Another gentle smile, another sigh of emotion

In the past six months of getting along, it was the first time that Morgan saw this old humble king with such a sentimental side.

A dragon that devours light?

This is almost as good as falling into a holy dragon!

It's really ten times stronger in blackening, and three points weaker in whitewashing.

It seems that you must not have children, it will make people unhappy

Looking at Bei Wang with mixed feelings in his blue eyes, Morgan came to such a very reasonable conclusion.

This may be the sentimentality unique to the old guy, she just can't empathize with it at all.

Therefore, regarding the former concern, the witch just shook her head mockingly.

"It's a pity that, as the son of the white dragon who has returned to the light of the age of gods, he is destined to fight against the red dragon in this life.

"—Are you still afraid of losing Him?"

There was silence for a moment.

Vortigern was noncommittal.


"whispering sound"

Such an ambiguous answer made Morgan couldn't help but sneered,

"Vortigern, the humble king known as the demon dragon, can use even barbarian aliens to usurp Britain. Does he care about the life and death of a tool?"


Vortigern shook his head lightly,

"I thought I wouldn't care, too."

"It's a pity that people will have weaknesses in this world, Morgan." The old man smiled and nodded his chest, "The nonchalant words on his mouth can only be used to deceive his heart."

"I can't see that you still value family affection so much, uncle." The witch sneered and sneered, "Brothers and friends are talking about you."

Vortigern laughed out loud.

"Thanks to you, you are willing to call me uncle, good niece!"

Looking at the old and the young who couldn't stop bickering in front of them.

At this moment, what Su Shu thought in his heart was

——These two friends, could they be my nagging parents in this simulation?

Stop arguing, why don't you fight?


Chapter 5 The Witch and the Monster

speak up.

Su Shu suddenly remembered this simulation, he seemed to be an artificial human.

So these two should be, adoptive parents?

Is the age gap a little big?

And even still, uncle and niece

Su Shu understood that the relationship between nobles in the feudal era was often so chaotic, and chaos is normal!

Great Britain, in particular, is rich in family ethics dramas in history, okay?

Hemophilia was spread by these nobles, and they also dubbed it the "nobility's disease".

After listening for so long, Su Shu basically understood.

After touching that piece of dragon scale, he seems to have imitated himself as the real "son of the white dragon with an unknown calamity"?

Should it be called a villain simulator?

Is it really me who is the villain?

The way to help yourself become the ultimate villain is to experience yourself as a villain who hates dogs

It has to be said that the system understands the unity of knowledge and action.

Once such a setting is substituted, it is hard to say that Xinxing will not be affected in the simulation, after all

A person's character will also be shaped by the day after tomorrow to a large extent.

And according to the general urine nature of simulators, what I do in the simulation may affect the reality, and I have tasted enough similar settings.

This also brings up a very interesting question

——Since the relic of the "Son of the White Dragon" appeared in the later generations, it shows that the past history has become an established fact.

Then, if what I did in the simulation is found to be a part of the history of later generations, how should the cause and effect be defined?

Did he leave behind the holy relic of the "Son of the White Dragon"?

Or a holy relic, let yourself be simulated as the "son of the white dragon"?

If the historical facts are established, isn't this saying that all his actions are predestined?

In other words

free will.

——Does oneself really exist, the so-called "free will"?

Thinking about it is very frightening.

But, none of your business!

Facing such a classic space-time paradox, Su Shu chose to open it directly.

After all, he came to experience cheating, not to be a philosopher.

So what if it was destined?

Su Shu actually didn't care whether he was some kind of puppet being manipulated, because it was meaningless if he knew it, and now he didn't have the capital to wrestle with this level.

Only those who have walked on the edge of the cliff once will cherish the present. He has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and can see it very clearly.

——Su Shu is just Su Shu, a layman struggling to survive, that's enough.

Even if my life is a movement, a play, a novel

He also has his own way to advance the story.

For things like philosophical thinking, let's leave it to the barrage and interim posts.

Think so.

Su Shu was no longer obsessed with paradox and cause and effect, but subconsciously turned his attention to Morgan again.

My own cheap father is really right.

The witch's beauty is indeed eye-catching.

Perhaps it was the blessing of having the blood of the Age of Gods, which caused Morgan's magic veil to have no effect on covering Su Shu.

So he found out that his witch cousin has an aber face all over her face.

Although it lacks the iconic strand of dull hair.

But compared to the determination of the King of Knights, the corners of this witch's eyebrows and eyes are more delicate and charming, and the faint blue lip gloss and eye shadow are more like the finishing touch of a dragon, adding a bit of coquettish charm to her.

And even though it was in the Middle Ages, this witch was wearing a cool midriff dress and sexy suspenders. Between the slits of the skirt, the absolute territory of the slightly stretched flesh was simply a foul!

To put it simply, it is very astringent, very astringent, which makes people entertained.

Seems to be called Morgan?

Li Hui is so good-looking, but it is a character that I don't have much impression of.

However, since he has seen examples of Joan of Arc, Xiao Mo, Umm Monster and Gray Sauce, Su Shu also knows that this face has long been a scenic spot in Xingyue, and Mo Zai's father can be said to be able to form a basketball team .

Asking him to recognize every aber's face is still too much for Yunyue Chef.

As a passer-by audience who has only watched a few series of animations, Su Shu can only say that he has only a half-knowledge of the legend of King Arthur, at most he can barely name a few knights of the round table.

After all, who in Chong country has nothing to do to read Celtic mythology?

Therefore, when he heard the names of Morgan and Vortigern, and the content of the dispute between the red dragon and the white dragon, he had no idea about it.

At this moment, he was simply admiring the beauties.

"He, He keeps watching what I do"

Morgan was a little uncomfortable being stared at.

"There shouldn't be anything in me that children would like"

"Perhaps it's because of your creation, which is naturally close to you." Vortigern smiled and said, "Since you have the fate of the creator, do you want to name your masterpiece?"

"Take, name? I'm not good at this kind of thing"

Morgan shook his head a little awkwardly, and immediately refused.

"The Scourge of Britain", "The Monster Among Monsters", "The Sinister Witch", "The Being That Causes Misfortune"

Since she has been subjected to various malicious nicknames since she was a child, she has no confidence in her naming level.

"Then let me come, after all, he is also my son."

Vortigern lowered his gaze, looking at the silver-haired baby in the swaddle.

Two pairs of iron-gray eyes looked at each other, and the flickering candlelight swayed in both pupils at the same time.

"Your name is, 'Alvin'. "

Su Shu heard the old man whisper,

"Alvin Pendragon".

"—means "popular person". "

The voice is exhausted.

Morgan beside him couldn't help being silent for a moment.

"As the son of the white dragon," the witch said quietly, "it is nothing short of fantasy if you want to be welcomed by the people."

"I just hope," Vortigern smiled, "don't want to be scolded like me.

"This little guy

Say it won't feel good. "

That being said.

Both of them knew that the word "popular" was almost ironic to the son of the white dragon.

The scene fell into a wordless silence.

It seems to have foreseen the child's thorny road ahead.

Morgan couldn't help thinking of his gloomy past.

Yes, just like the despicable king Vortigern who was reviled all the time, she was never a "popular person" when she was denounced as a witch.

As the honorable daughter of King Uther.

The mystery that should have been cut off in the generation of the father's generation ironically got an atavistic appearance in Morgan.

The extraordinary aptitude seems to be a gift from the gods, endowing her with great power.

But in Morgan's view.

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