The Goddess of Trials said with a helpless smile.

"The same is true for the Lilith world. It is not that simple to launch a war between two worlds. War is for profit. A war without profit will be won on the battlefield in terms of results. It was also a failed war, so if you don’t get any benefits, you have to declare your withdrawal, and all the powers in the Lilith World will not agree to this kind of thing.”

"All countries actually don't want to fight this kind of war, but since it has already started, they must get the corresponding benefits before they are willing to stop, and this benefit is of course something that the Holy White Lotus World does not want to give—after all, the Holy White Lotus With the strength of the great world, they don't need to surrender."

"Therefore, unless one side is sure of victory, or both sides have fought to the point where they can no longer bear the huge losses and are convinced that continuing will only hurt both sides, otherwise this war will not end in a short time."

Glacier Ya nodded thoughtfully: "This is the so-called riding a tiger, right?"

"That's right, now Lilith's great powers generally have the confidence that as long as this war continues, they should be able to win, and the Holy White Lotus World is also full of confidence in the strength of their own world. Under such circumstances, no one will take the initiative to want to have a discussion. The president seems to want to talk, but she doesn't intend to take the initiative to talk, which is very helpless."

"How big does Lord Dis think our Lilith's chances are? We generally don't know much about the Great World of the Holy White Lotus. We only know that the Great World of the Holy White Lotus is the only one in Ten Thousand Heavens and Worlds that can be compared with the Great World of Lilith. In the human world, only God Realm and Nine Heavens can rank above Lilith and Saint White Lotus, but the world really knows very little about the strength of Saint White Lotus. But as a true god, Master Diss should have An accurate assessment, right? Can Master Diss explain it a little bit?"

This program can only be seen inside the Cradle Academy. In fact, the two-world war between the Lilith World and the Holy White Lotus World has not been widely spread. The high-level officials of the major powers who have fought the war only know about it.

Just like the war between Lilith Great World and Demon Realm, I had never heard of it before I entered Cradle Academy.

This should be mainly to avoid unnecessary panic and anxiety.

After all, even if it is announced, it is useless. Those below the level of the God of War are not eligible to participate.

"If you want to ask how strong the Holy White Lotus Great World is, it is naturally stronger than the Supreme Emperor. As the great king of the Holy White Lotus Great World, her authority is just like the president of our Lilith Great World Cradle Academy Student Union. No matter whether it is a god or a true god, it cannot compete with the Supreme Emperor. .”

Goddess Dis is undoubtedly qualified as a guest, and she really started explaining to the whole school.

Of course, this is probably also arranged, in order to deepen the students of Cradle Academy's understanding of the world of Saint White Lotus.

You know, the student union of Cradle College is the highest authority in the Lilith world. During this period of war between the two worlds, how can the students of the student union have no understanding of the holy white lotus world?

Obviously not.

So, naturally, this kind of talk show appeared accordingly.

Its main purpose, in fact, is to teach.

The reason why the true god is invited to the class is mainly because for the true god, "omniscience" is synonymous with the true god.

Of course, the true God is definitely not truly omniscient, but he is undoubtedly close to omniscience.

Basically, as long as you "want" to know, you can know everything they want to know-this is probably what I heard from the rumors.

As for whether this is really the case, please don’t ask me, I’m not a real god, how would I know.

——While I was complaining about such things, the class of the Trial Goddess was still going on.

"Besides the supreme emperor, the strength of the holy white lotus world will naturally be reflected in the four people."

"Which four people?" Glacier Ya asked cooperatively.

"First of all, of course the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire."

"The three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire? I have heard their names for a long time, and they are like thunder, so how strong are they?"

"If it's one-on-one, then in the world of Lilith, apart from the Emerald God, there shouldn't be anyone who can match the three of them?"

"What?" The astonishment on Glacier Ya's face was not feigned, but real astonishment: "Are the three saints of the Suzaku Empire so strong? Could it be that even the commanders of the Three Gods include the gods of the Golden Crow Empire Jia Xiao and Shiva?" Are the Miya sages of the Na Empire not opponents?"

"Not an opponent."

The Goddess of Trials said decisively, and after thinking about it, she added:

"If five people work together, they can probably compete with the combination of Yuexing Yinlun and Xingriyinyuehua, and if Yuexingyinrilun and Xingriyinyuehua join forces, they can probably compete with Sunyueyinxing Hen has a [-]-[-] chance of winning - the gap is just that big."

Saying so, the goddess shrugged.

"Don't be too depressed. The three saints of the Suzaku Empire are existences that can be ranked in the top fifty no matter how they are ranked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"As I said before, Kui, Chen, Tier, Li Jiaxiao, and Miya, as long as the five of them work together, they can fight against the second of the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire. Yes. Even if there is no jade, our Lilith Great World can still deal with the sun, moon, and star marks. If one cannot be defeated, there will be five, if five cannot be defeated, there will be ten, and if ten cannot be defeated, there will be a hundred. There are only six human beings as strong as Aoi in the Lilith world, but there are countless people in the lower ranks, such as the Nine Generals of the Golden Crow Empire, the Nine Sages of the Sivana Empire, the Four Immortals of the Yang Kingdom, and the Sumerians. The three kings, the six great saints of the Holy Tree Dynasty, the five great elf kings of the Elven Empire, all the soldiers of the Japanese God Army... and so on."

