However, although there are very few who can raise the two skills of singing and dancing to above LV.50, the lack of personal ability does not mean that there is no way to make up for it through external forces.

It's just on-site special effects, no skills are needed at all, wouldn't it be possible to have the same effect if you just put props on it?

Yes, that's what the stage is for.

It's not just a simple high stage, but a stage that can be matched with corresponding special effects with singing and dancing as the core.

This is just a low level stage.

The advanced stage can even directly respond to singing and dancing, and change the scene anytime and anywhere along with different themes, music, singing, dancing, and protagonists to make the most perfect match, showing the highest increase in singing and dancing performances, and its effect is not inferior at all For high-level singing and dancing skills.

That's what the stage does.

The same is true for the magic wand. The equipment and props formulated according to the dance will be equipped with corresponding skills, which can be said to match the stage.

There are many ways to make the stage, the main two of which are physical science and alchemy.

I don't know much about physical science, and I don't know many people—of course, the most important thing is that I don't have the money.

But alchemy is different. Salsa is a genius in alchemy.

Scientists themselves are not strong, but they can produce scientific weapons capable of killing gods. For example, at a temperature of 1000 billion degrees Celsius, they can instantly destroy the Celestial Star with a radius of five light years. Many gods who do not have corresponding confrontation skills will be directly killed if they are hit head-on and fail to escape across space in time.

Similarly, an alchemist doesn't need to be strong himself, as long as he can produce powerful and terrifying props. For example, the black and white demon god who ran out of control and almost wiped out the entire continent can directly suppress a bunch of gods and beat them up. The Star God Army dispatched a small team to stop it.

Different from blacksmiths, the equipment forged by blacksmiths basically has usage restrictions, that is, they cannot be used if they are not strong enough, and even high-level equipment has the existence of weapon spirits, so the requirements for the wearer are even more Extremely picky.

But scientific weapons and alchemy props don't have that kind of use restriction at all, as long as they can learn how to use it, it doesn't matter what the user's own strength is.

Scientific weapons need corresponding energy to activate?Then put the battery on it.

Alchemy props need corresponding magic power to activate?Then put magic stones on it.

For many countries, the strength of physical science and alchemy can actually represent the strength of the country, because most countries do not have the effect of gods.

For example, in every country on the Pacific Asia continent, the military is equipped with scientific weapons and alchemy props, which is the embodiment of a country's combat power.

As for personal's not meaningless. Although individual combat power doesn't mean much on the frontal battlefield, wars between countries are never just about the frontal battlefield.

What's more, although there is no limit to the use of scientific weapons, it is certain that the stronger the ability value, the stronger the power of the weapon can be exerted.

It’s still the same reason, with the same firearm, people whose abilities are about the same as mine (Ye) or not much stronger than me (Ye) do not pose any threat to me (Ye) in frontal combat, because I (Ye) (Ye) has absolute certainty that as long as both eyes can still see the opponent, he will definitely be able to dodge the ballistic before the opponent shoots. If the opponent fires a hundred shots, I (Ye) can dodge a hundred times.

However, if the gunman is a person whose ability is hundreds of times stronger than me (Ye), if he points the gun at me (Ye)-then I (Ye) can only wait to die.

Because I can't see the opponent's shooting action at all.

Even if I successfully dodged once through prediction, the speed at which the opponent moved the gun and aimed at me (Ye) again was definitely faster than my (Ye) dodging speed, and the second shot would never be dodged. This is the importance of basic strength.

Moreover, alchemy props and scientific weapons are not without flaws, that is, the effects are fixed, and will not change much due to changes in users, nor will they increase the strength of users themselves.

——But this kind of thing aside, at least in terms of life, physical science and alchemy have advantages that other disciplines cannot replace.

For this kind of entertainment culture, basically we can only rely on the development of these two disciplines to develop together.

In short, if you want to build a suitable stage, you need the help of Salsa very much.

