However, at the beginning, she was only a human being, but she was called the wolf god by humans.

A god who unconsciously tried to establish a beast society in an orderly civilization.

In that orderly civilization where it is natural to turn the same human beings into slaves, she became a god as a human being, disrupting all the order, and finally transforming a slave society into a beast society where the weak prey on the strong.

There are no powerful and common people slaves, but only the strong and the weak and the weaker.

A strong person, a powerful person, can bully the weak and dominate the weak.

A stronger person, a stronger person, can bully the weaker and dominate the weaker.

that's right?Or wrong?

It doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that she felt that the world should be so simple, so she made the world so simple that no one could defy her will.

Does it matter if it's correct?

The important thing is that no one can defy her power, so no one can defy her will.

In this case, no matter what she does, it is correct, isn't it?

Power is right.

Although the girl who is a wolf god is not aware of it, she regards it as the truth.

However, she possesses unrivaled strength, possesses a will that no one can defy, she can do whatever she wants, and she can get whatever she wants—she has always lived like this since she was born. She came here, but she has learned and understood something in the orderly civilization, but for some reason, she feels bored with such a life.

For her who possesses invincible power, the world is so simple and simple, but why is it so boring?


Do not understand.

At that time, she didn't even know the feeling in her heart, called emptiness and boredom.

However, she is lucky.

Just when she was bored with the world, she met the god.

Not a human being called a god like her, but a real god.

A god suddenly came to her world and took an interest in the girl known as the wolf god.

How could it be possible not to be interested?

In such a small, weak and tiny world, how could such a powerful creature be born?

And while the gods were interested in her, she also became interested in the gods as a matter of course.

At a glance, one knows that it is a transcendent existence that transcends oneself and mortals—the gods.

Is there really such a god in this world?

In the confusion, there was a surprise that even the self at that time could not detect.

Human beings called gods fought the real gods just like that.

For the first time in her life, the girl encountered a powerful existence similar to herself.

Although she won the battle in the end, such a powerful and transcendent existence made her feel happy.

- I am not alone.

At that time, she didn't really understand her own feelings, but she really had such thoughts.

"Are the gods as powerful as you?"

"In the endless world, there are as many gods as powerful as stars. If you feel lonely and want to find a god who can fight with you, come out of this world with me and have a look. This world It's too small to contain your figure."

So, she and the god walked out of the world where they grew up, and were no longer called the wolf god, but became a nameless little human again.

The god didn't call the girl by any name, nor did he tell the girl his honorable name. One god and one person just walked together.

Then, he took the girl through one world after another, and let the girl challenge one god after another.

I don't know when, the girl was called God Emperor by many gods, and the god who has been taking her to travel around the world also began to call her Emperor God, and gradually, the girl also acquiesced that it was her own name.

However, she gradually began to feel disappointed and bored.

Having fought many gods, she has never encountered a strong enough enemy to be truly equal to her.

The gods are strong, each god is strong, and each god has its own strength.

However, no matter which god it is, it is not stronger than her.

However, it was at this time that the god who had been with her all this time left.

Before leaving, he said with a smile: "Emperor, if you really feel lonely, you might as well go to Lilith World to see. There is a girl named Emerald God, and she is the same as the Three Saints of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds." Son, younger than you, but stronger than you."

At this time, God Emperor Shentian, who was much more powerful than when he first met this god, just looked up at him calmly, and said lightly:

"Who the hell are you? Actually, I want to fight you again more than any emerald god. I don't believe the words you once said that there are as many gods stronger than you as there are stars, and I am no longer the kid who was tricked by you ten years ago into thinking that he really defeated you."

"If one day you defeat the Emerald God, then I will fight you again. At that time, if you can win, you will become the real emperor of heaven."

"I'm not interested in the Emperor of Heaven. What's your god name? After defeating the Emerald God, where can I find you?"

"You don't need to look for me, I will appear in front of you when the time comes."

"You mean, you pay attention to me, but I can't detect your attention, right?"

