PS: Information can be made public.

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the fifth grade of Cradle Academy"



<Individual ability value>

STR: 1716400

AGI: 1716400

VIT: 1716410

INT: 1716513

<Talent ability value>

STR: 800

AGI: 800

VIT: 800

INT: 800

<Potential ability value>

STR: 526000

AGI: 526000

VIT: 526010

INT: 526113

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the sixth grade of Cradle Academy"



<Individual ability value>

STR: 4482111

AGI: 5122500

VIT: 4482000

INT: 5122533

<Talent ability value>

STR: 1600

AGI: 1920

VIT: 1600

INT: 1920

<Potential ability value>

STR: 1282111

AGI: 1282500

VIT: 1282000

INT: 1282533


The five blocked chapters have all been released. Chapter 4 of this volume has been deleted a bit, while Chapters 69, 70, 71, and 72 of the previous volume have been completely revised and turned into extra chapters, which are about what happened when Ye Heyue just entered school. If you are interested, you can go to those chapters and refresh them.

Chapter 22 Arrangement

"Master President, why did you deliberately expose Lin Guang's existence?"

In the office of the president of the student union, the girl who tied her silver-white hair into a braid asked faintly while arranging the documents on the table.

Gu Mingyue raised her hand to cover her mouth, and couldn't help but yawned: "Everyone is here, so I can't hide it. Why don't you come to this place for 300 taels of silver, and see if she will be so stupid as to not believe in evil, and give away the head of a holy general or a divine general for nothing—although it is unlikely, after all, Yundiewu has never been a gambling dog."

"Then what will she do?"

The silver-haired girl who asked the question was Shikoti, who was the secretary of the student union of Cradle College and one of the former Cradle Ten Jade.

In the Cradle Game Contest, she participated as a member of the Villa team and was eliminated by the Angels team to which Ye and Yue belonged in the qualifiers.

Now, the Cradle Game Contest is over for Shikoti, so she puts all her thoughts on the affairs of the student union, and for the student union, the most important thing now is undoubtedly what the Supreme Emperor brings. threaten.

Although this is something only a few high-level people know about, Shikoti, who is the secretary of the student union, is naturally one of the few high-level people.

Not to mention, Shikoti is the reincarnation of a genuine goddess. As one of the natural gods, although she was punished by the god king Odin and reincarnated into a mortal body, her true god position has not been lost, but is in a sealed state. Sooner or later, she will return to the God Realm.

Therefore, in the Cradle Academy, Shikoti can be regarded as a special category.

Moreover, although it is true that she is a mortal now, Shikoti has been protected by various gods since she was born. The protection, blessings and artifacts on her body are so many that it can make people dumbfounded. If it is not the current cradle All the ten jades are too perverted, even if she becomes the chief of the ten jades in the cradle, she is well-deserved.

Even if she loses the position of the Cradle Ten Jade now, her various protections and artifacts can still allow her to do many things that even the Cradle Ten Jade can't do. In terms of combat effectiveness, she is indeed inferior to the current Cradle Ten Jade. But her abilities are far more comprehensive than most of the Cradle Ten Jade.

Therefore, in this matter, she is more helpful than Cradle Shiyu.

Well, after all, in terms of combat effectiveness, although the current Cradle Ten Jade is all perverted, no matter how strong they are, they still have their limits. Not everyone is the son of the emerald god, and they really can't participate in such an important matter ...I am right to say so, but if you believe it, it is your own business.

However, in short, Shikoti, who possesses many artifacts and has very special exclusive skills, is indeed more helpful than Cradle Ten Jade in this matter, which is true.

Therefore, Gu Mingyue also seriously answered Shi Koudi's question: "If I guess correctly, she will probably let Yun Caiyi take action. Although Yun Caiyi inherits the blood power of the Holy God Suzaku, he does not believe in the Holy God Suzaku. For Yun Caiyi, whether it is the power of Suzaku, the power of Xuanwu, the power of Qinglong, the power of White Tiger, the magic power of the fairy family, or the internal power of warriors - all of these are under her control and are used as props for her to use. Existence, if you want her to have any belief in these powers, it is a dream."

"Generally speaking, immortal cultivators are proud of their identity as immortal cultivators. Maybe they don't realize it, but they actually have faith in the concept of "immortal way". The same is true for warriors, even if they don't have that awareness. It is also a belief in the concept of "budo". "

"Believe in your own orthodoxy and strengthen your own Taoism. Who dares to deny that this is not a belief?"

"Can a person defy the sky? Indeed, a person can defy the sky—but he cannot defy his own "Tao".To put it another way, the "Tao" of each person is actually the unique "Heaven" of each person. "

"Except for the [True God] who exists itself as "Tao" and "Heaven", who dares to say that he has no "Tao" and "Heaven"? "

"—Yun Caiyi dares."

Gu Mingyue changed the subject, sighed and said:

"A lawless, lawless and godless person, there is no one more suitable for this task than her."

