"How is Your Majesty? Are you awake too?"

"She won't be able to wake up today, don't worry about her, let her stay in the country to look after the house. Are you ready for the battle? Go straight away."

I (Ye) looked at Inis with a blank expression, resisting the urge to punch her.

Ines seems to be very guilty, her eyes are wandering, and she doesn't look at me (Ye) face to face: "Yes, Lord Ye, I have communicated with the Amway Kingdom, and the teleportation array has been prepared. The border of the Amway Kingdom will be open for ten seconds at eight o'clock. We can directly teleport to the frontline camp."

The national border is a national-level barrier set up to prevent other countries from directly using the means of space transmission to send large troops to attack their own country.

The entire national border is set up according to the national border. Although the scope of action is so large that it directly covers the entire country, but because the effect is single, it only prohibits space transmission inside and outside the national border. Therefore, although the process of setting up the national border seems cumbersome, it is actually quite simple in practice. Every country on the Asia-Pacific continent has its own national border.

Of course, there are not many people who can use space teleportation magic all over the continent, let alone being able to directly teleport an entire army across countries, there are only a handful of people who can do this kind of thing.

And these few people are not able to teleport the army directly by using magic, but need to arrange a magic array in advance to determine the teleportation coordinates, and use a very large number of magic stones as the energy drive to achieve legion-level cross-space teleportation.

It can be said that using the teleportation array when it is absolutely necessary is not worth the loss. It is better to save money by flying.

At the same time, as a matter of course, although there are indeed people in the Green Kingdom who can construct such a magic circle, if they want to teleport directly to the territory of the Amway Kingdom, they need to obtain the consent of the Amway Kingdom.

If the Amway Kingdom does not open its borders, then we can only go by plane.

Fortunately, under the current situation, Amway Kingdom is also very reasonable. Although it only opened the border for ten seconds, it was enough.

Just to pinch the timing.

Therefore, I (Ye) didn't use the Eye of Death on Ines anymore, but let Ines lead the way, and quickly walked towards the teleportation circle.

Eight o'clock, almost here.

At this time, an army of 3000 people was already lined up on the teleportation array.

This is the strongest combat power that the Green Kingdom can produce now, and in a way, it is already a desperate move.

If this army is wiped out together with the army on the front line, then maybe the Green Kingdom will be wiped out before the Amway Kingdom.

— But it doesn't matter to me.

In fact, I didn't intend to let anyone else make a move.

Although our biggest advantage is quantity.

If using the Allied Forces of the Six Nations as cannon fodder can really help me (Ye) to disperse the enemy's army, so that I (Ye) can more easily reduce the enemy's force little by little in a one-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-one way. Quantity can also make the enemy helpless.

However, the casualties will undoubtedly be very huge.

There is no need for that at all.

Here I have a better solution.

There are only 3 people in the area, and it's just a matter of one blow.

Chapter 61

Amway Kingdom, Boling, City Lord's Mansion.

Bella is listening to the report.

"Your Majesty, now that this city is completely under the control of our Kingdom of Carlo, we can proceed to the next step."

After defeating the so-called Allied Forces of the Six Nations on this continent, Bella did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, because in his opinion, it was not a war at all, and there was no need to do anything to pursue the victory.

With an overwhelming military power gap, you can win if you want to win. In this case, instead of chasing after them, it is better to do something more meaningful.

For example, clean up the corpses and bloodstains of Boling, and settle all the palace servants, courtiers' families, and soldiers' families who are still living on the ship in Boling City, and have a good night's sleep.

The days at sea can be said to be terrified every day, not daring to sleep, always worried about being attacked by sea beasts and sea monsters, now that they have finally landed, it is natural that a good sleep is more important.

At the same time, this city will also be the initial foundation of the Carlo Kingdom on this continent, so it is natural that we need to understand and rectify it.

And now, after the rectification is over, it's time to implement the next step.

what's the plan?

Leave 100 people to guard the city, and the remaining army will disperse in groups of 100 people, capture the city, slaughter the city, plunder the city, and then guard the city and have children.

For the time being, first capture 100 cities, and then develop for [-] years, try to have children, and continue to expand when the population increases.

Most of Bella's soldiers still have a lifespan of 500 years. That is to say, Bella still has at least 500 years to take the continent under control little by little, so there is no need to worry.

And now, it is time to implement the first phase of the Centennial Plan.

The Carlo Kingdom began to reorganize the army.

On the other side, the coalition camp is also discussing the next action plan.

