The moon is full of evil, but the simulator is full of evil Author: Uncle, I am really going to be angry

The wheel rolls right over...

The White Dragon of Calamity

Chapter 1 I am super, I just wore a model month!

"You refuse to participate in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City?

"That's it"

The distant bells echoed in the outskirts of London.

Fluttering flames bloomed at the man's fingertips.

Looking at the black-haired young man sitting across from him, El-Melloi II slowly lit his cigar, took a puff, and immediately exhaled misty clouds, with no surprised expression on his calm face.

"The answer is as expected, I told those guys a long time ago that you will not be tempted.

"After all, even the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail to the root is nothing to you at all."

This sounds exaggerated.

But the tone of El-Melloi II's speech was as it should be.

Because the black-haired young man sitting in front of him is an out-and-out magic genius, which makes Weber, who has a third-rate magic circuit and works overtime every day, feel the existence of unfair fate.

In the profession of magician.

As the monarch of the clock tower's modern magic department, Weber Velvet has almost absolute confidence in this cheap student he picked up from the side of the road.

the reason is simple

——He saw with his own eyes that Su Shu was promoted from an ignorant Muggle to a dignified position in the Clock Tower in just one year.

Crown, color, code, sacrifice, opening, length, end.

This is the rank of magician handed down by the Magic Association to this day.

As the monarch, Weber himself is now just a sacrificial seat.

Speaking with a high emotional intelligence, he called this "Honorary Sacrifice".

Thanks to his outstanding achievements in teaching his disciples, he was exceptionally granted this rank.

In fact, Weber's qualifications as a magician are very poor, barely reaching the level of opening positions at most, and it is difficult to hypnotize the old lady. His magic circuit was rated as "non-burnable garbage" by his adopted sister, Lainice Rui.

It can be said that it is actually a "post".

So much so that he grows long hair now, all in order to preserve a little more magic power, and even the cigar he smokes is a kind of magic dress, which is the magic spirit smoke exclusively developed by Weber himself—because it is the fifth generation product, So he named it RELX[-].

Yiyan Dingzhen was identified as: Holy Widow.

To put it bluntly.

Although he already occupies the honorable position of the Twelve Sovereigns of the Clock Tower, Weber's gold content as a magician is really not very high.

I feel that the image quality feels less magical than Gudazi.

This also led to the fact that the Second King usually had to play a guest role as the famous detective El Mello, and he had to bring a Gray Sauce as a bodyguard beside him, so as not to be killed by the murderer who became angry.

However, compared to Weber himself, Fela's unbearable aptitude.

The magic circuit of Su Shu, a cheap disciple, was directly mutated in the brain, and it seemed to be extremely excellent in quality and quantity, which made Weber so envious that he was about to have a heart attack.

Not to mention, such a frightening speed of being promoted to the position of pundit within one year - even the legendary Marshal Zellich and the "Red of Pain" seem to have never had such a high level in the career of a magician. over such an exaggerated performance.

The class conferred by the clock tower attaches great importance to the magician's own magic attainments.

In short, "being able to fight" is a key element.

But the more important evaluation indicators are to consider the openness and innovation of the magic field, the understanding and construction of the magic formula, and the magician's own magic skills.

Of course, if you are the second generation of the devil, then everything is another matter-the clock tower has very flexible judging criteria.

Su Shu easily defeated the executive examiner Bazet, known as the "strongest priest", in the simulated actual combat of the promotion evaluation. This is already an amazing performance.

The main reason is that the research paper he wrote: "Construction Ideas for Man-made External Miniature Magic Circuit Participating in Controllable Nuclear Fusion Process" was too shocking, and directly shocked some unborn old monsters in the clock tower. Almost attracted the seal designation.

Su Shu was not imprisoned by the Clock Tower in the name of "seal protection" thanks to the knowledge of the basics of the study experience in the Clock Tower over the past year, and the full guarantee of the El-Melloi family and the Animsfia family. The "Bottom of the Bridge" was made into a specimen, but it was exceptionally awarded the allusion.

As a result, he became the first Chinese in the history of the clock tower to be promoted to the Dian position.

Afterwards, the thesis that caused Su Shu a lot of painstaking efforts was directly sealed and sunk as the top secret of the clock tower, and it was not published publicly.

Such a result also made him lose his last patience with the stale atmosphere of the clock tower.


Although the Magic Association's first purpose is "Hiding the Mystery", a bitch like Reinis knows that this is just a gimmick.

Upholding such righteousness, it is very convenient to suppress those magicians who are out in the field. Anyway, the industry standard is formulated by my clock tower. If you say sanctions, you will sanction you. You have no temper.


The purpose of "hiding the mystery" is just a good excuse.

After all, even the seal designation sent out can be revoked angrily.Even if the Bureau of Secret Rituals tried its best, there was nothing they could do about the woman called "Red of Pain".

So in the final analysis, the final right of interpretation still falls on the hard truth of big fists.

Ostensibly to "hide the mystery", thus limiting the publication of this paper.

However, Su Shu knew very well that the real reason was that the Clock Tower, who valued blood inheritance, did not want to see the development of secular technology, which would gradually reduce the magic they mastered to a laughingstock worth mentioning.

Just like artificial diamonds are deconstructed, diamonds can only provide value by blowing.

