This idea was snuffed out by the cold air as soon as it flashed out. How could the longevity species that have lived for more than 1 years be so weak!

Santana is definitely measuring his strength!

And it is a way to completely abandon defense and measure it purely with the flesh!

The depleting fluid secreted by the cells should just be his body's instinct, this cannot be regarded as a counterattack.

Yes, it must be so!

I said how could the longevity species be so weak, are you still testing my qualifications?

"good very good!"

"In this case, my blood will be completely ignited!"

"Ha ha."

Thinking of his full combat power, Santana still maintained the pride of the immortal species and disdained to fight back, Leng Kong became extremely excited in an instant,

"Because such an opponent is strong enough to fight!"

"Ha ha."

Amidst the wild laughter, the grimace was twisted and deformed to the extreme, and the grimace on the chest and back also showed an exaggerated and ferocious smile,

"Longevity species, I will let you show your true strength to fight with me, Jie Jie"

It's a long story, but in fact, the fist that was slapped on Santana's face by the cold air has just withdrawn,

After clarifying his thoughts, he leaned back his left arm to accumulate strength, moved his right foot forward, and blasted out violently while sticking to his body at a high speed.


Santana's head was still floating behind his back, another big hole was blasted in his abdomen, and his body was also beaten into a bow shape. A large amount of blood mist and minced meat splashed wildly from the bloody mouth on his back.

"Oh ah!"

The right elbow poked down vigorously, hitting his back shoulder,

bang bang!

Half of Santana's body collapsed and exploded in an instant, slapping on the ground like a boneless body,

But Leng Kong's combo continued, and he really didn't dare to relax for a moment when facing the longevity species for the first time.

The body bent down extremely quickly, the muscles rolled wildly, and the left fist was hammered down with layers of air and white waves.


Santana's boneless body was smashed to pieces immediately, and the concrete beneath him was also turned into a huge pit with a diameter and depth of more than 3 meters under the terrifying force of the cold air.


The huge shock force caused the upper soil layer to begin to collapse again, and countless landslide cracks expanded from the through hole to the entire ceiling of the underground research room.

"Grass. Grass!"

"This lunatic, isn't he afraid of being buried?"

Seeing that the thick layer of soil above his head was about to collapse completely, and Leng Kong was still mad at Santana's body, Er Qiao's face was extremely pale,

"Old man, you can't stay here anymore, come on, come out with me."

Then he grabbed Spit and quickly ran towards the stairs leading to the ground,

But when he reached the stairs, Er Qiao's face became even paler, because

Because the passageway of the stairs had already collapsed first, the huge amount of earth clods that had fallen had completely sealed the passageway.

"To die. To die!"

"Sure enough, you can't get too close to a lunatic!"


Shi Pitt's face was paler than that of Er Qiao, "What should we do now?"

"What else can I do?"

Er Qiao said speechlessly: "Now we can only count on that lunatic to end the battle before the underground chamber completely collapses!"

"End the fight?"

Spit stared blankly at the cold air that had already beaten Santana's body into bloody mud.

"It's all like this, and it's not over yet, so how can it be finished?"

Chapter 305 If you don't fight, I will beat you until you fight!

boom boom

The load-bearing columns in the combat area can no longer withstand the violent shock of the cold air.The cracked column collapsed,

The support was lost, and the soil layer on the top also collapsed in large areas.

Centering on the wellhead, most of the underground space collapsed completely.

The cold air at the center of the battle and Santana, whose body was so broken that it couldn't be broken any more, happened to be in the collapsed position, and they were instantly buried by the mud.

"Finally...finally I wasn't buried alone."

"Ha ha."

Seeing this scene, Schuttrogheim, who was leaning against the corner on the other side and still coughing up blood crazily, laughed.


Laughter affected the wound, and a large stream of black blood spewed out again.

He felt that he was really innocent. It was obvious that two monsters were fighting, but he was always the one who was injured.

First, it was buried by the thick layer of soil hammered down by the cold air,

Before he could recover, he was blown away by the energy and hit the wall heavily, and now his internal organs are all torn apart.

So after seeing the two culprits also buried,

Even though his body was in excruciating pain, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"A huge layer of soil more than ten meters thick hit the body directly, even a monster should be crushed to death, right?"

"Ha ha."

Thinking of the terrifying pressure of the collapsed soil layer, Schuttrogheim smiled happily.

"Don't laugh, think about how to get out, this place will collapse soon."

Under the dim emergency lights, Er Qiao, who had been huddled in the corner with Spit, looked extremely ugly at the moment.

Leng Kong and Santana were buried, but they also fell into death.

The underground space is nearly 20 meters from the ground, and now most of the area has collapsed, and the only wellhead leading to the outside world (the through hole blasted by the cold air) is completely blocked by the soil layer.

In other words, they are now trapped to death at a depth of more than ten meters.

If there is no concept, it can also be understood as the location of the 5th floor underground.

And with this small space left, I don’t know how long it can last,

10 minutes?

5 minutes?

3 minutes?

Or the next second?

If they don't come up with a solution quickly, the three of them will be dead.


Schuttrogheim's smiling face immediately froze,

With the help of the emergency light, I looked at the soil layer above my head that was about to collapse, and said in desperation,

"It's useless, we can't do anything now, we can only pray that the army can dig us out before we die."


"Are you still dreaming?"

Er Qiao said speechlessly, "The army has been wiped out by the regiment!"

"Then we can only wait to die!"

"Wait to die?"

"That's right!"

Schuttrogheim nodded,

"It's four or five floors deep from the ground, and it's impossible for us to get out by ourselves."

"German soldiers are never afraid of death. It's worth it to be buried in the ground with two monsters! Haha."

"Buried together?"

"Worth it?"

A pair of giant purple arms suddenly broke through the soil layer,

"Do you have any misunderstanding about muscles?"

Then the purple-glowing palm was like half a shovel gently pawing to the sides, and the huge body swam out from inside.

That's right, it's a tour!

The appearance of Leng Kong breaking through the soil gave Er Qiao, Spit and Schottheim the feeling that they were not drilling the soil, but swimming.

Too easy.

The three of them looked at each other, and the two words "pervert" popped up in their hearts at the same time!

"This Mr.

Spit timidly looked at Leng Kong, but he didn't dare to stay for too long.

Because the devil's face on Leng Kong's chest was even more terrifying, he quickly glanced at it and asked tremblingly, "The battle is... finally over now, right?"


"how is this possible?"

"It's just a warm-up now, the real battle hasn't started yet!"


Inhale hard in the cold air, adjust the body to the best state,

"Pillar man is a long-lived species, how could he be defeated by me so easily?"

"Can't you see?"

"During the attack just now, Zhu Nan didn't even intend to fight back?"

"This is obviously measuring me, judging me, to see if I am really qualified to be his opponent!"

"Wow, Kaka, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I'm really looking forward to the time when he really shows his strength! Haha."

The hunger, thirst and fighting spirit are all released, and the excited grimace is extremely distorted,

Leng Kong felt that he had completely entered the fighting state,

Now it's just waiting for the pillar man Santana to show his true strength!



Er Qiao, Spit and Shutterheim added two more labels to Leng Kong.

This is a war-hungry lunatic!

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