"A betrayal is a betrayal. Anything that is justifiable or necessary is an excuse."

I (month) is righteous and righteous, and I speak righteously.

"Lafayette, you don't need to say any more. I've had enough of this flirtatious man. No one can persuade me today. I'm going to break up with him!"

"Ye, you go out first, don't worry, I'll help you persuade Yue."

Lafayette came to me (Yue) and pushed me (Yue) out the door, then closed the door, and pulled me (Yue) to sit on the sofa.

"Yue, this incident really can't be blamed on Ye. It was my fault. I had selfish motives at the time, so I couldn't stop it from happening..."

"I know, but I don't blame you."

I (month) held Lafayette back, with a sincere look on my face.

"But Ye is different. You can't completely blame Ye for not stopping Ye. After all, I knew it at the time, but I didn't go—but it's his own fault if he couldn't stand the temptation, right? I didn't say anything, Ye was too carefree, and I couldn't grasp it, so I divided this hand with him."

"Yue, you really don't have to do this... I know you are because of me, but, Yue... can't we be together?"

no what?

Can you tell me clearly what you want to do with me? !

"Lafayette, it's no longer a matter of two people."

"It's all my fault." Lafayette admitted her mistake very sincerely, and she seemed to be really guilty: "I was completely confused at the time...Then the three of us can't do it together?"

"... Lafayette, there are actually four people now." I (Yue) said a little bit reluctantly: "Let me tell you the truth, in addition to senior sister Murong, I am afraid there is another senior sister Chris... Can you accept the four together?"

If you can accept it, I (Yue) actually don’t mind making me (Ye) a princess in the palace.

Facing my anticipation, Lafayette smiled softly: "Yue, can you accept the three of us dying together? I think this is also a very happy thing."

"I haven't lived enough."

"How did you know Miss Chris?"

"...It was Ye who confessed to me."

"That is to say, you two were just acting for me, right?"


"Yue, I didn't expect you to be such a generous woman. I really misunderstood you before."

Lafayette apologized to me (month) very sincerely.

"Knowing that Ye betrayed you and had two women outside, you can accept it, and you even helped Ye coax me, wanting me to accept four women serving one husband, with your character, if I really accept it , then it will not be a question of four girls, but a question of forty girls and four hundred girls, right?"

"Anyway, four hundred girls are impossible, right?"

"Not even forty girls."

"Lafayette, I am serious about breaking up with Ye. Can you accept that it will be between you and Ye in the future, and it has nothing to do with me. Go and talk to him."

Anyway, I'm going to get rid of one problem first.

——but Lafayette completely ignored my declaration of breaking up.

"Yue, we have three chapters."

"Go on a date with Ye."

"One, I can accept Ye stepping on four legs, but from now on you must take good care of him with me, don't indulge him anymore, and absolutely don't give Ye a chance to have a fifth leg."

"I'll quit, it's enough to let Ye foot on three boats, don't count me in."

"Two, one, three, five is yours, two and four are mine, and six and seven are two points for them."

"One, three, five can also be given to you, you don't have to give me a share--should I give Ye a rest day?"

"Three,—I haven't thought about the third one yet, so I'll keep it for now, and I'll talk about it later when I think about it."

"... Lafayette, I also have a condition."


"I want to spank your ass three hundred times!!"


What an annoying girl.

I (Ye) walked towards my dormitory, even though I (Yue) on the other side was pressing Lafayette on the sofa and spanking, I still felt a little angry in my heart.

What a breakup opportunity!I have spoken out the declaration of breaking up!You just let me divide it, can't you! ?

Not to mention, today could be said to be a wonderful night to spend spring with my girlfriend, but now it's all gone!

You deserve to spank your ass, I (Yue) is now the side room of Zhenggong's lesson, just bear it obediently!

In such anger, I (Ye) opened the door of my dormitory aggressively—and then closed it immediately.

I (Ye) took a step back and looked up, and my name was indeed written on the door plate above.


It's the same as [月] written on my (月) house number.

I (Ye) opened the door again, and there was indeed a young girl in the room...loli...young...it doesn't matter what you describe, the important thing is that there are indeed other people in my (Ye) room.

Snow hair and snow pupils, snow eyebrows and snow skin.

With a faint smile on his face, Emperor Shentian looked at me (Ye) and welcomed him: "You are back, husband, the meal is ready and the bath water is ready. Do you want to eat first? Or do you want to take a bath first? Or do you want to eat first?"

I (Ye) replied blankly: "I will eat you first."

"My husband is really in a hurry."

Emperor Shentian smiled shyly, and then took off the red dress without hesitation.

I (Ye) stepped forward to stop her hand in an instant, then grabbed her armpit with both hands and hugged her, turned around and sent her out the door.

"Husband, why is this? Could it be... Husband likes to be outside? It's not impossible, as long as husband likes, I can follow him."

