The creepy, the creepy - the feeling of being watched.

Several people, dozens of people, hundreds of people, thousands of people, tens of thousands of people.

They... are all looking this way.

Eyes gathered, silent.


A chill seemed to run up my spine.


Maliciousness began to invade the mind.

The crowns present looked at this scene with great sadness.

Salvation, mercy, sacrifice, love.

These human evils, and the heart that wants to live in peace.

The beast that was cast together, the surviving beast.

Its name is—

"Beat Remain, may you rest in the arms of Allah."

Noah crossed himself and sent a silent eulogy for the loss of a life.

The blond man was silent.

He raised his head and looked at the spiral night sky.

The sorrow of a man who gazes long into the night.

The dilapidated pitch-black armor finally shattered and fell off, revealing the incomparably weird appearance of the silver-haired youth with thousands of hands and eyes.

It was as if all shackles had been lifted.

Never felt so free.

There is no ecstasy that violently destroys all the shackles as imagined, what is there is just the deep calm like the clear water in the ancient well.

"I am free."

The flesh is expanding.

The will is stretched.

My spirit seems to be standing on some kind of stalwart sky, overlooking the island, surrounded by countless ethereal stars.

Standing silently in front of the throne, the silver-haired young man's flesh and blood with thousands of eyes and hands were split inch by inch, and scarlet blood flowed out from it.

His body gradually grew sharp claws, teeth, dragon scales, wings, and countless weird golden vertical pupils.

All the genes are competing to emerge.

He just devoured Vortigern's throne and wrapped it in his body, forming a twisted and twisted body of countless fantasy bloodlines. Countless human souls squirmed and wailed under his surface.

In order to survive, it is able to adapt to all extreme environments, and the end point of continuous evolution.

——The ultimate creature named "Beast of Existence".

Thinking is breaking free.

Animal nature is being liberated.

want to eat.

Want to fuck.

Want to turn this world upside down.

Countless golden eyes dripping with blood stared straight at the brilliant people floating in mid-air.

On the city wall, the blond man who witnessed everything crushed the sunglasses in his hand.

Human beings are evil and appear.

As the crown, he must join the crusade.

"Sorry, Alvin"

Crowns, hold up the Noble Phantasm.

"Degenerated into a beast, no one can save you anymore, and no one can reverse this process. We must do our best to kill you."

He had difficulty understanding their words.

Just need to kill it.

Nothing, nothing, can stop me from living.




What are you talking about?

"Lily! Don't lean over, it's already a complete monster!!!"

"No! He is! He is my Alvin senior——!!!"

It seemed that someone threw himself on his body, and then was wrenched away.

The body of the monstrous monster has already swelled to be larger than the entire castle, and the vertical pupils all over its body brewed countless dark light beams that were destroyed by silence and frightening with magical power.

In a trance.

The sky seemed to be torn apart suddenly.

It seemed that a witch with silver hair descended from the sky and gently held his face.

He raised one eyeball, dazed.

That smile with tears in his eyes seemed familiar.

The crowns put down the treasures in their hands with blank expressions and almost frozen.

"This is impossible."

Romulus murmured such words.

Noah was crying.

Orion was taken aback.

Taigongwang and the old man in the mountain looked at each other, and slowly let out a long breath.

In the smoky mirror, he stood up suddenly, with a bright and joyful smile on his face.


The dragon scales are fading.

The wings are falling off.

The grotesque flesh and eyeballs disappeared into his body again.

The silver-haired young man who was half kneeling on the ground and covered in pitch-black armor raised his gaze blankly.

He looked towards the tearful silver-haired woman.


"I am back."


There are no pictures in this chapter.

I wish you all a sweet dream.

Chapter 63 "Father" (1W4)

The dragon scales are fading.

The wings are falling off.

The grotesque flesh and eyeballs shrank back into the body.

In this scorching, pillar-like crown battlefield.

The silver-haired witch embraced the jet-black knight, with tears in her eyes like a broken beaded curtain.

All the crowns stared at this scene in a daze.

The wind was biting and the rain was torrential.

However, no matter the sound of the wind or the rain, it seems that they all disappeared in this silence.

Alvin Pendragon.

He changed from a beast to a man.

"—but how is that possible?"

Romulus watched this scene in disbelief.

He was the founding emperor of ancient Rome and the strongest warrior known as the ancestor of the gods. He lived a magnificent and heroic life and was admired and worshiped by countless people.

However, even the ancestors of the gods have never seen such a scene——

"He is obviously, obviously has been completely animalized,"

Romulus murmured.

Such a thing simply overturned all his cognition so far.

"Why can this process be reversed?"

"——It's because of 'love'. "

The silver-haired boy prayed towards the sky, and prayed to Allah for the reunion of the lovers with tears in his eyes.

"The so-called "human evil" is also "human love".

"The animalized Alvin, he forgot everything, only the desire and instinct for "survival" remained, but he only remembered her appearance.

"this moment

"—she is his, the "Savior." "

Noah clasped his fingers tightly together, as if praying.

The torrential rain in the sky, like a torrent, gradually became less powerful.

The weird spiral cloud also cracked a gap slightly, from which the bright and clear sunlight was projected, like a warm veil, gently draped over the lovers.

"Thank you, Allah! Thank you for allowing me to witness such a clear love and witness such a miracle of salvation!"

The silver-haired boy shed tears of excitement, and the sound of devout prayers echoed on the battlefield.

Looking at the pair of lovers embracing in front of the throne, it seems that at this moment, only the true meaning of each other is in their eyes.

The strongest hunter in Greece, Orion was in a daze.


What a harsh word.

Bearing the love of Artemis, he seemed to have glimpsed the figure of the goddess of the bright moon from the body of the silver-haired witch.

Looking at the silver-haired youth on the field.

Orion's hand holding the bow was trembling.

Because, he seemed to see himself in it.

He was deprived of his life because of love, and separated from Artemis, but he had to make Alvin suffer the same fate before.

Taigongwang and the old man in the mountain looked at each other and let out a long breath.

Although he couldn't see Hassan's expression under that skull mask, Tai Gongwang knew that the other party must also be relieved.

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