"Does Yun Caiyi really have the strength to kill Yue Xue under the protection of Xier-senpai?"

Skoti was a little skeptical.

"Senior Xier is the youngest Chief of the Cradle Ten Jade in the history of the Lilith World, even younger than the Emerald God—the freshman who challenged the Cradle Ten Jade Chief just after entering the Cradle Academy and won in one fell swoop is the only one in the Cradle Academy's 6000 million-year history."

"Now, Senior Sister Xi'er is also the youngest captain in the history of the Luna Army, and she has even been designated as one of the captains of the Fourth Army of the Luna Army that will be expanded in the future. Although Yun Caiyi is recognized as a first-year student The strongest among them, but under the protection of Senior Sister Xi'er, it is impossible to hurt Senior Sister Yue, right? At least Li Jiaxiao from the Golden Crow Empire and Miyaxian from the Sivana Empire can do this kind of thing Only at that level is it possible?"

"Student Shikoti, you are also a victim of this cruel era, why are you still so naive?"

Gu Mingyue looked at Shikoti, and sighed with pity:

"I'm in the same grade as me. Just after entering the school, you have been firmly ranked third in the Cradle Ten Jade. You are only behind the Holy Son and the Emerald God. With a bunch of exclusive skills, the protection of the gods, and the magic weapon, you can dominate the younger generation. Even the most senior students can only be willing to bow down. You are not afraid of anyone except the Three Holy Sons. Have you forgotten how in just a few years you have fallen into the current situation where you can't even squeeze in the seat of the Cradle Ten Jade?"

Shikoti's face became strange, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching slightly.

How could she have forgotten?

Thinking back, how comfortable she was in the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade, although she never expected to compete for the first and second positions with monsters like Sheng Shenzi and Jade God who can only produce three in 6000 million years , but he also asked himself that the position of the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade must be as stable as Mount Tai.

The results of it?

The third seat in the top cradle ten jades in the first grade actually became her peak moment.

In the next few years, except for the three positions of Cradle Ten Jade Chief, Cradle Ten Jade Second Seat, and Cradle Ten Jade Tenth Seat, she sat in all the other seven positions, and now she finally sat in even one seat. I can't go up.

The reason why the tenth seat of the Cradle Ten Jade has never been seated is because the previous tenth seat was a top-ranked student. After all, Shikoti did not lose to students of a higher grade than her own—but faced with students who were lower than her own grade, she was defeated year after year.

"Times have changed, student Shikodi, it is no longer the era where the higher the grade, the stronger the stronger. In the past, at least five of the seats in the Cradle Ten Jade were occupied by the highest-ranking students, and even the ten seats in the Cradle Ten It is the most common situation in the history of Cradle Academy that all the seats are occupied by the highest-level students—after all, more than half of the highest-level students have passed the tenth trial and successfully evolved into gods exist."

"But what about now? Do you see how the top-ranking students feel now?"

"The lower the grade, the more perverted it is. This is common sense in Cradle Academy!"

"...So, Yun Caiyi is really like Lin Guang and Ziming, possessing the strength comparable to the current Cradle Ten Jade?"

Faced with such a question, Gu Mingyue just asked back: "Student Shi Koudi, do you know who the test object Yun Caiyi is facing in the entrance examination of Cradle Academy?"

"..." Shikodi shook her head. She also watched that video, but she had never seen that person before. He should be an unknown character in the world of Lilith.

"Well, it's really not famous. After all, he is not as famous as the Nine Gods of the Golden Crow Empire or the Nine Sages of the Shivana Empire. He is just a little-known soldier—a soldier who is not even a captain."

Gu Mingyue shrugged helplessly.

"Since the Cradle Exam ended that day, the Sun God Army directly under our Cradle Academy has lost a soldier."

Shikoti finally couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Although this may not be a bad thing in my opinion, at least you should understand how strong Yun Caiyi is, right?"

Gu Mingyue just smiled lightly:

"So, Shikoti, prepare yourself. This time, you will personally dispatch and hide in the dark to protect the safety of Xia Yue Xuemei, as the last insurance."

"…………I see."

Without much hesitation, Shikoti nodded and agreed.

Gu Mingyue nodded in satisfaction—then suddenly said with a smile:

"By the way, also help me to call the first-year girl Melty, I have another task for her to do."

PS: Information can be made public.

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the seventh grade of Cradle Academy"

"Ling Yi"


<Individual ability value>

STR: 9217720

AGI: 11618140

VIT: 10817400

INT: 11618128

<Talent ability value>

STR: 1280

AGI: 1760

VIT: 1600

INT: 1760

<Potential ability value>

STR: 2819000

AGI: 2819900

VIT: 2819000

INT: 2819888

"The student with the weakest average ability value in the eighth grade of Cradle Academy"

"Wu Geng"


<Individual ability value>

STR: 31235000

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