Looking at the moonlight outside the window.

Su Shu's gaze faltered a little.

"Yes, it's good to use an analogy."

Second smiled.

He raised his hand and tapped the wall behind him with his knuckles.

"Suppose you have a hole in the wall in your home.

"There is no way to repair this hole with your means, and you can't even block it temporarily. It looks very unsightly and ruins the image.

"What would you do?"

Su Shu said without thinking.

"Cover it."

"Yes, cover it!"

Second King pulled a curtain over, covering the wall where he hit.

"I guess what Xing Nei Hai is doing is the same thing.

"—Do not expose the family ugliness. If He can't fix it, then he will block it and keep it from showing."

The second generation played with the cigar in his hand and pondered.

"Nevertheless, a hole that cannot be repaired is still a hole after all—if everything you have described is the truth of history, then, I guess, there will be a time when you will be able to see the opening of this hole!"

"What time?" Su Shu sat up.

"Eclipse. "

Second said with a smile.

"The "solar eclipse" in magic is a symbol of the "aperture of the world".

"London experiences a solar eclipse every 370 years or so.

"Britain in AD 527"

"Britain in AD 2003"

"Didn't you hear the recent news broadcast, sorry tree, I forgot that you are in a coma—according to observations from the observatory, the next time London can observe a solar eclipse will be within this month."

The second raised his eyes, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the ring light on the ceiling, looking at the distant sky.

"That was raised by "Alvin Pendragon""

He sighed so sadly.

"—"The Black Sun of Britain". "

Su Shu sat on the hospital bed, dazed for a long time.

The master sat on the chair leisurely and swayed, staring at the disciple in a daze.

Hehe, such a wonderful reasoning is worthy of my appearance fee.

It is the responsibility of the teacher to preach and teach the disciples to dispel doubts.

Although it is said that the rank of the disciple has now surpassed that of his teacher.

However, the blue is better than the blue because of the blue, the second generation is happy to see it.

It was like that for a long time.

The black-haired youth finally turned his head and asked.

"Artoria, what's going on behind her?"

"The official history records, of course, is death, and it is an extremely tragic death - such a holy, brilliant, and perfect king, she was finally defeated by internal and external troubles."

Second King let out a slight sigh.

"Britain and Rome have been at war for years, and the intensity is staggering. In order to win the victory, King Arthur led an army across the sea and marched in person.

"Under such a background, the king's heir, the Knight of the Round Table named "Mordred", gradually grew up and was born. "


Su Shu vaguely remembered that Xiao Mo seemed to be the illegitimate son of King Arthur, and he was not so clear about the chaotic relationship behind it.

"Artoria, did she marry eh, the king? And have children?"

It sounded like she was relieved of her relationship with Alvin.

However, the answer Su Shu got was——

"No, she was never married and never married."

Second shook his head.

"It was even rumored that Lancelot, the knight of the lake, wooed King Arthur, but she cut off his arm on the spot and expelled him from the round table—and this also laid the groundwork for her subsequent betrayal.

"We only know that Mordred is King Arthur's illegitimate son, but we don't know whose child it is, but that rebellious knight, according to historical records, is said to be stronger than King Arthur himself.

"As Mordred grew up, the rebellious

The knight also had a fierce conflict with the king she served.

"We have no way of knowing the reason, but scholars today generally believe that it may be because King Arthur has been fighting for a long time and neglected to accompany his children, which caused Mordred to have a deformity in character.

"Smoothly passing through the barren period of the decline of the Age of Gods, King Arthur still generally implemented policies that benefited the people, which also made her country more prosperous.

"However, at this time, her energy was more involved in the war with the Roman Empire.

"Because of years of fighting abroad, domestic affairs are handled by a solid bureaucracy.

"We don't know what the reason is. Although the country is peaceful and the war has been victorious year after year, she still dispatched all the loyal and elite Knights of the Round Table to pursue the illusory "Holy Grail".

"This has led to her power being gradually corroded and emptied by the past noble factions.

"With King Arthur's last battle against Rome, the country is empty of troops.

"Mordred, there is a rebellion in the kingdom.

"Most of the nobles of the Round Table who had long complained about King Arthur surrendered to her, the chalk city of Camelot fell, and a trap was quietly laid out.


"King Arthur returns from Rome.

"She ushered in the end of the withered twilight battlefield called Gladiolus Hill—the final "Battle of Camlann." "

Su Shu's expression was a little dazed.

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

In front of his eyes, a battlefield with bleeding blood and corpses piled up like tombstones seemed to be slowly spreading out.

"Battle of Camlann".

That is, the reward for her great achievements so far.

"Should I say that he is worthy of being the perfect king?"

The second thought seemed to fly to that battlefield as well.

"That King Arthur, even in such a desperate situation, she quickly suppressed the situation, and the losses of both sides are said to have been controlled within a very small range.

"In plain sight.

"The only thing left is the duel between Mordred and that king.

"They fought from morning to noon, and from noon to dusk.

"According to historical records, the onlookers heard many times that the rebellious knight roared and mentioned the words "father" and "why", presumably he was madly venting his dissatisfaction with the perfect king Bar

"King Arthur

"She governed the entire country perfectly, but she didn't care for her own children, and it's extremely embarrassing that she ended up like that.

"at last.

"King Arthur pierced Mordred's heart with the holy spear, and then, throwing away all his weapons in the night, he walked towards his former hometown in a trance, which is said to be a small town in Essex today.

"When found dead.

"Holding the hilt of her wooden sword, she stood and watched in a field of wheat."

The last words of the second generation fell silently.

The lingering sound seemed to hang in this small ward.

Same black hair, same black eyes.

As the teacher, Weber Velvet raised his eyes and stared at Su Shu as the disciple.

"When she died, she was waiting for someone"

Second said softly,

"—she was waiting for Alvin Pendragon. "

"Oberon, from A Midsummer Night's Dream, King of the Goblins in Britannia

"—No, it's not right! I obviously summoned Alvin, hey!"

All inventories were desperate and turned out crooked!

The Q version of Gu Dazi was mad in the conference room, hugged Matthew and kissed madly, and beat the table with his head.

boom! boom! boom!

"Senior! Senior, calm down!"

Mash tried her best to hold Guda back, but with Guda in this state, even the Demon God King Getia is helpless here!

"Matthew! Why is this happening! Woohoo Alvin, you abandoned me"

conference room.

The people who were watching the chaos and muttering looked at each other, and they all let out a sigh.

"Although I admit that Lixiang has a part in gambling, she is also right to a certain extent, which is very strange-it is obvious that the entry points to the salary king."

Da Vinci analyzed.

"Obviously that Alvin should have good intentions towards Lixiang, and he should also be willing to assist our Chaldeans."

"Well, even if he doesn't want to respond to the summons, it's not like he will summon unrelated servants."

Da Vinci fell silent.

All eyes were also on the big silver-haired moth wearing a crown of thorns.

If you ignore the moth wings on his back, this guy is actually quite handsome.

"I'm also baffled, so what's going on?"

Auberon lay lazily on the sofa in the conference room, wrapping himself into a ball with his wings.

"As for, you said you want to summon "Alvin"? "

Silver-haired youth caressing

chin, pondering.

"This name is so familiar."

Looking at the broken defense of Guda beating the table with the Tianling cover.

Dr Roman scratched his head apologetically.

"So, Mr. Auberon, do you know Alvin?"

"It feels very familiar, but I really don't know it."

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