"I admit, I was a little bit misjudged! You are qualified to be my host!

"and so

"I, allow you to call me by my first name! Call Aatrox by name! This is your great honor!

"Kill! Keep killing!!!

"Our compatibility! It's 1000%——!!!"

A madman destined to kill gods, and a demon sword destined to kill gods.

The wills of the two parties seem to be fused and intertwined, regardless of each other.

The rage that seems to cut and chop everything

It is, so similar! ! !

The flesh and blood of the demons were smashed to pieces, and they were bathed in a violent rain of blood.

Aatrox, who was drenched in blood, raised the bloodthirsty magic sword and let out a maniacal and hoarse laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--!!!

"Cheer up! Break it up! Let it out!"

"You want to be stronger, right?

"Then, give me more of your body! Boy!

"You will become the host of the godslayer! This is your supreme glory!

"after all

"With your weak human body, you can't exert a ten-thousandth of my strength at all!"

Crazy laughter suddenly froze.


Su Shu held the hilt of the magic sword.

The scarlet eyes of the young man lowered slightly, and they looked at Demon Sword's ferocious, bloodshot eyeballs.

It's like talking to yourself.

"Find out who you are—"

The layered and deep voices vibrated from the same vocal cord.

"I am your master, Aatrox."


In the face of such words.

Aatrox just let out a disdainful sneer.

A person.

Like schizophrenia, playing both sides of the dialogue at the same time.

"Boy, I just admire you, so I just want to say something nice to you.


"It is true that we are now Zhiliansheng.

"However, that kind of thing has no binding force on me as a star soldier! I can unilaterally tear it up at any time!

"I don't need any contract! There is no contract that can fit me! I am free, and I am free to kill everything! No one deserves to be my master!!!

"I was just accidentally attacked by those bastards from Olympus! Maggots!

"I am the end of the world! Aatrox!

"Do you think you, a small and weak human being, are worthy of being my master?!"

under the rainstorm.

The atmosphere is stagnant.

Bathe in the rain.

The blood all over his body was washed away by the violent current.

The godslayer named Kratos groaned hoarsely.

"Then get out! I don't need a disobedient sword!"

Without any hesitation.

There is no hesitation.

Su Shu loosened his five fingers, threw the magic sword in his hand, and penetrated into the pile of demon corpses on the ground.

The blood mist evaporated.

The blood-red armor, like melted wax, slowly faded from his body.

From the burly demon body.

He regained his stature as a thin boy.

The skin of the newly formed left hand from the magic sword was strangely pale.

Su Shu flexed his five fingers, and there was no problem with the movement.

That's enough.

He turned around, walked towards his younger brother, and left without looking back.


The magic sword stuck on the ground swayed and let out a strange hiss.

Su Shu didn't even look back.

Looking at the young man's dismissive back.

Aatrox is angry!

Damn it, Lao Tzu Jian is also angry!

"Fuck you! Brat! If you don't use it, don't use it, whoever sends it is afraid of whoever it is!!!"

The sword roared violently.

Hard mouth.


The ferocious eyeballs on the magic sword deflected arrogantly.


Skim it out of the corner of your eye.

The black-haired boy drifted away, helped up his younger brother, and had no intention of turning back at all.

I am super? !

I send it to who? !

I'll send it, but Aatrox! ! !

I am a godslayer!Be the end of the world! ! !

Looking at the back of the black-haired boy, supporting his younger brother, walking away in the rain.


Aatrox admitted that he was anxious.

"Are you fucking serious?! Boy!"

Aatrox, as the vanguard of the star, was originally a Terminator that made the world tremble.

But now, it has been broken into fragments by the Mother Earth Goddess, the Star Breath that Gaia tried her best to simulate.

The consciousness of the sword can also be called the remnant soul among remnant souls.

The evaluation is not as good as the grandfather in the ring, at least Yao Lao can make a medicine, and play a few tricks.

But at this moment, Aatrox couldn't even gather his human form.

If Su Shu didn't feed him blood before.

Then it is the fragment of the star soldier, it will really wither, dry up, and die


Obviously, he is a killer from beyond the sky who will not be bound by any shackles.

Everything in this world will only be crushed and absorbed by it.

In other words

It is impossible to sign a so-called "contract" with the natives on this planet. Even if the two parties agree to each other, there is no chance!

Because, the rules on this planet can't restrain it as a vanguard of the star, and the fragments of the star's coat of arms in it have the power to devour civilization.


After Su Shu said that sentence, and because it was eager for survival and revenge, it temporarily acquiesced——


Actually established? !

It is the vanguard of the stars

It's really true, and this little kid who is as small as gravel, weak, and can be trampled to death like a bug.

Each other's lives are intertwined and intertwined.

"how can that be--"

Aatrox felt the subtle, blood-like feeling between Su Shu and him, and the sword began to sway uncontrollably.

The magic sword and the host are separated from each other.

The palpitating bloody aura slowly dissipated.

Su Shu, the host, was lost.

At this time, it was weak and weak, and it was just a sword.

It seemed that he had sensed the weakness of this Aatrox.

In the pile of demon corpses.

Those crawling, disgusting monstrosities stretched out their slimy tentacles, as if they wanted to touch the hilt of the magic sword.

Creamy slime.

Slightly stained the blade of Aatrox.


Demon Sword was full of excitement.

Then, hoarse and angry words filled the air.

"You! Are you worthy of defiled my noble body?!

"Filthy maggots!!!

"I'm going to kill you a thousand times! It's not enough——!!!"


Aatrox jumped up suddenly, and with a nimble jump, cut off the tentacle that dared to overstep and touch him!


bathed in blood.

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