As long as Sasha's level of refining the stage and magic wand is high enough, it can have an unimaginable boost to the performance.

And for this, I (Ye) are willing to sacrifice my body.

I know that Sasha has coveted my (Ye) body for a long time, and every day she tries to get me (Ye) to be her experimental body.

Now, I (Night) agree.

No way, this is the only price I can offer now and Sasha will definitely agree to it.

——However, Sasha did not agree.

"ten years."

She is begging!price!return!price!

I (Ye) couldn't help but widen my eyes: "Don't go too far, one month is enough."

"One month is not enough for me to study your body thoroughly."

Salsa also has a reason.

"Pharmaceuticals also take time? And you asked me to refine that stage magic wand. It takes time, right? I can feed you the medicine twice. What do you think of this deal? Is it a good deal?"

What Temeow said really makes sense.

"Ten years is too long, one year."

"Nine years."

"Haggling is useless, just one year."

"Eight years."

"Eight months, due at the end of the first grade."

"Okay, okay! One year is one year! Really!"

Sasha pouted with resentful eyes.

"Xiaoyeye, you are not cute at all. Luckily, my sister wanted to marry you before, but now...unless you swear that you are willing to be my experimental subject for the rest of your life, then my sister will not give you a chance."

Hearing this, I (Ye) couldn't help but look excited and said excitedly: "Really?"

Sasha looked firm and decisive: "Fake."

I threw her out of my arms instantly.


At this time, on the Pacific Asia continent, something happened.

The war between the great world of Lilith and the great world of Saint White Lotus did not spread to the whole world. For people who lived on a small continent without even a single god, the war between the two worlds was too far away.

And for those people on the mainland who are so remote that they don't even have gods, not even a "strong man" above LV.

In the eyes of many, many, many people, there is only one world, and that is the Lilith World.

Demon world?Spirit world?hell?Heaven?

Those are all just special planes.

... In fact, this kind of thinking is not entirely wrong.

Because the big world of Lilith indeed has many special planes covering the whole world, and there are also many small worlds belonging to the big world of Lilith, everyone knows this concept.

For example, the underworld, the place of reincarnation in the great world of Lilith, is such a special plane.

And the plane called God Realm also exists in the Lilith Great World, where many true gods live.

In addition, the concept of a small world is not uncommon. Many gods like to open up a world of their own as their residence. These small worlds are like hairs glued to the big world of Lilith. A part of Lilith's big world—it's just that people in these small worlds are not counted in the Cradle Academy's entrance exam.

Well, unless you can ascend to the big world of Lilith before the age of 13.

Or being favored by the gods, they will be brought into the world of Lilith under the pity of their talents.

Or, with the help of some strange adventures, she came to the big world of Lilith.

In short, just because the Lilith Great World has many subsidiary worlds and planes, many people can't tell the difference between the God Realm inside the Lilith Great World and the God Realm outside the Lilith Great World.

Of course, this is off topic.

The point is, in short, because the more remote and weaker the place, the more ignorant it is. Therefore, at this critical moment of the battle between the Lilith World and the Holy White Lotus World, when the life and death of the Lilith World, a thing that may be ridiculous in the eyes of many people happened on the Taiya Continent.

That is, some powerful invaders have invaded the Pacific Asia continent.

During the war between the two worlds, Lilith's great world was in the midst of infighting and prosperity.

Well, although in the eyes of many people, this kind of fighting is not considered internal fighting at all, but it can only be called fighting with weapons.

"Brain... is it clear?"

Lotte was a little dumbfounded when she got the news that Amway Kingdom was invaded by the enemy from the sea.

At the time, she didn't take it seriously, because it was simply sick to cross the sea to invade other continents.

Can logistics keep up?

What?Establish a transcontinental teleportation array?

Who would give him that chance?

What?The opponent has overwhelming strength?So can the establishment of the teleportation array be protected?

