"Is the millennium inheritance a joke?"

Full of expectations turned into disappointment, Leng Kong stared at the spot and roared loudly.

Kang dang

While the cold air roared, one hand stretched out from the side of the car, and the metal hood twisted and deformed under the palm.

Seeing the movement, Leng Kong's slightly disappointed eyes lit up again.

"Haha. I knew the Wu clan wouldn't be so useless, otherwise you would be too inappropriate."

"Come on, ignite my blood! Enjoy my passion, and go to the climax of pleasure together!"

Dong dong dong

The sound of violent heart beating resounded in the car that was smashed through.

"Ah Ang.!"

In the next moment, there was a roar of a beast that did not resemble a human being.

On the only arm exposed outside, blood vessels drilled out of the skin surface like earthworms, and the skin turned dark red purple-gray under the rapid flow of blood.


The edge of the car was pressed down by the palm, and Wu Lianyi, who had completed the "liberation", appeared in the cold sky again.

Two green lights flickered in the pure black eye sockets, and a strong killing intent emanated from his whole body.

The whole image is more like a ghost than a human!

Chapter 24 Are You Still Bodybuilder?

"Original "liberation" cannot be released in front of the public, but the Wu family cannot be humiliated, boy, you are looking for death."

Before the word "death" fell, Wu Lian turned into a black line and appeared in front of Leng Kong.

So fast!

The speed is at least three times as fast as before?

Leng Kong opened his eyes sharply, but before he could react, Wu Lian punched his chin one by one, and the corners of his mouth instantly crooked.

Although he also has hundreds of fights to the death, but in the end, he has only fought against Himuro Ryo.

The first few miscellaneous fish with one move in seconds are not counted.

Now encountering Wu Lian, whose speed doubled, was caught off guard.

But don't be afraid, you can cheat yourself!


Another whip kick hit his neck heavily, and Leng Kong's body shook a few times.

Strength also strengthened?

But that's what's interesting, isn't it?

"Ha ha."

Leng Kong let out an extremely excited grin, raised his fist and slammed at it.

Since the speed is not comparable, then give up defense and attack with all your strength!

Anyway, I was used to being beaten by Ryo Himuro in the pure white world in the early stage.

It depends on who can resist!

After liberation, Wu Lian also had this intention. In terms of physical fitness, the Wu family has never been afraid of others!

The two confronted each other savagely and ferociously like ferocious beasts that met on a narrow road.

Ignoring the pain, fearless of life and death, fists, palm knives, elbows, knee kicks, and various parts of the body frantically attacked the opponent's body.

As soon as Wu Lian was liberated, the battle became intense in an instant!

Fist to the flesh, no one is defending, they are all attacking and attacking!

The level of brutality has far surpassed that of the game, and from the beginning of the battle, they have entered into a life-and-death lore of fighting each other!

Excited, crazy, and bloodthirsty, the expressions of the two seemed to be carved out of the same mold, and the entire space was filled with fanatical fighting intent and strong murderous intent.

"This is the "ghost transformation" of the Wu clan?"

"So strong!"

"But that big guy is so strong!"

"Actually. Can you be on par with the ghostly Wu clan?"

"Hiss. Horror!"

Striking blood, blood and sweat flying together, roaring and hissing resounded throughout the basement, the bloody and fierce battle situation, just watching the adrenaline of the surrounding audience soared, and the crazy shouts became higher and higher!

"It's so fierce!"

"Yes, don't retreat!"

"Fuck him!"

"Just kill him like this!"

Leng Kong's punch left a deep fist mark on Wu Lianyi's body, and the next moment his waist was hit hard by the opponent's knee blow.

The satisfaction of punching to the flesh, the burning passion of blood splattering

"Haha. Cool! This... This is called fighting! Haha."

The brain divides hormones crazily, and the pain and pleasure boil together to make the cold air happy.

"It turns out that this is the strenuous exercise I've always dreamed of!"

"This is much more exciting than the pure technique of Ryo Himuro, haha"

Different from Bingshi Liang's experience of using extreme skills to fight, Wu Lianyi, who risked his life to fight hand-to-hand, brought a kind of extreme joy that Leng Kong had never experienced before.

That was a smooth close-to-body fight, a pure physical collision, and his blood was completely boiling.

Cold air has never felt like it does now

The truth is that the body is about to burn.

