A chilling smile.

—Why is he still laughing? !

——Why can he still laugh? !

Such provocation made the knights even more angry.

Bathed in the monstrous anger of these knights.

Gao Wen only felt that his aura seemed to be rising step by step.

The holy sword in his hand was also violently bursting out bursts of fiery flames.

Among the round table, who is not the amazingly talented person, who is not the incomparably talented person?

But it was all covered up in the brilliance of the son of the red dragon.

In this majestic pressure, under the blessing of the crowd.

Gao Wen further broke through his own limit!


In an instant, the aura of the Sun Knight suddenly exploded, and the light of the holy sword was stronger and more brilliant than ever before!

Like sunlight sweeping away the night.

The scorching sun shines on my heart.

At this moment, he is no longer the three times Gao Wen, but ten or even nine times Gao Wen!

"Good come!

"All intentions are my intentions, and all hearts are my hearts. I have understood everyone's killing intent! I have understood everyone's determination! Our spirits will be one!

"Son of the demon dragon Vortigern, if you want to hate you, you will hate you for causing this resentment! This is everyone's treachery, your ugliness, and the contempt and spurn of people like you

"—Under the sun, I am invincible! Take Gao Wen's flaming sword!

"This is the final sentence for you, who is full of evil!"


The sun's light burst into bloom in front of Su Shu's eyes.

The knight of the sun raised his hand high and roared out the name of the holy sword.

"To drive out the evil and filth I see, let's bloom beautifully

"Wheel wins—(Galat—"

In the fury of this crowd.

In the scolding of countless people.

In the bright light brewed by this holy sword.

An extremely abrupt female voice full of panic and panic rang out from the crowd of onlookers like heartbroken.

"No, don't do that! Noble Sun Knight, please stop—"

Su Shuben

The raised sword body paused slightly.

The holy sword that was about to drop in Gao Wen's hand also froze suddenly.

The angry curses of the knights also made him startled suddenly.

Immediately, everyone followed the sound source and looked at the uninvited guest who made the sound.

No, Artoria who imagined meeting Su Shu.

but a woman.

An ordinary-looking, ordinary-looking middle-aged woman in plain farm clothes.

Her hands are calloused from years of hard work, and her poor farm clothes are patched with carefully sewn patches.

The peasant woman's face lacked any sense of refinement at all, and the skin that was not fair was even more rough.

It looks like it's just the townspeople of this town.

Among the onlookers, someone called out her name in surprise, which was an extremely unusual surname.

"Ada, what are you doing, come back!"

Out of the way because of the fear of the knights.

Therefore, the woman was finally able to run forward panting heavily from the crowd hiding away.

Facing the burning eyes of people.

She shrank her neck timidly and coweringly.

But after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the woman still mustered up her courage, walked up to Gawain nervously and staggered, and made a salute gesture to the shining Sun Knight.

"What's the matter with you? You townspeople can't meddle in this kind of occasion! That guy is dangerous! Get out of here!"

He stared nervously at the opponent in front of him.

Gao Wen's tone was solemn and heavy.

It is the most basic knightly morality not to hurt the innocent.

However, on the opposite side is the son of the white dragon who is full of evil. If he wants to take the townspeople here as hostages, it will inevitably be a bloody massacre.

Although, he doesn't seem to have such an idea for the time being.

But, who would have guessed?

The silver-haired young man just held the dark and dull sword like that, his hands drooping naturally, his whole body seemed to be full of flaws.

But so it was, the radiance of the Holy Sword was once swallowed by him, which had already brought great psychological pressure on Gao Wen.

How this guy laughed and cursed crazily, all the knights present had already experienced it, and no one could be sure what he was thinking.

As a result, someone has already organized the townspeople to evacuate in an orderly manner.

The woman ran out of the crowd just like that suddenly.

"This must be a misunderstanding! The noble Sun Knight! I, I recognized that lord, and after hearing his name, I finally recognized who he is!"

She was trembling, and looked at Su Shu who was a little dazed in front of her.

Seeing his bewitchingly handsome face from this distance, immediately confirmed her guess even more.

"Master Alvin, he is "Cang Yinxing"!

"He saved my life and my daughter's life from robbers!

"He, he is definitely not a bad person! There must be, is there some misunderstanding?! Lord Cang Yinxing, Zeng, has done a lot of good things for the town! He has saved many people, and he, he even distributed food to us "

The woman spoke incoherently and nervously.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Su Shu looked at this ordinary peasant woman in surprise.

This is the only person who shocked him today.

Su Shu didn't remember what she looked like.

He had saved many lives from bandit strongholds, but how could he remember the faces of every single one of them.

But the other party still remembered him.

was saved.

So, gratefully remembered the benefactor's name.

At such a critical moment, he risked his life and risked being hostile to all the knights.

The woman ran out and begged the Sun Knight humbly.

Her slightly trembling words floated in the wind.

The sunlight that made the holy sword brilliant and brilliant also seemed to become silent and stagnant.

"Cang Yinxing".

As this vocabulary is heard by people.

The townspeople also seemed to be vaguely recalling the nimble figure of that young knight.

"Alvin, Master Cang Yinxing is really him!"

"He hasn't shown up for several years, I thought Cang Yinxing had left"

"With such a big change in height, it's almost impossible to recognize Master Cang Yinxing."

"He turned out to be the son of Vortigern, no wonder I have never heard of Master Cang Yinxing's family background"

"He used to crusade against many bandits and helped the town stop the tide of monsters"

"But it is, after all, the son of the humble king."

"Shut up! When the town was robbed back then, it was the food that Master Cang Yinxing donated—"

The townspeople started talking about it.

Their voices are like paintbrushes.

It outlines the compassion and justice that a silver-haired young man once had.

The roars of the knights gradually died down.

Hearing those words, they held up their swords, and their expressions gradually became dazed.

These townspeople, what are they talking about?

good man-

King Vortigern

Son, how can you be a good person? !

Gawain fell into a brief silence.

Like doubt, like questioning.

He turned his gaze to the woman beside him, raised his hand, and pointed at the dark knight opposite.

"do you know who he is?"

Gao Wen said sharply word by word.

"—He is the son of the humble king Vortigern!"

It's like mourning its misfortune and being angry about its indisputability.

His voice suddenly rose.

"Didn't you hear, woman!

"Don't you know who Vortigern is?!

"The whole of Britain is in such a state of turmoil right now, it's the monstrous scourge caused by the evil dragon! Even so, do you even have to defend and speak for this kind of guy!"

"I, I know, the noble Sun Knight, I heard it all"

The woman answered tremblingly, she was extremely frightened by the Sun Knight's questioning eyes.

"But he was also my savior"

Like a doll running out of clockwork.

Gao Wen's expression was just like that on his face.

this woman.

She didn't understand what the ceremony of choosing a king meant.

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