Su Shu also noticed one thing - the clothes he took to wash were often lost.

He thought it was just the maid's negligence.

However, after some tidying up, it was found that all the things that were lost were the most personal obscene clothes.

As an ultimate creature, Su Shu's sense of smell is as sensitive as that of a three-headed hellhound. The wisps of faint scent on the surface of the clothes directly exposed the prisoner's true identity.

While he couldn't laugh or cry, he could only pretend that he didn't notice such a trivial matter.


What the hell was Morgan doing with his obscene clothes?This made Su Shu have to imagine a little

"After taking off the veil."

"The witch no longer shy away from making physical contact with you."

"Not only that, but she will often intentionally or unintentionally give you magic instructions at close range and hand in hand, saying that this can better demonstrate the flow of magic power."

"It does flow."

"However, it's not just the magic power flowing."

"The witch's white fingertips seem to be stroking your arm intentionally or unintentionally, and the orchid-like musk fragrance slowly exhales in your ears, bringing a secret and unspeakable tingling sensation."

"Feeling the close-fitting and plump softness of the pair on the back, the warm and jade-like touch of the witch's skin, and the quiet fragrance that makes the lower abdomen hot."

"I have to say that the witch's small stove is really hard to resist."

"Especially when Morgan looked at you, the pink hearts seemed to appear in those eyes, like the foam about to overflow from a wine bottle."

"Facing those eyes that seem to want to eat you up."

"You suddenly realized that after that night of arrogance, you seemed to have turned on some kind of amazing switch on the witch."

"Invisibly, the offensive and defensive momentum has changed."

"Looking at the dark magic power continuously gathering and collapsing in your palm, under the swaying mind, your spell casting failed three times in a row for the first time in history."

"Magicians often use the magic power of large and small sources to perform spells—the large source is contained in the vastness of nature, and the small source is its own vitality."

"The small source in your body is in a state of chaos right now, so naturally there is no way to take advantage of the power of the big source."

"In the face of such formless and inattentive magic learning."

"You clearly realize that this is not the way to go"

"Isn't it really going to be eaten and wiped clean?"

"As the saying goes - Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger. This innocent witch who doesn't know how old she is, is even more like a wolf after a long time."

"As the ultimate creature born from the blood of the age of gods, the magic power and desire of your body are equally exuberant."

"Sit still and be a saint."

"And you are not only not a saint, but also a villain full of evil."

"Facing the arrogant and domineering aura of the witch, you really want to take the initiative to suppress it and let her understand the truth that the ultimate creature cannot be humiliated."

"However, Alvin's body is only eight years old now, even if

As an ultimate creature, you are extremely talented, and you are afraid that you will be squeezed to death by the witch every day, and you will never have a chance to practice. "

"Driving a big car is a technical job."

"Nowadays, only C's fuel tank is durable, and it must not be able to withstand repeated bumps on the rugged road of the Witch."

"I'm losing weight day by day, how can I have extra energy to practice swords?"

"You can't help feeling, old man Vortigern really made a good move."

"——If you can't even get past the level of the witch, you won't be able to practice this sword."

"It's impossible for you to choose to alienate Morgan, otherwise the witch's heart, which was so hard to open, would be more tightly closed."

"Then how do you deal with yourself at this moment?"

"Looking at the bright night sky of Britain, your disordered mind and even the hazy moonlight seem to be in a trance."

"You look at this month, and this month seems to be looking at you."

"What kind of feelings do you have for Morgan?"

"Pity for tragedies, respect for teachers, or possessiveness for beauties?"

"It seems to have both."

"However, the most important thing is - your determination to protect her."

"You will drag her from the cold cloud to this vulgar world. One day with you, no one will make her cry again."

"Without hesitation, you instantly understood your answer."

"The night is lonely and dark. Although your heart is chaotic, it is as unshakable as the bright moon hanging high."

"Know your mind and see your nature, you can know the way forward."

"You calmly know that you are not some kind of saint. You want a witch, you want to practice—you want them all. This is never a multiple-choice question."

"You might be able to calm yourself down."

"So, how can we soothe the adolescent restlessness of this ultimate creature?"

"Working hard to suppress your Yi Shu Pin, you gradually have a decision in your mind."

"Referring to the idea of ​​​​AI painting, you began to secretly develop a brand-new technique that can use the magic of shadows to flow, and spontaneously draw black and white images that can be customized for entries."

"The image quality is rough at the beginning, but as you fine-tune it, the quality of the image quickly becomes finer and finer."

"Finally, it took more than a month of hard work and forgetting to eat and sleep."

"Perceiving Morgan sleeping soundly in the side room, you activated the finished magic seal in front of you, and nervously entered keywords such as 'silver hair', 'witch', 'big sister', 'garter stockings', 'navel-baring outfit', etc. .”

"Looking at the hundreds of lifelike and exquisite pictures of Morgan Shizuo running out of the spell"

"You have successfully entered the sage mode: Day 0."

"You start to think about the ultimate meaning of your life—where did you come from, and where will you go? In the final analysis, what is the purpose of living?"

"You feel like your thoughts are clear and clear, as if you've got a sudden brain upgrade."

"After mastering the switch of the sage mode, the charming posture of the witch is no longer a threat to your peace of mind. You have properly grasped the delicate balance between love and practice."

"The troubled and fulfilling days just passed by day by day, and the relationship between you and Morgan has become closer and closer, and you are moving towards the direction of mutual expectations tacitly."