The god smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "My eyes are always watching all the world, all life, all time and space. I will not pay special attention to you, but you will also be included in my sight."

"I can't understand what you're saying."

"Of course. After all, no matter how strong you are, you are still a mortal and not a god. How can you understand a god. When you ascend to the throne of God one day, you will naturally understand."

"Can't you tell me your name before you leave?"

"As for the name, just call me Nvxi."


"It's not a fake name, it's just that this is the name I used long, long ago, when I was still a human being. You are still a human being now, and I will use the name of a human being to communicate with you. If you can ascend to God If you are here, you will know my god name."

Since then, Emperor Shentian has embarked on a journey alone, all the way to the world of Lilith.

For a moment, the experience from birth to the present flowed through Emperor Shentian's mind, and then he looked at the Emerald God and couldn't help smiling.




The current Shentiandi is no longer the child who knew nothing.

She knew that she was simply feeling lonely.

In the process of traveling in various worlds, although she is still invincible, she no longer does things according to her own will as before, but becomes more and more like a human being, and becomes more and more human.

Therefore, she gradually understood that she actually hoped to be accompanied by someone.

She won't be afraid of herself, won't look up to herself, won't think about using herself in her heart... She just hopes to have such a person who can accompany her.

Because of this, even if she later found out that Nvxi was lying to her, even if she knew what purpose Nvxi might have for her, she did not fight Nvxi again, because she hoped to have someone who treated her as an equal by her side.

However, for that unknown purpose, Nvxi also left after all.

Emperor Shentian was still alone after all.

Then, unexpectedly, in this world, she unexpectedly met "him".

Hehe, maybe it was love at first sight.

No, maybe I fell in love without even seeing him.

Maybe it will make people laugh, so Shentiandi will never tell the truth to anyone.

When I heard the footsteps, my heart was touched for some reason.

After hearing that questioning voice, the heart began to beat faster for some reason.

When she grabbed his clothes and didn't want him to leave, she was at a loss and didn't even know what to say.

Why is this so?

It is natural to be puzzled, but compared to puzzlement, it is more joy.

That's him.

A conclusion was drawn almost instantly.

It's him

He didn't even turn his head to see what he looked like, but he had already made up his mind.

That's him.

Before I opened my mouth, before I had a conversation, before I looked back at his face, I was sure.

The one who can accompany me is him.

Maybe, no, definitely, I came to this world not for the Emerald God, but to find him.


The silver spear in Shentiandi's hand suddenly disappeared.

Yes, it just disappeared.

She clenched her fist and faced the Emerald God's blade.

The iron sword, which had been fighting with the silver spear before without any damage, suddenly shattered at this moment.

For Emperor Shentian, the so-called weapons are just for playing.

Her claws are her weapons, her teeth are her weapons, her fists are her weapons.

I only believe in my claws, I only believe in my teeth, I only believe in my fist.

Because, all along, these are the things that allow her to get everything she wants.

Although it has indeed changed a lot, the wolf nature in her essence has never changed.

God wants this male.

It's best to give, God God just wants him to be with him.

do not give?Then grab it.

But so.

——Give me a try if I can snatch you.

After the iron sword shattered, the Emerald God wiped away the fragments with a wave of his left hand, and then he clenched his fists and fought against the God of Heaven without showing any weakness, and started a hand-to-hand combat with fists and feet intersecting.

It didn't look like a battle between two big bosses who could rival gods at all, but the scene of a gangster fighting was staged fiercely in front of Ye's eyes, but it made him get goosebumps all over his body.

The sound of fists and feet clashing?No.

Hit the scattered hurricane?No.

Cracked earth?No.

—Why not?

Shouldn't the real question be this?

Why not?

Why not?

How exactly is this done?

Do the laws of physics completely fail on them?

Are the rules of the world unrestricted for them?

They, shouldn't they already be gods?

In my heart, how can I not have such doubts?

"But when are the two of them going to fight?"

Isn't it a bit out of place to ask this question out of your mouth at this time?

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