"Interesting. So interesting!"

"Ha ha."

The corners of Leng Kong's mouth curled up, suddenly feeling that the world became more interesting,

His eyes swept across the faint blood marks on his arm, and then he looked at the weird old man who had already fallen to the ground, a little bit of fighting spirit overflowed from his eye sockets,

"It's a bit harder this time, but"

"But it's not strong enough!"

"So, can you surprise me a little more?"

With his arms stretched forward, his perfect muscles were exposed by the raindrops, revealing a beauty of strength that is not like the world.

"Surprise? Ho Ho"

The attacks failed continuously, Xiaodou Wazhai squeezed out an ugly laugh from his throat,

With a shake of the body, the long arms extending behind Leng Kong suddenly came to life, twisting wildly like a spirit snake, and instantly wrapped Leng Kong into a rice dumpling.

"Is this surprise enough? Haha."

Seeing that the enemy had been wrapped tightly, Xiaodou Lazhai walked slowly to Leng Kong with a smug smile on his face.

With the strength he can pull off a giant tree, he can grind Leng Kong into a meat paste at any time, just like a wandering warrior.

"A little bit, but not much."

The corners of Leng Kong's mouth remained upturned, "So, can you have some more?"

Sha Lala

Muscles tumbling, body exerting force, Xiaodou Wazhai's rubber hand, which is tougher than a solid steel column, suddenly cracked under overload, and the skin and flesh continued to crack, and the densely wrapped fleshy arms were forcibly stretched apart amidst the blood splattering.

"how is this possible?"

"A mere wandering warrior, how could his body be so hard?"

"How could there be such a terrifying power?"

Seeing that instead of being strangled, his arms were blown apart by the other party, Xiaodou Lazhai showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

Could it be that they have only been born for decades, and the outside world's martial arts have developed to such a terrifying level?

"No, I don't believe it!"

"Ninja is... the supreme combat power!"

The roar exploded, and Xiaodou Lazhai's legs also stretched extremely quickly to wrap around him tightly, and the force of the strangled attack doubled instantly.

"Is this the only way to do it?"

Leng Kong glanced forward, the little old man's limbs were all wrapped around his body, his body was suspended in the air, his posture looked very eye-catching, and at the same time, the little old man had already exerted so much force that the veins on his face were bulging, and his jaw was about to burst.

Well, he should have used all his strength.

So, this is the end of the first experience of ninja.


Breathing out the turbid air, the already majestic figure suddenly began to swell,

bang bang bang!

An indescribably terrifying force gushed out from the center of the choke, and the sound of muscle tearing exploded intensively.

After Leng Kong restored his original form and turned into a terrifying giant over three meters tall, Xiaodou Wazhai's expression was instantly sluggish, his eyes immediately popped out of their sockets, and the hands and feet coiled around Leng Kong's body were cracked inch by inch, and the blood rushed out from the crack shoot,


The huge shock force hit his body, and Xiaodou Wazhai spurted out a big mouthful of black blood, and then his body limply collapsed to the ground. Together with his body, his limbs were covered with cracks and all the flesh and blood were turned limp.

"What kind of ninjutsu are you doing?"

The body was completely shrouded in the giant's shadow, Xiaodou Lazhai, who was paralyzed on the ground, looked up at Leng Kong's terrifying troll-like body, and questioned unwillingly.

"You are obviously a top ninja, why are you still pretending to be a low-level samurai?"

"What about your pride as a ninja?"

Ninja fighting, the most important intelligence!

Therefore, in battle, ninjas will use various methods to spy on the opponent's ninjutsu, fighting style, and flaws, which is beyond doubt.

But no ninja would deny his identity as a ninja like the man in front of him.

Because this is the minimum dignity of a ninja!


Still wandering samurai?

That's just trash crushed underfoot by ninjas.

Just meeting for the first time, Xiaodou Wazhai felt that the terrifying troll in front of him seemed to be scornful!

"Ninjutsu? Haha"

Leng Kong twisted his neck, agitated his muscles, and spattered the blood on his body. Although the sky was covered with raindrops, he took a deep breath,

"This is muscle!"

"The muscles that have been exercised all year round are comparable to mere skills?"

After enjoying the comfort of the body returning to the prototype, it retracted to 195, but this is more than half higher than that of Xiaodou Wazhai.


"The devil believes you!"


Adzuki Dou Wazhai spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

Because of changing the world, I struggled for a long time last night, because changing the world will definitely run away a lot of people.