"With the immersion of body and mind in learning and research, your attainments in the fields of illusion, assassination, concealment, detection, and stealth will gradually improve."

"Combining the experience of being a human in two lifetimes and your own fantasy blood, you have further deduced various life-saving skills and insights that are not limited to the field of magic."

"You have learned the talent: the eyes of the mind (true)"

"Eye of the Mind (True): The survival instinct forged with knowledge, flow, and the intuition of the ultimate creature. No matter how dangerous the desperate situation is, it can't frustrate your hope of pursuing that glimmer of life. When facing an irresistible danger or When many people are besieging, you will be able to subconsciously display the most efficient and best way to protect yourself.”


This can also be hung, it really belongs to you, cat.

Chapter 10 A knight who is not proficient in assassination is not a good spearman

"While studying magic, you also started your own training in martial arts."

"You still chose the sword as your weapon of choice, but thinking of the intimate hints from the system, you haven't forgotten to practice a spear skill at the same time in your spare time."

"It's a pity that this era has not yet developed a revolving musket, otherwise your swordsmanship will enter the realm of Wei Mingliu."

"Wei Mingliu is okay, you want to call me a contempt, right?

"But everyone is firing light cannons, who the hell is fighting melee?"

Infusing all the magic power of the shadow into the fragile wooden sword in his hand, with just one blow, he sliced ​​through the skeleton summoned by the witch in front of him like a knife cutting tofu


Su Shu was almost immersed in the joy of improving his martial arts—the fighting instinct of an ultimate creature is indeed extraordinary, and this body can master the muscle memory formed over the years like a veteran with just a short day of training.

Coupled with the eyesight he has cultivated and cultivated, if he detects the enemy's flaws, the all-pervasive Shadow Gap Sword can decide the winner in an instant.

As the humble king's father, he would occasionally come to practice with him.

Whenever this happens, it has nothing to do with winning or losing. It can only be said that if you can persist for a few seconds, you will win.

Under the power of the magic dragon's sword pouring down like a waterfall, the sword in the boy's hand was as precarious as duckweed in the rain, and it was overturned in an instant.

However, every new fight.

The time that Su Shu can persist will become longer

"Vortigern didn't deliberately urge you to practice martial arts, but your martial arts are still improving rapidly."

"Three years have passed quickly. Under Vitigeng's complicated eyes, he used [-]% of his strength as a training partner, but you still persisted for ten rounds."

"Throwing away the broken wooden sword in your hand, you can feel that you have made significant progress in martial arts, but you can't see any joy in Vortigern's eyes when you look at him."

"The old man was silent, and finally just let out a faint sigh."

""Alvin, there is nothing more to teach you about swordsmanship as a father. You can explore by yourself what kind of path you want to take in the future. ""

"Looking at Vortigern's figure gradually drifting away, the twilight of this night is not as lonely as the old man's back."

"You've never seen Vortigern so lonely. The humble king who can bear the criticism of thousands of people sighs faintly at the rapid growth of his son. Why?"

"You realize that the answer behind it may be extremely cruel."

"But having said that, this can't stop you from practicing."

"You don't know when the next trigger of the simulation will be. Opportunities are hard-won, and you will grasp every possibility that is conducive to survival."

"Disguise, stealth, assassination, anti-reconnaissance, breath concealment"

"Rather than being a knight, what you are good at and what you have learned is more like an assassin with a slanted sword."

"And you don't have a problem with this, just like what Vortigern said - only by living can everything be possible."

"Your ability to survive is improving at an exaggerated speed, and soon even Morgan can't criticize your skills."

"She has to admit that even if she is a great magician, she will have to spend a lot of effort to win you, and this is simply unbelievable for an 11-year-old child."

"To this day, you already have enough capital to protect yourself."

"Alvin Pendragon, the world has not yet known the birth of the son of the white dragon, so you can stand under the sun without disguise."

"The time has come, and it's time to measure the land with your feet."

"The moon is bright and clear, and the stars are shining brightly."

"Facing the moonlight, you pushed open the window grille of the bedroom, jumped out from the high pavilion of the castle, and your vigorous figure disappeared into the boundless night, like water melting into water."

"Vortigern strengthened the patrols of the guards in the city as a test for you, but soon no matter how tight the defense is, it will lose its meaning to you."

"With the cover of night, the huge fortress city is completely like your living room. You who are good at using shadows to sneak in can be said to come and go freely in the city of Londinium."

"Leave in the morning without waking up, and return in the sunset at dusk. The time when day and night alternate is the moment when you go in and out every day."

"As your various skills improve, the scope of your travels is getting farther and farther. It has become normal for you not to return home for two or three days or even half a month."

"In the beginning, you were just walking in the forest near the city, and gradually your footprints extended to towns and villages that are hundreds of miles away from Londinium. After all, to you as an ultimate creature, you are like a steed It is not difficult to travel thousands of miles every day.”

"During your travels, you have encountered looting robbers more than once. Among them are not only wandering Anzas but also Celtic faces."

"You sigh, but you are not surprised."

"In such a chaotic age, the law of the jungle, where the weak prey on the strong, will naturally become a universal creed of survival."

"Everyone says that these bandits are the minions of the dragon Vortigern. The reason why the great Britannia has fallen into such a state of decline and turmoil is the heinous disaster caused by the evil dragon. .”

"Is that so?"

"These rumors are contrary to what you see, making you more and more confused"

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