Since you want me (Yue) to break up with me (Ye), then I will grant you, but in exchange, you must at least contribute a little bit, right? problem.That's how it should be.

While I was confirming my decision, the boy in front of me seemed to understand my words in an instant, and his face suddenly realized—then he sneered disdainfully: "Oh, that's how it is. I want to make Master Ye a villain, so I offered to have a relationship with you." You break up, so that you can continue to pretend to be a weak white lotus and wipe your tears to win people's sympathy, right?"


I (month) opened my mouth, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with what he said?

Isn't it possible for others to draw such a conclusion after a normal analysis of what I said just now?

I want to be a weak white lotus who is cruelly abandoned by the person I like, and I still tell people that I just want to be a white lotus.

Want me to break up with Ye?


You must help me, let Ye take the initiative to break up with me without destroying my white lotus image.

Can't do it?

Then I will resolutely not break up.


This is not a question of reason or difficulty, but I (Yue) simply ignored it.

Eventually, I gave up.

Forget it, whatever, anyway, this is how I look in the eyes of these "rivals in love".

"If you want to think so, just think so. In short, if you want me to break up with Ye, then you have to listen to my arrangement and create an opportunity for me to break up with Ye reasonably. Otherwise, I will resolutely not break up. Let the night be my curse forever."

Chapter 58 Yeyue CP Support Group

"What's going on here? Zhang Wei? Didn't I just ask you to ask for a contact information? Why did you bring him back?"

When a classmate named Zhang Wei took me to the event building of the Master Ye fan support club, a group of people suddenly took Zhang Wei aside in shock, and Zhang Wei explained.

After a while, a black-haired boy stood in front of me: "Sister Yue Xue, is what you said true? Are you really willing to break up with Ye?"

Looking at the boy in front of me, I (Yue) looked complicated: "Yes, senior Yun, as long as you can create a reasonable reason for me, I will naturally break up with Ye, so it will be both for me and Ye. OK, right?"

The boy raised his eyebrows heavily: "Sister Yue knows me?"

"...I heard Ye mention Senior Yun Yixin."

"Really? Did Ye even mention me to you?!"

Looking at his surprised expression, I (Yue) actually just wanted to raise my hand and give him a slap.

Meow, I (Ye) treat you like a brother, yet you only want to sleep with me (Ye)! ?

I have never seen Zhang Wei, but I know the senior in front of me.

The second-year senior, Yun Yixin, is a "friend" I (Ye) met last month.

Well, I (Ye) regarded him as a friend, but now I don’t know if he regards me (Ye) as a friend.

Thinking of this, I (Yue) couldn't help but say to him earnestly: "Senior Yun, why did you go on such a path? He doesn't like men at night!"

I think I should persuade these people, hoping that they will be able to face the boundless sea of ​​suffering and turn around.

After all, although I (Yue) was impulsively walked through the back door by myself, but I (Ye) never thought of accepting being walked out of the back door by others!

Thinking about it is a long way, so you are destined to not be rewarded, senior!

Are girls bad?Isn't the sweet girl bad!Why do you have to focus on boys?The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head and see the shore, Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha.

"Sister Yue Xue, we didn't gather together to get something, but to gather something for Ye's life, so the problem you mentioned is not a problem for us at all. We We don’t intend to let Ye know our existence.”

Senior Yun Yixin regained his elegant demeanor, with a smile on his handsome face—but now I only see the word "dog licking" on that face.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, I'm used to it.

There is no shortage of people with abnormal brain circuits in this world.

Think about it, compared to the overall number of students in Cradle Academy, the two to 300 people in this club are actually nothing, right?

A comparison, the state of mind is naturally calm.

"In short, let's discuss now how to create a reasonable opportunity for me and Ye to break up."

And just like that, we made our way to the conference room—no.

Just when I was about to step into the gate of the activity building, my eyes suddenly noticed someone.

I couldn't help frowning slightly, and then I walked over to the silver-haired boy who was standing in the corner of the crowd and didn't pay attention to me, but seemed to be thinking about something.

"Are you classmate Noah? You have silver hair, a pair of red pupils, a rather handsome face, and the black ring on the index finger of your left hand. It is indeed similar to the classmate Noah that Ye once mentioned to me."

Noah looked up at me with a slight astonishment, and then his face turned red, and he took a step back in a panic: "You... what's the matter with you? What do you want to do to me?"

The expression on that face, which is more similar to that of a woman than a man, is like trying to seduce a man to really want to do something to him.

I couldn't help sighing, what's the matter with me, what's the matter with you?

After just sighing like this, I turned my head to look at senior Yun Yixin who seemed to have strange eyes: "Senior, can we wait a while to talk about the breakup? I have something I want to talk to this Noah classmate alone, can you prepare a room for us?"

Senior Yun Yixin didn't know why he looked at me strangely for a while, then nodded: "I see, then you should deal with Noah's matter first."

"Thank you."

I ignored Noah's thoughts, and I directly made the decision for him to talk to me alone, and then I came to a certain room and sat face to face with Noah on both sides of the long table.

Classmate Noah was at a loss, blushing and lowering his head, he didn't look like a boy at all.

I was not surprised by this, but said directly: "Ye once told me about you, but I heard that you should no longer be afraid of girls now, right? So, why were you just now?" trouble?"

Noah is a student in the same grade as me, male and female, but unexpectedly has misophobia.

Well, no surprise.

Because he looked like a girl since he was a child, Noah has always been the object of girls' playfulness and teasing, and has a serious psychological shadow on women.

After going to the Cradle Academy, it got even worse. Not only the girls, but even the boys started to tease him.