Although the millions of coalition troops were directly defeated on the frontal battlefield, it was only a defeat. After all, it was a million-strong army that used technological weapons, habitually scattered and marched, and did not give the enemy a chance to gather and annihilate. Therefore, even if they were defeated, the actual casualties were only more than a hundred thousand.

With Dro as the command center, [-] troops are stationed, and the remaining troops are scattered among eighteen cities and various mountain and forest villages, guarding against enemy attacks.

— although this defense seems to have only a consoling effect.

The Bella army is not moving now, and they don't know where the command center of the coalition forces is. Once they know, the coalition forces really have no other choice but to run away.

"Even the meteor bomb doesn't work? This is already the most powerful weapon we can come up with now."

"If we can get hits close to the face, then we should be able to try to see if it's useful. Unfortunately, the opponent didn't even give us a chance to try. We were all detonated while still in the air."

"What about increasing the quantity?"

"The enemy's magicians are also very strong. No matter how many there are, this thing cannot form a qualitative change and cannot break through the enemy's defensive magic. And more importantly, we still don't know the defensive magic of the enemy's armor. Armor is the real most important weapon of the army, the national power of the enemy is much stronger than ours, and their armor defense is probably far beyond imagination."

"We now need weapons with stronger attack power, such as the weapons imported from the Golden Union like the Silver Ring Witch and the Golden Ring Witch. However, the attack power of the Silver Ring Witch and the Golden Ring Witch is not enough. What we need is a weapon with an attack power of at least 1000 million. Only such weapons can guarantee to kill the enemy."

"Impossible. It has only been 70 years since the last time the Jinlian merchant ship passed through the Pacific Asia continent. The next time may be hundreds of years later."

"Is there really no other way but to wait for death?"

"What about our own research and development?"

"The technological barriers are too high. Even if we want to develop a missile as powerful as the meteorite bomb, it is estimated that it will take at least 200 years for us."

"Then speed up, gather all the scientific researchers from the six countries, and invest all the funds in it, it will definitely work."

In the combat conference room, the high-level military officials of various countries gathered here. Except for a few cases, basically everyone's expression was worried.

In the case of too great a difference in strength, no matter what countermeasures it seems to be a bit of an empty talk, in the end everyone's focus of discussion can't help but shift to how to defeat the opponent in the future, and no one talks about what to do now Countermeasures.

This also seems normal, after all, in the face of absolute power, the so-called countermeasures are meaningless at all.

However, there was one person who disagreed.

Grand Duke Li Lin of the Dorge Kingdom said in a low voice: "This method is too stupid, and it is basically a gamble. Compared with it, I think it is better to use a divorce plan."

His remarks attracted the attention of everyone present, and no one would ignore the Duke, because his daughter was admitted to the Cradle Academy.

In fact, everyone knew very well that the best way to deal with Bella's army was to rely on Duke Li Lin.

No matter how powerful the Bella army is, it would be a dream to conquer the Pacific Asia continent in more than ten years, and in ten years, the eldest daughter of the Li family might just graduate and come back.

Even if everyone knows very well that the Taiya Continent will not be able to stay in the face of the proud son who can enter the Cradle Academy, and they will definitely go to a broader stage—for example, the legendary princess Irene Lofar, who walked out of the Linde Kingdom and was admitted to the Cradle Academy more than 100 years ago. She came back only once when she graduated, and she never came back for more than 100 years. No one even knew if she died outside.

——But if you can’t keep it, you can’t keep it. It’s only natural for people to go home and have a look after graduation.

And before leaving the Pacific Asia continent, it would be easy to destroy your Bella army.

In other words, if the time is actually delayed for ten years, things may turn around.

...It's just that no one is going to bring that up at the meeting and take it into account.

No one likes the feeling of completely entrusting one's fate in the hands of others.

It's really hard to say whether people will care about such "little things" after staying in Cradle Academy for ten years.

Of course, the more important thing is that Yue, Ye, and Lafayette were all born in the Dolge Kingdom. Unless the Dolge Kingdom volunteers, it is really difficult for other countries to mention it.

——But the truth is, even Li Lin, a father, never thought about relying on Yue. All he thought about was how to solve the problem directly now.

In Li Lin's eyes, things like that in the future are not worth looking forward to at all.

What matters is what can be done now.

Yue can't come back now.

The Bella army must be resolved as soon as possible, and must not be delayed.

Otherwise, I don't know how many innocent people will be killed or injured.

——When Li Lin was thinking this way, someone in the conference room had already put forward reasonable rebuttals to his proposal.

