"Morgan was silent for a moment, and finally just shook his head slightly."

""Alvin, your birth has never appeared in people's field of vision, so Britain has not yet known your identity. "

""Although I don't know why Merlin didn't notice your white dragon's blood, or what he was planning, but if I approach, that guy will definitely be alert immediately. ""

"Based on this consideration, Morgan decided to let you contact Artoria alone."

"She has personally experienced the stamina of your body. There are only a handful of people in Britain who can threaten your life. Even Merlin can hardly do this."

"Then, hug me a little longer before you leave. ""

"You hugged Morgan's always cold body, and soon, the trembling of the bed became more intense than before."

"You don't need any charming words, you just silently responded to the witch's endless demands with rough actions."

"As the long and short time passed by second by second, the blue witch finally sat down on the couch limply and contentedly, her silky silver long hair spread out on the soaked quilt."

"After you kissed her lips, you packed up and left the castle. After that, you didn't forget to go back and visit often, and sprinkle the rain and dew on this fertile land called the Witch."

"Time flies, and the weather in the Age of Gods is always smooth and rainy. Therefore, the winter in Britain is also very short, and it soon passed through this bright spring day."

"You sowed carefully crafted crop seeds inscribed with aether-absorbing runes in the fertile fields that have been fertilized, and built a magic circle to gather the spiritual veins of this place."

"In your opinion, the food problem is often the foundation of a country. With the help of magic transformation, you hope to cultivate a batch of improved crop varieties in this age of gods, and first obtain a significant increase in production."

"The most important state affairs are to feed people first."

"The time off from the busy farming season is the time for you and Artoria to start training in swordsmanship."

"Practicing with an excellent trainer like you seems to have inspired the instinct of fighting in the dragon's blood. She is getting stronger at a speed of one step at a time."

"Every day that passes, the muscle strength contained in the body of the red dragon becomes stronger."

"However, as an ultimate creature, you can only progress higher, stronger, and more exaggerated than her."

"Through constant fighting with each other, you have almost completely seen through and mastered the sword skills that Artoria inherited from Hector."

"In the past few months, she has never had even a slight advantage over you."

"There are more and more broken wooden swords on the ground."

"However, despite the unsuspecting fiasco each time, it didn't seem to dampen her positive and optimistic attitude at all."

"However, you are not in a hurry."

"After all, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. To make this innocent dragon's heart fall into evil, you know very well that it will take a long time to be immersed."

"Days passed smoothly, and under your subtle influence, Artoria's swordsmanship gradually and unconsciously brought a bit of sharpness that was not there before."

"As time goes by, the friendship between you has become deeper and deeper."

"Except for the topic of life experience that is tacitly avoided by each other, you have formed a relationship that talks about everything."

"Your knowledge of life in two lifetimes is hard to match even a nightmare half-breed magician. Due to the limited vision of this era, if you want to talk about the skill of being a teacher, even Merlin can't catch up with you."

"Therefore, you only need to give her a little hint on those problems that Arturia has been unable to figure out for a long time."

"You can clearly notice that she is becoming more and more dependent on you"

The warm spring breeze blows over the white snow-capped mountains of the northern tundra, and over the verdant green grass on the outskirts of the town.

Britannia, favored by the gods, once again showed vigorous vitality, a scene where all things are competing for development.

On the wheat field, the girl's confused voice fluttered in the wind.

"Senior Alvin, why do the lords hoard

With so many cavaliers and horses, why are you unwilling to clean up bandits and monsters? "

Recalling Merlin's class on "Emperor Art" last night.

The magician warned her to abandon her feelings as a human being, and follow the example of her father, becoming a transcender who is indifferent to everything, in order to grow into a qualified king.

Indifference is the king?

The blond girl thought hard, but couldn't sort out the logic here.

She habitually asked Su Shu for advice.

"Wouldn't the towns and cities be more prosperous if people lived more comfortably?"

"A prosperous town does not mean that the lord's finances will be rich. People are selfish animals. No one is willing to pay the fruits of their hard work as taxes."

Su Shu glanced at the blonde girl and asked.

"Artorius, have you ever thought about—what is a human being living for?"

"What do people live for?" The girl frowned and pondered for a moment, "Isn't it for—the pursuit of goodness and morality?"

"No, unfortunately wrong, very wrong."