I (Ye) enlightened him after accidentally discovering this situation, and taught him how to face this situation. It took him a week to change his life situation, and then he was relieved—but looking at it today, shouldn’t it be back to the past?

Classmate Noah lowered his head and said nothing, and I didn't care, but after thinking about my current identity and being unfamiliar with him, I changed the subject directly and chatted with him about other things, including me ( Month) a little interesting about the past, and then I talked about my (night) interesting, after a while, seeing him gradually relax, I asked again as if inadvertently: "By the way, what did you see before?" You're out of your mind, what happened?"

Classmate Noah looked hesitant, but he hesitated before speaking: "Today, a girl confessed to me, and I don't know whether I should agree."

"Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye forever."

I gritted my teeth and got up and left.

Meow, I really thought there was something wrong, but it turned out to be a hateful impostor.

I am forced to break up and return to being a single noble, but you are actually worrying about whether to leave the single! ?

I just give you a word, charge and explode now!

"Don't go! Since you've heard what I said, give me some advice! You asked me on my own initiative!" Noah knelt down to me.

In this regard, I looked at him blankly, and then gave him an idea.

"First of all, quit the Master Ye fan support club, and then, accept the confession. From then on, you will walk on the bright and righteous path-this is my idea for you, follow it."

"That won't work!"

Noah lost her girly temperament in an instant, and said loudly with a manly face:

"How can a girlfriend be as important as Master Ye? If I need to quit the support club, I just refuse it!"

I really thank you!

It's not just weak, but the whole person is going to get down.

I sat back on the chair and sighed heavily.

Think about it carefully, since you will hesitate about this kind of thing, it means that this child is still saved, as long as you work hard, you might not be able to bring him back to the right path.

"Well, I'm just joking. There is no conflict between being a fan and being in love. Like me, I especially like De Linjie, Li Xiaofeng, Gao Cangjian, and I am their die-hard fan, but this does not hinder me. You have a boyfriend now, right?"

Although your fans and my fans seem to be two different concepts, it doesn’t matter. Since you still want to have a normal relationship with a girl, there is still hope. Next, let’s see how I secretly change the concept and bring you back to the right path. Be a normal person!

This is an experiment, and if it can be successful, then the future can be expected.

"First, let me ask you a question, what do you think of the girl who confessed to you?"

Noah's momentum weakened in an instant, and he blushed and said, "It's pretty cute."

"Then are you tempted? Do you want to have such a lovely girlfriend with you every day?"

"...Think about it." Noah said shyly after hesitating for a while.

"Since you want to, why hesitate? Just agree!"

"But, isn't this a betrayal of Master Ye?"

"Who said this!?"

Noah was taken aback by my instant loud questioning.

"False! This is a complete fallacy!"

"W-Where is the fallacy?"

"Let me ask you, do you want Ye to be happy?"

"Of course I hope!" Classmate Noah was extremely determined: "As long as Master Ye is happy, I will be happy too!"

"So, do you really hope that Ye can find her own happiness? Beautiful and kind, gentle and considerate, with similar interests, you and me—don't you want Ye to have such a lover to accompany him for a lifetime?"

"Of course I hope, when I see Lafayette by your side, I have always secretly blessed Master Ye!"

The corner of my (month) mouth twitched.

Classmate Noah also seemed to have reacted, and his momentum weakened again. He looked at me (Yue) cautiously, and said weakly: "But you are not bad, I may have misunderstood you before, but now I find that you can beat Lara Faye seems to have a reason - even the male star he likes is exactly the same as Mr. Ye, they really share the same interests."

The corners of my (month) mouth twitch even more.

But, ignoring the flaws for now, I continued: "In short, just as you wish Ye to be happy, Ye also wants you to be happy, do you think so?"

"Of course! Master Ye is the kind of person who wishes everyone to be happy!"

Are you sure it's me?

Goosebumps couldn't help but rise again, and I chose to ignore it again.

"So, Ye hopes that you can respond to the confession and gain happiness. Shouldn't you respond to this expectation?"

"…………you're right."

Noah's face became firm.

"It's not just about supporting Master Ye to achieve happiness, I should also achieve happiness. Only in this way can I live up to Master Ye's expectations."

"That's right, that's it, so you should immediately reply to the girl who confessed to you. I'll wait for your good news."

"Yes! I'll go right now!"

Noah stood up and looked at me gratefully.

"Thank you, classmate Yue, I really misunderstood you too much before. Not only do you have the same interests as Master Ye, but you also have the same personality as Master Ye. It seems that we were blinded by one leaf before and overgeneralized. Don't worry, I will make it clear to other people, I believe that if it is you, there is absolutely no problem as Master Ye's girlfriend, and you will always stand by Master Ye's side and support Master Ye. "

Hello!Be careful what you say!

I was immediately anxious, can you destroy the opportunity that I finally found?

"You don't need to say anything, outsiders don't understand what happened between me and the night."

I said to him calmly:

"After getting along for a period of time, I found that Ye and I were indeed incompatible, and Ye should have also discovered this problem."

"How could it be? You obviously have the same kindness, the same tenderness, and the same interests, so why don't you share with me?"

"Because of this, there's no way you can fight with each other!" I said bitterly: "Magnets need positive and negative poles to attract each other. If they are all positive or all negative, they will only repel each other!"

"This... what you said seems to make sense. But it should be more than that, right? Judging by the cooperation between you and Master Ye in the Cradle Game Competition, it's like a match made in heaven... Is it because of Lafayette?"

Noah's cautious question made the corners of my (Yue) mouth twitch.

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