AGI: 11565

VIT: 12016

INT: 11896

<Talent ability value>

STR: 102

AGI: 98

VIT: 102

INT: 100

<Potential ability value>

STR: 898

AGI: 883

VIT: 898

INT: 898

Reminder: Bellorin didn't have the skills of the cultivation system originally, but at this time he just got the skills of the cultivation system and is working hard to upgrade them.

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the second grade of Cradle Academy"

"Fire Spirit"


<Individual ability value>

STR: 40028

AGI: 40053

VIT: 40011

INT: 40000

<Talent ability value>

STR: 100

AGI: 100

VIT: 100

INT: 100

<Potential ability value>

STR: 20128

AGI: 20153

VIT: 20111

INT: 20100

Tip: The protagonist is currently in a state of ignorance of the strengths of the students of all grades in Cradle Academy, so the author also let the protagonist be in a state of ignorance when writing, so please don't use the protagonist's inner evaluation as the basis for judgment, because the evaluation of the protagonist is completely based on Yue's appraisal, but - in Cradle Academy that is not allowed.

Because Cradle Academy students above the second grade have an identification disguise.

Moreover, the protagonist has not identified senior students above the seventh grade, so the protagonist has a serious misunderstanding of the ability values ​​of senior students—especially Alice, who learned from the mouth of the fourth princess Alice of the Cradle Ten Jade The princess's ability value has deepened the protagonist's misunderstanding.

Chapter 20 Yundiewu VS Gu Mingyue!Ming chess and down!

"A warm welcome to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, it is really a disappointment."

Gu Mingyue took six of the ten jade seats in the cradle and all the Japanese army at the gate of the cradle college to welcome the sudden arrival of the great world king of the holy white lotus world, the lord of the Suzaku empire, the supreme emperor, and Yundiewu.

Gu Mingyue smiled: "His Majesty should have notified us a few months earlier. In that case, our Cradle Academy will definitely make proper preparations, and even welcome you directly outside the world of Lilith, so that you can experience our enthusiasm for hospitality. Why is it like this now... It's really rude, I didn't even have time to arrange a banquet."

Yundiewu only brought three people, three goddesses.

Blonde hair and golden pupils, she looks like a dazzling goddess in her 20s. Her beauty is as dazzling as the sun. Whether it is the moon or the stars, there is no brilliance in front of her.

The three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire.

Eternally bright, the moon and stars hide the sun.

Silver hair and silver pupils, she looks like a noble girl god who is fifteen or sixteen years old. She hangs in the sky like a lone moon, taking away all the brilliance of the sun and covering all the stars in the night sky. Above the sky, only this moon is left to shine for eternity.

The three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire.

In the eternal sky, the stars and the sun hide the moon.

Black-haired and black-eyed, she looks like a young goddess who is less than ten years old. Her eyes are like the blackest night sky, but in that night sky, there seem to be countless stars shining in it, dazzling and dazzling. The sun is just one of the countless stars, and the moon can only admire itself in it.

The three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire.

In the eternal night, the sun and the moon hide the star marks.

——Only three people.

——Only brought three people.

All the strongest Japanese army in the Lilith Great World are on the verge of a formidable enemy.

The three goddesses, who would have taken all eyes away if they were alone, were gathered together at this moment. However, their brilliance did not compete with each other, but they all became a foil at this moment.

The girl standing in front of them took away all the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars and gathered them on her body, but it was so undisputed.

At this moment, the corners of the mouth of the girl who had taken away all the brilliance were slightly raised, and a bewitching arc was drawn: "There is no need for the banquet, this level of impoliteness is not a big deal, but another aspect of impoliteness is a big deal." It really upsets me."

"Oh? Which aspect?" Gu Mingyue raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"I heard that the highest level of the Cradle Academy is the president of the student union and the Cradle Ten Jade, but there are four seats absent here. Am I not qualified to be welcomed by the Cradle Ten Jade?"

Gu Mingyue showed a suddenly realized expression, and then apologized: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, the Emerald God, the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade, owed a big debt of favor to Mr. Kitchen God two days ago, and now he has gone out to pay the debt."

"That's really a pity, I really want to see the demeanor of the Immortal King."

"The Son of God in the second seat of Cradle Ten Jade is the former president of the student union of Cradle College. You also know that it would be inappropriate for the former president to stand behind me, the current president, to greet you, right?"

"Well, it's understandable."

"As for Meng'er from the ninth seat of the ten jades in the cradle and Bing'er in the tenth seat of the ten jades in the cradle, they just went on a mission yesterday. If you had notified me a day earlier, I would not have let them go. This is not a coincidence ?"

Hearing this, Yundiewu narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and the corner of her mouth smiled deeper.

Is this a trap to be concealed?Deliberately trying to induce my thoughts to these two people?Or, is this advancing as retreating?

"Chairman Gu, can you talk about the ninth seat of the Cradle Ten Jade and the tenth seat of the Cradle Ten Jade? To be honest, President Gu, I have heard about various things in the Cradle Academy for a long time, but unfortunately, I don't know why, but the news of who the ninth and tenth seats of the Cradle Ten Jade is currently has never reached my ears, as if someone is deliberately blocking news related to them Same—it really confuses me."

"There is such a thing?" Gu Mingyue looked surprised, and then seemed to react: "You can't talk too much here, His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, come with me, and then tell me in detail who dared to deceive His Majesty so boldly? I will do my best to help His Majesty track down this matter. Such a big treason, Xiao Xiao, who deceived the saint, should be killed."

"That's right, it's time to kill." Yun Diewu looked at Gu Mingyue and nodded in agreement.

Gu Mingyue smiled, and said earnestly: "If you can kill it, you must kill it - His Majesty the Supreme Emperor must have that ability!"