This is normal in Zhutianliu, after all, everyone has their own likes and dislikes in the world.

So friends who hope to stay, please support us a lot.

Because there are not many people left after the blade tooth is written, haha

The pure fighting traffic is too small, and almost no new readers enter.

Chapter 282 Is This the Legendary Ninja Technique?

"That's all?"

Leng Kong pointed at his forehead with disappointed eyes, "Is this the only ninja technique in the legend?"

"That's all?"

To be defeated, one can only say that one's strength is not as good as others, Xiaodou Lazhai is ready to face death.

Death is the final destination of a ninja, he has long been aware of it, but

But when Leng Kong questioned his ninjutsu, he couldn't help it, and immediately uttered angrily:

"Bastard, don't think that you are so arrogant to defeat me with brute force by relying on the technique of giant transformation."

"Ninjas are ever-changing, and mutual generation and mutual restraint. Some of our Iga ninjas will defeat you."

After shouting, his head was tilted, and he entered the state of waiting to die again.

There is no way to wait for death, his ninja skills are all in his hands and feet, now that his limbs are crippled, he is no different from a lump of meat, and he doesn't even have the minimum strength to fight back.

"Beat me?"

"Ha ha."

"In this way, I look forward to it even more!"

"Otherwise it would be too boring!"

Leng Kong also really wanted to jump out of an opponent who could make him happy, or an opponent who was stronger than him.

Because of this, he can happily chase after him!

"Why are you still standing there, bring your lord in, otherwise it's none of my business to die."

Shaking his head and walking into the tea house with only half of the roof left, the muscles agitated the rain to separate, a lot of heat rose up, and even the hair returned to its elegance as if it had been blown by a hair dryer.

"oh oh."

Hearing Leng Kong's words, the guy who was still standing there rushed into the rain and carried Xiaodou Lazhai, who was bleeding to death, into the shed.

But he only dared to stay far away in the corner, trying to keep the distance from Leng Kong as much as possible.

Then he wiped off the rainwater with a black lacquered towel, took out the firewood that was still burning on the stove, picked up the hot ashes, and pressed it on his right hand full of burst wounds.


The scald soaked into the wound, and Xiaodou Wazhai's face, which was dead white due to excessive blood loss, instantly flushed red, and a miserable scream burst from his throat.

He felt that he was not beaten to death by Leng Kong, but that he would be put to death by his younger generation.

"Master Xiaodou, be patient."

But dude it's still going on because it's only painted one arm.



There was a patter of rain, and there were endless screams.

The man was also dedicated, and when the ashes were finished, he inserted the unburned dry wood into the mound to extinguish the flame, then scraped off the black charcoal and ground it into powder, making sure that the old man's limbs were covered before stopping.

After finishing the work, he thoughtfully used a pitch black towel to wipe off the old man's snot and saliva that had been stuck together due to the severe pain.

"Breathe. Exhale. Inhale."

Xiaodou Wazhai, who was half-lifed by the rough treatment, stared at the sky with weak eyes, took deep breaths continuously,

After recovering for a while, he looked at Leng Kong again, "You don't kill me, and you don't run away, what exactly are you trying to do? And what conspiracy do you have against me, Iga?"


Leng Kong shook his head, "It's impossible!"

"Didn't I say that earlier?"

"I'm just a warrior who likes to pursue strength and challenge the strong."

"If anyone of you can really beat me, then I'm too happy! Haha."

Having just arrived in this world and ignorant of the combat power system here, Leng Kong can only hope to gather more information from the little old man.

That's why he stayed in the tea house neither advancing nor retreating.

If he retreats, he will lose the way to understand the combat power of this world.

It's not appropriate to enter the opponent's lair. There is still too little information to be too reckless. Who knows if there will be monsters with explosive combat power, hobbies and perverted monsters?

For example, the perverted Yujiro I met when I first entered the Blade World?

Therefore, food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and information needs to be collected bit by bit. If you take too many steps, you will easily tear your eggs.

"It's that simple?"

Xiaodou Wazhai didn't believe any of Leng Kong's words!

Running to the door of their Iga house, no, it should be said to block the door of their Iga house, how could the purpose be so simple.

This bastard must have been sent by some hostile force to test the strength of the Iga ninja.

If they can't deal with even a single person in the crowd, the hidden army behind the opponent will invade the border.

That's right!

It sure is!

There was a flash of understanding in the old man's eyes, he had already analyzed Leng Kong's real purpose.

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