It doesn't matter if I succeed or not, anyway, that's my own business.

But when there are followers around, no matter what you do, you must first take their reactions into consideration, otherwise it will become the current situation.

I still haven't gotten used to this difference.

Follower, what a heavy word.

In the past, although I (Yue) was the heir of the Duke's family, I never had followers, because I (Yue) was only the heir.

So, as long as it is what I (month) want to do, no matter what I (month) can do freely.

However, for me (month) now, the word freedom seems to have gradually faded away.

Oh, and the same for me (Night).

"Okay, then let everyone come over, but don't force it, it's voluntary."

"How could it be forced!! Master Yue, don't worry! Just leave this task to us! Our Rose Garden will definitely let you see our true ability!!"

Megalo's expression seems to be so excited that he is about to faint, which makes me completely unable to understand. Is it really so happy to be ordered by others?

Forget it, people can't understand each other, I've known this kind of thing for a long time.

Even if I consider myself a smart person, I really can't understand everyone's brain circuits.


"Hurry up! Take action! Gather all the members! Leave everything else to me!"

"If you can't let it go, if you feel that there is anything more important to you than the task ordered by Master Yue, then quickly quit the group! Our Rose Garden does not need weak-willed members!"

"This is the first time Master Yue entrusted us with a task. If something goes wrong and we can't complete it, then our Rose Group will simply disband!"

Lin Guang took his student card to issue orders to all members of Rose Garden, and then quickly contacted Jin Bing to explain the matter.

"Where are you, Jin Bing? Come back quickly!"


The voice on the other side was calm, and answered concisely.

Lin Guang didn't say any more, she knew that no matter what Jin Bing was doing now, she would definitely return immediately.

That's exactly what happened.

"Sorry, I don't have any more time to waste with you."

This is the East China Sea.

The specific location is the eastern offshore waters of the Cradle Continent.

The sea of ​​Lilith Great World is very dangerous, because it is full of countless magic areas.

If there are only demonic areas, then naturally it cannot be said to be very dangerous, but the biggest difference between the demonic areas in the sea and the magical areas on land is that the sea is too vast, and [-]% of the demonic areas here are self-developed. completely free from outside interference.

There are also demonic areas on land, but human beings are the greatest restraint of the demonic areas. As long as humans continue to clean up the monsters born in the demonic areas, the demonic areas will not be regarded as dangerous, but will only become human resources.

But what will happen if the magic area is not cleaned up in time?

The monsters in the demon zone are different from those in the dungeon, because the monsters in the demon zone can kill each other and do not have any sense of companionship. In the cannibalism, the demon zone will continue to regenerate new monsters. The number of monsters in the demon zone will never decrease. The only change is that in the cannibalism, the overall level of monsters will become higher and higher, and the overall strength will become stronger. Then one day, an invincible monster that can unify the entire demon zone will be born—that is the devil king.

Yes, human beings live on land, and under normal circumstances, obviously, they will not clean up the demonic areas in the sea. Therefore, in the sea, countless demonic areas are completely free to develop without any restraint, thus creating countless demon kings birth.

And these demon kings are unwilling to be lonely. After their own demon areas are invincible, they will start to aim at other demon areas and fight with other demon areas. It is like raising Gu, but the poisonous insects that can be used to raise Gu It is endless and will never decrease. In this case, the sea will naturally become more and more dangerous and terrifying as time goes by.

Of course, the sea is not really the domain of sea monsters, there are also humans in it.

Or more correctly, mermaids.

As an intellectual race, mermaids are of course also a member of human beings, and they can take the entrance examination for the Cradle Academy. There are also mermaids in the current Cradle Academy...although there is only one.

Yes, the scarcity of the mermaid race is an important reason why the sea has become a magic lair.

Although the sea is extremely vast, it is a pity that the mermaids cannot occupy this vast territory. On the contrary, the current mermaids usually build a kingdom with an island or a large archipelago as the core, basically They are all active in the safe area, and as for the deep sea, they are completely in a state of abandonment.

Only a very small number of mermaids will establish a country on the bottom of the sea. Like humans, they regard the magic areas and dungeons on the bottom of the sea as resources for their own development and strengthening. , but prefer to live in the sun.

——This is the end of the introduction to the sea. In short, you only need to know that the sea is very dangerous.

Even offshore waters are equally dangerous.

Not to mention, this is the coastal waters of the Cradle Continent, where even encountering god-level monsters is nothing unusual.

After all, to be honest, there are thousands of times more god-level monsters in the sea than god-level humans.

However, Jin Bing is not afraid of the sea.

Rather, it is the sea that is afraid of her.

Too quiet.

It's so quiet that it's not like the sea.



All ran clean.

Except for the monster floating above the sea that Jin Bing targeted with killing intent, all of them ran away completely.

Why run?

The answer is very simple, just pure murderous intent.

Jin Bing's murderous intent was only focused on one monster, but there was still a slight murderous aura that dissipated. The monsters in the entire East China Sea felt this slight murderous aura, and then instinctively fled in panic under the sense of crisis that pierced into the bone marrow and soul like an elk being targeted by a hungry tiger.

Only one monster was able to escape.

