What kind of shit luck did that old headmaster have?

Please forgive me for being so rude, but are these two equipment items sure to be the equipment that this continent should have?

Even in Cradle Continent, this is the top item, right?

"Do you really want to give these two items to me? Just give me the "Blue Moon Heart", wouldn't it be fine? "

"The principal has already decided so. The principal said that he no longer needs this kind of props, and it would be a waste to wear such a beautiful ring on his finger. Besides, if the principal keeps the "Red Moon Heart" and puts it on himself, It might be killed by Mier-sama, so you can give it to the man you want in the future. "

Although I don't know why the teacher said that if the principal wears the "Red Moon Heart", his mother will kill him, but I am no longer polite. These two props are indeed very attractive to me.

Needless to say, "Blue Moon Heart", I equipped it directly.

As for Red Moon Heart...

The holidays are here, and my mother (Mier) invited my mother (Phi) to come to our house as a guest, and I (Ye) will also come with me.

I don't know when exactly, mother and mother have become such good friends.

The mother already knew the identity of the mother, but still accepted the invitation.

He is now heading for the capital.

Originally, Lafayette planned to go back during the vacation, but fortunately I stopped her after I found out, otherwise she would have made a trip in vain.

In short, it is a good time for me (Ye) to come here at this time, and this "Red Moon Heart" just happens to be equipped by me (Ye).

Even though I (Ye) have planned to be an ordinary mortal, mortals have their own battles.

It's always good to be prepared.

Especially I (Ye) was an annoying prime minister in the Green Kingdom for a few days before, maybe some country or noble sent someone to assassinate me because they didn't like me?

The thoughts of the upper class are beyond comprehension for ordinary people.

Sometimes they are very shrewd, and sometimes they are very stupid, which is very normal.

Therefore, it is always right to become stronger.

——That's what I said, but the place I (Ye) is in is not a place where people can become stronger, so I (Ye) is still LV.0 so far.

Well, let it be.


I finally met him, met the student council president of Lilith Great World Cradle Academy, Son of God.

A black-haired boy with extremely indifferent expression and eyes.

He looked at me as if he was looking at the stones on the side of the road, without any emotion.

There isn't even a feeling of contempt, just plain ignorance.

The ignorance that didn't take me into the eyes at all.

"what's up?"

Asking questions with the same indifference as the expression.

I lowered my head, but I can only speak frankly about my past and my request, hoping that he is really a benevolent president of the student union.


"Only for this reason, you can't send troops. Even if you send troops forcefully under my order, the army will not really do their best. Such an army cannot win."

The words of the president of the Holy Son of God are very indifferent, but they are speaking of truth.

This is destined to be a war of no benefit to Lilith's world. Even if they win, there will only be countless troubles in the future.

Under such circumstances, who would want to do their best?

So... failed?

It seems... I can only find a way to go to the Holy White Lotus World to see it?

"However, it's not completely impossible."

I instantly looked up at the president of the Son of God.

His eyes remained unmoved.

But, after hearing all my truthful words, his eyes seemed to have me at last.

"I'm not interested in saving humans in other worlds. I can't even save Lilith's people, and I don't have that interest in saving them, let alone other worlds—but your story moved me."

The voice of the president of the Son of God is still without any waves, but he doesn't seem to be really so emotionless.

"You brought a story that can relieve boredom to me who is bored. As a reward, I will send troops."

"But... Didn't you just say that the teacher came out of no name, even if the troops are forced, the people below will find it difficult to do their best?"

"Then give the people below a name that they have to do their best."

President Shengshenzi stood up, walked to the French window, looked at the scene outside and wondered what he was thinking, his voice was indifferent.

"Go back. Since I have already agreed, I won't go back on my word. You don't need to worry about the rest. I have my own way."

Chapter 34

"This is the first time I have come to the capital (Redia), and it seems to be much more prosperous than the capital (Aisha) of the Green Kingdom."

"After all, the Green Kingdom has just emerged from the war."

Walking out of the train station, I looked at the crowds in front of me and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, while my mother was smiling as usual, and she didn't feel like a countryman entering the city at all.

Well, after all, my mother used to be an adventurer, so she can be described as well-informed.

In other words, the first capital I saw in my life turned out to be a foreign capital, not the capital of my own country. Is this really problematic?

And he also served as a foreign prime minister for a while.

In Dolge Kingdom, I should not have been a registered figure, right?

Will someone call me a traitor?

Forget it, it’s useless to think about this kind of thing, let’s let nature take its course.

"Has Mom been to the capital before?"

"No, this is also the first time Mom has come to Dorge's capital."

"Really? Didn't mom come to the capital when she was an adventurer before?"

Generally speaking, as an adventurer, it should be easy to receive tasks such as escorting people or caravans to the capital, right?

"Didn't Mom tell Xiao Ye?" Mom looked down at me suspiciously, blinked her eyes, seemed to think about it, and then stuck out her tongue embarrassedly: "Oh, it seems that I never said that. Xiao Ye, my mother was not an adventurer in the Dorgo Kingdom before, and she was not even from this continent. Mom came from other continents. Becoming an adventurer is to be able to travel around and find something to do while traveling. It's just that after Xiao Ye accidentally appeared on this continent, my mother decided to settle here."

