If you know you can't fight, you ruin your clothes first, and no one wants it?

"Hehe, bastard, you have guts!"

"But it also pissed me off!"


The sound of fierce battle drums exploded from the cold chest, blue veins protruded from the surface of the skin, the high-speed flow of blood brought out bursts of purple light, and almost substantive violent evil spirits gushed out from the body.

Following Ghostface, "ghosts" are also unleashed into this world!

"Annoy you?"

"No, I'm just undoing unnecessary restraints, and then I'll give you a good beating."

Huashan doesn't believe that with Leng Kong's strength, he will block himself because of a piece of clothing, but just find an excuse to fight.

His clothes were torn off, his hands were fisted by his ears, and his eyes were looking directly at Lengkong. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was obvious: that is, come if you want to fight, and he will accompany you to the end!

"Ha ha."

"Alright, the muscles are almost warmed up, let's play with you!"

Look at the rags on the ground, the cold air is blazing fiercely, and the body is pressed down extremely quickly,

"Asshole, no clothes, just let me have a good time!"

The palm rest rested heavily on Hua Shanxun's chin, and Leng Kong laughed excitedly, "Don't let my blood, which has been so hard to warm up, cool down too quickly!"

The lower jaw was bombarded by the cold air, Huashan's feet were lifted off the ground, and his body jumped up several feet, blood was squeezed out from the corner of his mouth, but Huashan's long and narrow eyes did not waver at all, and he punched towards the cold air with great force.

"You don't think you can really beat me back, do you?"

"Ha ha."

Leng Kong grinned grinningly, and directly pressed his shoulder against it.

The strongest ghost body obtained from Wu Lei'an can release 100% of the body's full strength, which means that Leng Kong's current strength is more than three times that of the normal state.

Coupled with the indestructible body protection of Ultimate King Kong, he resisted Huashan's punch, but his feet sank slightly, and his figure didn't even move.

The left hand formed a knife, and chopped it down on his neck again. Huashan's rising body was smashed down again.

"Pour me over!"

Still resting on Huashan's lower jaw, the dark red right hand with bulging veins turned upwards, then pressed to the side of his face, and then pressed down hard, the huge figure fell to the side directly under the brute force of Leng Kong.


But before Huashan fell completely, the whip kicked up again, savagely hitting his side waist, bloodstains surfaced, Huashan's body weighing more than 300 kilograms was shot backwards at extreme speed, and three or four of the metal lampposts on the roadside were broken by him in a row.


But after receiving such a set of violent combos, Huashan only spat out two big mouthfuls of blood, and then stood up again as if he didn't feel the injury at all.

"Good will!"

"But I've seen too many monsters whose will surpasses the body!"

Leng Kong's feet slid, and the person flashed like a ghost.

Erhuliu: Youbu!

"So fast!"

Seeing that Leng Kong suddenly disappeared from his field of vision and reappeared at his side, Huashan's long and narrow eyes instantly narrowed into a slit.

Broken instantly!

The fists slammed down violently, and Huashan's fighting instincts were also maximized under the terrifying pressure of the cold air. His strong arms were raised quickly to withstand the hammering of the cold air, but at the same time, his arms were also scratched with bloodstains by the sharp fists of the cold air.

Agugu's physique has its own characteristics: tearer!

"It's actually keeping up with the rhythm, yes!"

Leng Kong pressed down with brute force, the muscles in his hands exploded, the purple light flashed extremely fast, the hard floor tiles were crushed, and Huashan's feet sank into the foundation.


The terrifying pressure as if a huge mountain was pressing down on the top made Huashan's muscles tremble violently. The "Xia Ke Li" behind him seemed to come to life. arm,

At the same time, the unshackled fist hit Leng Kong's side jaw with a violent whistling sound.


The extremely close combat distance, even if you see through it, you can't dodge in time, the fist hits, the corner of Leng Kong's mouth splits immediately, blood beads burst out, and the head is also stretched to the limit under the terrifying impact.

"Ha ha."

But Leng Kong smiled instead of anger, because compared to a dead target, of course an opponent who can move is more interesting!

Before the impacted head could be pulled back, the arms that bounced off were already falling at an extremely fast speed.


The left and right palm rests hit Huashan's temples at the same time, and the terrifying force immediately caused a lot of blood to flow out of his seven holes, and the flesh and blood on the surface of the hit temples were directly eroded.

