
Absolutely no problem.

Apparently, senior sister Chrissy didn't think there was a problem, so she said confidently: "It's okay, junior, and junior sister Yue will get lunch in less than an episode."

"Is it too much?"

I can't help being very dissatisfied.

I (Yue) really don’t want to steal the show, but you can’t let me (Yue) get lunch in just one episode, right?At least give me (month) a plot of three episodes and five episodes!

"Then what do you want me to do? If Xuemei Yue is asked to play a few more episodes, then I won't be scolded to death when Xuemei Yue receives the lunch? Maybe someone will say that I am suppressing the younger generation!"

"Then can't you make a lunch? Wouldn't it be nice to be a supporting role who can accompany you to the end?"

"Isn't the custody being taken away by the guests? When the time comes, will the audience look at me or your precious girlfriend?"

"Are you that unconfident? I really misjudged you, Chris-senpai."

"It's a woman who doesn't have the confidence to stand next to your girlfriend when facing the camera. If you don't believe me, ask your good senior sister Murong."

"Heh, how could Senior Murong be as unconfident as you?"

I looked over to Senior Sister Murong, and Senior Sister Murong really responded to me, smiling confidently: "Chris, you are still too bold, if it were me, I would definitely not even be in the same frame with Sister Yue .”


Chapter 49 Don't You Want To?

After the joke was over, we finally got down to business.

Senior sister Chris is indeed encountering difficulties now.

The first is the funding issue. I can't help you with this. Please do your best.

Then there is the issue of roles. This is what Chris-senpai wants me to help with.

Chrissy-senpai is the heroine "Theresia". Her original identity was a clerk in a children's clothing store.

And the heroine Theresia also has two younger siblings, not relatives, but two younger siblings who have no parents since childhood and were raised by Theresia single-handedly.

After Teresia was forcibly taken into the palace, the younger of the younger siblings learned the news and wanted to save her sister.

As a result, the younger brother who had just graduated from the intermediate school gave up the idea of ​​continuing to go to school, but chose to become a knight by virtue of his strong talent, waiting for the opportunity to enter the palace.

The country has been corrupted, and the palace has also been corrupted, and Teresia suffered a lot in the palace.

But at this time, Teresia's younger sister, who hadn't even graduated from middle school, also suffered a disaster. She was brought by the school principal at a banquet and dedicated to the eldest prince who was most likely to win the throne. He was tortured to death one night later.

The siblings who had finally met in the palace and planned to flee the country with their younger sister suddenly got the news, and they were all stunned for a while.

Then, the eyes were completely occupied by hatred, and the two of them were all blackened, vowing to revenge.

——This is roughly the planned plot of the first episode.

At this moment, after hearing such words, I have only one thought.

"You call this a supporting role? Isn't this the male lead at all? Isn't it the first male lead or the second male lead?"

"By the way, I plan to ask Xuemei Yue to play the role of the younger sister. Congratulations on your lovers finally becoming brothers and sisters."

"Is it true that you can get lunch in just one episode? And this way of dying is too miserable, right?"

"Don't worry, there is no sex scene, junior, you don't have to feel uncomfortable." Senior sister Chris held my hand with an expression of "I understand you" and said: "Sister Custodian Yue and the so-called eldest prince didn't even have skin contact at all."

You know me.But do I care about this kind of problem?

"When the time comes to the TV broadcast, you can make an appointment with Xuemei Yue to watch the first episode together, and watch the scene together, that is, Xuemei Yue was drugged and was stripped naked after waking up. That scene tied to the chair—don’t you want to watch TV and try to create this scene yourself in real life?”

What the hell!

I stared wide-eyed at Senior Sister Chris with a smirk all over her face, you really understand me like that?

Who can resist this temptation?

I admit, when senior sister Chris said that, I was really itchy.

However, after thinking about it, I still feel a little uneasy: "Didn't you say that there is no sex scene? Isn't it too good to be stripped?"

"Don't worry, there are definitely no sex scenes, and it's impossible to really take off your clothes when filming, it's just that it will behave like that on the camera."

If this is the case, it seems that it is not impossible to get a bento in one episode.

But there is still a problem.

This question must be asked.

"Ask, senior sister, when will the first episode be released?"

"It should be after the Cradle Game Contest is completely over."

"Sorry, Senior Sister Chrissy, she doesn't like filming, so let's forget it."

"Huh? Why? Brother, don't you really want to?"

Nonsense, I really want to, but I broke up with me by then Okay, let's go watch TV with a fart!

That's not dating!That's called dating!

Am I that shameless person?


If we break up, we will be strangers, okay?

"Could it be that junior, are you tired of Yue Xuemei's body?"

"Right now, I only long for your body, Senior Sister Chrissy."

Senior Sister Chrissy blushed slightly, twisted her body shyly, and said in a low voice: "If you are really willing to help Senior Sister this favor, Senior Sister is willing to repay Senior Sister with your body. Who will make Senior Sister run out of money, and only this body can be used as salary for Senior Sister."

