He didn't really care about the title of "The Strongest Creature on Earth", otherwise he wouldn't have given this title to his son just because it made him suddenly feel a little bit of fun in the battle between father and son.

The reason why he doesn't care is because Yujiro believes that whether he has this title or not, he is the strongest in the world!

"The strongest" does not rely on any title, but on his own strength!

Ever since he became a ghost back, the pride in his bones made him stand almost like a god, looking down on the whole world!

So what sneak attack, tyranny, beating... These are just his play, just his best way to show.

The strongest must do whatever he wants!

The strongest must have no taboos!

Because no one can shake him!

but now

It's different now, because of the cold air, he fell from the highest clouds to the ground, and his mentality is naturally different depending on the position.

"Yes, father, you have lost, and you have lost very much."

Blade Ya looked at Yujiro with extremely disappointed eyes, as if he hated his father for not becoming a dragon.Then turn on the TV in the ward,

"Look for yourself!"

"According to the latest report from front-line reporters, the naked man hanging from the Skytree has been confirmed to be the strongest creature on the ground "formerly", and Yujiro "now" the most female creature on the ground"

As soon as the TV was turned on, without deliberately tuning the channel, the passionate commentary of the news host rang out in the ward.

The scene played at the same time is the scene of a group of people flying to the top of the tower in a plane, and then two good sons, Saber and Jack, pull Yujiro back.

"that's me?"

"You say that light man is me?"


"Leng Kong, you bastard!"


The roar exploded, and the glass in the room was shattered. At the same time, the extremely terrifying murderous aura exploded from Yujiro's body, distorting the space.

As mentioned earlier, the positions are different, and the moods after encountering things are also different.

If it was in the past, when he was interested, he might take the initiative to take off his clothes and stand on the enemy's building to release water, and let the TV station broadcast it, treating it as a performance art.

Just because he is the undisputed "strongest on earth"!

As long as he wants to, it doesn't matter what he does!

But it is different now, his "strongest" status is gone, and his invincible state of mind is gone.

That's not art, but a real shame!

"Not you, who else?"

"When Blade Ya pulled you up, there were several radio planes surrounding the top of the tower and broadcasting the whole process from all angles!"

Doppokang let out a joyful voice against Yujiro's terrifying pressure.

Who told this bastard to still like to ridicule and insult people after beating them up? Now he has finally experienced this feeling, right?Ha ha

Those who humiliate others will always humiliate others!


so comfy!

When I go back, I must drink with Keji until dawn, haha

When Yujiro was still impotent and furious in the hospital, Leng Kong had already eaten and drank enough to lie comfortably on the deck of the yacht basking in the sun.

The body is warmed by the sun, the eyelids are closed, and the mind enters the deepest level of meditation.

Give the body completely to the instinct to achieve the fastest recuperation speed.

In the battle with Yujiro, the body was squeezed too much, and Leng Kong had to ensure that the body was restored to the best condition before he could integrate Fan Ma's blood.

This is also his consistent practice of integrating powerful characteristics.

The more powerful the characteristics, the greater the energy consumed during the fusion. For example, the last time the fusion of the ancient race was done, the body was directly drained.

Anyway, it's already in hand, so Leng Kong is in no hurry.

After giving up cultivation and devoting himself to self-cultivation and having enough food for three days, Leng Kong closed his eyes and entered the pure white space.

After the conscious body appeared in the pure white space, it immediately absorbed the light cluster suspended in the middle of the square into its hands.

The defect-free version of Fanma's body is finally here!

Ah ha ha

Leng Kong laughed and pinched the explosion ball,

Fan Ma blood! (Normal version, affected by blood purity)

All-round physical fitness, a supernatural race of pure fighting blood that exceeds the limits of human imagination!

Terrifying physical strength, tenacious vitality and recovery speed, various hormone secretions beyond the detection of human equipment, super learning ability in combat, as long as you exercise, you can't see the limitless potential of the upper limit.

Ability 1: Heaven Enlightenment!

As long as you read martial arts skills, you can learn them in a very short time and use them in actual combat!

Ability 2: Ghost brain!

Stimulate the brain to secrete enkephalins crazily, which can not only paralyze the physical pain, but also greatly improve the reaction speed and optimal response.

Ability 3: Ghost Back

Develop the back muscles into a grimace shape, and the physical fitness will be increased by a geometrical factor of 10 by the purity of the blood.

Ability 4: Hunger and Thirst, Remarks: Extreme Hunger and Thirst!

