And who knows if you are telling the truth or lying? !

"This kind of thing is out of your hands."

Lafayette seemed to have finally completely lost his patience. He grabbed my (Ye) arms with both hands, trying to pull me (Ye) onto the bed.

In this regard, I (Ye) just sneered.

Murong-senpai, I (Ye) can’t resist, Chris-Senior, I (Ye) can’t resist, Lianhua Qiange, I (Ye) can’t resist, but you’re mere Lafayette, can’t I (Ye) still be unable to resist, let you force me (Ye) directly?

My (Ye) arms shook violently in an instant.

A shock.


I am shocked.I will shake again.

What's the matter with meow? !

I (Ye) watched in horror as I was pushed directly onto the bed by Lafayette.

"Wait for me!! Wait for me! Wait for me!! Lafayette, when did your ability become so strong?!!"

Can't resist! !I can't resist! ?

Although it is not like facing senior sister Murong and the three of them, when they are forced to struggle, they can't even struggle at all, but although they can struggle, it is like the struggle of a little girl facing an adult man. Faced with this situation, it is still useless! !

Strange, when did Lafayette become so strong? !

Having said that, I (Yue) haven't appraised Lafayette's ability value for a long time. Could it be that she has encountered some kind of adventure in this period of time? !

Martial arts cheats?Super artifact?

No, no, this kind of thing is not important now, is it?The important thing is that I (Ye) can't resist Lafayette now, which means that I (Ye) will really have a baby with Lafayette, and once I (Ye) and Lafayette have given birth, then look at how I (Ye) can't resist Lafayette's violence now... My (Ye) life is really going to end! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"I got a new skill not long ago. Like the exclusive skill, it is called <God Healing>. With the level up, it can greatly increase the potential ability value. During this period of time, I have raised the level of this skill to LV.20—— After all, the skill level before LV.20 is quite easy to upgrade as long as you have skill points, and the ability value increased by this skill is quite a lot.”

"God will heal LV.20"

——With the improvement of skill level, you will gradually leave the mortal body and rise to the position of angel, and one day, you will return to the lofty and supreme throne

——The potential ability value STR is increased to 200000, the potential ability value AGI is increased to 600000, the potential ability value VIT is increased to 400000, and the potential ability value INT is increased to 1600000

I don't know exactly how much potential ability value Lafayette mentioned has added to her, but I can tell that the increased potential ability value is even more special than the power of the ring. Want more.

Lafayette, I really misread you, so you are also a member of cheaters? !

Is there any way for people to live in this world? !Do ordinary people like me (Ye) deserve to be raped? !

no!I don't agree!

At this moment, I (Ye) finally activated the skill "Magic Power Enhancement" with all my strength, and my ability value skyrocketed.

In the next moment, I (Ye) broke away from Lafayette - a pair of wings stretched out from behind Lafayette, and the ability value also increased significantly, once again ruthlessly suppressing my struggle and resistance down.

I'm going to fuck you, not only the power of the ring, but also the magic power enhancement has been suppressed, Lafayette, how crazy are you! !

"Lafayette, are you here for real?!"

"Do you think I'm joking? Don't try to run away today, I'll kill you."

"I'm not talking about that! I'm saying that you want me to be a eunuch, are you serious? If so, I'd rather die than do it!!"

Lafayette seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then she said in embarrassment: "Then consider it fake."

"What do you mean it's fake!? Do you really think so!?"

"Okay, I've said it's fake, what else do you want, give me a child quickly!"

"Absolutely not!"

I had a deep hunch that if I gave it, it would definitely not be a fake.

"Then don't want children for the time being, it's okay for the head office!"

"Then... well, that's it."

I always feel that talking like this is a bit awkward, but forget it, as long as my (Ye) lifeline is not threatened for the time being.

Even if I want to be a scumbag, I will never stop being a man! !

Chapter 53 Not Interested

"This is the end of this competition. The surname Victoria will finally fall on you."

In the banquet hall, I (Yue) watched Windsor speak without any expression change.

Oh no, there was still a hint of regret and unwillingness on his face at the right time.

Windsor turned to Angela and said softly: "Angela Elizabeth Kelders Victoria, you who have assumed such a reputation are destined to live under pressure, but I also believe that you will be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility and live up to Victoria's name .”