The silver-haired boy said in a young voice, his voice seemed to be as ethereal as the wind chant,

"It's for peace of mind"

"Reassuring"? "

The girl murmured, repeating the word.

"Yes, people live precisely for "peace of mind". "

Su Shu turned his gaze to the lush green field.

Five days after the beginning of spring, the spring is full of grace.

The day is growing obliquely, and the green clouds are about to fall.

Residual ice jade slices, new calyx rows of red ones.

When everything is happy, I am not the only one who loves spring.

Vigorous, all things compete.

Everything in the world seems to be thriving.

However, regardless of the age of the gods or not, human suffering has never changed.

"More food, greater wealth, greater force, longer life

"Even finding a partner, making sacrifices, and even realizing your ideals are all just to make yourself feel at ease.

“People spend their whole lives chasing after things that make them feel at ease.

"But peace of mind also means stagnation and satisfaction.

"How can livestock be satisfied?

"If the oxen and the horses stand still, the millstones of the wheat will cease to move, and the fine flour will no longer be enjoyed by the people.

"Thus, in the eyes of human beings, oxen and horses must take on the identity of oxen and horses, and the offspring of oxen and horses are also new oxen and horses.

"Therefore, the lords must make the people fearful. Only when they feel uneasy, can they use the reason of building defenses to conscript and tax the people.

"The intrusion of bandits and monsters is the source of this sense of insecurity—there is always a sense of insecurity, and only then can people be enslaved forever."

Su Shu smiled meaningfully,

"If their interests are included, Artorius—if you were the lord, would you bother to hunt down bandits and monsters?"

The voice is exhausted.

It seems that the wind has also disappeared.

In this silent silence, the girl was in a daze for a long time.

"If you say so, Senior Alvin"

She said in a daze,

"—Isn't there no difference between a lord and a robber?"

"That's right, exploiting the fruits of others' labor is one of the essences of nobility. You understand it very brilliantly, Artorius."

Su Shu said with a smile.

"Man is just a kind of animal who chooses to indulge in desire in order to pursue peace of mind.

"For peace of mind, they are willing to hand over their lives to a more powerful being to make decisions, whether it is a lord, a god, or the so-called "king".

"What people want is a flawless 'savior'.

"However, how can there be such a perfect and ideal king in this world who is independent from the world and meets everyone's expectations?

"It's just a false vision."


Chapter 26 Before becoming a king, first become a man

People live for peace of mind?

The girl digested the logic in silence.

Lying leisurely halfway on the green wheat field in spring.

Su Shu licked the ancient camphor leaves picked in the forest, chewing slowly, savoring the bitter taste.

"You also heard

"—Since I didn't appear in the town recently, those people's complaints about "Blue Silver Star""

Talked about such a disheartening topic.

The girl's expression couldn't help but become a little sad.

The seeds of the succulents had already been collected, so the "Cang Yinxing" disappeared from people's sight.

The bandits stopped their flags and drums for a while, and realized that the silver boy Death seemed to have really left, and they arrived like locusts again.

It ran everywhere.

Killing thieves can never be exhausted. In such a turbulent age, there is often only a thin line between the identities of refugees and robbers.

Not being able to get Su Shu's almost unrequited help, the complaints of the people spread all over the place.

Don't dare to scold the lord's private soldiers who have neglected their duties, because they will really retaliate.

For good people, you can accuse them wantonly without worrying about any consequences.

Although Su Shu never made any promises, he emphasized many times that he was not a knight.

However, something like:

"Cangyinxing is a liar, it is actually a gang with the robbers!"

"There is no chivalry to speak of if there is no end to evil!"

"That guy just wanted to take away the stolen goods of the bandits, and they were all stolen from us."

and other words that are even worse than this

During this period of time, the girl has tasted enough.

Su Shu didn't need to look to know what kind of gloomy expression she had now.


Arturia, do you like Britain that much?

Then I will let you see with your own eyes, whether this king is worthy of your responsibility or not.

Feeling the twisted delight in my heart.

The young man's gentle and seductive voice slowly rang in the girl's ears.

"Sorry, but that's the truth, Artorius.

"Sheng Mi En, Dou Mi Qiu, human nature has been like this since ancient times.

"Bu will be grateful for small favors, but he will feel apprehensive for great virtues and righteousness. Unrepayable favors will even cause the two parties to turn against each other—because the beneficiaries cannot get peace of mind, so they can only escape or belittle the other party's motives.

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