Lotte nodded and seemed to understand: "That's right... Then it seems that Ye should be knighted..."

Saying so, she turned her head to look at me, blinking her eyes and asking.

"Ye, what do you think? As a prime minister, if you don't have a title all the time, it seems to be troublesome to others. How about making an earl first? An earl can have a city as his territory, and he will definitely make a lot of money. This way, when you and Sister Fei return to the Dolge Kingdom in the future, you can bring some more money back."

play.keep on playing.Good guy, do you really think I'm a fool?

If I become an earl in the Green Kingdom, can I still return to the Dorgo Kingdom?Dreaming?

"Lotte, it's been a long time since I've been here, and it's time for me to leave."


Lotte's eyes widened in an instant, and then burst into tears, the tears came almost as soon as she said it.

"Why? Isn't it good to be here? And Lotte still needs night here?"

"No, I'm no longer needed here, with the "Green Agency", even Ines can handle government affairs.On the other hand, the Dolger Kingdom is about to go on vacation again, and Lafayette will definitely come back. If she can't find me this time, I don't know what will happen—she will definitely cry I thought I didn't want her. "

"So you are going to abandon Lotte for her? Ye Mingming is Lotte's knight!"

"Well, I am Lotte's knight. But I am not Lotte's prince, and I am not Lotte's everything—but if I really stay by Lotte's side, then maybe I will really become Lotte's everything. Obviously Lotte is so powerful, but Lotte only sees me in her eyes now, this is not right."

"Isn't that good?! Night is Lotte's everything!!"

It's really not good to make Lotte cry at the court meeting like this, but these things must be clarified now.

"So Lotte, you have to get out of this kind of thinking now. This world is very big, and no one can own everything."

"Ye is everything to Lotte!! Ye doesn't understand anything at all!! Ye is an idiot!!"

Lotte stood up, cried and shouted these words, then ran away.

Yes, Lotte thinks I don't understand.

Because although she used the "lifetime guardian" skill on me, she never told me about it.

In Lotte's heart, maybe I will know that I have the extremely special profession of "Lotte's Knight" in the future, but I will definitely not know how this skill came about—because she didn't intend to tell me.

Lotte doesn't want me to become her knight because of this skill, she doesn't want me to stay by her side because of this skill, and she doesn't want to use this skill to tie me to her side—she doesn't want me to be driven by this skill She is restrained, guarding her for the rest of her life only because of guilt and responsibility.

So, she didn't tell me anything.

I can understand Lotte's feelings.

However, even if I really don't know anything and am not bound, but Lotte herself is deeply bound by this skill. In her immature heart, she really believes that I am everything to her, she can trust me with everything, and entrust everything to me... Is this really okay?

I've realized that Lotte is really a powerful girl.

It wasn't until this time that I realized how well-organized Lotte was when she told me about her own experience. It was not the kind of thinking and brains that an ordinary five-year-old child could possess.

And in order to keep me by my side, I have to be surprised by everything Lotte has done.

Unknowingly, she has even completely controlled the kingdom in her own hands, allowing her will to be carried out without any discount by the noble ministers.

What's more, she has the most important knowledge of people as a king. All the talents in the "Green Organization" are appointed by Lotte herself. They can even handle a country's government affairs perfectly and become the most important weapon in the king's hands.

Lotte is very powerful.

Really great.

Everyone should be able to realize this.

Therefore, this kind of Lotte should not be bound by me for the rest of my life.

Even without me, her life will have many other wonderful things.

Lotte doesn't want me to be tied to her by her skills, and I don't want Lotte to be tied to me by her own skills.

No one will be everything to anyone.

Everyone has their own life.


Lotte, I am your knight.

Only this point, this life, will not change.

I promise you that.

——That’s how it was. A few days later, my mother and I returned to the Dolge Kingdom.

Until the end, she never saw Lotte again.

Chapter 25 Dungeon

After returning to Vitok Town, my (night) life returned to peace.

However, my (month) life has finally ushered in a magnificent start.

In other words, my (month) life is supposed to be magnificent and my (night) life is ordinary and mediocre. Why is it that I (night) started a magnificent life first?

This is a problem.

Forget it, no matter what, everything is back to the original point now.

"This is the last class of your first grade, and it is also the last final exam of your first grade."

If you want to ask about the location, this is fifty kilometers west of the capital of King Dorge.

All the first graders in our Royal Academy's Intermediate Division got on the school bus and came here.

On the map, there is a name here.

"I" Level Dungeons

The lowest-level dungeon unified by our Pacific Asia continent.

This continent is divided into ten levels of dungeons or magic areas. From high to low, they are S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. The ten levels—Green Kingdom The newly born dungeon is higher than this level, so it is defined as an SS level dungeon.

In Lilith Great World, there are roughly two methods of birthing monsters.

One is the same pregnancy and birth as other creatures, including viviparous and oviparous, and so on.

The other is the gestation of the earth, which pops out from the earth-this second birth method is also the main reason why the number of monsters will never decrease.