No matter how abnormal his physique is, this part is violently blasted, and the brain tissue is violently shaken. Huashan will also feel that the world is spinning, his eyes are spinning and disappearing, the whites of the eyes turned up and the huge figure collapsed.

"Wouldn't it be better to give me the clothes earlier?"


Leng Kong spit out a mouthful of blood foam, feeling that he didn't have much fun.

Chapter 187 Chaoxiong Sanjiro!

Look at the rotten pieces of cloth that are scattered all over the place, the clothes are not available after all!

But it doesn't matter, because there is a third person at the scene.

Leng Kong shook the blood on his hands, turned around and looked at a shadow across the road.

"I said, after watching it for so long, is it enough?"

After Huashan finished tearing his clothes, Leng Kong noticed a sudden sound of breathing nearby.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, breathing rate and heartbeat, this person is very strong!

Compared with the fallen strong man, this person should be the real strong man in this world!

"Haha. The perception is good!"

The red hair that seemed to be burning in flames first came into Leng Kong's eyes, and as the opponent completely walked out of the shadows, he put his hands in his pockets, his upper body was naked and formed an inverted triangle, his powerful muscles exploded, and his whole body exuded ancient fierceness. A man with a beast-like aura was exposed under the street lamp.

At a glance!

Just a glance!

As soon as the two people looked at each other, Leng Kong's hairs all over his body stood on end, stimulated by his terrifying aura, and the strong sense of crisis was like a sword hanging between his brows.

"You are better than him!"

"And it's much stronger!"

Pointing to the fainted Hua Shanxun, Leng Kong's gaze stopped at the red-haired man across the road, the white light in his ghost eyes shrank, and his grimace was distorted with excitement.

The red-haired man is definitely a master. Just standing still, the terrifying aura he exudes already makes his hair stand on end.

Lengkong has not felt this way for a long time.


Just use him to measure your current strength!


"Of course I'm better than a child!"

Yujiro opened his mouth to the limit, and his grimace was even more distorted than Leng Kong. Obviously, seeing the violent exchange between the two, he also became interested.

"You call him a child?"

"Are your eyes okay?"

Seeing that Yujiro called a strong man who was about his age a child, he was displeased.

Doesn't this mean that he is only at the child's level?

"Haha. Don't pay attention to these details. Seeing how passionate you are, play with me too!"

Yujiro's thighs bulged,


The floor tiles exploded, the body jumped up, and the next second fell to the opposite of Leng Kong.


"So beautiful. Such a beautiful woman!"

Then after seeing Leng Kong's body and appearance clearly, Yujiro's face was "daily" shocked.

The eyes suddenly lit up, and the terrifying aura covering the whole body was also violently churning. The fiery gaze paused for a moment on Leng Kong's extremely handsome face, and then slowly slid down along Leng Kong's perfect muscle lines, his face gradually became idiot.


The street lights on this side were broken by Huashan continuously. After Yujiro approached, he realized that the cold sky is so beautiful!

A handsome face, a perfect body, and an overwhelming sense of strength!

Only such a beauty can withstand the impact of the strongest creature in the world!

No wonder, today he suddenly wanted to come to this location to have a look.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with it!


In fact, the real reason is that the world is a kind of early warning for visitors from other worlds.

For example, the three white tigers met Saitama as soon as they arrived. After Leng Kong appeared in this world, the world's instinct also prompted Yujiro to come and have a look.

As a result,

Yujiro decided to overthrow Leng Kong immediately, now!

"What the hell?"

The upside-down hairs that Leng Kong saw fell down instantly, sticking tightly to the skin, as if he was using this method to put a plush coat on himself.

This look is familiar to him,

Isn't it the way Zhu Mei usually looks at her?

But this man's eyes are countless times stronger than Zhu Mei's!

"I am male."

Leng Kong quietly took a step back.

"No, in my eyes, you are a woman, and she is a charming beauty!"

Yujiro opened his mouth wide, eyes filled with love, and forcibly approached.

"There is no distinction between men and women?"

Seeing this posture, Leng Kong couldn't hold his excited grimace anymore.

Ma Dan, what kind of twisted world is this?

The gangster in front would rather be beaten to the ground by himself than tear his clothes to pieces.

And this red-haired man who exudes the aura of a strong man all the time is a pervert regardless of gender.

In just a few minutes, Leng Kong went from looking forward to the world to being full of rejection!

"Bastard, give me death!"

Endless anger erupted from his eyes, Leng Kong's muscles tensed up like never before, and his fist blasted the air and pierced idiot Yong.


"Do you still want to resist?"

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