After the flying member flew away, the captain of the scout wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and said to himself, "I didn't expect these evil soul masters to set their minds on the nobles."

After the scout captain finished speaking, he was heard by the team members beside him. The man smiled wryly and said:

"Hey, Captain. You haven't forgotten those evil soul masters who robbed and killed Heaven Dou Prince Xue Qinghe a while ago, and personally led the team to Wuhun City to participate in the competition. Even the evil soul masters have a team of Titled Douluo level, dare to attack, let alone these nobles."

"How could I forget, I just sent it out of feeling." The scout captain shook his head and said.

A while ago, there was a lot of rumors. Hundreds of evil soul masters at least at the level of soul emperors formed a group to attack the players participating in the Pan Continental Youth Soul Master Elite Competition.In that battle, too many strong men fell.Four of the Contra-level powerhouses alone have fallen...

"If our cultivation base can be higher, we can also become nobles of the kingdom." The scout captain said.

He was born as a commoner, and his dream is to become a nobleman, but his soul power level is not high, only level 27.

To become the baron of the lowest level in the Heaven Dou Empire, one needs to reach the level of Soul Sect, while to become the baron of the Barak Kingdom, one only needs to reach level 30 or above.

Nobles who become nobles by strength can pass on their titles to their descendants, but they can only be passed on to three generations.

If after three generations, any descendant who obtains the title of nobility does not meet the corresponding requirements, he will be downgraded.If there is no way to surrender, then the title of nobility will be revoked and they will return to common people.

However, if hereditary is added to the title, no requirements are required, and the title can be inherited from generation to generation.

"That's right, if you can become a nobleman, who will come to be a scout. It's called a scout, but it's just a dog for the nobles to explore the way..." the scout team said angrily.

I worked hard and risked my life, and the monthly gold soul coins were only a fraction of the nobles.They don't need to do anything, the empire will give them a lot of gold soul coins.

"It's okay to say this in front of our brothers. If it gets out, you will know the consequences." The scout captain turned his head to look at the man, and said with a serious face.

Talking about nobles is a serious crime for commoners.If someone with a heart uses this matter to report the person who said this, the consequences will be disastrous...

"Yes, Captain. Am I just complaining..." The team member scratched his head, smiled awkwardly and said...

Chapter 161 General, Good Strategy

As time passed, the scout codenamed Swallow had returned to the barracks.


"Come in!" Hearing the voice outside the tent, the garrison general shouted hastily.

"Huh~" Swallow entered the general's tent, took a deep breath, and said, "Report to the general, I am a scout going to the southwest to investigate. We found a small fishing village thirty miles to the southwest. The high platform that appeared, that high platform... and the traces of the evil soul master, they sent a noble from the Heaven Dou Empire..."

"What?" After listening to Yanzi's narration, the stationed general was taken aback and frowned slightly.

The connection between the evil soul master and the building that suddenly appeared in the small fishing village makes me feel like there is an ulterior secret in it...

As for the nobleman of the Heaven Dou Empire, he doesn't care whether he lives or dies.Although the Balak Kingdom is a subsidiary country of the Heaven Dou Empire, all the management systems of the Balak Kingdom have nothing to do with the Heaven Dou Empire.

As the general of the Barak Kingdom, what does the life and death of the nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire have to do with him?

The royal family of the Barak Kingdom was still loyal to the Heaven Dou Empire. After the Wuhun Palace invaded the Barak Kingdom, Emperor Xue Ye, who was already deeply poisoned, died directly.The aristocratic spirit that would rather die than surrender was vividly reflected in the Barak Kingdom and Emperor Xue Ye.

The garrison general weighed it in his mind, and decided to go and see, if there were really evil soul masters doing things thirty miles away, then their barracks would not be safe here.The ghost knows if the evil soul master will come for a sneak attack, or throw poison or something...

After all, a while ago, the evil soul masters even dared to sneak attack on the Heaven Dou Empire's troops, so maybe they would also sneak attack on the Barak Kingdom's legion.Because of this incident, many forces on the mainland are panicked.The head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, one of the top three sects, all died in battle... Can they still be stronger than Ning Fengzhi, who is guarded by Chen Xin?

Thinking of this, the garrison general said:

"Come on, all soldiers, follow me to the battle! We are obliged to eliminate the evil soul masters!"

There are a total of 3 soldiers stationed here, and the small fishing village is only [-] miles away, so it's safe.The garrison general decided that it would be better for everyone to encircle and suppress the evil soul master together, so as not to be embarrassing when the car overturns.

Not long after, the army of 3 people walked towards the small fishing village in such a mighty way after packing up their luggage.

They didn't know what they would face on this trip.

Just as the Legion of the Barak Kingdom was walking towards the small fishing village, the corners of Zhongli’s mouth, who was still at the entrance of the small fishing village, twitched slightly, and his eyes were like a fan-shaped statistical chart, revealing three points of disdain, three points of coldness, and four points casual.

