In Su Shu's almost frozen expression

The disfigured girl fell into the wheat pile and rubbed her belly with a sad face.

“Already starving”


Chapter No.17 goes deep into her stomach, deep into her heart (six more)


No, I was overwhelmed and gave up.

But hungry.

Just because of such a reason, he put down the sword in a gloomy manner, which made Su Shu, who could make mistakes, fall into an unspeakable silence.

That's right, the thing that can annihilate everything more than the king's sword is the king's stomach, how could I forget such an important thing.

"Ah, I was beaten so badly, Your Majesty Alvin is so strong"

The girl rubbed her belly reserve, which could not be fought any longer. Although her whole body was extremely sore, it couldn't compare to the distress of this hungry stomach.

"Don't call me Your Majesty either."

"Okay, Senior Alvin!"

"I'm no older than you, it's up to you"

Sighing and rubbing between his brows.

Today, this hurdle cannot be overcome, Su Shu chose to give up the treatment.

Immediately, both of them heard the high-pitched and lengthy mournful cry from the girl's lower abdomen.


"uh uh ha ha

"Hungry, there is nothing you can do if you are hungry. You will have the strength to practice swords when you are full. If you don't mind, you have to come back with me."

The blond girl folded her arms in embarrassment, and her vision suddenly froze as if frozen.

All she saw was that Su Shu lowered his body, "poked" his hand into his shadow, and kept groping.


Matsutake, bird eggs, ground ears, wild vegetables, sharp chestnuts, berries

A whole bag of fresh ingredients, preserved by Su Shu with exquisite shadow magic, was thrown directly in front of the girl.

"Clean up, I'll light the fire."

In the expression of Artoria's slightly open mouth.

Su Shu pulled out the iron pan from the shadow, and skillfully set up an earthen stove.

Light the straw, blanch the ingredients, fry them in melted animal fat, and finally cook them in clear water. Although it is a simple process, this natural game will soon have a mellow aroma.

cooking smoke

But the only way to attract bandits, Su Shu used this method to catch several big fish, the bandits in the vicinity were almost wiped out by him, and now he ran as fast as he could when he saw smoke.

Tsk, all the fish are caught

He grabbed a handful of coarse salt and sprinkled it into the soup, and the burst of rich and fresh fragrance caused the girl's esophagus to swallow body fluid unconsciously.

"Eat, there is nothing better in such a hurry."

After handing a wooden bowl to the girl, Su Shu began to taste without showing any confidence.

Sure enough, after taking a sip of the mushroom broth, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

As long as you eat a little bit, it's not bad at all.

It's a pity that this was not intentional, nor was it careless, nor was it a problem with the handling of ingredients, but that the upper limit of the era was stuck here.

Britain in the [-]th century AD had not yet developed a system of spice planting and food system. To put it simply - except for salt, sage trees had to search the forest by themselves.

The temporary earthen stove is also difficult to compare with professional cooking utensils.

Therefore, the cooking is not enough, the taste is bland, and the only condiments of coarse salt and sage also make the aftertaste of this dish look a bit monotonous.

The original taste of natural ingredients is delicious, but his appetite trained by modern Hex technology will not find it so amazing.

how to say?I feel that the picture quality feels that the taste is not as good as the braised beef noodles.


"Gulu, Gulu, this is too delicious! Senior Alvin—!"

Accompanied by intermittent swallowing sounds.

The girl's heartfelt exclamation sounded from her side.

The mellowness of the gravy and the deliciousness of the mushrooms melt in the mouth. The rich and spicy aroma of salt and spices combines with a hint of nutty sweetness, repeatedly impacting the unexplored taste buds, until after swallowing, the endless aftertaste seems to still be full mouth

——In this world, there are still such delicious food in this world!

The blond girl who usually eats whole grains sips the mushroom broth, the taste is so delicious that her pupils seem to start to sparkle.

She couldn't care less about the manners of the meal, and she quickly drank the whole bowl of delicacies with her head up.

"Hold, I'm sorry, can I have another bowl? Senior Alvin"

Staring fixedly at the big pot of boiling broth, the girl looked a little embarrassed when she reached out to pass the bowl, but she also abandoned that unnecessary reserve in front of the delicious food, after all, being polite is not a meal.

