitate because of fear and lose your wealth and trust, it is not worth it.

The two dog legs who were still beside Wang Wu before were so frightened that they lay on the ground.This lord looks like a super strong man at first glance!How dare they face adults of this level.

Zhong Li took a slight step forward, and his body appeared beside Wang Wu, then put a hand on Wang Wu's right shoulder, and said softly:

"Your life. Do you give it yourself, or should I take it?"

After Wang Wu heard this, he instantly felt a cold current from his lumbar spine to the back of his head. He even selectively forgot how Zhong Li got to his side just now.

Turning his head mechanically to the right, it didn't take long for Wang Wu to see clearly the face of the person who said he wanted his life.

Extraordinary handsome, elegant temperament.But there was a distorted smile on his face right now.It was like the pleasure he showed when he tortured those women.

Wang Wu choked on his saliva, wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but couldn't say it, as if his throat was stuck by something.He could only look at Zhongli with begging eyes.

"Don't talk, it seems that I can only come by myself."

Zhong Li shook his head, as if he was very dissatisfied with Wang Wu's performance.If he hadn't used divine power to seal Wang Wu's throat, it would have been like this.

After Wang Wu heard this, the pupils of his eyes shrank, he broke out in cold sweat, and then began to struggle crazily.No one wants to die, not even human scum.


Zhongli smiled disdainfully. Only after experiencing the same pain can these people understand the value of peace and the rarity of equality for everyone.

What happened to this person here is just the tip of the iceberg, insignificant.

The saddest thing about Douluo Dalu is facing this kind of unfair treatment, facing this kind of bullying.No one among the civilians stood up to resist. Their idea was just to replace the dragon, or become a dragon, and then do the same thing.

With the help of Wuhundian, many civilians became soul masters, and not a few became strong.But who will stand up and lead the civilians to resist?

Some people may have thought about it, but he found it unrealistic. To put it bluntly, these civilians cannot be moved at all.The system of tens of thousands of years, the slavery of tens of thousands of years, they can persuade them with a single mouth.

The moment they became soul masters, they already distinguished themselves from ordinary people in their hearts.

The gods enslave the creatures of the entire continent, the royal family, the nobles enslave the common people... one layer after another...

Zhongli had figured it out before, only by destroying the entire Douluo Continent could he formulate new rules.Because this world is already filthy...

He raised his right hand, and then the ground began to tremble...

Chapter 154 Powerful, Naturally You Can Do Whatever You Want

Zhongli raised his right hand slightly, and the ground began to tremble.

In the fearful eyes of many villagers, a platform tens of meters high appeared not far from Zhongli.

The high platform is about 50 meters long and about [-] meters wide.On both sides of the high platform, there are two huge pillars, each accompanied by a dragon pattern.

On the high platform, there is a raised rectangular stone.The whole looks like an execution platform...

"Oh my god, this, how is this possible!" An old man shouted loudly after the initial ignorance.

After living for so many years, it's not that I haven't seen a soul master, but it's the first time to exaggerate so much.

The soul masters I saw before were either wearing a white circle, or one white and one yellow. At most, they just sprayed a fireball.

But the weird-looking adult in front of him actually waved his hand, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake, forming such a spectacle in front of him, which made his head unable to react even more.

A young man standing not far away had his eyes wide open and his mouth wide enough to stuff an apple.After he heard the old man's words, he also came back to his senses, and just wanted to say something about the title strong, so terrifying.

But after thinking about it, he felt a little unsure.Although I have never seen a titled Douluo level powerhouse, let alone a titled powerhouse using soul skills.But with the scene in front of him, he was sure that Titled Douluo couldn't do it.

"God, miracle, this is definitely a miracle!" The young man said excitedly.Then he knelt down, kowtowed in Zhongli's direction, and said, "This is the heaven that opened its eyes, and sent a god to save us..."

Hearing this young man's speech, Zhong Li shook his head and said:

"Don't be stupid, the sky won't open your eyes, as for saving you? Heh, heh heh... maybe."

This guy is just like Baozi.She looks white and clean on the outside, but she still needs to open her heart to know what she is pretending to be.

When Wang Wuqiang was robbing women, his thought was that he hoped that one day, he would be able to experience this kind of happiness just like Wang Wu.And still thinking about this woman...

My heart was completely dark, and there was no way I could save it.What's the use of saving such a group of things.

The next moment, under the unbelievable eyes of this young man, his body was firmly nailed to the ground by a rock spear.


In less than a moment, the boy lost his breath.Before he died, he didn't even think about why the god he worshiped wanted to attack him.

Zhong Li looked at the young man's body and the blood on the ground, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.Said: "There are so many reasons, the strength is strong, and naturally you can do whatever you want."