Saying so, she looked at me with affection in her eyes, held my hand lightly with both hands, and said shyly:

"Senior brother, senior sister's body, I only pay you for the film, you must take pity on senior sister when the time comes!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help widening my eyes, breathing heavily, then threw off her hands, and said angrily: "You want me to act for you for nothing? What a joke, how much is your body worth?" With money? With money, how many women can I find? With you, can I have money? "

"Student, how can you say that? Senior sister is so sad."

Senior sister Chris covered her heart, with a sad and sad face, and tears fell in her eyes as soon as she said it.

"Senior sister...Senior sister obviously loves you so much. As long as it is what you want, senior sister can give you. Isn't senior sister's money your money?"

"Then I want to raise a few Xiaomis, can you pay to raise them for me?"

"of course can."

"I want Liu Ruoai's autograph, can you get one for me?"

"of course can."

"I want Liliana's stockings, can you get me a pair?"

"of course can."

"I want Chairman Gu's underwear, can you steal one for me?"

"Of course...dang...cough, isn't senior sister's underwear bad? If junior wants it, senior sister will take it off for you right now."

Chrissy, who had always been as thick-skinned as a city wall and showed off her acting skills, froze for a while, and then her tone faltered.

But I didn't care, but turned my head to look at Senior Murong: "How much can I sell it for?"

Senior Murong thought for a while, nodded and said, "If it's the original flavor, it should be able to sell for hundreds of millions of cradles, right? Even if it's sold within the school, it might be able to sell for several million points."

"Okay!" I couldn't help but praise, and then extended my right hand to senior sister Chris: "Come on, take it off quickly, this is my salary."

"No, you really want to sell it?"

Senior sister Chrissy blushed slightly, twisted her body and said:

"Student, if you want to collect and use it yourself, senior sister can give you one piece every day, but isn't it good to sell it?"

Really well acted.

What is acting?This is called acting.

The acting is contrived and obscene.

Makes me want to take it off myself.

"No problem, I keep it for my own use, so take it off quickly. Or should I help you take it off with my own hands?"

"Student is really bad."

Chris covered her face in shame, then sat down on the sofa immediately, grabbed her hands in the skirt, pulled them down, raised her legs, and then handed them to me.

Then, turn around and run.

"Then it's a deal, junior. I'll send you a message when the phone is turned on. Remember to read it. You can't go back on your word!"

Senior Sister Chrissy left in a hurry and left the store to us, obviously planning to resign directly like Senior Sister Murong.

As for me, I just stared blankly at the disappearing back of senior sister Chrissy, then looked down at the thing in my hand, my mind went blank.

No, your money is gone, and your morals are also gone along with it?

Chapter 50 Do You Want A Boyfriend?

Looking at the purple object in my hand, I was silent for a long while, and then finally spoke:

"Senior Murong, what do you think?"

Senior Sister Murong blinked slightly, and inadvertently replied: "Sell it to me, I will offer you 1000 million points."

"Is...isn't this a bit bad?"

"Otherwise, junior, do you really plan to keep your collection and use it yourself?"

"Of course it's impossible. How could I want to use this kind of thing?"

With some reluctance, I handed the purple object to Senior Sister Murong.

"I don't need the points, I'll leave this to senior sister Murong and you will handle it."

I regret this!I should have talked to senior sister Chris alone before, how can I accept it now?

"No, you still have to give points. After all, if you can really prove that this thing was taken off Chrissy, then it's not an exaggeration to sell it for 1000 million."

Senior Murong took out her student card and directly transferred 1000 million points to me. For Senior Murong, this is obviously a small amount of money. After all, how many countries would rather spend one trillion yuan than invite Senior Murong to play in their own country.

But for me...

"But I can't prove that this was taken off from Chrissy-senpai?"

Well, I'm still embarrassed to charge 1000 million for that thing.After all, I have a thin face.

However, senior sister Murong was very serious: "The key is that I saw her take it off with my own eyes, so naturally I don't need you to prove it."

I couldn't help being very surprised: "Senior Murong, are you also a fan of Senior Chrissy?"

Fans to the point where they are willing to spend 1000 million to buy even a piece of underwear, what is going on... What kind of fan?

I have to say, I was taken aback.

And Senior Sister Murong also nodded in agreement: "No way, who made Senior Sister I like the good drama played by Senior Sister Chris so much."

You have said so, so I naturally had no choice but to happily accept 1000 million, and then immediately transferred it to my girlfriend-after all, this point is actually not very useful to me (night), but it is very useful to me (month).

With these 1000 million, how many potions can I buy that can permanently increase the ability value and even skill proficiency?

Heart excited.

At this time, Senior Sister Murong also took the purple object, and with a flick of her hand, "Peng" burned it clean.


I couldn't help looking at Senior Murong in doubt.

Senior Sister Murong smiled: "Thinking about it, this is a black history for Senior Sister Chris, I'd better clear it up for her."

What a touching feeling is this?Spent 1000 million points just to help friends eliminate black history?Compared with senior sister Murong, I am really ashamed!

"Otherwise, Senior Sister Murong, why don't you take back the 1000 million?"

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