When Shentiandi said such words, I (Ye) put her on the ground, then grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and turned her around.

Immediately after stepping back, the door closed.

Turning around and walking towards the back room—stopped for a moment.

"My husband is too much."

The Emperor Shentian, who was still outside the door when I closed the door, put on a resentful expression in front of my eyes, pouting his small, thin, light-colored lips.

"Just now you used me to protect your little girlfriend, now that you've used up my value, you're going to disown her in a blink of an eye?"

I (Ye) was still expressionless: "Before you say such things, please answer me a question. Have the keys to my dormitory been flooded?"

One Lafayette is not enough, here is another one, don't you all get into the habit of getting a pair of my house keys?This is a crime you know? !

"Why do you need a key to enter your husband's room? I broke the door and came in. After entering, I just need to restore the door to its original state."

what to do?I just want to call the police immediately!

"Hey...you are here to vote, don't worry, I will do my best."

After a helpless sigh, I (Ye) could only greet Shen Tiandi to sit down, and then made her a cup of tea.

I have to say that tea actually feels better to me than coffee.

Maybe it's because I drank coffee when I was a child, so I got tired of it?Anyway, I became obsessed with tea after I came to Cradle College and got in touch with tea. The hospitality is basically based on tea-I mean me (Ye).

I (month) is still based on coffee.

What?Why do you ask? !

Hehe, of course it's because I'm smart.

Think about it, if one day Lafayette suddenly found that I (Yue) and I (Yue) were obsessed with tea together tacitly-don't imagine this scene.

And on the other hand, it's better to drink one kind alone than to drink two kinds mixed together.

I have had this habit growing up, that when I (month) eats marshmallows I (night) eat chocolate, when I (month) drink ale I (night) drink wine, when I (month) eat meat I (night) eat...and I eat meat too.

Sorry, I'm a carnivore.

But in short, I have always adhered to the idea that two bodies enjoying the same delicacy is a waste, so tea and coffee together is my kingly way.

But now tea is really my favorite.

So, in the Cradle Academy, I also learned how to make tea.

He is not a master in technology, but he is confident that he is definitely a master.

Therefore, after pouring the brewed tea into the cup and pushing it to Shentiandi, I (Ye) looked at her confidently, waiting for words of admiration.

Whenever this is the time, it is the most satisfying time!

Emperor Shentian drank the tea in one gulp, put the empty cup back on the table, and said with a light smile, "I trust my husband about voting, and I have never worried about it. I just came here at this time because I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much."

"Cow chews peonies."

"Huh? Husband, what did you say?" Emperor Shentian tilted his head in doubt.

"It's nothing."

Not getting the appreciation I deserved, I (Ye) felt depressed, and I stopped caring about tea, but looked at the plates of exquisite dishes on the table.

"Can you still cook?"

"I have checked that women who can cook are more attractive to men, so in order to be favored by my husband, I learned it hard."

"I'm really moved by your kindness, but it's a pity that I'm on the fourth boat now, and my girlfriend has already made a decision that I'm absolutely not allowed to step on the fifth boat." ship, so I really can't respond to your wishes."

"It's okay, as long as you agree, husband, I can help husband persuade sister."

"How are you going to persuade?"

"If my sister agrees, she will still be my sister. If my sister disagrees, I will label her as my sister."

"...Violence is wrong."

"The husband said what should I do?"

"Let's talk about how to help you get votes."

I decided to change the subject and not talk about this matter any more.

"Actually, I already have a plan, but it needs your cooperation."

"I will do my best to cooperate with my husband."

"Well, let's eat first, and after we finish eating, you can go with me to find a place to take pictures."

Let me see how many lolicons there are in this school! !

Chapter 2 No place to live

After eating, I (Ye) picked up the camera and took Shentiandi to the amusement park where I had a date with Yundiewu before but failed.

That's right, I'm going to take a picture of Shentiandi.

To be precise, I want to send the picture of Shentiandi all over the school.

Shentian Emperor's status as the Three Holy Sons of Myriad Heavens and Myriad Realms is destined to be rejected by the students of Cradle College, because no one wants to have more Three Holy Sons to compete with herself.

However, Emperor Shentian is not without advantages.

First of all, she is beautiful.

Secondly, she is beautiful.

In the end, she is super beautiful.

So...so is there any other advantage needed?Isn't that enough? !If that's not enough, what else is an advantage? ! !

Good looks are always the biggest advantage!

At least think about it differently, if such a beautiful girl can be transferred to my class, then I will definitely agree with all four hands!

However, although good looks are an advantage, Shentiandi's good looks also have disadvantages, that is... she looks too lolita.

Although she is stronger than Jade's pure young girl, she is not so strong. She is a real legal loli.

This disadvantage is so great... I really don't know how many students in Cradle Academy are lolicons.

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