Ability 5: Fanma vision, super androgen beyond the detection limit of the instrument, so that the world he sees is completely different from ordinary people.

White light enters the body, consciousness returns to the body,

The extreme pain comparable to the fusion of Pico's "ancient race" struck again, and Leng Kong's body immediately curled up from a paralyzed state of extreme relaxation.

Inside, from the bones to the viscera, from the viscera to the blood, are frantically fusing and regenerating,

Outer, muscular.The meridian twitches wildly,

Terrible pain beyond death spreads from every cell in the body.

Especially the pain in the back and head is the most severe!

Chapter 271 This.. This power, am I still human?

"So, I became stronger again!"

"And is it the kind that is so strong?"

Feeling that every cell in the body is crazily swallowing power, Leng Kong's huge body stood up,

Sha Lala

Then the sharp fingertips slid across the chest forcefully, but there was not even a white mark.

I'm afraid this toughness can't even be broken by bullets, right?

After integrating Fan Ma's physique, the physical fitness has skyrocketed by an "ancient race" under normal conditions, and it feels even more inhuman!

At the beginning of his arrival, his strength was only a little stronger than Huashan, and his defense was even worse than that of the martial arts masters in this world.

But after absorbing Huashan's "naturally strong man", his strength reached twice that of Huashan.

And most importantly, Tiger's superhuman muscles fit perfectly with Huashan's natural strength!

Both physiques belong to the characteristic of growing muscles. Although Tiger and Huashan are incomparable in terms of strength growth, their muscles "grow all the time and never shrink," which perfectly makes up for this deficiency.

I really don't know how terrifying my strength will climb to as time goes by?

Then there is the "ancient race" of the original character Pi Ke. After the fusion, the defensive shortcomings are directly filled, and the physical fitness has been doubled again, reaching four times the strength of Huashan, and the body size has exploded to 3 meters, which is directly inappropriate. up.

But now after merging with Fan Ma's bloodline, his strength has reached six times that of Huashan in one fell swoop!

On the surface, it seems that the increase brought by Fan Ma's bloodline is similar to that of "ancient race".

But don't forget, this is just the norm, just the base panel!

The truly perverted aspect of Fan Ma's bloodline lies in its extended abilities, which are much stronger than the ancient races with only basic panels.

Especially Ghost Brain and Ghost Back!

Needless to say, the ghost back is another powerful multiplier skill.

And ghost brain, but Leng Kong can feel that his thinking and reflection speed are faster, and his mental senses are clearer.

Although he couldn't see it, Leng Kong faintly saw that his brain tissue was transforming into a grimace through his hazy mental vision.

Because Yujiro disdains to fight with dead things, so he rarely simulates battles, and lacks the development of ghost brains.

In other words, his ghost brain is still in an inactive state.

But Leng Kong's spiritual body has been fighting in the pure white space all year round, and the trials of Thor and the liberation of gods and demons are also the tempering and use of spiritual power.

The conditions for the activation of the ghost brain have already been met, and it is fine if the Fan Ma physique was not fused before, but now as soon as it is fused, the ghost brain will immediately begin to take shape.

Have to say it was a pleasant surprise.

"Now let me feel the real power!"

"Ha ha."

Laughing loudly, the muscles exploded, and the huge body swelled up again,

Dragon back!

Then the back muscles squirmed wildly, and finally formed a devil face with wry smiles and whites.

Ghost back!

"This power!"

Leng Kong held his hands empty, the air was caught and exploded,

"After releasing two superimposed BUFFs, the power surpassed my previous state and fully opened?"

"Haha. Come again!"

dong dong dong...

The thunderous sound of war drums exploded from the chest cavity, and the body turned red and purple at a rapid rate...

Black eyes and white pupils, blood-red muscles bulging high, veins twisted on the surface of the body, an extremely terrifying sense of power gushing out of the body...

It's really like a terrifying troll descending from the mortal world!

Ghost body!

The potential is fully opened, and the strength has tripled again under normal conditions.


The whole space trembled in front of this terrifying power, and the air around him was shaken and humming as the muscles fluctuated.

"This power!"

"Can I still be considered a human being?"

Endless power gushes out from every cell in the body, and finally converges into a torrent of terrifying power in the body.

This made Leng Kong feel as if his body was going to be exploded.


Too much too much!

There are too many to fit!

It was the first time for the body to contain this inhuman to the extreme terrifying power, and Leng Kong felt that his current physique was too much for him.

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