According to legend, the Lilith Great World was once born from the body evolution of a certain god named "Lilith" after the fall. Later, another god named "Dragon Emperor" also fell in the Lilith Great World. The body was buried in this world, and the remaining power blended with the remaining power of "Lilith". I don't know what kind of chemical reaction occurred, anyway, the whole world has undergone wonderful changes since then, and the rules of the world have changed Changes, and from time to time there will be monsters coming out of the ground.

And more importantly, the earth will breed not only monsters, but also "treasure boxes".

Weapons, props, skill books, pet eggs, magic pets, medicinal materials, potions, food ingredients... There is no way to know what will be in the treasure chest, anyway, there may be anything.

However, these treasure chests are generally guarded by companion monsters, and it is not easy to obtain them.

It is said that this accompanying monster can gain a lot of benefits from the treasure box, so it will not leave the treasure box easily, so generally speaking, if you want to get the treasure box, you must knock down the accompanying monster.

In the end, countless dungeons around the world were born in this way.

Different from ordinary monsters, the monsters born in the dungeon will have a sense of nostalgia for the dungeon, so they will not leave the dungeon easily. In a way, they are very safe-and it is this kind of safety that makes the dungeon a The most important property of a country.

In the dungeon, people can upgrade their level, exercise their skills, get treasure chests, and collect a lot of magic stones—in short, although the risks are not small, the benefits are innumerable.

The reason why the Dorgo Kingdom can compete with the Linde Kingdom in terms of pure military strength when the population and land are mediocre among all countries is precisely because the Dorgo Kingdom has the largest number of dungeons among the six kingdoms, and there are dungeons at all levels, including an S-level dungeon like the Linde Kingdom.

This S-level underground city is located [-] kilometers east of Dorge King's Capital.

Yes, this is the geographic location of Dolge King's Capital (Rideya). There is an underground city tens of kilometers away in the four directions of Dolge Kingdom. Level dungeon, A level dungeon, I level dungeon, H level dungeon.

Where we are now is the level I dungeon in the west of the capital.

It is said that only monsters like slimes can be born in this dungeon.

The last class of the first year of the Royal Intermediate Academy, and also the final final exam, is the Dungeon Raiders of Level I Dungeons.

That is, actual combat in the true sense.

"You can form teams freely, up to five people in one team, whichever team can first conquer the throne room and defeat the devil in the dungeon will be the winner, and the winning team will receive special rewards from the school, as for the others Teams will judge the test scores according to the number of magic stones they have obtained, and the top five teams will receive corresponding scholarships according to their rankings."

"Then, there are still 10 minutes before the exam officially starts. You should form your own team as soon as possible within these 10 minutes."

Chapter 26 Moon's Abilities

"Master Yue, can I form a team with you?"

"Master Yue, isn't he Dilio, the eldest son of the Marquis of Madrid, may I have the honor to be on your team?"

"Master Yue, I am the second daughter of the Earl of Birkenau Kraktor. I was honored to attend your birthday party before, and I was ranked third in the midterm exam of the first grade..."

"Master Yue...!"

"Master Moon,"

"Master Moon"

When forming a team, it can be said that there is a lot of noise around me.

First of all, I am one of the three Dukes in the Kingdom, the eldest daughter of Li Lin, and the heir to the Duke's family.

There are now a total of five dukes in the Dorge Kingdom, but the titles of the three dukes are hereditary, and the other two dukes will be downgraded by one generation if the heirs do not have particularly great achievements.

It can be said that although there will always be someone who can make great contributions and be granted the title of duke, only the three major duke families have been as stable as Mount Tai and will not fall from generation to generation.

Just this alone is enough to make the people around me flock to me, and with the aura that I am the first genius in the kingdom, it is not difficult to imagine the current scene.

Unlike the other me (Ye), I have been surrounded by various halos since I was born. I am a winner in life and a member of the winning group.

This kind of scene has been experienced too much.

Therefore, I still just said with a calm and indifferent expression as before: "I will be on my own team."

That's right, it's your own team.

I also have no intention of forming a team with Lafayette, because at this time Lafayette is surrounded by various people, hoping to form a team with her.

After all, Lafayette is a genius second only to me in talent and ability in school. Although she is a commoner, no noble will look down on her, because everyone can understand that as long as she does not die, Lafayette will be a member of the noble sooner or later.

I am also gratified that Lafayette can get more friends, so I will not form a team with her.

What's more, I also want to try my current strength this time. The rewards for winning are irrelevant, so it is not good to form a team with other people.

Thinking of this, I appraised my current ability value.

LV.3 (32%)

Title: "Prodigy"

Occupation: "Sage of Ten Thousand Laws"

Mana: 58200/58200

Skill Points: 0

<Individual ability value>

STR: 296

AGI: 564

VIT: 198

INT: 966

<Talent ability value>

STR: 90

AGI: 177

VIT: 58

INT: 299

<Potential ability value>

STR: 26

AGI: 33

VIT: 24

INT: 69

〈Exclusive skill〉

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