"Haha. Happy!"

His eyes gradually turned red under the stimulation of scorching fighting intent, and Leng Kong rushed forward again with a howl.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

In just a few tens of seconds, the underground parking lot became full of potholes under the crazy confrontation between the two, and the abandoned cars parked were like paper, and the original shape could not be seen clearly.

The walls and pillars are densely packed with impact cracks, and the cracks are filled with blood.

There are Leng Kong's and Wu Lian's.

Wu Lian punched Wu Lian in the face with a nosebleed, and Leng Kong raised his hand and elbowed him to the ceiling.

Wu Lian was dying soon.

Although "liberation" and blood inheritance made his physical fitness reach the level of Leng Kong, the gap in strength lay between the two of them like a moat.

Samurai Wakatsuki, whose muscle density is 52 times that of ordinary people, surpasses the Wu clan in terms of pure strength, but Samurai Wakatsuki is not as powerful as the muscle monster Julius.

And after Leng Kong broke through the boundary created by Jie Xiongming, his power was already infinitely approaching Julius.

This is not comparable to Wu Lianyi's 50.00% "liberation".

When Leng Kong's fist hit Wu Lianyi's body, it was a sunken fist mark. On the other hand, Wu Lian's muscular armor (steel body) was scratched a little.

Don't watch Wang Ma Kaikai and Wu Lei'an fight wildly with God, and even a few ribs are not broken.

How strong is Wang Ma's physique?

God can increase attack power, destructive power and speed, but physical fitness cannot be changed.

"Pfft, I admit that I was wrong before, you are really strong!"

As soon as Wu Lian fell down, she covered her chest and spit out big mouthfuls of blood.

That position was exactly where Leng Kong hit his elbow just now, and the sunken muscles had already squeezed his heart.

Looking at the fist marks almost all over his body, Wu Lian knew that he could not last long in his liberated state.

He regrets it now!

Because of Leng Kong's bodybuilding muscles, he underestimated the enemy.

A careless move was overturned by the opponent, and after liberation, he failed to suppress his anger and rushed to confront him, and the result was even worse!

Otherwise, with the speed after liberation, it would never be so difficult to fight!


"Come on, we are pounding hard, what kind of tricks are we doing!"

Hearing this, Leng Kong didn't want to anymore, he was so immersed in the comfort of the crazy fight that he didn't want to come out.

Yuan. It turns out that putting aside martial arts, abandoning all skills, and purely using body to shake, fist to fist, flesh to flesh, blood to blood, how can it be so cool?

Punch for punch, blow for blow in the fierce fight, even the pain can not be felt, only continuous carefree.

Really cool blood boiled and burned up!

"Hit Nima!"

Wu Lian touched the sunken brand mark Leng Kong left on her body, and cursed secretly.

This pervert didn't know where it came from. His muscles looked like they were trained by bodybuilding, but his physique was stronger than that of the Wu clan.

Isn't bodybuilding all fancy but useless?

How did you change here?

It's just off the charts!

It was not updated the day before yesterday, but four chapters were added today. If you feel that you can still pass the time, can you vote for a few votes?

To be honest, it may be because the number of words is too small, and only one or two people give me votes every day.

Chapter 25 Millennium stunt, that's it?

"A lot of blood"

Seeing Leng Kong with a ferocious face and bloodthirsty eyes in the arena, Zhu Mei shrank her head behind Ziyin, her hands pinched her sister's forearm tightly, not daring to look any further.

"Sister, is Mr. Leng alright?"

"Why is it completely different from usual"

"It hurts to death, dead girl, do you want to kill me?"

Ziyin pushed Zhu Mei's palm away, and then looked at the bloody nail prints on her arm, and said angrily:

"This is because you have a lover, so you don't want your sister?"

"What can he do?

"Are you enjoying it without watching it?"

"Nonsense, I have it."

Ziyin's words made Zhu Mei's face flush instantly, she squirmed her lips and muttered in a low voice that she could only hear, and then she couldn't help poking a corner from behind her sister to observe the battle situation secretly.

My sister seems to be right. Mr. Leng really enjoys it?

I saw that Wu Lian punched Leng Jun with a fist, and the sharp fist scraped several bloodstains on the skin. Instead of showing fear and pain, Leng Jun raised the corners of his mouth strangely, with an extremely happy expression, and then used even more force. Dao fought back.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

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