"From the information obtained from Queen Green, Bella's army escaped from another continent. Those who can be brought to this continent by Bella must be ministers and soldiers who are loyal to Bella. It's probably impossible to sow dissension?"

"Under normal circumstances, it's impossible, but what if I act as an envoy to lobby in person?"

Hearing Li Lin's words, everyone present was not an idiot, and naturally realized the meaning of his words.

"Three Cradle Academy students came out of my Dorgo Kingdom this year. This is our biggest hole card. Using this card as pressure must be enough to make some people in the enemy army think about the consequences."

"...Why don't you just use this hole card to force Bella to retreat and leave the Pacific Asia continent?"

"Because he will never retreat, but will only choose to negotiate with us, trying to reach a non-aggression contract with us through force coercion, so as to gain a foothold in the Pacific Asia continent."

"Is not it good?"

The crown prince of the Amway Kingdom couldn't help but ask back. For the Amway Kingdom, facing such a terrifying enemy, they are facing the danger of destroying the country. All the urban residents near the battlefield are moving to the rear. The loss in this Simply immeasurable.

Under such circumstances, if an armistice agreement can be reached, the Amway Kingdom obviously doesn't mind severing a dozen or so cities for Bella to restore the country.

——However, regarding the thoughts of Prince Anli, Li Lin just lost his color with a pair of black pupils.

"Do not make jokes."

He looked at the Crown Prince of Amway Kingdom indifferently, and said coldly:

"Killing 100 million innocent people, sign a contract afterwards and treat it as if nothing happened? Your Royal Highness, those are your people. Talk? A joke! Even if they want to surrender, it is impossible! Everyone who participated in the massacre must die! They don't deserve to live in this world anymore!"

The Crown Prince of the Amway Kingdom couldn't help but feel a burst of fear under the indifferent gaze. He couldn't understand Li Lin. After all, in his opinion, all the dead were from the Amway Kingdom, not from your Dorge, let alone from your Li Family Duchy. I don't want to care about it. Do you have to be so angry?

It's only 100 million people. The Amway Kingdom has a population of 8000 million. Wouldn't it be good if we could stop dead people so that the rest would not have to face death threats?

Even if it is a simple calculation, it can be known that if we can talk together now, it will be over if only 100 million people die, but if the fighting continues, maybe even tens of millions of people will die. Is this correct? choose?

——But Li Lin doesn't care about these.

Which is more important, the lives of 1000 million people or the lives of 100 million people?

Sorry, people surnamed Li don't always count.

Calculating gains and losses?See if your choice is beneficial?

Sorry, the surname Li has never done such a shrewd thing.

All along, they have been implementing the principle that as long as they know what they should do most now, then they must do it.

That's it.

Nothing else.

"It's your business to beg for mercy from the animals, but don't say such things in front of me again, otherwise I will draw my sword and kill you."

Talk together?

This choice has never existed in Li Lin's mind since Boling Tucheng.

Never die.

That's it.

No other considerations are required.

There is no other choice.

Li Lin no longer looked at the crown prince of the Amway Kingdom, but looked at other people, and continued: "The enemy army is very strong, maybe they are indeed loyal to Bella, but I don't believe that everyone can have confidence in the future." The possible demise is unshakable, after all, they all brought their families together."

"Yue, Ye, and Lafayette may return after graduating from Cradle Academy in ten years—using this as a lobbying, they will definitely be able to find the enemy's loopholes and turn them against each other. As long as some of them can be pulled Come to our side and unite with our army, then we will have a chance of winning in this war, and the rest is nothing more than specific operations."

"This is also a gamble, and the probability of success is not high. And even if you can win the gamble, how will those who have been instigated rebellion deal with it?"

The person who asked the question was the Generalissimo of the Linde Kingdom. He didn't ask whether those who were instigated by the rebellion counted as abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, and whether they could sign a contract to save their lives, because he understood Li Lin's character. Since Li Lin said that all those who participated in the massacre would die, then he absolutely did not intend to keep anyone.

"There is a reality that has to be recognized. Even if the enemy army consists of only ten people, we still cannot defeat it with an army of one million."

Yes, after the previous war, everyone has clearly realized that there is such a big gap in strength between the two sides.

On the Taiya Continent, the only one who can defeat the enemy one-on-one is probably the sword master Lan Mier.

In the absence of the Juggernaut, even if the instigation succeeds and the plan is used to annihilate the Beira army, the remaining troops that were instigated by the instigation will also be unable to solve it—even if there are less than 100 people left, Still can't solve it.

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