The Trial Goddess seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally ended with "wait".

"There are more than 100 of them together. No matter how strong the sun, moon, and stars are, she can't stop this amount of violence. Of course, the side of the holy white lotus world is not all dead people-but at this level, the strong However, the number of participants is far from being comparable to our Lilith World."

"...Master Dis, you said earlier that the strength of the Holy White Lotus is mainly reflected in four people. Besides the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire, who is the other person?"

"The lord of the Demon League Alliance, Windsor Victoria. The magic here refers to the way of magic. Windsor is the strongest magician in the Holy White Lotus World, and even the strongest magician in the world is not completely unacceptable-but this title is a little bit watery, because the magic of the God King of the God Realm is really the strongest. However, Windsor's strength is still not inferior to the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire."

"So, if we use the pyramid as a metaphor, then we are completely at a disadvantage when it comes to the powerhouses at the top of the pyramid—but among the powerhouses at the next level of the pyramid, we have an overwhelming advantage, right?"

"It is indeed correct to use the pyramid as a metaphor, but it should be compared like this."

The Goddess of Trials raised her right index finger.

"Counting the pyramid from top to bottom, the first floor is our Emerald God of Lilith, the second floor is the three holy generals of the Holy White Lotus and Windsor, the third floor is the three commanders of Lilith's Sun, Moon and Star Army, Li Jiaxiao of the Golden Crow Empire, Mia of the Sivana Empire, Inanna of the Sumerian Kingdom, and then there are the seven great generals of the Suzaku Empire in the Great World of the Holy White Lotus. There are 210 people standing, and our Lilith World occupies 80.00% of them."

"I see."

Glacier Bud nodded, and then asked with some doubts:

"Master Dis, you don't seem to have included the True God in these comparisons of combat power?"

"The true god will not participate in the war between the two worlds."

The Goddess of Trials said lightly.

"True gods cannot use words like strength, strength, and powerful to describe statistics. Even though there are many people who are stronger than true gods in frontal battles, the power of true gods is unlimited. They can't be compared, so it's okay that it's just a war between human beings now, but once the true god ends, it will be completely unstoppable, and no one knows what will happen at that time-for example, if I end, I will You can throw all the lives in the Holy White Lotus World to the most difficult trial in an instant, and then you can directly kill 99.99999999999% of the lives in the Holy White Lotus World—do you think this will work?"

Glacier Ya suddenly showed a sweaty expression.

"Once I do this, the opponent's true god will probably be unable to control it, and then the true gods on both sides will use the "world" as the target to activate their powers, and it will be all over by then.Whether it is the chairman or the supreme emperor, they will not allow this kind of thing to happen. "

"Okay, I made a slip of the tongue, and please be merciful to all respected gods, but please don't end in person."

Glacier Bud put his palms together to beg for mercy.

"However, in this way, it seems that it is destined to be a protracted war."

"It's also unavoidable."

The next thing is that there is no nutritious topic. After I (night) watched it for a while, I directly switched the channel and watched the information about the Cradle Game Contest.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the preliminaries of the Cradle Game Contest progressed very quickly. It is now estimated that if it goes well, it will end directly tomorrow. If this is the case, the day after tomorrow will be the time for the knockout rounds to begin.

The knockout round is divided into 32 groups of games. The first group game is Holy Emperor Tree VS Bingyun team, the second group game is Gul'dan team VS Hot Blood Blacksmith, and the third group game is our Angel team VS Guya team.

The winner goes to the round of 32, and the loser goes to the round of 64.

And if Sacred Emperor Tree and Gul'dan team win, then the two will meet in the top 32, the winner will advance to the top 32, and the loser will stop in the top [-].

Therefore, it is very regrettable that although Gul'dan and I made an appointment to compete in the Cradle Game Contest, before he met me, even if he advanced to the top 32, he had to deal with the Son of God first. I don't have much hope for this, but as a friend, I will cheer for you, Gul'dan.

Of course, I have no room to gloat, because if the Angels are lucky enough to advance to the top [-], then we will also collide with the Holy Emperor Tree. The winner will enter the quarterfinals, and the loser will stop at the top [-].

——Why do you have to meet Shengshenzi before the quarterfinals!

Only the top eight can get the prize! !

Isn't this forcing me... to think of a way to kill him first? !

Chapter 4 Bunny Girl

When I woke up early the next morning, feeling the soft body in my arms, there was no wave in my (Ye) heart.

Of course, there can be no disturbances, anyway, I (Ye) is wearing pajamas and pajamas, even if the God of Heaven is not wearing anything, I (Ye) is not afraid of getting caught.

Um?What did you say?Shouldn't I be wondering at this time how God God got into my (Ye) arms?

Hehe, can I tell you that I actually had a hunch about it yesterday when I (Ye) put her on the bed and I (Ye) slept on the sofa by myself?