Whether the human beings on Douluo Continent were enslaved or manipulated by Tang Shenwang had nothing to do with Zhongli.It's just that after seeing how ugly people's hearts are, they decided to help this tragic planet and clean up the garbage.

"I'm not a savior, I don't have that much kindness and magnanimity. My method may be wrong, but what can I do? If I am strong, I can do whatever I want. I don't like this world, so I will change it in my way. .” Zhong Li thought in this way.

Although his state at this time is not right, his spirit has not changed much.

"Xia Rilang, Xia Rilang..."

When the villagers saw that the young man in the village was actually killed by the strong man who saved the old man and the woman for no reason, they all cried out in fear.

Previously, Wang Wu and him were only targeting the old and the young, and it had nothing to do with them. They could still watch the excitement.

But this one is even scarier than Wang Wu. Wang Wu is threatening and intimidating, and then he is robbing.

And this one is not only powerful, but also shakes the mountain with his hands raised, he kills people without even saying no!

How could they not be afraid of such a terrifying existence, in case one of them would be killed next, or they might all be killed...

Seeing these villagers fleeing and crying for their father and mother, Zhong Li did not stop them.These people are not as thoroughly black as the young man before.

Wang Wu's pants were already soaked, and there was still a pool of water stains on the ground.If he hadn't been speechless, he would have knelt down and begged for mercy.

resist?Don't even think about it, how can you resist... That young man just now is a role model. He knelt and kowtowed and shouted to the sky to open his eyes, but he was killed by this great god. One can imagine his mood at the moment.

Begging for mercy, dare not beg, also made a sound.If you don't beg for mercy, why don't you just wait for death...

Wang Wu's teeth were chattering, and he made a sound of "呵~呵~呵...".

Zhong Li glanced at Wang Wu, his eyes full of disgust.With a casual throw, Wang Wu was thrown onto the high platform.His two dog legs were also thrown onto the high platform by Zhongli in the same way.



The high platform was about 20 meters high, and Wang Wu, who was thrown up, had the strength of a great soul master, but he was not injured.

The two dog legs are not soul masters, but ordinary people who are a little stronger.When they were thrown onto the high platform, they fell completely in a daze.

"I'll give you a chance to live. Here, tie up your master. Then each of you will give him a knife. Every time, some meat must fall off. If anyone kills him, he will die with him." Zhong Li Pointing to Wang Wu, he turned his head and said to the two dogs beside him.

As if he was afraid that they would have no tools, Zhongli also enthusiastically provided the iron chain and the knife, and left the two items in front of the two dogs.

Hearing Zhongli's words, even though Wang Wu had been doing evil for so many years, he was so frightened that he passed out.He had never seen such a cruel method.The devil, he was just the devil.

Seeing the iron lock and knife thrown by Zhong Li, the two dog legs were stunned, and their trembling bodies stopped trembling.On the Douluo Continent... Now it seems that this is not the time to think about the system of the Douluo Continent. Their life and death depend on other people's thoughts.

The purpose of the two of them following Wang Wu was not only to make some money, but also to pick up the leftover "soup and water" that he ate, and they didn't have much loyalty at all.If Zhongli said that they would live if they killed Wang Wu, they would definitely do it immediately without any hesitation.But in this situation, only one can live...

Wang Wu, who fainted again, looked at the tool provided by the adult again. The two looked at each other, and finally picked up the tool.

I just hope that the other party's attack is not serious or serious, so that I can hope to survive.

Not long after, the two tied Wang Wu tremblingly, and the position happened to be the raised place on the platform.

Not to mention, the two of them learned from each other without a teacher, and this method of binding is quite authentic.

How could it not be authentic? They were afraid that Wang Wu would suddenly get violent and kill them.Wang Wu is a great soul master, they are just ordinary people, if Wang Wu suddenly gets violent, and some adults don't save them, then no...

Chapter 155 The Examination of the Disappearing Rakshasa God

The Continental Youth Soul Master Elite Competition did not end the competition just because someone left or a certain team left.

In the finals, the audience who were looking forward to the captain of the dragon team felt like a dog, their captain Zhongli left without a sound!

The Dragon Clan team won the championship without any suspense, and the reward for the championship is still those three soul bones...

When this Continental Young Soul Master Elite Competition came to an end, the "spectators" left the stage one after another.

But the pope's palace became lively.

Bibi Dongmei half-closed her eyes, leaned lazily on the pope's throne, quietly not speaking, just looking at the noisy elders below.

Just in these two days, Bibi Dong suddenly discovered that her Rakshasa Shenkao had disappeared suddenly.Not only that, but her sanity, which was influenced by the Rakshasa god, was miraculously restored to clarity.

It's just that the price is a bit high, and the little bit of Rakshasa's power that was obtained before also disappears with the disappearance of the Rakshasa's test.