A mere 3 people, even 30 people, so it doesn't matter.Now that you're here, stay here.Right or wrong is no longer important.Make the world feel the pain...

Gou Yigou Er, who was repairing Wang Wu, suddenly saw Zhong Li's strange smile, and couldn't help but feel a chill down his back. The hand holding the knife was already trembling, but now it trembled even more.

"My lord, don't you think we repaired too slowly? No, we have to speed up..." Gou Yi thought to himself.Zhongli's smile really frightened them a lot, and even the strength of his knife couldn't help but increase a bit.

Zhong Li ignored Gou Yi and Gou Er.Instead, he stared at the northeast direction without squinting, where [-] troops had assembled at this time, and they were coming here.

The garrison army of the Kingdom of Barak was walking towards the southwest, which was just northeast of the small fishing village.

Thirty miles, for ordinary people, it takes half a day to arrive.And the legion members of Barak Kingdom, even if most of them are ordinary people, are not slow to drive.

As time went by, 3 people who were pretending to be ready to go had arrived outside the village entrance of the small fishing village.

On the execution platform, Gou Yi and Gou Er watched with dull eyes, they never thought that what happened here would attract a large army to overwhelm them.Well now, no matter which adult will let one of them go and hurt the nobles, they will only have a dead end.

Zhong Li stood on the edge of the execution platform, where he could overlook the garrison army of the entire Barak Kingdom.

Almost all of these 3 people were of commoner origin, and occasionally there were one or two gilded nobles among them. They were huge and dark...

If you set a level of evil, set a value, and flaunt it above your head.Then there are not many of these 3 people who have no crime value.More or less, have done some...

When the legion arrived at the entrance of the small fishing village, the garrison general did not launch an attack immediately, but was stunned.

This execution platform was too grand, with patterns on it that everyone couldn't understand, and on the topmost position, the miserable appearance of the nobleman of the Heaven Dou Empire at this time, made these soldiers gasp involuntarily.

In order to make it easier for everyone to observe, the execution platform that Zhongli built was not very high, only more than 20 meters high.Evil must be passed on, otherwise how will others know...

"Go ahead, don't be stunned." Seeing Gou Yi and Gou Er staring blankly, Zhong Li said.

Gou Yi, Gou Er heard it, and the whole person was shocked.Oh my god, this man is facing an army of [-], and instead of thinking about how to escape, he is still thinking about this.He is really not afraid of death!

The two of them thought for a while, stretching out their heads was a knife, and retracting their heads was also a knife.Since they were forced to do this kind of thing, the Heaven Dou Empire would not let them go, but this devil in front of him would let one go, if he was alive, he certainly wouldn't want to die.

Gou Yi gritted his teeth and continued to execute Wang Wu.After stabbing Wang Wu once, he gave the knife to Gou Er...

"What an arrogant evil soul master, you dare to do evil in the face of us!" the guard of the Barak kingdom who led his troops said angrily.

These evil soul masters simply don't pay attention to their 3 legion!

"General, they are at such a high place, should we prepare a ladder to go up?" the deputy general asked from the side.

Visually, this high platform is about 20 meters high. Soul masters with a slightly higher strength in the legion can go up, but there are not many soul masters with high strength in the legion. few……

"It doesn't have to be like this, we just need to surround him, put something burning on the ground, and set a fire to smoke the fire. I don't believe they won't come down! It's just three evil soul masters. Even if he It's a title... Wait, what if he can fly? Let the archer prepare..."

"Yes, the general has a good strategy! I will make sure he can't escape!"

Zhong Li looked at the army in front of him, and at this moment, he asked the soldiers to hold some firewood and put them under the execution platform, and he couldn't help but give the other guard a high look.If this person is placed in that world where heroes compete for the throne, he may be a wise general...

Chapter 162 Rock Resonance

Zhong Li didn't want to interrupt these people's movements, because there was no need for it.

After they have done all the work, when they think they are safe and confident.

At that point, it's much more fun to give them a slap in the face.

The two who are repairing Wang Wu, even if they are uneducated and don't know any strategies.

At this time, I also understood what those people below were going to do, and I couldn't help but feel sad again. This is to deal with them as roasted or smoked ducks.Otherwise, bring firewood to burn the kang?

The two of them are ordinary people, and usually follow behind Wang Wu to bully men and women, how have they ever seen such a scene!His legs trembled involuntarily, and there were some water stains and yellowing on the place where he was standing.

But when the two saw the smile on the devil's face, although they couldn't figure it out, they didn't know why.But at last I feel relieved...

As time passed, after seeing that the soldiers had almost arranged the firewood for burning, the deputy general asked the guard: "General, which noble from the Heaven Dou Empire, do we need to save him?"

Hearing the lieutenant general's words, the guard frowned, turned his head to stare at the lieutenant firmly, and said seriously: "Nobleman, what nobleman, when did you see the nobleman of the Heaven Dou Empire? Only evil soul masters are doing evil to civilians, I Waiting to kill the evil soul masters is an incumbent duty!"