If you really have that kind of strength, can you just show off your force and start negotiating for benefits?

Those who directly use war to gain benefits without saying anything are purely sick.

Because usually war is never a money-losing business.

If it is really possible to conquer the entire territory of the enemy, it would be fine, and after a few years, it might be able to pay back, but what are the benefits of this kind of cross-continental war?

If there is no strength capable of crushing the Taiya Continent, even if the Taiya Continent can be defeated for a while, it is impossible to really conquer the Taiya Continent. At that time, resistance everywhere is certain, and it will only continue to lose money until the regime is overthrown. .

And if there is the strength to crush the Pacific Asia Continent, it can only mean that there are no interests in the Pacific Asia Continent worthy of the other party's attention. It is not a disease to launch a war without benefits for a barren land in one's eyes what is itThere is a pit?

It doesn't matter whether you are sick or have a pit, it means the same thing, anyway, your brain must be abnormal.

——Then Lotte knew that it wasn't that the other party was out of his mind, but that he simply didn't bother to use his brain.

"Massacre? What's going on? Why did the other party massacre the city?"

The coastal city of the Amway Kingdom, Boling, was massacred after being captured by invaders.

"The other party declared that if the Amway Kingdom does not surrender, they will slaughter every city until they kill all the people in the Amway Kingdom."

When hearing such news, Lotte had to be shocked.

Meow, what age is it? The massacre of the city is already an old history of 1000 years ago, right?In this day and age, there are still people who dare to massacre the city? !

Use massacres to deter the enemy?What kind of ancient painting style does the opposite continent live in? !

If I remember correctly, Boling seems to have a population of millions, right?

Good guy, this is... looking for!die!ah!

After the shock, Lotte was aroused with the most extreme anger, and the eyes were splattered with cold light.

No one would not be angry at such inhumane things - even when the Green Kingdom was captured by the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms and the father, queen and queen were killed, Lotte was never so angry.

The position between countries Lu Di will not substitute into her own hatred, because each country is only acting for its own national interests, no one can hate others because of their position, it is unreasonable.

If someone punches me because of my position, I can also hit me back because of my position. This is nothing more than a country-to-country relationship.

If a king is driven by personal hatred and anger, it is a disaster for the country.

—but now the situation is different.


Kill civilians?

Millions of people just died innocently because you wanted to deter the rebels?

Even if the people of the Amway Kingdom seem to have nothing to do with Lotte, who would not be angry if they heard such a thing?

"Inis, launch the highest level of war mobilization across the country, issue a letter of credence to the Kingdom of Amway, and form an alliance. Lotte wants all those animals to be buried in the Pacific Asia continent."

Whether or not other countries will intervene is out of Lotte's control, but the Kingdom of Green is in control of this matter.

In fact, it was not only Lotte who was angry about this kind of thing. Other countries were either out of anger or because they were threatened by this kind of massacre. They didn't want this kind of thing to happen in their own country. The six-nation coalition quickly assembled and launched a dark and dark war with the invaders in the Amway Kingdom.

Then, the development of the situation is hard for anyone to imagine.

The strength of the invaders turned out to be beyond imagination. Although the number of troops was only [-], they had a clear advantage in the face of the six-nation coalition.

When Lotte got the news in China, she couldn't help being stunned.

Then, she finally realized something was wrong.

In an instant, she changed her mind and issued a mission to the Adventurer's Guild, which was to investigate in detail the origin of the invaders and their real purpose.

And soon, under the dispatch of a S-rank adventurer team, Lotte quickly learned the true origin and purpose of the invaders.

"The loser crossed the dangerous sea and finally came to a weak continent. In order to resettle, he wants to occupy the magpie's nest."

The massacre is not to deter the Amway Kingdom, nor is it to deter the Pacific Asia continent, but simply to reduce the population that he will rule.

"It's enough to look down on people."

The invaders came from a continent called Dia, and the leader was originally a king named Bela Gore.

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