At the same time, Dio has a strong premonition that the blood of Joestar's descendants can completely fuse him with Jonathan's body, and the ability of the "world" will definitely skyrocket again by then, and he will be one step closer to his "paradise plan".

That's why Dio didn't run away knowing that Er Qiao and the others had come prepared.

Because in addition to being extremely confident in his own strength, he is also eager to eat the blood of Joestar's descendants.

However, now the plot doesn't seem to be going as he imagined.

Shouldn't the stand-in messenger collide with the stand-in's abilities?

Why did you call the army over?

And it started shelling without saying a word?

Although Dior had already found out that Er Qiao and Jonathan had very different personalities through induction before.

But he really didn't expect Er Qiao to be so bottomless.

Didn't I just occupy Jonathan's body?

Why do you need shells to wash the ground?

Can't you come and fight me like your grandfather Jonathan did?

"Jonathan, that's why I don't want to be human!"

"Human beings are too fragile and too short!"

"Even your gentlemanly spirit has deteriorated after only a few generations?"

Saying the name of his good friend and mortal enemy, Dior's figure flashed to the first floor like a charm and began to dig the ground crazily.

The time stop is only 5 seconds, and the time left for him is running out!

It was daytime now, and the vampire couldn't see the light. If he didn't have the sun to cover him, he would be tanned to ashes immediately.

Dior regrets it now, regrets that he was too arrogant before and didn't leave an escape tunnel.

Now I can only dig now!

But fortunately, the power of the world is very strong. Although it is the first time that the movements are not skilled enough, it is not too difficult to dig!


bang bang


As soon as the cannon fire rang out, ten thousand taels of gold!

With the blessing of 20 billion US dollars, Colonel Guido began to destock crazily.

The shells poured crazily towards the target area like a torrential rain, and the castle was completely torn apart after only a few breaths!

The artillery fire continued to bombard, black smoke billowed up, and the strong smell of sulfuric acid permeated the entire space.

With the original site of the old castle as the center, the area with a radius of hundreds of meters quickly turned into scorched war ruins.

Everywhere on the bumpy ground was shrouded in flames of war.

As for the Darby brothers who were guarding the gate, they had already played when the first round of shells fell.

"Should he be dead?"

Hearing the continuous explosions in his ears, Bobo covered his ears tightly with his hands and roared loudly.

"do not know!"

Leng Kong shook his head: "In the last picture I heard, Dior was poking his butt and digging wildly, but now the explosions are too dense and violent, and I can't even hear them clearly."

"Dead or not!"

"I'll know when I read and write!"

Er Qiao took out the military video camera that came along from Colonel Guido.

"Purple Concealment!"

The vines sprung out at a high speed, and the camera showed snow spots.

"Is this... ran away?"

As the camera slowly displayed the picture, Er Qiao frowned.

"ran away?"

Leng Kong's eyes swept over quickly,

In the picture, Dior was lying on the ground like a bug and was digging wildly with a yellow double on his body.

Looking at the speed of movement, the strength of the stand-in is at least A-level. His powerful hands dig like shovels, and the soil layer collapsed by the shells can't catch up with his digging speed.

"'World' should be about the same as Platinum Star, both of which belong to the power fighting type!"

Jotaro also preliminarily judged from Dio's extreme digging speed that Dio's stand-in was roughly the same as his.

Thinking in another way, let him possess the Platinum Star, and the speed of digging the ground may only be so fast.

"Joseph, you bastard, how dare you bomb me with a cannonball?"

Dior in the screen felt his heart, turned his head fiercely and looked out of the screen viciously

"Wait and wait!"

"You bastards wait for me!"

"When night falls, I will eat you all raw!"

After wearing the stone ghost mask and declaring that he would not be a human being, Dio thought that he had surpassed human beings.


But now, he was forced to escape like a bug by mere human beings.


What a shame!

It's fine to be buried under the sea for 100 years by Da Qiao, after all, Da Qiao is the only human being he recognizes.

But what are Jonathan and Jotaro?

They're just Jonathan's grandsons and great-great-grandchildren!

Now he is forced to escape by the grandson of his old enemy?

Can't stand it!

Absolutely unbearable!