I even had a thought at the time - this girl looked like she was going to get into my (Ye) arms after falling asleep at night, so why am I (Ye) still sleeping on the sofa?Isn't it uncomfortable to just hug her as a pillow and sleep on the bed?

It's a pity that I changed my mind later - this is just a guess after all, maybe she just slept peacefully on the bed.

Then I (Ye) slept on the sofa even though I was mentally prepared.

——So now I regret it.

As expected, I should have climbed onto the bed yesterday and hugged this girl as a pillow, and slept comfortably, otherwise why would I have to squeeze into such a small sofa with her today?

I was suppressed by her all night without knowing it! !

Thanks to my good physical fitness, otherwise I would have to be crushed and have nightmares.

After such a regretful sigh, I (Ye) sat up and carried Shen Tiandi into the bedroom, laid her flat on the bed, and covered her with the quilt—then I (Ye) just ignored her and changed my clothes on my own.

I still have to go to filming today, but I don't have time to waste on this little girl.

I have to say that the timing is quite right. If there are no accidents, the crew will officially wrap up today.

Then tomorrow is the knockout round of the Cradle Game Contest.

——Yes, the crew is wrapping up.

A total of two episodes were filmed, and it will be over soon.

As for whether this drama can continue to be filmed, we can only wait and see the results after it is broadcast.

According to director Guo Jiada's plan, if the second episode can be a hit, then the show can be brought back to life, and if the second episode doesn't catch fire—then Chrissy's investment will be in vain.

Sometimes I actually kind of wish the show would never go on.

After all, acting is really difficult.

But I'm really sorry for Chrissy-senpai for thinking this way - that's an investment of hundreds of billions.

So I just sighed in my heart. On the surface, of course, I can only pray that the TV series can become a big hit.

"Crack! Take a short break and shoot the last scene."

After hearing Director Guo Da's words, senior sister Chris also breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards me (Ye).

"How is it? Junior? Is the role of senior sister okay?"

Chris-senpai shook her platinum hair and smiled softly.

Of course, this platinum-blonde hair is the setting of Teresia's character, and Chrissy-senpai's original hair is golden as dazzling as the sun-it doesn't matter.

"Senior Chris's acting skills are worth my learning."

Compared with the aggrieved plot of the first episode, the plot of the second episode is that Teresia has begun to give up the bottom line after her sister's death and blackening, and uses her exclusive skills to master the palace people little by little in the palace and gradually rise to Dashuang The plot is over.

Teresia was forcibly sent to the palace by a minister who wanted to please the king because of her too beautiful appearance, but unfortunately, when the minister offered her daughter, she happened to be seen by the new queen. Theresia's beauty made the queen vigilant, so Theresia was cut off by the queen-forcibly robbed.

Teresia, who was taken away by the queen, didn't know whether to say it was lucky or unlucky, she didn't even see the king.

Fortunately, naturally, I don't need to sleep with an old man.

Unfortunately, out of jealousy, the queen directly connived at the palace people to abuse Theresia in various ways.

However, just after she saw her younger brother who became a knight and entered the palace to save herself, before she could escape with him, she got the news of her younger sister's death.

The death news of being tortured to death by the eldest prince.

The death of her younger sister and the experience in the palace, all these finally made Teresia completely blackened. She no longer scruples about morality, no longer sticks to the bottom line, but finally uses her cheating exclusive skills——

——"Absolute Kingship".

As long as there is eye contact, people whose INT is lower than yours can absolutely obey your orders, and you can see the loyalty of others to you, and as long as someone's loyalty to you exceeds 70, your INT will increase by 1000 points— —What kind of concept is this?

"From now on, be loyal to me."

After making eye contact with people, just giving such an order, the loyalty immediately increased by 70, and the INT increased by 1000 points.

And Teresia, who has increased INT by 1000 points, can give orders to people with higher INT abilities, so that people will be loyal to her and continue to increase INT.

Yes, there are such abnormalities.

Of course, it is not without danger, that is, if the person being ordered has a higher INT than oneself, the order of absolute kingship will be invalid, and the other party will immediately find out that something is wrong, and then he will surely die—but this is a TV series, especially Rezia will never die.

She will only rely on this exclusive skill to cheat all the way to the top.

Of course, the flaw is not without it, that is, the ability to activate the skill must be eye-to-eye.

It seems very simple, but in fact it is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming thing.

Calculate it, even if you look at one person for ten seconds and give orders, you can only get the loyalty of six people in one minute, 1 people in one hour, 360 people in a day, and 640 people in a year. In 310 years, it will only be more than 600 million people, and in 100 years, it will be only more than 3 billion people.

The world is so vast and the population is so large, not to mention more than 300 billion people, even 300 trillion people would be a drop in the bucket. Teresia's exclusive skills are not invincible after all. ?

It's so special, that is, only TV dramas can come up with such a perverted exclusive skill, pure fantasy, how could such a perverted exclusive skill be allowed to appear in reality?

……… Yes, I know that reality is more exaggerated than fantasy, so I don’t need you to remind me.

Chris-senpai's exclusive skills are even more exaggerated than this.

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