He was his father's, the last line of defense.

Alvin Pendragon.

Boundless, endless, endless light.

Submerged all his figures——

Like burning the soul.

A violent, corrosion-like sound came from all over his body.

Unspeakable pain.

The body seemed to be destroyed in an instant.

The spirit seemed to be tortured by Ling Chi.

But Su Shu resisted——

Boundless shadows spread from his whole body, and the spiral sword in his hand twisted and spun dazzlingly, trying to resist the radiance of the holy sword.

The soul stored in it is burning at maximum power, consuming——

The body is constantly annihilated by the light, and it is constantly repaired.


Until all the souls stored in the sword body were finally burned out.


The spiral sword suddenly burst into a crack.

The light engulfed the knight's body

A bright thunder fell from the sky, roaring, as if the sky was mourning.

on the throne.

The magic dragon that devoured the light suddenly opened its eyes.

In an instant.

A holy spear that spirals all over the body is instantly condensed into shape in Vortigern's hand.

King Bei suddenly stood up, the bloody crystals all over his body exploded and shattered, he raised his hand, and stabbed out the Holy Lance Lungomeniad.

"Breath of ortigern"

Under the blessing of the entire British island and the Holy Lance.

The magic dragon that devoured the light burst out a breath of light.


Boundless, endless, and endless dark beams burst out from the tip of the holy spear, annihilating the radiance of the holy sword that had weakened halfway, triggering a violent explosion.


Smoke and dust spread across the battlefield

A knight, a knight covered in pitch black, seemed to be standing still in the smoke and dust.

On the ruined battlefield, everyone stared blankly at the figure of that person.

The radiance of the Holy Sword of the Stars in his hand was completely dimmed.

The blond girl who fell to the ground and the silver-haired witch ran towards that figure as if they were going crazy.


Arturia Arden stopped in her tracks.

She stood in a daze among the smoke and dust, like approaching a clockwork puppet.

Morgan continued to run forward crazily. After tripping over the gravel several times, so that her face was covered with dust, she immediately got up and continued to run forward.

The smoke and dust were gradually thinned by the wind pressure.

The figure also gradually became clear.

However, the clearer it is, the more desperate it is——

The soft silver hair fluttered slightly in the wind.

The dark knight stood before the throne, his left hand and most of his chest were completely engulfed by the radiance of the holy sword.

In the right palm, the spiral long sword is already full of cracks.

There were cracks all over his body.

The colorful, never-extinguishing flame of the star is still burning his body like that.

From the opening in the chest cavity, one could see the small half of his heart that was still beating weakly.

Morgan stood there in a daze on the ruined battlefield.

She stood in front of him in a daze, unable to say a word.

"What's the matter, wife?"

The silver-haired young man with a crack on his face pinched her hand tremblingly, put his palm on his face, and laughed so hard.

"Why are your hands still so cold?"


A piece of skin on the face cracked and fell to the ground, turning into black dust.

His body had already been burned to the ground by the Holy Sword of the Stars.

Consciousness at this moment is but the last reflection.

There is no skill, no treasure, that can save him.

The head of the silver-haired youth lowered down.

He is still standing.

The head hangs down.


Artoria knelt down on the ground, her hair disheveled.

Looking at the holy sword of the stars in his hand.

With the last of her strength, she threw it out suddenly, and let out a wailing sound that seemed to be torn apart from her throat.

Looking at the standing dark knight.

The crown servants, who were injured on average, surrounded them silently with compassionate expressions.

In front of the intact throne.

The humble king Vutigeng just stood there expressionless.

The burly silver-haired old man held the Holy Lance Rungomigniad. His momentum had never been so majestic, so depressing and breathless.

Standing on the land of Britannia, he is invincible as the will of the island.


"A total failure"

An incomparably bitter smile appeared on Taigongwang's face, and he looked at the crown companions around him, all of them were silent and bitter.

"Inhibition, betrays us all."

The Holy Sword of the Stars, that is the armor made by gods that even the leading soldiers of the stars will penetrate.

He is dissatisfied with the usurpation of the thrones.

He wanted so badly to kill Vortigern.

His plan is even more perfect.

However, He cannot predict "variables".

However, the sneak attack he created with perfect timing was blocked by Alvin for a few seconds with all his strength.

This allowed King Vortigeng to successfully project the Holy Spear, and no one present could stop him.

In this case

Killed the opponent's son.

How to persuade, this dragon.

Fujimaru Tateka, who was kneeling on the ground, was covered in blood, and he stared blankly at the brand mark on the back of his hand.


"Such human

"Why should we save?"

Looking at the silver-haired young man, the remnant body that is like a dead tree will rot.

Vortigern's aura exploded and poured away, suddenly overturning everyone except Morgan.


The confinement spiral of Lungominiad, the holy spear in his hand, exploded layer by layer, and the twelve restraints were broken in an instant.

"Holy Spear, it's about to be unanchored"

Bathed in the aura of this dragon.

Crowns other than smoke mirrors

They raised their weapons tremblingly.

However, after sighing, all the crowns put it down again.

The blond man, who had lost his right hand, looked at the dark knight with his head bowed down, who had only half of his heart left.

There was a gritted expression on his face.

"I don't want to save the world, Vortigern."

Smoke Mirror pulled out the remains of his own arm and threw it to the ground.

"Fuck the fucking world for your son"

Thunder and lightning.

Torrential rain.

Above the gray sky, the eyeballs formed by the spiral clouds began to slowly condense into shape, staring at the humble king Vortigern on the ground.

at the same time.

In the depths of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars all over the world, a total of nineteen star anchors remained, all shaking violently.


The star anchors began to vibrate with each other, and the projected Holy Lance Lungomeniad also resonated at the same time, as if trying to break free from Vortigern's palm.

Layers of spiral shackles reappeared on the tip of the Holy Spear.

That is the restraint resonated by the Star Anchor resonating with each other, and forcibly imposed by the holy spear.

Breaking free from the constraints of the six realms can liberate the power of the Holy Spear, but as long as the thirteen constraints are not completely freed, the star anchor will not fall off, and the laws of the Age of Gods will not return.

Under the power of Vortigern.

The spiral shackles are constantly breaking and forming at the tip of the spear.

The twelve restraints have all been broken free.

However, the last restraint stubbornly resisted Vortigern's power.

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