Just like today's modern magic department, since its establishment in the nineteenth century, it has always been scorned and excluded by the aristocratic magic faction.

Su Shu felt very sorry for the final result of the clock tower's handling of this matter.

In order to pursue the root cause, dare to refine the human body, violate taboos, and summon souls through blood sacrifices, but dare not publish a small paper?

Even if you come to airborne personally and directly replace your own research results?

As long as it can be published to promote the progress of the world, Su Shu doesn't care about authorship or vain honor at all.

His motives are very simple, just wanting to live

——After all, this world is about to be destroyed.

Su Shu, 24 years old, is a time traveler.

When I was writing my doctoral thesis, I suddenly had a severe headache, passed out, and was rushed to the ICU.

After a CT scan, there is a vague shadow in his brain, which is suspected of a malignant brain tumor, and all clinical manifestations are also consistent with the symptoms.

Suffered from an incurable terminal illness at the most ambitious age.

After the initial collapse, disbelief, and indignation, Su Shu accepted the reality with complicated emotions, gave up the unbearable chemotherapy, prepared to finish writing the thesis seriously, and spend this period of his life well The last time.

However, when he walked out of the hospital, what Su Shu saw was not the gloomy urban sky, but the rain-drenched streets of England.

He traveled directly to the 2002 Model Moon London.

Such an oriental face attracted the attention of the people on the street, and WeChat and Alipay on the mobile phone were almost paralyzed.

Thanks to Su Shu's spoken English fluently, Gray, who went out to buy bread, took him home by accident, and finally entered the Clock Tower through the second emperor's recommendation letter (through the back door), becoming a rare animal. Eastern students.

It's a good thing the old Londoner doesn't speak Japanese, otherwise he would stare at Weber.

After inexplicably traveling to the moon.

Su Shu discovered that he had awakened a talent called "clairvoyance".

In the early days when he was not yet able to stably control clairvoyance, accompanied by severe headaches, he could occasionally foresee some vague pictures about the future of this world in his sleep.

All pictures that make people high blood pressure.

Bloodborne Plague, Devil Rift, Lost Empire, Suzheng Agreement, Insect Swarm Invasion, Subspace Storm

——Tell me, this is a fucking moon? !

let me go home! ! !

In the not-too-distant future, all sorts of weird and dangerous disasters will come and wreak havoc on this world, eventually turning this land into a complete purgatory on earth.

Even worse.

Su Shu discovered that his clairvoyance has never observed the future after 2016

——And this probably means that humans in this world will become extinct in 2016.

The collapse of order, the withering of life, and the disappearance of civilization

Human history is coming to an end.

Those desperate pictures of the collapse of humanism foreshadowed to Su Shu the tragic ending that this world was about to usher in.

Seeing such a future, Su Shuren was already a little numb.

They have obviously become time travelers, just like the hero Long Aotian in those toilet paper light novels, he should have lived a cool life of pretending to slap his face and open the harem, and what he was about to ushered in should have been like a dream Happy time...

——Why, why did it become like this?

Traveling to Xingyue, the original terminal illness has the possibility of being cured under the mysterious worldview.

However, before I had time to be happy, I suddenly learned that the world has been pilled in less than ten years

It's like traveling to Terra suddenly, happily preparing to open a big harem of the beast-eared lady, only to find out that this is the holy Terra!

I'm super, I just wore the model month!


Chapter 2 No one knows the Holy Grail War better than me

Foresaw the bad news of the imminent extinction of mankind.

Su Shu found a hospital and went in and out of its gate repeatedly to try to wear it back, but unfortunately it didn't work.

He can only be forced to accept the reality again and again.


The luck in the misfortune is——as a traverser, even though he couldn't awaken the system despite repeated calls, Su Shu was really talented.

After trying his best to master the initial use of clairvoyance, he finally realized when he was looking inside that the weird shadow in his brain was not a tumor but a mutant magic circuit waiting to be awakened.

Because its quality and quantity are so good that the magic power that usually spontaneously absorbs and overflows caused Su Shu a severe headache. If he doesn't activate and master it quickly, it will be the same as a malignant brain tumor—he may really Not a few months to live.

Thus, under the recommendation of the Second Emperor (through the back door), Su Shu started his study abroad career in the Clock Tower.

After a period of theoretical study, he also gradually understood that the future observed by clairvoyance only represents a "possibility".

This is also the reason why the disasters I observe each time have different forms.

The world line often has infinite possibilities

In other words, the future can be changed!

If human beings can progress and develop faster, maybe they can avoid the miserable destruction in the future.


Therefore, in addition to improving his ability to survive, Su Shu is also sincerely committed to promoting the progress of basic research in this world, and hopes to promote the combination of science and magic.

For example, "Study on the Yield Increase of Wheat Crops under Different Ether Concentrations", "The Feasibility Investigation of Rune Runes in the Purification of Water Source Pollution", "The Exploration of the Application of Magic Power as an Efficient and Clean Energy", etc.

His various magic research topics also uphold such a simple and practical starting point.

It's a pity that the Magic Association represented by the clock tower has long been entrenched, full of various academic monopoly, blood discrimination and narrow prejudice.

The so-called traditional magic family is more similar to the old-fashioned feudal clan in essence.The various factional divisions and political struggles in it have become a swamp of corruption, which sinks everyone who steps into it.

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