Most evil soul masters are not inherently evil, but are forced to join the profession.Among them, most of the people who are forced to be helpless are oppressed civilians. They want to resist, but they don't have the strength or influence, so the only way to fall is to fall...

Of course, there are also some who have never done evil, but because they are unwilling to act according to the nobles' ideas, they are given the title of evil soul masters by the nobles.There are more civilians who died unjustly than real evil soul masters.

Nobles don't care about the life and death of civilians, they only care about their own interests and the rights they enjoy.

"Ah, that's right. There are no nobles! The general is really a good general who is willing to help others!" The deputy general nodded and bowed quickly.

This lieutenant general is also a sensible person, the general said so, of course he is planning to kill this nobleman of the Heaven Dou Empire together.To eradicate evil soul masters, it is normal to sacrifice some people, and this is not a noble from Barak Kingdom...

As long as you don't know, the Heaven Dou Empire will not come to make trouble, not only that, maybe there will be rewards.The current Heaven Dou Empire, in the entire empire, offers rewards for the arrest of evil soul masters.Every time you kill an "evil soul master", you will get more rewards... The general is a person who knows how to squeeze wool!


With a sound, the soldiers lit the firewood under the execution platform, and it took less than a few minutes for the small fire to raging fire.

"Hahaha, I'd like to see, you can't get down!" The garrison general watched the thick smoke billowing from the raging fire, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily, and smiled.

"The archer is ready, if the opponent is a strong man who can fly, shoot him down for me!"

"Yes!" ×n

The thick smoke produced by the flames, like a positioning device, attracted scouts from other forces.

From a distance, these scouts saw a dark crowd surrounding a high platform.And light a fire under the high platform...

"Hey, what happened here? What are they doing?" A scout from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School muttered to himself while standing under a tree in the distance.

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from the tree, which startled him.

"I don't know, I just came here."


Looking at the Wuhundian's uniform on the opponent, the scout from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was stunned for a moment, then nodded as a response.

"I didn't expect the scouts of the Wuhun Palace to have higher hidden ability than me!" the scout of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School thought to himself.If it weren't for the other party's lack of hostility, he would have died just now! "Next time..."

"Me too." A message came from another tree.


Looking at the clothes on the opponent's body, the scout from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School felt numb all over!Why are Yingzang's kung fu so powerful?

As the scouts from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School stopped talking, the atmosphere at the scene returned to the previous silence.

Under normal circumstances, scouts rarely fight among scouts, even if they encounter hostile forces.It's like in the game, the assistant who explored the field of vision met the opponent's assistant...

As the days went by, the fire grew hotter, with more smoke and heat.Gou Yi and Gou Er on the execution platform were already sweating profusely, their eyes could hardly be opened due to the smoke.

As for Wang Wu, he was fainted by Xun just now, and he must be about to lose his hold.

"They are laughing at this moment, feeling that the overall situation is settled and the victory is in their hands. The laughter at this moment should be used as compensation for sending you down." Zhong Li murmured.

He was not affected in any way. If he wanted to, the fire wouldn't start, and even if it did, it could be extinguished at any time.

The fire is almost imminent, this evil soul master still doesn't forget to pretend, Gou Yi and Gou Er are convinced, the kind of convinced.If it wasn't for being so smoked that they couldn't speak, the two of them might have knelt down to worship their master.

In the thick smoke, a khaki light spot suddenly appeared in Zhongli's hand. He squeezed it slightly and said, "Resonance..."

That khaki spot of light quickly floated out of Zhongli's palm, and merged towards the execution platform under his feet.

As the light spots merged, the surface of the execution platform that Zhongli had built before suddenly became radiant, rising from the lower part to the top of the execution platform, and then quickly descending from the top, sinking into the ground...


The sound of collision resounding through the sky resounded at this moment, followed by the anger of the earth.


The rock resonated, and almost instantly extinguished the surrounding flames, turning them into pieces of crystals of fire elements.

And the smiles on the faces of the generals and soldiers all around froze instantly and slowly disappeared...

"Something's wrong, run, run!" The guard, with the highest cultivation level among this group of people, was also the first to notice something was wrong. He extinguished the surrounding flames with his hand, and the sound resounded through the sky with his wave.

I haven't thought about how this high platform appeared before, but now it seems... this kind of existence, how could they be able to deal with it...

The guard's order did not have any effect, and the 3 legion surrounding the execution platform was on the verge of collapse.


"Ah... help!"

"Help me, my father is..."


The speed of the resonance is so fast, how can they run with their feet.Wherever the khaki light has passed, there is no body left...

Chapter 163 Killing Thirty Thousand Army

"Leave the ground, hurry up, get off the ground!" The guard standing at the back commanding the legion realized the clue and quickly shouted loudly.

The khaki energy fluctuation is visible to the naked eye, and it can be clearly seen where it has reached.Those who touched it turned into blood mist.

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