Saying so, mother touched her cheek with her left hand and said happily.

"Children are incredible creatures. Mom, I used to be a girl who was as free as the wind, and my mother's adventures were everywhere in the world. At that time, I never thought that one day, I would be willing to be bound in one place for a child. It really corresponds to that sentence-real freedom is never unfettered, but being able to find a home where you can be bound willingly. Xiaoye, you are the home that makes mother willingly be bound!"

"Yes, yes, so let's go to the Duke's mansion quickly, and don't make people wait too long."

I dealt with my mother casually, did not stop the white carriage that appeared first, but raised my hand to stop a magic car driven by magic power, and got into the back seat of the taxi first—this is because horse carriages are not allowed near the East District of.

"Master, go to the East District."

The so-called Eastern District, also known as the Noble District.

There are no buildings in the East District, all of them are mansions.

Only nobles with titles can buy mansions in the East District, and if they lose their titles, the mansions will be taken back by the kingdom—forcibly taken back, without even any compensation.

It is impossible to sell it by yourself, because the East End mansion can only be registered and purchased from the official department of the kingdom.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider buying a mansion in the East District. Unless it is a hereditary noble family like my (Yue) family, you must be prepared to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

——Of course, even so, the Eastern District is also a place where nobles flock to.

It would be better to say that none of the coming kings lived in the Eastern District, and a nobleman who didn't even have a mansion of his own in the Eastern District would be ridiculed by other nobles.

The issue of face may not be important to the nobles, but it is definitely more important than their lives. Therefore, the Eastern District can also be said to be a place created by the Dorge royal family to cut the wool of the nobles. Enjoy, but must work hard to keep the title.

Yes, all nobles know that they are being cut by the royal family, but now they are all cut off willingly. This is the method of the former king of Dorge, Yada Filori.

And I only let the taxi go to the East District, and did not say the specific address, because ordinary vehicles are not allowed to enter the East District.

But as long as you get to the East End, it's good to stop, because my mother sent someone to meet-well, I (Yue) came to meet me in person.

I want to know what my mother is thinking.

In fact, my mother sent me (Yue) directly to the train station.

But that was too ostentatious, so I (month) parked on the outside of the East District on my own initiative, and then I (night) tacitly took the car to the East District by myself.

The mother sitting next to me said curiously: "I always feel that Xiaoye seems to be very familiar with Wangdu."

I calmly replied: "I learned it from TV."

"Speaking of which, how about we go to the East District by ourselves like this? Mi'er wrote that she would send someone to pick us up at the train station. We shouldn't miss it, right? Besides, we don't seem to be able to enter the East District by ourselves?"

"Yue said she would wait outside the gate of the East District."

"Oh oh? Yue said that she would wait outside the gate of the East District...?" Mom suddenly laughed: "Xiaoye, when did you get so familiar with Xiaoyue? You even have a private relationship? How can you hide it?" What about your mother? Obviously, your mother supports you! It’s okay, Xiaoye, even if the other party is the daughter of a great nobleman, my mother believes that Xiaoye will definitely be worthy of her. So there is no need to worry about it, you can boldly point out the face and pursue it directly! "

I was expressionless: "Aren't you on Lafayette's side?"

"Mom is on Xiaoye's side. Xiaoye, work hard and try to marry them all back home in the future!"

So, what kind of evil did I do in my previous life to meet such a mother?

Chapter 35 A Homecoming

I (month) opened my eyes, then opened the door and got out of the car, and started to prepare for the reception.

Because my (night) and mother have arrived.

The advantage of having two me is that you can have two perspectives to avoid unnecessary waste of time.

Look, how good it is now, as soon as this place is ready, the car on the other side is coming.

What is this called?

This is called tacit understanding.

Is there anyone in this world who has a better understanding with me than myself?


of course not.

Absolutely not.

That is to say, I (Ye) is really too weak, otherwise I and I will definitely be the best partners to fight side by side, okay?

Seeing my mother and I getting out of the car (night), I took two steps forward and raised my skirt to salute.

"Miss Fei, Mr. Ye, on behalf of the Li family, Yue welcomes you both."

"Xiaoyue in the dress is so beautiful!"

"Mom, it's too rude."

"What's the matter? Mom doesn't like it if it's too restrictive."

"Sister Fei is right, you can also relax at night. Me. Aren't we friends?"

My mother stepped forward and hugged Yue in her arms. I (Yue) accused me, and my mother pouted to refute, and then I (Yue) smiled to make amends.

How about this scene?


...just feels weird.

The embarrassment in my heart will not be known to my mother, but in order to minimize this embarrassment, I (month) quickly invited my mother and me (night) to get on the bus.

Get home early and get free early.

The welcome car of my (Yue) family is an extended all-black Veolia, and I (Yue) and my mother and I (Ye) sit face to face in the back seat.

Because I will be home soon, I (month) thought about it, and instead of taking out the wine from the small refrigerator, I laughed and chatted with my mother.

Well, in fact, it was my mother who asked me (month) to ask questions, and I just dealt with them one by one.

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