"Yes, teacher, the students will do their best."

Angela's expression was very calm, and she didn't show any joy, as if the competition just now hadn't caused any waves in her heart.

Yes, I (monthly) lost.

I only won the first of the three competitions, and I regretted losing the second and third games. In the end, I still failed to win the name of Victoria for Teacher Kelunya. I really have to feel deeply sorry to Teacher Kelunya.

Think about how to apologize to Teacher Kelunya when you go back.

Well, this banquet will have nothing to do with me (Yue) after that, so I can consider leaving.

"Sister Yue Xue, are you leaving? I'll be with you."

Seeing me (Yue) leave the stage in a state of disappointment, Senior Sister Yuncaiyu followed with a smile, as if she wanted to comfort me (Yue).

"It's such a pity. Obviously, the first battle of wits was won simply and neatly."

"It's indeed a pity, but the name of Victoria mainly depends on the talent of magic, so the defeat is taken for granted."

I also have some regrets. The first test is a "battle of wisdom", which tests the mind.

According to Windsor, the name of Victoria is also a surname that represents wisdom, so the successor also needs to have great wisdom and wisdom.

My (Yue) and Angela’s wills were put into a small world created by Mr. Mondev at the same time, as the monarchs of a country to develop the country, fighting with each other, and at the same time fighting with the indigenous forces in that small world Fighting, the whole world is very chaotic, wars are frequent, and the people are in dire straits, so the ultimate victory condition is to unify the world and let the peaceful people win.

It took me (month) 35 years in that small world to unify the world, and by the way, formulate a national system that can be passed down for hundreds of years, which is simply a nightmare.

——The nightmare I mentioned is of course not about how difficult it is to unify the world. In fact, I only talk about the difficulty of unifying the world. The whole unification process is under my (Yue) control. The reason why it took 35 years is just because it takes at least this much time to unify the world. After all, that small world also has a territory of tens of thousands of miles.

And there is no special power system such as magic and immortality, it all depends on the brain.

But even if the whole process was under control, it would still be a nightmare.

Because... 35 years in the small world is just one hour to the outside world.

The people in the banquet hall watched the development process of the entire small world, of course, it was an accelerated version.

But for me (month) who has experienced it personally, that is a real 35 years.

If it's just like this, then it's fine, but the point is that I (Ye) is still living a normal life, and this immediately made the two of my memories completely out of sync, and it confused me for a while at first. meeting.

To put it simply, just one second has passed on my (night) side, and I (month) on the other side directly sent over three days of memories, and a year has passed on my (month) side, and I (night) only sent over a hundred seconds of memories-how can this not be confusing?

35 years in the small world, Lilith in the big world for one hour, this sense of difference in the sense of time is simply a torment like hell.

Fortunately, I got used to this feeling of out-of-sync memory later on. Although I still feel a little disgusted, it will not affect my thinking. Otherwise, I (month) may not be able to win this test.

——Although it is meaningless to win the first trial, the second round of "Magic Skill" and the third round of "Familiar War" were defeated cleanly.

The so-called "magic skill" is to learn a forbidden spell called "Sun Judgment". Whoever learns it the fastest wins. It is simple but best able to judge whether the talent related to magic is strong or weak, and how strong it is.

It only took Angela an hour to learn it, which is really not ordinary.

The third "Battle of the Familiar" is a battle to subdue the familiar.

Familiar is very important to magician, because magician is a guard profession, the longer the preparation time, the stronger it is, and when there are no other companions around to guard, familiar is the last line of defense of magician. When the master fights alone, the familiar can also make the magician confidently launch a righteous group fight without being scolded as shameless. Therefore, the ability to subdue the familiar also represents the combat effectiveness of the magician.

In this case, in the third test, Master Windsor prepared a powerful dragon that she had captured, and asked me (Yue) and Angela to subdue it. Whoever can successfully subdue the dragon as his familiar will win.

Angela is also really powerful in this regard, and seems to have a unique affinity. The evil dragon behaved like a son in front of her, so she naturally won without any suspense.

That's it, I (month) regretfully lost, and I'm afraid that Teacher Kelunya will be very disappointed if I don't inherit the name of Victoria.