This matter has to start from the God Realm. When the Shura God was besieged, the Raksha God was the fastest one to charge, and also the first god to fall.She went up excitedly, but she forgot that she was completely defeated by God Shura, so she was the first to die...

With the death of the Rakshasa God and the shattering of the status of the gods, Bibi Dong's Rakshasa God Test naturally also disappeared.

After Bibi Dong's head recovered, recalling the Rakshasa Examination again, she couldn't help feeling chills down her back and breaking out in a cold sweat.

How could she inherit the position of Rakshasa God? According to this assessment, she is not inheriting the position of God, but a slave of Rakshasa's divine power!

There are also some things from the past, when recalling them, Bibi Dong feels inexplicable.

For example, if Yu Xiaogang publishes information about Wuhundian, she would actually feel that Yu Xiaogang is talented?It's not like I haven't read those materials. Why did I feel like a fool after Yu Xiaogang published it, and I thought he was so hardworking and talented?

Not only that, why did she fall in love with Yu Xiaogang, a waste...

"It turns out that since then, I have been arranged clearly, God, haha, is this a god, is this a Rakshasa god? If I become a god, I will settle all my long-cherished wishes with you." Bibi Dong thought to himself.

Everything suddenly seemed like a dream, and once she woke up, one can imagine Bibi Dong's mood at this moment.Everything about me was actually arranged by the god who passed on the position of god to me, and it was clearly arranged.

"It seems that you should have been a pawn back then, but your death is not a pity..."

Recalling the previous pope, her teacher.Bibi Dong didn't know what to say, but he didn't regret doing that kind of thing to his apprentice.

"Your Majesty, the Dragon Clan is too arrogant! If our Spirit Hall doesn't take action against them, we will have dealt with this hidden danger. My Spirit Hall..." said an elder of the Spirit Hall.

Most of the elders of Wuhun Hall went to clean up the evil soul masters with the worshipers of the Hall of Enshrinement.But there are still a few "guardians".

Originally, the elders of the Wuhun Temple thought that sending three spirit bones could establish diplomatic relations with the Dragon Clan.As a result, after accepting the award, he ignored the invitation from Wuhundian and left directly!

How contemptuous of the Spirit Hall is this!This is how this scene happened, the elders who guarded the house were arguing endlessly in the Pope's palace.

Bibi Dong looked at the elder who proposed to deal with the dragon clan, and said helplessly: "Elder Demon Bear, do you know how strong the other party is?"

"Your Majesty the Pope, isn't there only a dozen titled Douluo on the other side? When the priests come back, I will fight together, and I am afraid that they will fail!" The elder named Demon Bear replied directly without thinking.

The strength in the Wuhun Hall is not like the rumors from the outside world, there are only a few titled Douluo.If you add the priests, there are more than 95 titles in Wuhundian, and the strength of the priests has exceeded level [-].With this level of strength, is it still necessary to compromise with the strength of the Dragon Clan?

And the number of soul masters owned by Wuhundian accounts for more than 70.00% of the entire continent.A mere family power...

Hearing Devil Bear Douluo's words, the corners of Bibi Dong's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled very rarely.This made Demon Bear Douluo and others stunned, why did His Highness the Pope laugh?

Not long after, Bibi Dong restrained her smile and said, "Elder Demon Bear, do you think that the power that can allow a super powerhouse of level 98 to protect the younger generation will not be guarded by Peerless Douluo?"

"What? This..."

Bibi Dong's words really stunned the elders. They have been practicing in the elder hall for many years, and they really don't know the latest news.

The news that Golden Crocodile Douluo brought back was limited to the priests and Bibi Dong in the hall of worship, Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo knew about it.The elders in the elders' hall are practicing when they are free, so how do they know these things.

"Even if you go to that old guy Qian Daoliu, he will never agree to go to war with the Dragon Clan. Go back, I'm tired." Bibi Dong said.

Regardless of the expressions of the elders at this time, she stood up directly and walked towards the main hall behind her.

The Pope's Palace is the place where the Pope lives, the front is the meeting hall, and the back is the place where the Pope rests.


The combined ages of several elders were hundreds of years old. When they saw Bibi Dong leave, they could only stare, there was nothing they could do.

"Is that the end of those things?" Demon Bear Douluo frowned, spread his hands helplessly, and asked the other elders.

"Otherwise, what else can I do? It's a pity that the three spirit bones are lost."

"Your idea, can you be more normal? I didn't expect the dragon clan to be so terrifying. There are actually strong people of the level of the big priest and the second priest. Hey, it's not wrong to turn your face. If you don't turn your face, they kick their noses and face their faces..."

Chrysanthemum Douluo saw how many people were still hurting autumn and winter, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, he pinched the orchid and said:

"I told you before that now is not the time to turn your face. If you don't listen, it's okay now, and you are making fun of yourself."

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