No, or more correctly, there was only one demon king who could not escape.

The demon king who was targeted by the killing intent didn't even dare to blink.


There is no such reaction at all, but the whole body is dead, unable to move at all.

"I'll give you one last chance to answer. Do you want to submit to Lord Yue and become his familiar? Do you want to live? Or die?"

Jin Bing looked at the devil in front of him lightly, and said lightly.

——As a result, just after she finished speaking, she immediately raised her brows, and finally showed a slightly stunned expression.

The demon king's breath of life suddenly stopped, and then quickly disappeared.

"Is this... scared to death?"

Jin Bing was speechless, even embarrassed.

What's the matter? I searched for so long on the Cradle Continent before I found a monster with decent strength. I planned to be a familiar for Master Yue, but I didn't expect to be so timid and not scared at all. What happened? I died without even moving a finger. Isn't this funny?

"Forget it, with such a murderous look, I was scared to death. Letting such a coward become Master Yue's pet is simply embarrassing Master Yue. It is a blessing to be scared to death—but it is better than that slime, right?"

When he found out that Master Yue's familiar was just a slime, Jin Bing's thoughts arose.

Although it is not that there are no strong monsters like slimes, after all, even the weakest races will always have one or two exceptions.

However, the point is not to be strong or not, but to use slime as a familiar, which is a very laughable thing in the world of Lilith.

Simply put, it is a loss of face.

An analogy is probably that I go out and ride a Pegasus, what do you take when you go out?


It is this feeling.

If the slime is just a simple pet, Master Yue’s real signature familiar is something else, but Master Yue only has one slime as a pet. Even though that slime seems to have some abilities from the video, it really only has “points”.

In this case——no one made fun of Mr. Yue.

After all, Lord Yue's brilliance is as dazzling as the sun, and a mere slime familiar is not a black spot.

In front of the sun, a little bit of darkness is completely covered up and cannot be seen at all.

——But if you can’t see it, you can’t see it. As one of the ten-color roses in the rose garden sealed by Master Yue, it is also a matter of doing for Master Yue to solve this kind of slight black spot that is not a stain.

Therefore, after having time, Jin Bing applied for club activities and left Cradle College. He searched eastward all the way, but it was not until he left the mainland and flew to the East China Sea that he managed to find a girl with both strength and race. It could barely be considered a monster that could be seen by the eye——but it still missed the eye.

"What is the Bihai Jilong? It's just a name for nothing. Is this a dragon? Snakes are more courageous than it."

Jin Bing spurned, and turned back directly to Cradle Academy.

It was the first time that Master Yue gave the task of Rose Garden, and of course she had to give priority to it. Let's wait for the task of Master Yue to be completed first.

Thinking of this, Jin Bing's amber pupils also began to glow with excitement.

This time, we must seize the opportunity to leave a deep impression on Mr. Yue.

Chapter 8 Rose Garden VS Rose Garden! !

On my (month) side, the rose garden helped distribute the photobook of God and God, and my (night) side almost experienced the same thing, the rose garden was also dispatched, and finally it caused—— This scene now.

I (Yue) was sitting on the street, to be precise, I was sitting on the chair brought by Lin Guang. All the people in the Rose Garden gathered behind me (Yue), glaring at the opposite side with awe-inspiring atmosphere.

That's right, it's the opposite.

On the opposite side of me (Yue), I (Yue) was also sitting on a chair, behind which stood rows of beautiful girls like flowers, who also stared at us (Yue) coldly with annoyed expressions.

This is how the rose garden and the rose garden confront each other on the street.

And me (month) and me (night),... are expressionless.

Apart from being expressionless, I really don't know what expression to do.

If you're asking why things are the way they are...

"What did you say? What activities are Rose Garden doing under Yue's leadership?"

One of the ten-color roses in the rose garden, La frowned slightly and looked at the girl in front of her—Mila.

Mira handed the thick black book in her hand to La.

"Look, my lord, what month is sending this thing with Rose Garden."

La took it over and looked at it.

On the cover of the black book is a profile picture, a profile picture of a cute loli with snowy hair and snow pupils.

Below the avatar, there is a row of characters written.

"Sisters, please vote for Ruri"

La asked suspiciously, "Is the President going to abdicate?"

Mira shook her head: "I haven't heard of it."

"Then have any votes been launched recently?"

"Nor have I heard of it."

"Then what kind of ticket is this girl asking for?"

"do not know."

She didn't get an answer from Mira, but of course, Mira didn't expect to get an answer, so she just asked casually and opened the book.

It's just the first page, when I saw the cute look of the loli sitting on the desk in school uniform, I raised my eyebrows and realized that this is a personal photo album.

Needless to say, this girl is indeed quite cute, carved in pink and jade, with... an expressionless face.

Well, it's the deadpan look that's especially cute in the photo.

The photographer is obviously a master at catching angles.

Before he knew it, La flipped through the photobook and saw another sentence on the last page.

"Can Liuli be transferred to Cradle Academy?"

——Divine Emperor.

"So that's it, this Liuli actually wants to make an exception and transfer to the Cradle Academy...Huh!?"

La suddenly felt something was wrong, and carefully looked at the signature below.

—— "God! God! God!"

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