Well, I remind myself again that I must sincerely apologize to Mr. Kelunya after I go back, it is really embarrassing to the old man.

——When I was so guilty, unexpectedly, senior sister Yun Caiyu didn't follow my topic at all.

Just listening, she said with a light smile: "No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Yu Yue Xuemei doesn't know why she doesn't seem to have even the slightest interest in the name of Victoria. Is it really good to just hand it over like this? This is Victoria. Do you know how much prestige and belief this will bring to you? The surname Victoria is the greatest belief of magicians!"

Hearing the words of Senior Sister Yuncaiyu, I (Yue) couldn't help raising my eyebrows in surprise: "Leaving aside those who believe or not, on the premise, there is no such thing as handing over people, it's just that the skills are inferior to others." That's all, Caiyu-senpai doesn't have to make me face."

"Whether you are inferior to others or hand over to others, Yue Xuemei, you can't hide it from the people present, because you don't have the level to hide us. I don't know about the third test, but the second test , but you did learn faster than Angela - you learned a forbidden spell in 3 minutes, it's so terrifying that it makes people feel chills."


If you want to say that, then I have nothing to say.

But senior sister Yuncaiyu didn't intend to stop the conversation, and continued: "Do you just disdain the name of Victoria so much? This will also disgrace Teacher Kelunya."

"... I will apologize to the teacher about this when I go back."

After being silent for a while, I (Yue) still gave a reply.

"Besides, didn't you win a game? It can be regarded as saving some face for Teacher Ke Lunya."

"What's the reason?" Senior Yun Caiyu seemed to be curious about this point.

Seriously, isn't there a saying that curiosity kills the dragon?

No way, I (Yue) can only tell the real reason: "I have no intention of changing my surname."

"Changed surname?" Senior Yun Caiyu seemed to raise her brows in surprise, and then repeated it meaningfully: "Change? Surname?"

"Well, that's it. The surname Victoria has power, right? Generally speaking, the identification will only reveal a person's <real name>, but when I first identified Angela, there was Victoria in her name. surname, but after Lord Windsor announced that the surname would be withdrawn, when I identified it again, I found that Victoria’s surname disappeared from Angela’s name. It didn’t appear again until just now.”

At this time, I (Yue) said sincerely:

"I don't plan to change my surname, so it's better not to put the surname Victoria on me."

"No, I'm not wondering about this kind of question now, but about another question."

Senior sister Yun Caiyu looked at me with puzzled eyes, and smiled inexplicably at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm just wondering, why do you use the word "surname change"?Where did you get your surname? "


At this moment, I (Yue) stopped and looked at her calmly, without saying a word.

After a while, I (Yue) spoke again and said, "My father's surname is Li."

"Does your father's last name matter to you?"

Yun Caiyu smiled disapprovingly.

"Do you have a surname? The appraisal skill didn't identify your surname at all?"


"In the big world of Lilith, no one is a commoner without a surname. The surname Li of the Dorge Kingdom does not have power alone, and cannot be directly integrated into your real name, and you have not been given a surname by the king, so you have no surname. Now Wouldn't it be nice to have a chance at the Victoria name?"

Faced with such words, after I (month) was silent, I just calmly gave an answer:

"not interested."


Yesterday's conversation with Senior Sister Yuncaiyu did not cause any disturbance in my heart. Early this morning, I (Yue) just woke up calmly, washed peacefully, ate peacefully, and then bid farewell to Master Windsor and left calmly.

"Let Angela see you off."

Faced with such an order, Angela nodded, agreed, and then got into the carriage with me (Yue) and flew out of the city.

On the way, it seemed a little silent.

Facing the first love partner whose secret love ended before it even started, I (Yue) was of course a little embarrassed inside, and really didn't know what to say.

And Angela, who was sitting across from me (Yue), seemed to be cold-tempered, also silent, and didn't even look at me (Yue).

Do you hate me (month) that much?It's so heartbreaking, isn't it?

I was heartbroken, but at this moment, Angela finally spoke: "Yue, what kind of place is Cradle Academy?"

I (monthly) cheered up immediately. Faced with such a problem, I thought about it, and then I replied truthfully: "A place where there are many geniuses and more wall hangings, where people are deeply shocked but never lonely."

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