Dio couldn't swallow this breath.

Dancing with both hands, he made an afterimage of his path, and while digging wildly, he secretly swore that as soon as the sun goes down, he will go and swallow these bastards alive!


Because of Dior's resistance, it didn't take long for the picture to be displayed, and the tens of thousands of dollars worth of military cameras exploded, and Dior disappeared immediately.

"Underestimate him!"

"Ha ha."

Knowing that Dior is not dead, Leng Kong is not angry but happy.

It's been a long time since he met a worthy opponent, and his purity has begun to decline, otherwise he would not agree to Er Qiao's bombardment plan.

"But it's fine now!"

"Let me see how strong the so-called "time stop" is!"

"Ha ha."

Laughing wildly, Leng Kong has already begun to look forward to the arrival of the night.

"Teacher, don't patronize and laugh, let's stop when you think about how to crack it?"

Facing the abnormal ability of time suspension, Er Qiao is not as relaxed as Leng Kong, his wrinkled face seems to be ten years older.

"Mad, 20 billion dollars is in vain?"

And Bobo, who was standing aside, was even more distressed than Er Qiao.

"How can you crack it even when time has stopped?"

Leng Kong shrugged helplessly, "If you are thinking about how to crack it, why not think about how to save your life first! Or we can also find someone with the same ability to see if we can cancel each other out?"

He really doesn't care, because even if time stops, whether Dio can kill himself is still two things!

And even if he is killed, as long as he is still within the recovery time limit, he can be resurrected again.

So Leng Kong didn't panic at all, and even looked forward to it!

Of course, Leng Kong wouldn't be so brave if Seth God's wretched man and Vanilla Ace were still there.

Because one of these two can degenerate a person into a placenta, and the other has a double mouth connected to the dark space, no matter how strong his defense is, it is useless.

Unfortunately, both of them are dead.

Facing Dior, who was left with only a bare-handed commander, Leng Kong really had no hypocrisy.

No matter when you stop, just do it!

"Time-stop ability, this is the first time I've heard of it, how can I find the second one?"

Hearing Leng Kong say that if he wants to crack it, he can only find another double who is the same as Dior to offset each other, Er Qiao is speechless.

Time stops this kind of perverted ability, if one appears, it will be against the sky, where else can he find the second one?

"There is no other way, I can only hope that Dior's time-stopping ability is very short, otherwise"

Er Qiao's face was extremely ugly.

Jotaro made a final decision, "In order to avoid hurting the innocent, and to prevent Dio from replenishing energy (sucking blood), let's find a remote location outside the city at night and wait for Dio to come over!"

It is impossible to give up!

Mother Holly was on the verge of death because she couldn't bear the power of the double.

In any case, he will kill Dior to save his mother!


Leng Kong twisted his neck, he couldn't wait to experience the feeling of time stopping!

Although it is very likely that you will not feel anything.

"Okay, but this time Bobo shouldn't follow him"

Seeing that Leng Kong agreed to Jotaro's proposal, Er Qiao could only keep up, but first ruled out Bobo.


"Let's form a team to play BOOS together. We are about to clear the level. Are you going to kick me out?"

Bobo was taken aback, "Is this not good?

"Because I can't let you waste your life in vain."

Er Qiao's expression was solemn,

"Facing Dior who has the ability to stop time, our first consideration is not to kill the enemy, but to protect ourselves!"

"But obviously, you don't have enough confidence to protect yourself!"

Bobo was dissatisfied, "No, old man, isn't everyone the same when facing Shi Ting? Why do you only underestimate me?"

"It's different!"

Er Qiao carefully analyzed, "Teacher, everyone knows that his body is at the level of a monster. Even if time is suspended, it will be difficult for Dio to kill him. And Jotaro has a platinum star possessed, and his endurance is also extremely high. Not easy to kill."

"What about you, old man?"

Bobo pursed his mouth, he felt that he was better than Er Qiao, an old man who could only run like a ripple!


"Dior is a vampire. I can make vine armor out of corrugated vines in advance and wear it on my body. He dare not touch me."

Er Qiao waved his hands: "Besides, there are two powerful opponents, Teacher and Jotaro, his first target cannot be me, so I am also safe."

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