Just another bowl?

Just another [-] million bowls.

Watching the girl gobble up the whole pot clean, she finally licked her own lips.

Su Shu couldn't help but feel pity for this picture of a child who hasn't had enough to eat since he was a child.

How could such a majestic king have fallen to this point.

"Mo Fei"

Su Shu couldn't help thinking of such a possibility,

"Artorius, is your family treating you harshly?"

The child of luck was adopted and sent to live under the fence, and was treated indifferently by the original family. Such dramas are quite common in various senses.

"Ha, why do you ask that, senior? There is absolutely no such thing."

"It's just a feeling," Su Shu carefully chose the words, "You seem to have an overly strong appetite."

"No, no, it's just that I have never eaten such delicious food. Senior's cooking skills are like magic."

"It's just a craft that's not worth mentioning."

Su Shu is indeed telling the truth. As a native of Chong country, the difficulty of cooking this kind of boiled water is not even comparable to tomato scrambled eggs.

Not to mention, can cooking that doesn't emit light be considered good cooking?At least it should make people blush and burst their clothes on the spot.

But thinking that this is Britain, known as the peak of the dark culinary world, and the legend of looking up at the starry sky can be described as thunderous, Su Shu felt relieved at the performance of the village girl who had never seen the world.

What a miserable dragon, Uther and Merlin are not human beings.

"Ah, humility, righteous deeds, superb sword skills, and even cooking skills are so impeccable. When will I grow into an excellent person like Alvin?"

"I'm not a good person. You will regret it sooner or later if you think so."

"How come, I will try my best to catch up with your back!"

Yes, how could it be?

Hope you still think so.

Blowing the breeze that makes the golden wheat fields sway.

The girl and the boy sat on the ground.

From the corner of his eye, he watched her profile.

Su Shu really saw the yearning contained in that expression.

good that's it

Chase it, yearn for it, worship it——

The more you look forward to, the more delightful the pain of the moment of disillusionment becomes.

If you can't frustrate her physically, then change to the method of punishing her heart.

I'm really looking forward to the moment when my identity is revealed

Looking forward to her face, will reveal

How about an expression of disbelief, jaw-dropping, and indignation?

In this way, by going deep into the stomach, let's gradually penetrate into her heart——

Su Shu thinks.

He is really a villain full of evil, maybe.


Chapter 18 Unbearable Happiness (Seventh Watch)

Of course, a pot of clear stew can't satisfy the king's stomach like an abyss.

Su Shu, who wanted to use sugar-coated shells to corrode Aber, directly opened up his food supply, and all kinds of carefully collected game came out of the shadows like five loaves and two fish, and the girl's eyes were staring.

"I can still afford a meal. The ingredients are all collected from the forest, so don't worry about it."

"How could I be so kind—

After half an hour.


After eating the berries, the blond girl finally lay flat on the wheat pile, rubbing her stomach, and let out a contented borborygmus.

"Ah, I have never been so satisfied in my life, even if I die now, I will have no regrets at all."

"Is it"

Su Shu looked at the half of his inventory that had been wiped out in the shadow of his storage, which was enough to feed three grown men for half a month.

Good guy, the truth about the demise of Britain has been found.

"It's really an enviable appetite."

Indeed, being able to eat is a blessing.

Just looking at Aber's barren body that looks like a man, where is all the fat consumed?

The British Unsolved Mysteries belongs to Yes.

But as the old saying goes, if the chest is not flat, why is it flat?

Maybe it's because she has a vision of peace in the world.

Sitting beside the girl, Su Shu gently wiped the gap on the sword with his hand.

There were broken wooden swords all over the place, but the one he picked up was used from start to finish, without even a visible crack.

Mastering the strengthening technique released by magic power can turn plants, trees, and rocks into weapons. Su Shu's shadow attribute can add characteristics such as "hidden", "silent", and "distorted visual effects" to it, although it is not as good as the Noble Phantasm. Although he is unparalleled in sharpness, he can also be called a master of weapons.

It was at this point that Artoria fell into the downwind between the sword blades colliding and intersecting. Su Shu's magic power eroded her magic power, and as a result, once the war was prolonged and the sword body deteriorated, she would definitely fall into decline.

"Trust me, you've noticed it yourself.

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