Yundiewu also nodded with a smile: "There will definitely be."

The two took the lead to walk towards the school together, without using any means of rushing, and without taking any means of transportation, the two just led a group of people walking on the wide street.

While walking, Yundiewu talked about other things.

"Speaking of which, I heard an interesting story. In the Immortal City of Yang Kingdom, envoys from various countries gathered. It seems that it is because of the upcoming auction of a Lilith magic weapon that all countries want very much."

Gu Mingyue nodded: "There is indeed such a thing."

"But I also heard that the envoy sent by the Cradle Academy took the magic weapon for himself yesterday, before the auction started—wouldn't it hurt the reputation of the Cradle Academy if this matter got out? Not so good?"

"What?! Is there such a thing!"

Gu Mingyue turned pale with shock, and then blamed and regretted on her face.

"Yue that girl, you have really caused a catastrophe! I really shouldn't have sent her there."

"The image of Cradle Academy has been damaged so much, this person should be punished properly, as an example to others." Yun Diewu said with a smile: "It's better to behead. If President Gu can't bear to do it, then I will send someone Punish this person on behalf of President Gu. You don’t have to thank President Gu for this small matter.”

"That can't be done. After all, she is also a student of my Cradle College. Although she made a mistake, it is not an unforgivable crime. How can she be killed? Let's do it. Let the Cradle College buy the Seal of Destiny. As for The losses of other countries have also been made up for by the Cradle Academy - His Majesty the Supreme Emperor will not worry about such a trivial matter."

"President Gu will make a big mistake if he spoils the students of Cradle Academy so much."

"Of course my child should be loved, not to mention that Yue is a very likable girl. She can perfectly complete every task assigned to her. This time, she only made a small mistake, but the flaws are not concealed. In fact, she should be rewarded. Tianmingxi is also a reward for her."

Yun Diewu smiled, and didn't talk about this topic any more, but suddenly shifted back to the previous topic of the ninth seat of the ten jades in the cradle and the tenth seat of the ten jades in the cradle: "Speaking of which, the ninth seat of the ten jades in the cradle What is the full name of Xi and Cradle Ten Jade and Tenth Xi?"

Gu Mingyue's expression remained unchanged: "What full name? I really don't know that. Aren't they called Menger and Binger? I've always called them that."

"That's it!" Yun Diewu squinted and smiled: "It seems that I was thinking too much, I thought their full names were Meng Zhang and the supervisor."

"Hahaha, His Majesty the Supreme Emperor really knows how to think, how dare they have the same name as the four holy beasts of the Holy White Lotus Great World?"

Gu Mingyue couldn't help laughing.

"His Majesty has misunderstood. Menger's dream is a dream come true. Binger's ice is also ice that drips into ice. It's not Menger and Binger!"

"So that's the case, it seems that I have misunderstood."

Yundiewu nodded, smiled, and then suddenly changed the topic:

"By the way, apart from Meng'er and Binger, do you have Ming'er and Guang'er in Cradle Academy? Especially this Guang'er, if there is, please let President Gu let me see it."

"No. Absolutely not."

Gu Mingyue swore a promise.

"Your Majesty, please trust me, look at my sincere eyes, do you think I will lie to you?"

"It really is a sincere look."

Seeing the mockery in Gu Mingyue's eyes, Yun Diewu smiled sweetly.

"I believe President Gu, you will definitely lie to me."

"That's natural. I have never lied since I was a child."

"In terms of talking nonsense with open eyes, President Gu thinks he's second, and I'm willing to bow down. I don't dare to think I'm number one."

"I am over-flattered."

"It's not an award at all. This shameless vigor is even worse than when I was young—by the way, President Gu, is there any special relationship between that light and that month?"

"Isn't it all said that there is no light at all? Supreme Emperor, you ask me such a question with an unfounded person, how can I answer it?"

"Oh, it's really difficult." Yun Diewu couldn't help sighing: "I have a person who wants to kill recently. I originally thought that the three saints would make a move. It must be foolproof, but now it seems that I can only hire a killer from outside the holy white lotus world."

"How bad is this?" Gu Mingyue persuaded earnestly and sincerely: "Even if you want to kill people, you should be dignified. How can you hire a killer to assassinate such a ghostly trick?"

Yun Diewu shook her head in distress: "I also want to be upright, but upright can't kill him, and I can't help it."

"Why can't they be killed? Are all the subordinates of His Majesty the Supreme Emperor so useless? Are all the majestic three holy generals useless?"

"You can't blame them for this matter. After all, you asked the nine generals of the Golden Crow Empire to kill the Golden Crow Holy God. They couldn't possibly kill them, right? With tens of millions of years of faith, they are completely powerless in front of the Golden Crow Holy God!"

Gu Mingyue suddenly looked surprised: "What? Your Majesty the Supreme Emperor, do you still want to kill the Holy God Suzaku?"

"How is it possible? It's just in case. After all, if one is not careful, the person I want to kill has a special close relationship with the Suzaku Holy God, and has "Suzaku's Blessing" or something on him. Wouldn't it be bad? "

"How can there be such a coincidence? His Majesty the Supreme Emperor is really worrying too much."

"Who can say this kind of thing accurately?" Yun Diewu sighed, and suddenly changed the subject again: "What is the special relationship between that Guang'er and that month?"

"There is no such thing as Guang'er." Gu Mingyue said seriously again.

"Yeah, there is no Guang'er, but there are Ling Guang, right?" Yun Diewu asked with a smile.

"No. Absolutely not." Gu Mingyue swore.

Then, Yundiewu couldn't help laughing happily.

Gu Mingyue couldn't help laughing happily along with her.

PS: Information can be made public.

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the third grade of Cradle Academy"

"Riko Troy"


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